Therefore, Manager Gu did not know that the helper he had found before had turned against the water, and he had to deal with him himself.

"Why, it sounds like your backer can't do it!"

said Gan Le with great disdain.


Manager Gu's tone suddenly froze, not knowing how to refute it, after all, what Gan Le said was the truth, although he didn't know why that guy suddenly wanted to draw a line with him.

"Hmph, Gan boy, you will pay the price for what you did today.

So Manager Gu gritted his teeth and started calling again.

"Hey, uncle..." Gu

Chen and the others only heard faint voices.

"What should Brother Gu do now?" asked Gan Le in a low voice at this time.


Gu Chen smiled and said nothing, and then looked at Hamandan.

"Don't worry, Hamandan, I'll get you justice!" the

latter was still a little indignant, after all, where had he experienced this before.

However, in Huaxia, except for his somewhat sensitive identity, there is nothing else that can help.

So he could only rely on Gu Chen.

Then I don't know what the Gu manager called, and when he came back, he was full of confidence again.

"Hmph, this matter won't end there!"

Manager Gu said and waved his hand, and the black-clothed man in a semi-encircled circle quickly left here, and everyone else except the guards entered the building.

Then glared at Gu Chen and Gan Le fiercely, and left directly.

He had just called his uncle at the headquarters of the Seven Tone Auction House, and his uncle was a supervisor of the headquarters, otherwise where would it be his turn to be the head of the Huahai branch.

"Okay, let's go back first, this matter is not urgent, let's finish May Day!" Gu

Chen squinted his eyes at the figure of the other party leaving, and said.

I was about to take the car to leave, when suddenly there was an alarm bell in the distance.

Several people stopped suddenly, all thinking that it was the helper called by Qiyin.

After two or three cars stopped, nearly ten supervisors came down, one of them was the middle-aged man before, I saw him wearing a uniform, and he hurried to Gu Chen under the support of several people next to him.

"Mr. Gan, hello gentlemen, I am the governor of this area, I received the police before, what happened?" The

middle-aged man did not know Gu Chen, but he knew Gan Le, and there was also a foreigner, so after comparison, he also knew that the legendary Mr. Gu in the middle.

However, he did not choose to recognize Mr. Gu.

"Huh?" Gu

Chen and the others were stunned when they heard this, and then looked at each other.

"Hello, I'm Gan Le, but I didn't call the police. Did this overseer make a mistake?" then Gan Le saw that the other party knew him, and asked suspiciously.

"Huh?" The

middle-aged man was also a little embarrassed, originally he came here to help Mr. Gu, but now it seems that those people in Qiyin are not here, which makes him not know what to do.

"Maybe I'm mistaken!" Hearing

Gan Le seem to have solved it, or maybe he doesn't intend to tell the truth, so he borrows the slope to get off the donkey.

"I'm Roger, if Mr. Gan needs any help, despite the order, after all, we are serving the people! The

middle-aged man then introduced himself, wanting to brush his presence beside Gu Chen.

"Hmm?" Gan

Le was also stunned, he remembered that he seemed to have never seen this Roger before, how could he be so enthusiastic about himself

, but he suddenly looked at this Roger from time to time and glanced at Gu Chen,

and instantly understood.

It turned out that this opportunity recognized Gu Chen, so he said so.

"Don't worry, Governor Luo, we will definitely report to you if there is any situation!" he said with a smile.

Since no one called the police here, then I won't bother, see you later!" Roger

then said, then nodded to Gu Chen and Hamandan before announcing the end of the team and leaving directly.

It's really in a hurry, and it's in a hurry to go.

"Brother Gu, that Governor Luo should have recognized you!" Seeing the other party's slowly departing convoy, Gan Le explained with a smile.

Very emotional, Brother Gu really could make the governor of a district so polite by his name, which made him very emotional.

Gu Chen shook his head and did not speak.

"Let's go!"

and then took the lead in the car.

Since the three of them were driving their own cars, they planned to leave at the parking area.

"By the way, did Xiaole Wuyi have any activities?" he suddenly asked as he got into the car.


Day, I plan to go to the sea to play, do you want to go?"

"No, Brother Gu, I plan to accompany my father on May Day!" Gan Le declined when he heard this.

It seems like a pity.

"Okay, I see!" Gu

Chen didn't force it when he heard this, and he planned to leave.

"Gu Chen!" Gu

Chen paused, and it was Hamandan who stopped him.

"I'm not going to go on May Day, you guys have fun as a family!" said Hamandan, his mouth open.

"Hmm!" Gu

Chen was stunned, looked at the other party, and guessed in his heart that it was probably related to tonight's events, and after thinking about it, he did not persuade.

"Well, let's go next time, but don't worry, I'll definitely get

that antique!"

Gan Le did the same, said hello to Hamandan and left.

"Prince!" the two bodyguards beside Hamandan suddenly shouted.

"Do you want to inform the Grand Prince of this!"

said Hamandan with indignation.

In his opinion, it is unforgivable that someone should attack the prince, this is a shocking case.

"No, I believe Gu!" Hamandan shook his head when he heard this, and said firmly.

If before, he would have told the eldest prince directly about his royal brother, but now he refused.

The two bodyguards were silent when they heard this. They were left by the previous eldest prince Hellende, and naturally they knew that Mr. Gu, and even their eldest prince had to treat them with courtesy.

"Don't tell me Brother Wang in secret!"

then Hamandan instructed again.

"Understood!" replied

the two with their heads bowed in unison.

Then it was time to re-disappear into the shadows.

On the other side, Roger sat in the car and closed his eyes.

One of the captains on the side was puzzled.

So much before, he thought something big was going to happen!

As a result, that's it, but he didn't

ask questions, after all,

this is a big taboo.

Suddenly, her governor's phone suddenly rang, and suddenly Roger opened his eyes.

When he opened it, it was an unfamiliar phone, but this number was very familiar to him.

After hesitating for a moment, he connected.


, what are you doing?" suddenly

there was a questioning voice from the other side.

It was obviously the result of the phone call made by Gu Jinhui to the Qiyin headquarters before.

I'm already planning to cancel the collaboration!" sneered Roger.

Or because of the status of Qiyin, he has always been on the weak side, but in order to develop better, he begged for everything, now! He feels unneeded

! "What? Roger! Have you forgotten! If it weren't for us, you wouldn't be in your current position at all!"

You have to find out that I am not your subordinate, and how many troubles I have solved for you since I took office, this is enough to repay your help!"

When the other party heard this, his tone suddenly froze, obviously he did not expect why Roger, who was so obedient before, suddenly became so good.

He is also very aware of his nephew's character, if it weren't for Roger's help to wipe his ass, he would probably have been pulled out of that position by now.

If it weren't for himself and those vice presidents, the supervisor would have promised a lot of benefits, and he wouldn't have been able to give up his nephew's turn, so it was naturally impossible for him to give up this position.

"Governor Luo, let's not talk about this first, I wonder why you canceled the cooperation?" he then tried to suppress this breath and asked.

"Director Gu, to be honest, you are a character, and I admired it before, but this nephew of yours is simply inferior to a dog bear, and the mud can't support the wall!"

Sure enough, the momentum of the person on the other end of the phone suddenly cooled down, and Roger was telling the truth.

"I am also very grateful for Director Gu's previous help, so I will give Director Gu a piece of advice at the end here. There

was a cold snort on the phone.

As if he hadn't heard it, Roger continued: "The trouble caused by Manager Gu this time has exceeded my ability, so I advise Supervisor Gu to think hard about how to solve it!

At this time, in an attic in the imperial capital, a middle-aged man walked outside the window, looking at the dark night and the faint light coming from afar, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

He can become the supervisor of Qiyin, naturally he is very capable, far from being comparable to Gu Jinhui's waste nephew.

What his nephew said before he didn't care and didn't pay attention to it, but now when he heard Roger say this, he suddenly became vigilant.

"Isn't it Hua Haigan's family, Governor Luo, this is the more alive and the more he goes back?" he directly mocked.

"Supervisor Gu doesn't need to tempt me to come, you better ask Manager Gu personally about this! It's so late, don't bother Supervisor Gu, we will both clear in the future!" Then

Roger directly hung up the phone and blocked the other party very skillfully.

And Supervisor Gu was stunned when he heard the beep from his mobile phone.

He showed the same expression as Manager Gu before.

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