Then his face sank, but he didn't plan to settle accounts with Roger now, but directly called Gu Jinhui.

After all, he heard something wrong from Roger.

The phone rang for a long time before it was connected, which made Supervisor Gu, who was already holding his breath, even more angry.

"Hey, uncle, is the matter settled?"

asked Gu Jinhui very comfortably,

thinking that his uncle had called to tell him that the matter had been settled.

Roger, what can you do when my uncle is out of the horse!"

What are you doing!

It's taken so long to answer the phone!" But

he didn't expect to be greeted by a downpour, and the cold voice directly stunned him.

"Let me ask you, did you tell me before that there was still a concealment?"

"Uncle, what are you talking about?" "

You villain, let me ask you, who else was there besides the Gan family before?"

"A foreigner and a Gu Chen!"

said Gu Jinhui honestly when he heard this.

"What is their background?"

Supervisor Gu always felt a little familiar when he heard the word Gu Chen, but he didn't think about it for a while, so he asked carefully.

He knew that the matter should be with these two people, otherwise Roger would not have said so.

One is a rich second generation from a foreign country, and the other seems to be following the foreigner!"

Gu Jinhui continued to answer.

Gu Supervisor naturally didn't believe it when he heard this, but hearing his nephew's introduction, he was puzzled for a while.

But he knew that Roger must know that the problem now was that the other party would not tell him, and the other party could remind him that it was really the previous relationship.

He didn't know when he hung up the phone.


Gu Chen, who went home, naturally didn't know this, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care, and he didn't say what it was when he looked at the time.

The next day, the time came to the first of the next month, May 1, the first day of the May Day holiday, and all the social animals slept until noon.

Today's heaven is particularly face-giving, all over the country is clear sky, the sun is shining, which greatly facilitates everyone's travel.

However, Gu Chen still got up very early, and everyone had not gotten up after going out to exercise.

Shaking his head, he began to prepare breakfast.

After eating by himself, he went back to his room.

Prepare his luggage, because today he plans to go to sea with his family.

After sorting out his luggage, he went to the living room, and everyone had already risen, but they were still eating the breakfast they had prepared.

"Brother, it's good, the breakfast is quite hearty!" At

this time, Xu Shishi was eating noodles, and suddenly gave a thumbs up and praised.

"Well, indeed, but there is still room for improvement!"

Gu Mu also commented at this time.

Gu Chen shook his head and said nothing more, then took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Chu Xinyi and Han Yumian, telling them to get ready and sort things out.

Then he was ready to call Huangpu Ling, ready to specifically inquire about the news of the Seven Tone Auction House, he believed that the other party would definitely know, otherwise he would be sorry for the two words of hidden world.

The mobile phone rang for a long time, and Gu Chen knew without guessing that this product must still be sleeping.

"Hey~!" Sure

enough, after connecting, there was a tone that had not yet woken up.

"It's me, are you still asleep at this time?"

said Gu Chenliu.

"Why don't I sleep much during the holidays?" At

this time, Huangpu Ling heard Gu Chen's voice and woke up, and immediately retorted.

"Say something!" then asked directly.

Gu Chen smiled and asked the question: "Do you know the origin of the Seven Tone Auction House?" At

this time, in a villa, on the huge Simmons, a lazy young man lying sideways in the middle of the bed opened his eyes when he heard this.


, they offended you?"

"Yes!" said Gu Chen directly.

"What?" Huangpu

Ling suddenly stood up and sat up directly.

Very surprised, originally he was joking, but I didn't expect it to be true, now there is a good show.

"Let's talk!" Gu

Chen changed his sitting position and held the phone to his other ear.

"Seven Tone Auction, as the name implies, they are equivalent to an auction organization, this is an organization that has existed for a long time, they are powerful, dare to auction anything, plus they are very reputable, so they are loved by all parties as soon as they are born, so they naturally expanded to the whole country.

"Not only that, any words that do not talk about the rules in their auction will end badly, their official power on the surface is very strong, and the power in the secret is also extraordinary, and they are inextricably linked with underground forces around the world, I heard that they will grow up in the world's underground forces and have a great reputation, simply the most mysterious underground forces in China!"

This is the news that their Whampoa family has been collecting.

When Gu Chen heard this, he raised his eyebrows, hey, the origin is so big.

"So Qiyin is the biggest force in the country?" then Gu Chen said with a smile.

"Huh!" Huangpu

Ling suddenly snorted with disdain when he heard this, obviously disagreeing with Gu Chen's words.

"Didn't you say that it is the most mysterious force in the country?" "

No, no, no, there is a difference, although it is very mysterious, but it is not the strongest strength, or our Huangpu family is not afraid of each other!"

"Of course, we won't mess with them casually!"

and then suddenly his voice changed.

"Then their guild leader is very famous in the world!" Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, and then asked.

"That's right, their president is very mysterious, and we still don't know who that president is, many people in China have investigated it at that time, and this person seems to have appeared out of nowhere, just like you!"

Gu Chen was slightly stunned and did not make a sound.

"The reason why Qiyin is so famous has a lot to do with this president, but in our country, some means can't be used, so we don't care too much about each other!"

said Huangpu Ling.

Gu Chen's pupils contracted slightly.

It seems that although this Qiyin is very mysterious, these hidden families do not care too much about each other, if it were not for the fear of the mysterious president, they would have already started.

According to their guess, the president should be the official big man, so they will refuse, but they don't care anymore!

"Well, I know all this! Thank you for this!" Gu

Chen then thanked him.

"It's okay, but I'm curious how they got into your head, they're very low-key!" asked Huangpu Ling without caring at all, very curiously.

"Well, low-key!" Gu

Chen was stunned when he heard this, he remembered the seven tone leaders in Huahai before, this is low-key

? "A friend of mine participated in their auction and spent 200 million to buy a fake, and he still doesn't admit it!"

Gu Chen roughly explained.

"What?" Huangpu

Ling was a little stunned at this moment, you must know that the reason why Qiyin has such a reputation is that most of the things inside are treasures, which is the reason why everyone respects it, and it is also the root of Qiyin's fame, how can there be such a big mistake.

As far as he knows, since the appearance of the seventh tone, there have not been more than three fakes, not to mention that this is still worth more than 200 million, and they value this more than anything.

My friend was real when he saw it, but after paying for it, it became fake!"

Gu Chen added.


Huangpu Ling was stunned, a little disbelieving, this is a signboard thing, no matter how stupid Qiyin is, he wouldn't do this kind of thing, right? But he

naturally believed Gu Chen's words,

and couldn't help shaking his head again and again for a while.

"So what are you going to do about this?" then asked curiously.

"Naturally, I am helping my friend get justice!"

said Gu Chen coldly.

"Do you want me to help?" said Huangpu Ling suddenly.

At this time, he was also interested, after all, this is a good opportunity to suppress the seven tones!

"Look again!" Gu

Chen did not agree or refuse.

"Okay, there is something to call!" said Huangpu Ling directly.

Now his connection with Gu Chen is very close.


!" "By the way, how is your bank?" "

Still under construction, but it should be soon, it can almost open!"

Gu Chen was also looking forward to it when he heard this.

"Well, then our Huangpu family will definitely fully support you!" "

Thank you!" said Gu Chen with a smile.

"Okay, I'll sleep a little longer, and finally find a reason to give myself a holiday!"

Huang Puling explained and hung up the phone.

Gu Chen shook his head and put away his mobile phone.

"Seven Tone Auction House, mysterious guild leader?" Gu

Chen didn't put it in his eyes, but he thought about how to deal with it.

He wanted to find Academician Chen, but he felt a little embarrassed to look for him every time.

Suddenly, he thought of a person, who was Hua Hai's leader.

He had dealt with each other before, and the two were still somewhat familiar, and it was very appropriate for him to handle this matter, after all, this was the place under his jurisdiction.

As long as he said this matter, I believe that the other party will definitely act directly! Hamandan's

identity will play a huge role at this time.

Thinking of this, he flipped directly to the address book.

Found the remarks of the previous leader, Leader Yin.

Dialed out without hesitation.


quickly connected, the other party should also rest today, a thick and neutral voice came out.

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