"It's me, I don't know if I forgot!" said Gu Chen with a smile.

Gu Chen also addressed with a slight respect.

After all, he also helped Gu Chen a lot before.

Although the other party did not say, Gu Chen could still feel that basically no department in Huahai came to check his group, which should be the other party's greeting.

And as far as Gu Chen understands, this is also a real people's leader and a real worker.


right, it seems that Leader Yin hasn't forgotten me yet!" Gu Chen suddenly laughed.

I haven't heard from you in a long time!"

a middle-aged man quipped with a smile in the lobby of a small, single-family, two-story villa in a quiet and well-defended neighborhood.

This person is the leader Yin in Gu Chen's mouth, and he is also Huahai's parent official, a real big man.

Leader Yin said and smiled.

"You little slippery head, but I often hear Lao Chen talk about you! It's probably okay to call! Say, do you want to ask me, an old man, for help?"

"Ahem!" Gu

Chen was stunned for a moment, and then very embarrassed, after all, he was guessed by others without explaining his intentions.

"The kid really wants to tell Leader Yin here, but he didn't ask Leader Yin for help, but reported it to the leader!"

Gu Chen rolled his eyes and said with a grin.

"Oh, report? this is interesting!" Leader

Yin was stunned when he heard this, and then said with a smile.

"Yes, this matter also involves international friends! A bad handling is damaging our country's reputation, and the nature is very bad!"

But he was telling the truth.

Then he said all the previous things.

"Leader Yin, this is a huge fraud case! If it is spread, it will have too much impact on Huahai's image, so I will give credit to the leader!" Gu Chen hit the railway while it was hot.

He directly gave credit for what he wanted to help.

However, Leader Yin did not intend to joke about Gu Chen, but instantly became solemn.

"Mr. Gu, what you said is true?"

asked Gu Chen seriously, even his title changed, obviously very concerned.

After all, this is a big case!

"Naturally, it's not a secret, that international friend is my friend!"

Gu Chen told the truth when he heard this.

"You boy!"

Leader Yin suddenly said speechlessly, he knew how Gu Chen could have such a boring time.

"But the identity of my friend is not simple

!" "Oh?" "

He is the second prince of the royal family in the Middle East!"


If it spreads, the public opinion will be even bigger than Gu Chen said, which will also be a great failure for his political achievements, and he will instantly become serious.

I will invite your friend to come and record a confession, and please help?"

He remembered that some time ago, there were indeed two princes from the Middle East who had come to Huahai.

Originally, he thought that the other party had gone back, but he didn't expect that there was another one staying in Huahai.

"Don't worry!" Gu

Chen naturally agreed.

Then the two said a lot, basically the other party asked, Gu Chen answered.

"It seems that I can't rest on this May Day, you kid has no good things to do as soon as he calls, Lao Chen is really right!"

Gu Chen wisely did not answer.

"Okay, give me the prince's phone number and address, and by the way, tell him that we will find him."

"Understood!" After

Gu Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Then he went back to the living room, where he had called.

And Han Yumian and Chu Xinyi had already arrived, and there was a middle-aged woman in the living room, and Gu Chen recognized at a glance that this was Chu Xinyi's mother, Duan Yumin, his mother-in-law-to-be.

"Auntie, you are here!" asked Gu Chen with a smile.

"Well, excuse me, Xiao Chen!" Chu's

mother also looked at Gu Chen and smiled, she was naturally very satisfied with Gu Chen, her son-in-law.

"It's okay, it's too late, it's too late to welcome!" Gu

Chen quickly waved his hand, and then chatted with everyone for a long time, and everyone went straight to the port.

There was talk and laughter along the way, forming a fleet of two or three vehicles.

Today's road conditions are particularly congested, and it took nearly two hours to take only one hour.

Arrival port, this is the largest play port in Huahai, different from other cargo ship ports, here has always been a variety of cruise ships, different sizes, beautiful, have a characteristic, expensive!

May Day to the sea to play, plus the weather is also hot, sea surfing is also very suitable, so there are many people and Gu Chen have the same idea.

After all, in Huahai and even Jiang Province, they have been very rich since ancient times, and there is no shortage of rich people at all.

It has greatly promoted the development of the cruise industry, most people choose to rent cruise ships or rent with others to play, but there are also many local tyrant families who directly buy cruise ships.

However, most of them are young people.

Therefore, this can be said to be a circle of rich people in the upper class of the Chinese sea, plus young and vigorous, so it will compare, whose cruise ship is good-looking, whose cruise ship is the most expensive.

A variety of customized cruise ships can be described as a hundred flowers, various styles of cruise ships are really the envy of everyone, plus tourists to Huahai have come here to take photos.

However, there is only one cruise ship with the best appearance this year, and that is the one that suddenly docked some time ago.

At that time, this cruise ship spread throughout the circle of cruise enthusiasts in Huahai, and they came to admire it, and everyone was very envious and eager.

They are naturally very concerned about the owner of this cruise ship, after all, knowledgeable people recognize at a glance that this is the most expensive cruise ship in the world, which is not something that money can buy, which also represents a distinguished status.

They did not expect that there were Chinese people who could buy it, naturally they were very interested in the owner of the cruise ship, if they knew each other, wouldn't it be a lot of face?

Most of the special personnel have come out for the daily maintenance and procurement of supplies on this cruise ship, and the owner has not been here once.

So the tourists who came here today are more to take pictures on this cruise ship, and they look at the luxurious arrangement on it with envy, who doesn't want to go up and experience it?

At this time, Gu Chen and his party also parked their car in a special parking lot, and then came to the port.

At this time, it was a sea of people, and the group walked to the side and looked at the endless sea, as well as all kinds of cruise ships and yachts large and small that filled the port.

For a while, everyone was also dazzled, and they couldn't turn their eyes.

"Xiao Chen, which yacht is yours?" asked Gu Mu.

At this time, the others also set their eyes on Gu Chen.

After all, this was Gu Chen who told them to go to the sea to play, and they had never seen Gu Chen's yacht.

"No!" Gu

Chen smiled when he heard this, and then his mouth pursed, pointing to the most eye-catching yacht.

Everyone followed their gazes and were immediately stunned.

The yacht that Gu Chen pointed out was noticed by them as soon as they came, no way, it was simply the center of the whole scene, and the appearance was too good-looking.

They did not associate the yacht with Gu Chen.

After all, I heard Gu Chen say that the yacht was newly bought, and this is quite customized.

Coupled with the long production cycle, it is generally necessary to start customization from several years ago, so I didn't think of it at the first time.

But they didn't expect that Gu Chen directly gave them a surprise.

"Xiao Chen, is that really yours?" Gu Mu couldn't believe it at this time.

"Of course, if you don't believe it, let's go up and take a look!"

Gu Chenwan smiled.

In fact, he didn't really go up to see it, he had communicated with the captain on the yacht on his mobile phone before, and he had also seen the photos, so he naturally recognized it at once.

Another is that he guessed according to the price, after all, this is his equivalent

to ten billion! In addition to that ship, although there are other beautiful ones, they cannot reach the standard of ten billion!

Then he sent a message directly to the captain, telling him to prepare for reception, he has arrived.

Sure enough, Gu Chen found that the luxury yacht had been launched.

Not only Gu Chen saw it, but everyone in the port noticed it.

I saw that the yacht suddenly opened the spiral ladder and arrived directly at the port, and the tourists close to the yacht were suddenly startled and quickly left the place.

A passage was ceded, and then several waiters came down.

The tall height, coupled with good appearance, and the alluring uniform, suddenly caused a huge sensation, all kinds of noise, and the sound of clicking shutters was also one after another.

"Let's go!" said Gu Chen at this time.

Gu Mu and her group, who were crazy, reacted one after another, and suddenly became excited.

They didn't expect that such a good-looking yacht turned out to be Gu Chen's, they naturally also have vanity, looking at the envious eyes of everyone below, they naturally enjoyed it very much.

So Gu Chen walked directly in front, Gu's mother and his group followed directly, because everyone picked a beautiful woman, so most of them were covered with hats and masks, plus there were several bodyguards around them.

The passers-by next to them naturally found that they had given way one after another, knowing that this group of people must not be simple, and there were even bodyguards when traveling.

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing a captain's clothes was standing at the spiral staircase, looking at his mobile phone from time to time.

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