Suddenly, an imposing and very handsome young man came to his left front, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Hurrying up, he knew that the owner of the yacht was coming.

That's right, the person who came was Gu Chen.

"Mr. Gu, you are finally here!"

said the captain to Gu Chen with a very happy tone.

"Well, hello Captain Jack!" Gu

Chen also showed a smile, yes, this captain's name is Jack, a Westban.

"Mr. Gu, please get on board!" Then he respectfully turned sideways, bowed slightly, and invited Gu Chen.

"Well, parents, auntie, go up!" Gu Chen did not move when he heard this, but said to the group behind him.

Jack on the side was slightly stunned, and his eyes flashed with a strange look.

Then he took the group directly onto the yacht, and Captain Jack and the waiter also walked up, and suddenly the spiral ladder was slowly put away.

The group was suddenly like a curious cat, looking here, looking there, and the port below was very envious looking up at Gu Chen's group.

"Mr. Gu, this yacht doesn't have a name yet, so please ask Mr. Gu to choose a name. Everyone looked at the deck for a long time before Captain Jack said slowly.

"Don't you have a name yet?" Gu

Chen was stunned, and then said to everyone with a smile: "Which of you will choose a name!" Chu

Xinyi and the others were excited when they heard this, and immediately they began to show their intelligence.

"How about calling Gu Chen?" said Xu Shishi first.

"Shishi, you are too dirty!" Chu

Xinyi suddenly rolled her eyes.

Later, several people took several names each, but they were all disliked.

"Do you want to call it Dream?" Finally

, Gu Chen couldn't listen anymore, thought about it, watched the ocean on the surface of the ship gradually change color, and said suddenly.

"Fantasy? It's really good, it's called this!" Chu

Xinyi read a sentence and found that it was good, and directly agreed.

Then the name storm is considered in the past.

Then Jack took Gu Chen and the others to start touring the cabin.

The decoration inside shocked everyone even more, the rooms were simply more luxurious than the hotels on land, and suddenly everyone's interest came at once.

In the end, Gu Chen asked everyone to play by themselves, and Gu Chen was brought to the wheelhouse by Captain Jack.

"Mr. Gu, the yacht has reached a speed of sixty knots per hour, and according to the land it is a hundred kilometers per hour!" said Jack.

"This way!" Gu

Chen felt good.

"Where does Mr. Gu want to go now?" then Captain Jack continued.

"Let's go around the offshore first!" Gu Chen ordered after thinking for a moment.

"Understood!" When

Jack heard this, he began to direct the crew to start driving the yacht, and suddenly the luxury yacht began to start, and everyone in the port outside also saw the yacht begin to leave the port, and immediately looked at each other with a sense of envy and reluctance.

At this time, on the other side, Leader Yin immediately took action after receiving Gu Chen's report.

Directly set up a special team to go straight to the address of the Seven Tone Auction, and arrested everyone in the Huahai branch of the Seven Tone Auction House with lightning speed, Gu Jinhui and Duan Jiacheng were impressively listed, and the two were still confused when they were arrested.

What Gu Chen didn't know was that Leader Yin not only knew about the Qiyin Auction House, but also had a conflict with the other party, and he couldn't help Qiyin for various reasons before, but now he had enough evidence and directly and forcefully brought all the people back.

When they learned the news, the upper circles of the Hua Sea were stunned, and they laid up a network to inquire about what happened.

After all, this is Qiyin!

Huahai officials actually arrested it directly,

it was simply an earthquake.

This news suddenly spread out through special channels.

An interrogation room at this time.

"What are you doing? I want to sue you!" a

middle-aged man was struggling frantically.

"Gu Jinhui, it's not honest to enter here!" At

this time, an inspector suddenly frowned, slapped the table fiercely, and said coldly.

"What crime have I committed, you dare to arrest me at will! I want to see a lawyer!" shouted Gu Jinhui.

He was very flustered in his heart, after all, the bad things he had done over the years were enough for him to spend the rest of his life in prison.

"What crime! You actually defrauded foreign friends! The amount of fraud reached more than 200 million! It was crazy! What crime do you say you committed?" said the inspector with a sneer.

I ask to see a lawyer!" Gu

Jinhui was suddenly very nervous, and his eyes were flustered.

Duan Jiacheng next door has already recruited!" The

supervisor's disdainful tone suddenly made Gu Jinhui completely flustered.

"Impossible, he can't betray me!" "

Oh, betray you?" "

Inspector, I remember that I didn't cheat it, right?" Suddenly

Gu Jinhui directly calmed down, thinking about things as if this was not the case.

The two supervisors on the opposite side looked at each other and were stunned.

Originally, one of them opened Gu Jinhui's heart, but I don't know why, the other party suddenly calmed down.

"Hmph, the evidence is conclusive, and you dare to quibble, Gu Jinhui, are you trying to fight to the end!" the supervisor immediately questioned loudly.

Attempt to re-arouse Gu Jinhui's panic.

But it's a pity that Gu Jinhui is now extremely calm.

"Supervisor, please pay attention to your words, otherwise I will send a lawyer to sue you! I didn't defraud, I just made a deal with someone, and it is not unusual to often sell sky-high antiques in the antiques industry in the firm!" Gu Jinhui's tone changed at this time, and he explained lightly after a direct threat.

How to say that he is also the head of the Qiyin Huahai branch, so the headquarters will definitely send someone to rescue him, and his uncle will not give up on him, which is where his strength lies.

At this point, the two supervisors did not go well and the trial was suspended.

As for the statement during the interrogation that Duan Jiacheng had already recruited natural fakes, this was just a fabrication by the supervisor to deceive the other party, which was a method often used during the interrogation.

The interrogation was unfavorable, and the supervisor naturally had to report to the above, and soon Leader Yin got the news, but he was not in a hurry.

Because the result of this matter is not there now, he knows very well, after all, it is very simple to find out the other party's previous situation by his means, in other words, as long as he reasons, Gu Jinhui can enter at any time.

He focused on the person behind the other party, that is, the next means of Qiyin.

"Okay, you guys continue the interrogation!"

thought a lot, but still commanded.

"Understood!" he

immediately hung up the phone.

So a new round of interrogation began in the interrogation room.

At this time, there was a courtyard somewhere in the imperial capital thousands of miles away.

It is close to Zhongguancun, which is the middle of the Seven Tone Auction House.

At this time, Huahai's situation was immediately transmitted here.

The people of Qiyin were shocked, and then furious.

Hence this high-level meeting.

In the absence of the president, naturally the vice president presided over the work, and at this time, the three vice presidents and five supervisors of Qiyin were all sitting at a huge round table.

Everyone had different expressions, and no one spoke.

There was only one person, it was Supervisor Gu, and at this time, his face was livid, and he did not expect that the other party would immediately retaliate, which caught him off guard.

He didn't expect that the problem turned out to be someone he didn't pay attention to.

Because of the news from Huahai, it was the local official who took away the people of Qiyin in the name of fraud.

And also the plaintiff of that foreign friend.

This was something he didn't expect, but he wondered in his heart that there should be someone playing the role here.

Because how could that foreigner touch that Yin leader!


Don't you have anything to say?" then a vice president glanced at everyone and suddenly asked.

In particular, I focused on the eye ancient supervisor.

"Vice President Chen, do you still need to talk about this, there must be something wrong with Huahai, if it weren't for that person who could target us Qiyin!" then a supervisor suddenly spoke.

I remember that the person in charge of the Huahai branch is the nephew of Director Gu!" the other supervisor also said with a yin and yang strange attitude.

At that time, he and Supervisor Gu competed for that position, but unfortunately he lost, so he has always targeted Supervisor Gu, and now there is such a big opportunity, he naturally wants to seize it.

"Hmph, that leader Yin had a conflict with our Qiyin before, have you forgotten!" said Supervisor Gu coldly.

When everyone heard this, they also thought about it, and their faces suddenly sank.

"So in this matter, it is very likely that the one who took advantage of this opportunity to take revenge on us Qiyin fiercely, we must not sit still!"

After all, Gu Jinhui was his own nephew, and he naturally wanted to save the other party.

But his energy is naturally not enough, and there is only a way to use the seven tones, so he naturally wants to drag the other party into the water.

As for what Gu Jinhui had committed, he didn't have time to confirm it now.

"I think we can take this opportunity to repair the relationship with that person, after all, that person just wants to breathe a breath, so we can abandon the Huahai branch to let that person be relieved, and then we will send someone to rebuild it!

Only Supervisor Gu showed a cannibalistic gaze, staring at each other fiercely, eager to kill him with his eyes.

"If only the president came back and knew that we bowed to our former opponents. Supervisor

Gu snorted coldly, seeing everyone's heartbeat, he hated the supervisor in his heart, but he mentioned a sentence on his lips.

Immediately, everyone reacted, and the previous heartbeat suddenly disappeared, and they were very afraid of the shadow in the hearts of the guild leader, and even the previous supervisor did not speak.

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