So in the end of this meeting, everyone's views were unified, that is, they were ready to spend a huge price to pull people back from Leader Yin.

"Oh, in that case, then the decision of this meeting will be made by Supervisor Gu..." Just

as the vice president was about to make a decision, his mobile phone rang, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

However, everyone did not show any impatient or disgusted expressions and eyes.

Because they all know that this vice president is the only person who contacts the president, and generally his phone is only one person who can get through, that is, the president.

So at this moment, if the phone rings, it is not surprising that it is their president.

All of a sudden, they all held their breath.

"President!" Sure

enough, when the vice president took out his mobile phone and saw the note, his expression was very solemn, and his tone was full of respect.

"Well, I heard that something happened to the Huahai Branch?" Suddenly

, a hoarse and majestic voice came out, full of solemnity and a strong sense of oppression.

At this moment, everyone's faces changed, especially Supervisor Gu.

"Yes, we are discussing how to deal with it!" The

vice president naturally did not dare to hide it, and reported honestly.

"Oh, what was the outcome of the discussion?" asked the other side.

"This matter involves the face of our Qiyin and your reputation as the president, so we plan..." "

Are you going to go head-to-head with Yin Renqiu?" Before the words were finished, the president on the other end of the phone directly took the lead.


the vice president felt a bad premonition.

Are you planning to ruin my seven tones?" he suddenly scolded.

The tone was very angry, and the vice president was frightened and sweaty.

The others, too, were startled by the president's voice.

Don't you investigate each other's backgrounds?"

the president's cold voice continued.


The vice president was stunned, and so were the others, could they...

So everyone turned their gaze to Gu Supervisor, the only one who knew the specific situation, and the latter's face became more and more pale.

"Hmph, what about Gu Yuanding!" the guild leader heard that the other party did not speak, snorted coldly, and then asked.

"In... "Tell

him that this matter was caused by his waste nephew, let him solve it himself, tell him that if he does not obtain the forgiveness of the other party this time, then he does not have to come back! After the

chairman finished speaking, everyone was instantly stunned, but they quickly reacted.

"Yes!" shouted the crowd in unison.

Then he hung up the phone directly, leaving a group of overwhelmed people and a pale-faced Gu supervisor.

"Supervisor Gu, don't you have anything you want to explain?" a vice president asked first.

The other people also looked over, their eyes were all unkind.

They were naturally not fools, and combined with the matter of the president just now, they knew that they had offended someone they couldn't provoke in Huahai.

Before, Gu Supervisor didn't say anything, obviously wanting to pull them into the water.

Suddenly, their faces turned livid.

If it hadn't been for the president's call, they might have been over.

People who even the president can't afford to mess with, let alone them, when the time comes... Thinking of this, they waited for Gu Supervisor one by one.

In fact, Gu Supervisor was also in a state of confusion in his heart, because he didn't know why, and even the people they couldn't afford to offend were provoked by his waste nephew.

At this moment, he was also confused, looking at everyone staring at him, he was also bitter and couldn't say ah!

I don't know..." he explained bitterly.

But everyone didn't believe it.

Suddenly, he thought of one of them, because according to his nephew's report last night, his nephew had offended a total of three people, a foreigner, a Gan family, and a Gu Chen.

Needless to say, it is almost impossible for foreigners!

And although the Gan family has something in Huahai, it is not worth mentioning outside Jiang Province.

The only thing that could go wrong was the mysterious Gu Chen.

"If there is one person that even the president fears, there is only one person!" he then took a deep breath and said quietly.

"Who?" the crowd asked in unison.

"A man named Gu Chen! My nephew just provoked him. At

this time, Director Gu did not hide it, after all, the matter had reached this point, if he did not solve this matter properly, he would not have to come back.

"Gu Chen?"

Everyone had different expressions, some doubtful, some familiar, and some shocked.

Supervisor Gu had been paying attention to everyone's expressions, and after seeing the shocked expression, he immediately hurriedly asked: "Old Liu, do you know?" After all,

if he wants to solve this matter, he must also know the source of the matter!

Because he has almost been abandoned by the guild leader, if he does not find a solution, then endless darkness will await him.

The others also looked at Lao Liu.

"Supervisor Gu, this time you're finished!"

the man named Lao Liu said directly.

Everyone was stunned.

"If this Gu Chen is that Gu Chen!" and

then Lao Liu said something inexplicable.

After all, there are more people with the same name and surname in this world, but there is only one Gu Chen who can make their guild leader so jealous.

"Oh, where is this Gu Chen of Lao Liu?"

the others were naturally attracted by Lao Liu's words.

"Let's tell you so, the Dragon Teng Group is that Gu Chen!" said Old Liu with a deep breath and a complicated expression.


"Hiss~" "Hiss~"

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, everyone exclaimed.

At this time, people with impressions remembered that at the end of last year, the identity of the chairman of Longteng Group made a huge movement in China.

They paid some attention, but Gu Chen was hidden behind the scenes, so they gradually forgot.

But now when I hear everyone say it, I immediately have an impression.

Now Longteng Group is a behemoth, with the chip as a super weapon, has long become the first domestic technology group, and in the world ranking is also high!

Don't look at their seven tones so beautiful, but in front of people, they are a mouse that cannot see the light.

Therefore, everyone's expressions were also very complicated for a while, and in the end, they all looked at Gu Supervisor with pitiful eyes at the same time.

Although Supervisor Gu was not kind before, he almost let them stand on the opposite side of Gu Chen, but fortunately he was pulled by the guild leader.

Therefore, everyone showed pitiful eyes to Gu Supervisor.

Director Gu was also shocked in his heart at this time, and the whole person was stunned on the spot.

At this time, he also understood where the previous familiarity came from, it turned out to be here.

His heart was suddenly very bitter, with his identity, how could that legendary and very mysterious Gu Chen put him in his eyes, and at the same time hated his nephew.

At this moment, where he still wants to save that waste, he can't protect himself, so now his only purpose is to save himself and let that Mr. Gu forgive him.

As for the nephew who was even burdened by himself, Gu Chen didn't look for him, he himself had to find him personally.

In the end, Supervisor Gu naturally rushed to Huahai as soon as possible, wanting to find that Mr. Gu to apologize!


At this time, Gu Chen was swimming on the vast and boundless sea, the sun in the sky was hanging high, and the salty and wet sea breeze was blowing everywhere, which was very cool.

As the yacht gradually moved forward, there were naturally many yachts on the way, and they were the same, swimming freely on this magnificent sea, but the people on the other yachts looked at the Dream with envy.

After all, this yacht is simply not something they can compare with, it is simply not a level.

If the Dream Ship driven by Gu Chen is a supercar, they are at most a tricycle, which is also mixed with some second-hand vans, which is simply not a grade.

If the Dream is a presidential suite, then they are a hostel for tens of dollars, and the two are not the same.

At this time, everyone was in the lobby inside the yacht, either looking at the ocean, playing games, or chatting.

After all, this hall has almost everything, there are transparent windows on both sides, you can see the outside scenery, as for game consoles, projectors, etc. are naturally not lacking.

For example, Gu Mu and Chu Mu are sitting on the top sofa and chatting about the sky.

Chu Xinyi and Han Yumian Xu Shishi were playing a game, while Gu Chen was naturally standing with Gu's father, looking at the sea view outside the window.

There are also a few waiters standing next to them, who are ready to provide meticulous service to everyone.

Suddenly, Gu Chen turned his head to look at everything in the hall, and he felt so warm.

At this moment, he felt that it was so beautiful to have money!"

Can this yacht be driven into the country?"

just when Gu Chen's thoughts wandered for nine days,

Gu's father suddenly interrupted and asked.

Gu Chen immediately returned to his body: "Of course, you can, but you must report it in advance

!" "This way!"


Gu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at Gu Chen directly excitedly.

"I'll lend this yacht away!"

was ostensibly an inquiry, but in fact an order.

"Dad, what are you going to borrow a yacht for?" Gu

Chen was stunned, and then a little strange.

"What do you care about me!" Father

Gu's eyes widened suddenly.

But you shouldn't want to hook up with some aunt behind your mother's back?" Gu Chen waved his hand directly, and then squeezed his brows and said. "

What do you say, rabbit cub, I see you have itchy skin!" Father Gu was startled and suddenly whispered.

Then he glanced at Gu's mother, who was chatting hotly with Chu Mu, and was immediately relieved to see that Gu's mother did not hear it.

"You want me to be scolded to death by your mother, aren't you!" Looking at Gu Chen's snickering expression, he suddenly said angrily.

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