Then, no matter how hard Gu Jinhui begged, he left here without looking back.

And Gu Jinhui also knew at this time that he was really finished this time, and the whole person sat directly on the ground,

his face was like ashes!

"Inspector! Inspector, I want to turn myself in! I want to make meritorious contributions! I want to confess!" so he grabbed the Inspector's sign and said incoherently.

"Gu Jinhui, what are you going to say?"

the supervisor frowned.

"I want to confess!" Gu

Jinhui seemed to grasp the last straw to save his life.

The supervisor's eyes flashed suddenly.

"Okay, Gu Jinhui, don't worry, I will report to the above!" Then

the supervisor took Gu Jinhui to the detention center and reported to it non-stop.

"Captain, Gu Jinhui, he wants to confess!" "


After leaving, Gu Supervisor left here, thought about it in the car, and planned to visit another friend.

As night fell, the big city of Huahai also recovered more vitality.

At this time, at a sea level, a yacht parked at sea emitted the only faint light in the pitch black.

There was even a lively noise.

That's right, Gu Chen was having a barbecue party on the deck.

Everyone ate and chatted while looking up at the stars.

The sea is worthy of being a forbidden area for human beings, although it is not far from the land, but the air here is naturally very good, and you can also see the vast starry sky in the sky, everyone is naturally very happy,

but Gu Chen suddenly found Han Yumian hiding in the corner.

I saw the other party stretching his snow-white neck obsessively and looking at the distant sky.

He thought about it and walked over.

Holding a handful of skewers in his hand.

"Let's eat something!" Sitting next to the other party, Gu Chen stretched out the skewer in his hand to the opposite side and said softly.

Han Yumian reacted suddenly, and was immediately startled, and he was very uneasy when he saw that it was Gu Chen.

"Brother, I..."

"Take it!" Gu Chen nodded and said directly.

The latter naturally did not dare to resist, and honestly took the skewers.

"In a bad mood?" Gu

Chen supported the ship's railing with both hands, looking into the distance, and a voice came out of his secret.

Han Yu paused and stood side by side, looking into the distance, and did not answer.

Gu Chen did not hear the sound or entanglement for a long time, so he fell silent, and there was a burst of laughter behind him, which was like two worlds with the silence here.

"Brother, you know what? This period of time is my happiest time.

Suddenly, Han Yumian spoke.

Gu Chen turned his head to look at her.

"I envy Sister Xinyi, and I envy Shishi, because they have things that I once had great hopes for!"

Han Yumian's deep voice came out slowly.

Gu Chen listened to the other party quietly.

Don't interrupt or interrupt.

"I have lost my parents since I was a child, and I have never experienced what it is like to be a real mother, only in Aunt Gu before. He

choked up as he spoke.

"Don't worry, there will be more of this feeling in the future!"

Gu Chen said calmly, and then patted the other party's shoulder.

"Hmm!" Han

Yumian nodded vigorously.

A wonderful emotion quietly took root in the heart.

In the end, Gu Chen and Han Yumian walked out, but Han Yumian's eyes were red, and Chu Xinyi, who saw this scene, was suddenly stunned, and signaled with his eyes what happened to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen gave a knowing look and shook his head.

Chu Xinyi directly pulled the other party away, and gave Gu Chen a look before leaving, allowing him to experience it himself.

Gu Chen shook his head with a wry smile and walked to the table of several bodyguards.

"Mr. Gu!" several bodyguards were originally drinking, chatting when they suddenly saw Gu Chen suddenly get up and shout respectfully.

"You're welcome, just sit down, come! Let's drink one!" Gu Chen took a bottle of wine from the table and said with a smile.

"Peng"! everyone drank it directly.

After a few words, they found that they couldn't let go at all, and left.

Then Gu Chen went directly back to his room to sleep.

The next day, early in the morning, Gu Chen came to the deck, blowing a cool morning breeze, but he was not the first, several crew members and bodyguards were the first, they each exercised their bodies.

"Mr. Gu!"

everyone shouted in unison.

"Hmm!" Gu

Chen nodded with a smile, and also began his own exercise, exercising while watching the sun slowly rise.

"Mr. Gu, do you want to eat fish in the morning?" suddenly Jack walked to Gu Chen, who was resting, and asked respectfully.

"It's fresh sea fish, just now the radar detector showed that a large area of sea fish is passing through this area." Jack hastened to explain.

"Can you catch it?" asked Gu Chen curiously.

"There's fishing nets, there's fishing tackle!" said Jack with a laugh.

"Oh?" Gu

Chen was interested: "Can you still fish

?" "Of course, does Sir want to try it himself?"

"Naturally!" "

Okay, I'll go prepare right away!" Jack

saw that Gu Chen was so interested, so he quickly went down to prepare the props.


About ten minutes later, Jack came over with two crew members carrying several boxes.

Then they were placed on the deck and each began to assemble the fishing rod.

After a while, four or five were ready, and after a crew member made the bait, Gu Chen couldn't wait to start getting started.

Morning is generally a good time to fish, when the water temperature is neither hot nor cold, and it is the time for the fish to eat.

Gu Chen threw the pole out with a clumsy technique, and suddenly the fish hook flew along the parabola into the sea in the distance.

Fishing Gu Chen naturally fished a few times, but it was in fresh water, so he didn't know the rules of sea fishing, so he could only fish blindly, very excited.

Jack and the others naturally discovered that their boss would not fish at all, but they did not remind them, after all, the boss was happy, and they did not expect Gu Chen to catch fish.

Sea fishing is different from others, and the knowledge in it is greater.

I saw Jack and several other crew members immediately picked up the sea rod very skillfully, and swung the hook to the designated position.

As soon as the two are compared, the gap is immediately apparent.

But Gu Chen didn't care at all, after all, the picture is fun, this is people's eating skills, naturally not he can compare.

After a while, Gu Chen felt the pole in his hand shake violently, and his heart suddenly accelerated, and he shouted very excitedly: "A fish is hooked! I feel it! It is struggling!"

and then jerked back the fishing line, and suddenly a huge resistance came, and Gu Chen was more and

more sure that a fish was hooked.

Other people naturally looked over, and saw their boss's excited look and suddenly showed a knowing look, at this time, any fisherman who felt after knowing that there was a fish hooked in the water was definitely very excited.

Whether you are the richest celebrity, high-ranking official and white-collar worker, you all have only one idea, I caught a fish, this feeling is very wonderful, everyone who has fished knows it.

Therefore, Gu Chen's face was very excited at this time, and he worked hard to recover the fishing line in the sea.

At this time, Chu Xinyi also walked out, and saw Gu Chen's excited expression and walked over curiously.

"Brother Chen, are you fishing?" "

Yes, Xinyi, there is a fish on the hook!" Gu

Chen did not turn his head, looking at the sea very excitedly.

"Wow, really?" Chu

Xinyi was also interested, so she stood to the side and looked at Gu Chen beautifully.

After a while, Gu Chen felt that the gravity in his hand was getting bigger and bigger, and suddenly a silver-white fish came out directly from the sea, Gu Chen was even more excited after seeing it, and directly jumped the whole person back, and the fish fell directly to the deck due to inertia.

Gu Chen quickly picked it up, this is a palm-sized sea fish, and it is still struggling hard after being caught by Gu Chen.

"Haha, Jack, what kind of fish is this?" asked Gu Chen excitedly towards Jack.

"This is cod, a common marine fish that lives in the Tianping Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, with white flesh, it is a common edible fish, and Sir's luck is so good!" Jack introduced with a smile after taking a look.

"Haha, my luck has always been good!"

said Gu Chen with a smile, and put the fish in the bucket that had been prepared a long time ago.

Then he continued to start again with great enthusiasm.

And Chu Xinyi also looked at Gu Chen with great interest.

However, Gu Chen's luck seemed to be running out, and as time passed, he didn't catch a single fish.

Others have also reaped the benefits.

At this time, others also gradually came to the deck, looking at the people fishing, they also came to be interested.

"Brother, how many fish did you catch?" Xu Shishi pulled Han Yumian over with great interest, and asked happily.

Gu Chen pretended not to hear it, and continued to stare at the sea attentively.

"Your brother is too dish, where can you fish!" At this time, Chu Xinyi exposed Gu Chen with a grin.

"Huh?" Everyone

was stunned and then overjoyed.

Gu Chen couldn't pretend anymore, turned his head, and said loudly: "Who said that! I obviously caught it!" "

You are a blind cat and a dead rat!"

"Haha!" everyone

burst into laughter.

"I'll come, brother, let me give it a try!" At this time, Xu Shishi was also interested, so she said to Gu Chen.

"No, you find someone else!" Gu Chen directly refused.

He wants to prove himself.

I still don't know you, when have you ever fished?"

"Mom~~!" Gu

Chen suddenly shouted dissatisfied.

At this time, his mobile phone rang, and he reluctantly handed the pole in his hand to Xu Shishi.

Taking out a look at his mobile phone, there was still a signal here, and he was slightly surprised.

But if you think about it, you can understand that there is a signal mobile phone source on the ship, and here is not far from land, so naturally there is a signal, and if you drive farther away, there is no signal.

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