Seeing that it was an unfamiliar phone, he thought about it and connected it.

Because his mobile phone number has special protection.

Ordinary people can't call in.

"Hey?" said

Gu Chen lightly.

"Hello Mr. Gu, I'm Wang Ming from the Huahai Chamber of Commerce, I'm sorry to disturb you!" At

this time, a middle-aged voice came, very humble.

"Hmm?" Gu

Chen was stunned, did not react for the first time, and then thought carefully about it, there was a blurry figure, which should have been seen at the last Huahai Gala, when he had a good sense of this guy, as if he was in the service industry!

Although there is an impression, the two have no intersection at all.

"Mr. Gu, I'm sorry, it's not that I'm looking for you, it's that someone has found me here, and wants to entrust me to convey a meaning to you, that is, I want to meet you, if you don't want to see him, then I will immediately refuse him!" Wang Ming asked very carefully and in a low voice.

But he owed

favors to others before, and this time he naturally had to pay it back!


Gu Chen was stunned, who was it?


a supervisor of the Seven Tone Auction House! It's Gu


Wang Ming replied honestly.

"No," Gu Chen said directly coldly when he heard this.

He then hung up.

On the other side, in an antique living room full of charm, a middle-aged man heard the beep in the mobile phone, his face suddenly turned bitter, and he came to the sofa with some worry.

"How?" suddenly a middle-aged man asked very eagerly.

There was simply no time to observe Wang Ming's eyes.

"Supervisor Gu, I'm sorry, Mr. Gu can't say no!" Wang Ming's face suddenly turned slight, and he shook his head.

If it weren't for this person to call himself, he wouldn't have left a bad impression in Mr. Gu's heart, and he didn't see that Mr. Gu's tone became cold when he heard his name, and when he saw that he had a grudge with the other party, he suddenly felt cold in his heart when he thought of this.

No, you have to quickly draw a line with the other party, anyway, now I have returned the favor of the other party.

Director Gu's face suddenly darkened.

This night, he found no less than four people, and if these people couldn't get through, they wouldn't have Mr. Gu's phone.

The others heard some wind and didn't even see themselves.

He was very angry and angry in his heart, which of them had not regarded himself as a guest in the past?

But to understand and understand, it is very unpleasant if something happens to you.

I finally found the Wang family, and I thought I could see Mr. Gu, but now it seems too naïve.

For a while, there was a dead silence, and that Mr. Gu had a higher status than he thought.

"I wonder what happened to Supervisor Gu?" Wang Ming was a little curious when he saw this, so he asked.

"This matter is complicated!"

Gu Supervisor shook his head: "The descendants of the family did not provoke Mr. Gu!"


Wang Ming was stunned for a moment, and also shook his head.

At the same time, his heart was also vigilant, and he would also tell the descendants of the family that if anyone dared to cause trouble, he would break his leg and drive him out,

so as not to affect the family when he got it.

"In that case, then disturb Mr. Wang!" Finally

, Supervisor Gu planned to leave.

Wang Ming looked at the back of the downcast, and suddenly had some sympathy, remembering the favor he owed to the other party before, and it seemed that a phone call was not enough.

"If Supervisor Gu wants to see that Mr. Gu, it's better to ask for the Gan family!"

Supervisor Gu was stunned, a little puzzled, but since Wang Ming said so, there must be something he didn't know, and the Gan family would definitely be able to contact that Mr. Gu.

He remembered the day he killed his nephew, and it seemed that he had also offended a junior of the Gan family, when the other party was still with that Mr. Gu, and he was immediately stunned and smiled bitterly.

That's all, what face do I have now! So he thanked Wang Ming and turned away.

It's just that the back is very bleak.


At this time, Gu Chen, who hung up the phone, shook his head.

He could immediately guess that the person who called himself Gu Yuanding had something to do with that person, and hung up without thinking about it, his sense of the seven tones was very poor.

He didn't know that the person he saw that day was called Gu Jinhui, nor did he know that Leader Yin was very efficient, so he directly wiped out the Huahai branch of Qiyin.

But he could guess that since this guy wanted to see himself so respectfully, it must have been Leader Yin who did it.

After thinking about it, he shook his head, he just planned to help Hamandan get things back.

Back on the deck, he happened to see Xu Shishi catching a fish.

Suddenly a little puzzled, is it really his own technology is not good?

"Brother, I caught a fish!" Suddenly Xu Shishi also saw Gu Chen and said very happily.

It's like a child's expression of getting what he has been wanting for a long time and showing off to others.

"I saw it!" said Gu Chen expressionlessly.


Chu Xinyi and the others laughed loudly, which made Gu Chen very depressed.

So Gu Chen, who did not believe in evil, took the fishing rod from a crew member and fished it again.

As time passed, the sun was overhead, and the temperature was higher.

So everyone ended this early fishing.

However, Gu Chen was very distressed, because he didn't catch a single fish except for the first fish he caught in one morning, and everyone else was fruitful, even Xu Shishi caught nearly ten.

"Okay, although you didn't catch it, you can still eat fresh fish soup later!" At

this time, Chu Xinyi comforted him with a smile.

Gu Chen shrugged, no longer speaking, and the group entered the boat.

Wait for the chef on board to finish breakfast.

The chefs of the Dream are naturally at the top of the world.

In about an hour, a table full of fish was made.

Like what steamed fish heads, braised fish pieces, tender fish soup, sour and spicy fish balls, etc.!

The group ate happily and nodded one after another.

After that, Gu Chen asked Jack to start the yacht and change places, he felt that this was not suitable for him.

So everyone started the sea view outside the ship again.

Suddenly opened to a new sea, the scenery here is more beautiful, from time to time there are some undeveloped islands, and some yachts crisscrossing the sea, here naturally there are more yachts.

However, other yachts naturally did not dare to approach the Dream, and could only watch from afar.

Suddenly, the yacht came to a larger island, covered with forests, which was a natural scenery.

"If only I could go up and take a look!" Xu Shishi said with some regret.

"Look at what, I don't know what the situation is going up, what if it's dangerous?" Gu's

mother was the first to disagree, and said directly and forcefully.

"Eh?" Xu

Shishi suddenly shrunk her neck and made a rather playful grimace.

"Actually, it's not impossible!" Gu Chen naturally said with a smile.

Without waiting for Gu's mother to continue speaking.

"Have you forgotten that there are two helicopters on board, and you can take a helicopter to the top of the island to see it! The scenery is more beautiful!" he said, pointing outside.

As soon as the words fell, everyone's reaction suddenly changed, even Gu's mother was also a kind of heartbeat, after all, she was also full of curiosity about that small island.

Anyway, two helicopters can just take us!"

The rest of the people naturally agreed, and one by one they began to be elated and couldn't wait.

Then Gu Chen found Jack.


course, sir!"

"What about

the pilot?" "Right on the boat, is Sir going to take a helicopter?"


!" "I'll tell them to get ready!"


Jack went down to ask the pilot to check the plane.

Gu Chen found his bodyguard again.

"Wait for you to split into two teams, sit on the plane, and keep my family safe!" said Gu Chen looking at several bodyguards.

He had observed before that the helicopters on his ship were medium-sized, and one could seat up to eight people.

"Understood!" replied with a nod from several bodyguards.

In fact, they did not say that they would also drive helicopters, after all, they were the most capable of Tiandun Security Company, even this yacht they could also drive.

But now their task is only to protect Gu Chen.

After a while, Jack said that it was ready, and the helicopter could take off at any time!

So everyone was divided into two teams, Gu Chen, Chu Xinyi, Han Yumian Xu Shishi and several people in one team, and the others were the other team.

"Boom!" suddenly

the plane started, and the sound of wing turning echoed throughout the yacht.

Soon it flew towards the island.

"It's still from the plane to see such a beautiful view!" said Xu Shishi excitedly.

Chu Xinyi and Han Yumian also shouted excitedly.

The plane crossed the endless sea, and the other people on the yacht were stunned and looked at the helicopter with envy.

"I'll go, who is this! It's too proud!" At

this time, on a yacht not far from the Dream, a buddy looked surprised.


There is also a mountain range in the middle of the island, the terrain decreases from the center to all sides, there is a waterfall several feet high in the middle, and a small lake below, and the water droplets form a colorful color under the sun.

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