So the helicopter pilot, after receiving Gu Chen's order, turned around and flew towards the island before.

It didn't take long to see the outline of the island.

As a result, the plane flew to the lowest level along its previous flight trajectory.

"Brother Zhou, they are coming, I heard the voice!" someone said excitedly at this time.

Zhou Shao is also a little relaxed.

After a while, the sound became louder and louder, and the plane soon came into view.

Flew directly over them and threw down a rope, the result speaks for itself.

Tell them to tie up the wounded directly, after all, this place has no landing.

Zhou Shao and the others were also very clear, so they quickly tied up Xiaofeng against the fierce wind, sent a signal, and then Xiaofeng quickly became pulled up, and the plane roared directly by, very fast.

"Whew, this little wind should be saved!"

Everyone pay attention to the safety of their feet!" said Zhou Shao quickly.

Not to mention that the crowd does not want to move on.

Luo Xin'er naturally lowered her head and said nothing, obviously not very interested, and now she is a little self-blamed.

"Don't worry, since they picked up Xiaofeng, then you can definitely save Xiaofeng! I don't think Xiaofeng will blame you!" At this time, Zhou Shao came to his side and comforted.

"Uh-huh, Zhiwei, thank you!" Luo

Xin'er looked up at Zhou Shao when she heard this, and whispered in a thick nasal voice.

The red eyes look pitiful, making people have a desire to hold in their arms.

"It's okay!" Zhou Shao was ecstatic in his heart when he heard this, and quickly shook his head.

Then the group walked towards the outside of the island.

Gu Chen, on the other hand, quickly returned to the Dream.

The helicopter stopped smoothly on the deck.

"Quick, he seems to have passed out!" Gu Chen jumped down directly and said to the doctor who had been prepared long ago.

Suddenly, everyone worked together to carry each other down and quickly carried them into the infirmary.

"Sir!" At

this time, Jack came to Gu Chen's side and whispered

, "Have you contacted their vessel?"

"Well, it's not far away!" Cliff quickly replied.

"Who are they?" asked Gu Chen curiously.

"It seems to be a group of sons and daughters, they say they can get paid as much as they want, as long as they save this one!" guessed Jack.

Gu Chen raised his eyebrows, and suddenly realized, no wonder he dares to go to an uninhabited island, it is really a bold artist, who is full of food, except for these rich second generations who have nothing to do all day, who will go so stupidly, and they are unprepared!

Immediately there was no interest, as for the remuneration that the other party said, Gu Chen didn't even put it in his heart, that is, all the rich second-generation families added together, they couldn't compare with him.

Then a few people went to the hall of the ship, chatting while passing the time, but they didn't expect that Gu's mother's plane had not returned, it seems that they are really more powerful than Gu Chen!

Gu Chen and several people looked at it one after another.

A middle-aged man with thick glasses and a white coat walked over.

It's a sea snake, it's very poisonous, and it will be difficult for the immortals to save it if it is an hour or two late!" said the doctor with a smile.

Hearing the snake, Chu Xinyi and the three looked at it with fear.

"Sea snake, who is more poisonous than the silver-ringed snake?" then Xu Shishi asked curiously.

As a kind of neurological poisonous snake, the sea snake has a fast onset, strong poison, and is very dangerous!" the doctor explained after looking at it.

Xu Shishi stuck out her tongue in fear.

After all, for girls, the most feared thing is the snake creature.

Then a few people changed the subject, and it wasn't long before the sound of an airplane's engine was heard outside.

Gu mother, they are back.

"Hey, why did you come back so early?" Gu

Mu was a little surprised when she saw everyone in the hall.

She didn't know about the call for help.

"Aunt, where have you been?" Xu Shishi immediately sat down, next to Gu's mother, and asked with a grin.

"You can still go there, naturally I am looking around!" Gu's mother explained.

"By the way, why did you go to that island again?" "

Aunt, let me tell you, we found a group of adventurers on that island, and some of them were bitten by snakes, so they asked us for help!


Gu Mu and the others were stunned, and then asked curiously.

"What's going on?"

looked at Gu Chen.

Gu Chen said the approximate situation again.

"Hmph, I said, that island is very dangerous, fortunately you didn't go!" Then

Gu's mother showed foresight, glared at Xu Shishi and said.

The latter is somewhat embarrassing.

"By the way, does the rescuer know who it is?" then Gu's mother also asked curiously.

"Well, it's a group of rich second generations!" Gu Chen replied with a smile.

"This way!" Gu's

mother was no longer interested.

Several people went back to their own shipyards.

In the afternoon, the infirmary.

At this time, a pale-faced young man lying on the bed board also slowly opened his eyes.

He turned his head and found that this was a strange place, and immediately remembered, but unfortunately he was weak now.


muttered in pain, not struggling.

I thought back to what happened before I fell into a coma.

"Oh, are you awake?" suddenly

came a strange middle-aged man.

"Where is this?" asked Xiaofeng curiously.

"This is my boss's yacht, you should know that you were bitten by a snake before, and it was my boss who saved you!" said the middle-aged man with a smile.

"Thank you!" Xiao Feng nodded when he heard this, and an ugly smile pulled out on his pale sick face, and thanked him.

"Little thing, although your poison has been cleared now, it has hurt your vitality, and then eat more light things, and then make up for it in a week!" The middle-aged man examined his wound, then rolled his upper eyelids, and then said.

"Uh-huh!" Xiao

Feng naturally knew that this should be a doctor, and when he recalled the previous scene, a look of happiness flashed in his eyes, and he almost said goodbye to the world.

"By the way, our boss has already contacted your companions, and they will come over in a moment. Then the

middle-aged doctor remembered something and said, so he dealt with and examined his medical tools.

"Who is your boss, I want to thank him in person!" Xiao

Feng was naturally very grateful for his lifesaver when he heard this, and wanted to thank him personally.

Let's go, our boss is in the boat hall. When

the middle-aged doctor heard this, he looked at Xiao Feng, got up and said.

Then he walked towards the boat hall with his arms in the opposite direction.

Walk through the corridor inside the hull and ascend a step.

After a while, we arrived at the boat hall.

Gu Chen and the others looked when they heard the movement.

A strange young man was being helped in by a middle-aged doctor.

"Sir, this brother wants to thank you in person!" said the middle-aged doctor respectfully to Gu Chen.

Then he introduced to Xiao Feng: "That is my boss Mr. Gu Chen!" Xiao

Feng suddenly realized when he heard this, and looked at Gu Chen and suddenly said with a happy face: "Thank you Mr. Gu for saving your life! My name is Chen Feng, if there is anything Mr. Gu said in the future, I will go all out!" Gu

Chen was stunned, and then waved his hand: "Mr

. Chen is polite."

Chen Feng shook his head when he heard this and didn't say anything, he knew how could someone who could drive a yacht be an ordinary person, and his status might be higher than him.

He then sat down on a couch. Nodded with several other women to say hello, and couldn't help but secretly smack his tongue in his heart, this Mr. Gu is definitely not an ordinary person, and the temperament of the woman around him is different, but he is also sensible and did not look at it much.

So a few people chatted, and Gu Chen also learned from them that they were Yuhang's people, and this time Wuyi came to accompany Brother Zhou to play, and Brother Zhou was the head among them.

This Chen Feng is not an ordinary person, the heir of the Chen Group in Yuhang City, his family is engaged in tourism!

After almost an hour, Jack suddenly came in and reported.

"Sir, there is a yacht outside, and according to the news they sent, it should be this gentleman's companion.

When Chen Feng heard this, he showed a touch of excitement.

"Oh, let them get closer over there!" Gu

Chen looked through the window next to him when he heard this, and sure enough, a yacht slowly approached his side.

Then Jack went to take care of things.

It didn't take long for a large group of young people to enter.

At the head is a man and a woman, the man is handsome, and the woman is beautiful.

At a glance, they saw Chen Feng by the door, and immediately leaned over very excitedly.


Zhou, Sister Luo, I'm okay!

Chen Feng also showed a smile and was in a very good mood.

"That's good!" Brother

Zhou was visibly relieved when he heard this.

Only then did he have time to look at the others.

Seeing Gu Chen's indifferent temperament, he was stunned, and at a glance, he was definitely not an ordinary person, although it was Chu Xinyi and others, their eyes were also flickering, they were all people with extraordinary temperaments.

While he was looking at Gu Chen, Gu Chen was naturally also looking at this group of people.

This group of guys Gu Chen looked at it, they were not ordinary people, obviously they were the circle of the rich second generation, especially the men at the head had a handsome face, and they were either rich or expensive at a glance.

"Thank you this gentleman for saving my friend, I Zhou Zhiwei is very grateful!"

"Raise your hand!" said Gu Chen lightly.

"Brother Zhou, this Mr. Gu Chen Gu, from Huahai City!" Chen Feng naturally helped the two introduce at this time.

When Zhou heard this, he suddenly realized, no wonder he looked at this very face, after all, how could he not know such a luxurious yacht, it turned out to be from Huahai City, not from him Yuhang City.

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