"Hello Mr. Gu, Yuhang City Luo Xin'er, thank you for saving my friend!" Then the woman behind also nodded and said.

The one who is most grateful to Gu Chen here, except for Chen Feng himself, belongs to her.

"You're welcome!" Gu

Chen still nodded, very flat.

"In the future, when Mr. Gu goes to Yuhang City, he will definitely find me, and I will definitely invite Mr. Gu to drink!" said Zhou Zhiwei with a smile.

Whether it was from the fact that he saved Chen Feng's life, or from Gu Chen himself, it was worthy of his strong invitation.

In his opinion, this Mr. Gu is definitely more prominent than him, and in his eyes, this yacht cannot be taken down without billions at all.

"It must be!" Gu Chen replied politely.

"Mr. Gu, be sure to leave a contact information, I will report anything in the future!" said Chen Feng very seriously at this time.

Gu Chen looked at his expression and knew that it was sincere, so he readily agreed and gave him his contact information.

Then the group left directly.

"It seems that they are all sons and sons of rich families!" only then did Xu Shishi speak.

"If you don't have money, you will drive a yacht to play here?" said Gu Chen after giving a white look.

Looking at Chen Feng's circle of friends, I found that this guy really will enjoy ah! Scenic spots around the world to check in, as well as super sports photos!

"Hee, but no matter how rich they are, there is no brother you have money!"

Xu Shishi quickly patted a.


Suddenly, Chu Xinyi and Han Yumian smiled.

Gu Chen also smiled.

I just observed, and many of them were secretly watching Sister Xinyi and Sister Mianmian!"

Chu Xinyi and Han Yumian came to Xu Shishi to fight.

For a while, the spring light appeared inside, so it was not tempting, and Gu Chen coughed and left here.

At this time, Zhou Shao and his party also returned to their yacht.

They looked at the Dream Ship that was fading away, and they were all very envious, after all, compared with the other party's, his electric oil heater seemed to be a lot shivering, especially the two latest helicopters parked on the other party's deck, it was simply inhumane!

"Do any of you know that Huahai has a Gu family?"

Zhou Zhiwei asked everyone curiously.

He thought about it for a long time, but he really couldn't think of Hua Hai and a wealthy family surnamed Gu.

After all, the upper circles across the country are actually connected, and as the top circle in Yuhang City, they also know about Huahai.

Everyone shook their heads when they heard this.

"Brother Zhou, I just found that Mr. Gu has a woman in the boat who seems to be a star!" one of the men behind suddenly said.

"Yes, I feel it too. One

or two echoed.

"With that Mr. Gu's strength, is it difficult to find a star?" said Zhou Zhiwei speechlessly.

"Eh?" The

person who suddenly spoke was stunned, and then a little embarrassed, after all, they had not looked for this big card slot before.

After all, the hottest person in the circle now is Han Yumian, she may not be the biggest coffee position, but she is definitely the hottest at present.

As the yacht moved farther and farther away from them, they racked their brains and couldn't figure out when this person appeared in Huahai City.

"That Mr. Gu should be very low-key.

At this time, Chen Feng also spoke softly.

Everyone nodded when they heard this.

"Just go back and ask Hua Hai's friend!" said Zhou Zhiwei lightly.

After he made up his mind to go back, he naturally wanted to understand Gu Chen.


At this time, Gu Chen was directing the yacht to several very famous sea attractions, which made everyone feast their eyes.

At night, everyone was still chatting on the deck, looking at the starry sky overhead.

The two-day sea trip made their souls feel washed.

Suddenly, Gu Chen's mobile phone rang.

He was stunned for a moment and then opened it to see that it was Gan Le who called.

"Hey, why did you kid call!" asked Gu Chen with a smile.

"Brother Dust, are you still having fun at sea? Finally got through to your phone!" Gan

Le suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

The devil knows how many times he called today before he got through.

"Eh?" Gu

Chen really didn't pay attention, after all, there was a signal in this vast sea, but he looked at the flaming island not far away, and he could understand why there was a signal now.

"Brother Dust, someone found me this time, and he wants to see you!"

Then Gan Le did not entangle this topic and said directly.

"Who?" said Gu Chen with a raised eyebrow.

I unconsciously remembered the call in the morning, and guessed that it should be related to that call.

"It's a man named Gu Yuanding, he is the supervisor of Qiyin and the uncle of the arrogant man that day.

Sure enough, Ganle's words confirmed his guess.

To his surprise, it turned out that this Gu Yuanding was the uncle of the person in charge of the Qiyin Huahai branch that day.

"Oh, what is he looking for me for?" asked Gu Chen curiously.

"He apologized to Brother Dust!" explained Gan Le with a smile.


muttered Gu Chen, it seemed that Qiyin had found out my identity.

Although he didn't hide much, it was quite powerful to find out his identity so simply.

"Yes, Brother Dust, now he is in my living room, do you want to meet him!" asked Gan Le after nodding after hearing this.

"By the way, he also said that he was responsible for everything that happened before, and he would definitely give Hamandan a satisfactory explanation!

Gu Chen thought for a while, and then said, "What did Hamandan say?" "

He said everything is according to yours

!" "This way, let's talk about it when I go back!"

"Brother Dust, when will you come back?"

Gu Chen thought about playing at sea for two days, and he was basically playing, and it was boring to stay any longer.

"Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow!"

Gan Le was very happy when he heard this.

"Okay!" and

then the two hung up.

At this time, a high-end villa area in Huahai, in a villa.

Gan Le hung up the phone and returned to the living room.

An old-looking man looked over instantly.

"Mr. Gan, what did Mr. Gu say?" looked

at Gan Le with great anticipation, at this time he was already cornered, and after coming to Haihua, he knew how high the status of this Mr. Gu was, and he couldn't see it at all.

"Brother Chen said to wait for him to come back!" Gan

Le saw a man who was even older than his father whispering to him, he suddenly felt bored, and his attitude towards Gu Jinhui before also disappeared, and said.

"Mr. Gu is not in Huahai?"

Supervisor Gu was stunned, and he didn't care about Gu Chen's tone, and asked anxiously.

Brother Chen and his family went out to play!" replied Gan Le with a smile.



if Mr. Gan gets the news, please tell me as soon as possible!"

"Uh-huh, don't worry!" agreed with a nod of his head.

He was a little embarrassed, but he didn't expect that the famous Seven Tones, a high-ranking supervisor-level task, would one day ask for him.

The most important thing he did in the first half of his life was to hold Mr. Gu's thighs tightly, otherwise he would still be a rich second generation.

Then Gu Supervisor left.

Gu Chen, who was far away on the sea, also continued to participate in the chat.

"Xiao Chen, let's go back tomorrow, it's boring to see it on the sea for a long time!" suddenly Gu's mother said.

"Yes, Xiaochen, I still have to deal with school affairs after I go back, so I'll go back tomorrow!" said Chu Mu as well.

Obviously, he had passed the anger with Gu's mother before.

"Okay!" Gu

Chen didn't say anything when he heard this, originally his plan was to go back tomorrow, and when he was about to say it, he was preempted by them.

Afterwards, the atmosphere of everyone was not affected by this, and after chatting for a while, they dispersed.

At this time, the yacht has long been parked in place.

One night without a word.

Gu Chen asked the yacht to return early in the morning.

When it was close to noon, he also saw the outline of the port, and Gu Chen and the others were also faintly excited, after all, people still stood on the ground more steadily.

Then Gu Chen also instructed Jack that they could naturally get off the boat to play, and to maintain and inspect the yacht, which is the process that every boat must do after returning home.

"Brother Dust!" Several

people came to the previous parking lot, and suddenly a shout sounded.

Everyone saw that it was Gan Le.

"Hello uncles and aunts!" "

It's Xiaole, why are you here?" asked Gu's mother with a smile.

"If you have something to do with me, then you will go back first!

Then he nodded to a few people and got into the car with Gan Le and left.

The rest of the people naturally dispersed, Chu Xinyi and Chu's mother went back together, and Gu's father and Gu's mother and Xu Shishi left together.

As for the bodyguards, they naturally re-disappeared into the secret and continued to protect Gu Chen and the others.

In the car.

"Brother Dust, how are you playing at sea?" asked Gan Le with a smile.

"It's okay!" Gu Chen nodded and replied with a smile.

"It's a pity, if it weren't for something, I would have gone to see it!" Gan

Le showed a look of pity.

"There will be more opportunities in the future, in fact, this time is not the best, just wait until the summer to go again!" Gu Chen said with a smile and shaking his head.

Gan Le showed a sense of longing.

"By the way, Brother Dust, do you want to meet the person who saw the seven tones now?" then asked.

"Where is he?"

Gu Chen agreed after thinking about it.

"It should be in the Seven Tone Division, but just give him a word, Brother Dust, you are back, he should come over immediately!" said Gan Le with a smile as he stared intently ahead.

"Then find a place to meet!" "


Then Gan Le informed Supervisor Gu.

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