About an hour later, Gan Le took Gu Chen to a high-end teahouse.

At this time, Supervisor Gu had already arrived at the door and was waiting.

When he saw Gan Le, he greeted him.

He saw Gu Chen at a glance.

"Presumably this is Mr. Gu!" Gu

Chen nodded, and then walked directly upstairs.

Supervisor Ling Gu was stunned, but he didn't dare to say anything.

After the three entered the room.

"Mr. Gu, come this time, I am here to apologize to Mr. Gu on behalf of Qiyin!" said Gu Supervisor as he stood up and said sincerely.

"Oh?" "

Before, our Huahai branch had a blind eye to Mount Tai and bumped into Mr. Gu, and I sincerely apologize to Mr. Gu on behalf of Qiyin!" said Gu Supervisor with a calm face.

"Supervisor Gu, let's not say anything more, I only ask one, before Huahai's Qiyin pit my friend's more than 200 million, how to calculate this account?" Gu Chen didn't say anything, and asked directly.

"Mr. Gu, please rest assured, I will definitely return it in full!" said Gu Supervisor quickly when he heard this.

"Oh?" Gu

Chen glanced at it.

"Mr. Gu, not only will I pay it back, but I will also compensate for the loss caused by your friend!" Seeing

that Gu Chen was dissatisfied, his heart burst out, and he quickly said the words he had prepared long ago.

And also lifted a box from under the feet and placed it on the table.

"Mr. Gu, this is my compensation to your friend!" said respectfully after opening it.

But the heart is dripping blood.

Gu Chen and the two looked at it, the box was a shiny cup, and at a glance, it seemed that there was a charm of historical precipitation.

"This is the curio that Mr. Gu's friend asked for before, Ming Chenghua Doucai Chicken Cup !"

explained Gu Chen's expression after seeing Gu Chen's expression.

"Oh?" Gu

Chen heard this and looked again, it turned out that Hamandan wanted this before

, and suddenly became interested, such a small cup, not as big as a palm, is worth more than 200 million?

Gu Chen did not pay attention to Supervisor Gu's expression, he only felt that this cup was neither light nor heavy, and the texture was very different from the previous cup, with a rustling texture, which was very comfortable.

And the pattern on the outer wall is very vivid, full of interest, as if it were real, you know that it is absolutely extraordinary.

After playing with it for a while, he put it back in the box, and Ling Gu's heart was finally put down.

This is a rare treasure, there are only ten in existence, and if there is really one less, there will be one less!"

Gu Chen was so willing?" and then Gu Chen asked with a smile.

"Mr. Gu said and smiled, as long as Mr. Gu is happy, the so-called BMW gift hero! This Mingchenghua Doucai chicken cylinder cup just happens to be related to Mr. Gu's friend!"

"Well, since Supervisor Gu said so, then I will accept it for my friend! After all, this is Supervisor Gu's intention!" said Gu Chen with a smile.

When the tone reached Gu Supervisor's ears, his heart was twitching, this Mr. Gu was simply murderous!

"It should be!" But

he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction, and he had to smile.

"But everyone involved in that matter will be punished!" Gu

Chen nodded, feeling that the other party was still on the way, worthy of being an old fox who had lived for so long, and continued.

"Naturally, since those people have broken the law, they must be dealt with according to law! They must not be tolerated!" Hearing

Gu Chen say this, Gu Chen's heart was overjoyed, because this meant that Mr. Gu had stopped pursuing it.

"Okay, in that case, this matter is over here!" Gu

Chen thought about it and there was nothing embarrassing, so he readily agreed, after all, the other party was so cooperative that he couldn't start! and also lost more than 200 million worth of rare antiques.

"Thank you Mr. Gu for your benevolence and righteousness, raise your noble hand!" Hearing

that Supervisor Gu was very surprised, he did not expect that this Mr. Gu would be exposed so easily.

That is, let Qiyin withdraw from Huahai, if he passes this news back, then his status will not only not decline, but also rise.

Suddenly my heart was ecstatic.

"It's just that you Qiyin crossed the boundary!"

Gu Chen said lightly, he was also detailed before, and he knew about Qiyin.

Although they are powerful, they are very low-key, and they will all follow the rules, and what he met in Huahai that day was simply very coincidental and accidental.

"Mr. Gu, please rest assured, in the future, we Qiyin will definitely follow the rules!" said Supervisor Gu quickly and honestly.

"But I don't believe you anymore, I don't want to see Qiyin in the future. Suddenly

, Gu Chen's words directly caused Supervisor Gu to hit the top like five thunders.

His wishful thinking was directly broken by Gu Chen's words.

"Why, Supervisor Gu doesn't agree?" Gu Chen asked lightly when he saw Supervisor Gu's stunned expression.

Gu Supervisor was excited, and suddenly felt a lot of taste in his heart, but he still hurriedly said: "No, no, no, since Mr. Gu thinks it is okay, then we will withdraw from Huahai in Qiyin!"

Finally, Gu Supervisor left the room bitterly.

"Brother Dust, I didn't expect Qiyin to give in so much!" said Gan Le with emotion.

He didn't expect that Brother Chen could let the domineering and famous Qiyin exit Huahai City, which really surprised him.


Gu Chen picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip gently, very naturally.

"By the way, Hamandan, that guy, do you know where it is?" then Gu Chen continued to ask.

Brother Dust, who are the people you know? Their Inspectorate's attitude towards me and him is surprisingly good, and the efficiency is also very high!"

Actually, I was quite surprised, I didn't expect that person's efficiency to be so fast!" said Gu Chen mysteriously.

He was also very curious after learning about the specific situation.

"Okay, call Hamandan over! Gee, Qiyin is quite generous! Treasures worth more than 200 million are regarded as a gift, it's really rich!" Gu Chen looked at the box and said with a smile.

In fact, how did he know that this was Supervisor Gu's private apology! All this was paid for by himself! For more than 200 million, he hollowed out the old bottom, and also sold a lot of assets.

For people like them, they generally don't leave too much cash, and they take it out to replace the industry to invest.

For their level, it is natural that money makes money faster.

After leaving, Supervisor Gu left Huahai with regret and sadness when he saw his son for the last time, but this time he finally retained his position, although his status will drop a lot later, but at least he is still the supervisor.

Nearly an hour passed in Gu Chen and Gan Le chatting in the teahouse, and Hamandan also arrived as promised.

"Gu Chen, Ganle!" greeted

with a smile as soon as he came in.

Because the more than 200 million he was punished before has already arrived, he is naturally very happy.

"Well, here it is!" Gu Chen said after asking him to sit down: "Nuo, this is the compensation for the loss caused by Qiyin to you before!" Then

Gu Chen opened the box on the table and pushed it towards Hamandan.

The latter looked at it suspiciously and was immediately taken aback.

Then he excitedly picked up the cup in the box with both hands, as if caring for his beloved.

I admired the cup with fascination.

"This cup is called the Ming Chenghua Doucai Chicken Bowl Cup, which is one of the peak techniques of burning porcelain during the Ming Dynasty, it is the emperor's imperial wine cup, a treasure among treasures, originally I was not sure before, but now I am very sure that this is the real thing, it can be called a priceless treasure!"

"Oh, Hamandan didn't expect you to know so well?" Gu

Chen and Gan Le were taken aback when they heard this, and Gu Chen asked jokingly after the two glanced at each other.

"Hehe, when I studied Chinese culture before, I was naturally very interested in these cultural crystals handed down from ancient times, plus I had a special understanding before, so I was naturally very familiar!"


Gu Chen smiled and shook his head.

"Okay, don't look at it, this is Qiyin's compensation for you, there will be more time in the future!"

Hamandan was even more ecstatic in his eyes when he heard this, and his blue eyes were even more regretful.

I saw him shook his head and said, "Gu Chen, I can't ask for this!" As

soon as the words fell, Gu Chen and Gan Le were stunned.

"Hamandan, don't you like this very much, why not?" asked Gan Le curiously.

"Although I like this very much, but I have specifically understood before, this is a national treasure of your country, foreigners are not allowed to sell it privately, so Gu Chen, thank you for your kindness, and you don't have to have it if you like it." Hamandan said squarely when he heard this.

"Okay, then I'll accept this, and I'll transfer the money for this cup to you!" Since this involved a national treasure, Gu Chen also became serious and said slowly.

"No need, Gu Chen, this was originally the compensation that Qiyin gave you, if it weren't for you, I think it would be my more than 200 million and not come back!"

Gu Chen looked at the insistent Hamandan and agreed, after all, the two of them were not short of this money.

The three then chatted in the teahouse for an afternoon before leaving separately.

Gu Chen came empty-handed, but when he left, he had an extra suitcase.

Back home, the family was naturally very interested in Gu Chen's things, so Gu Chen roughly said the previous things, and then opened the box for everyone to see.

When everyone heard that this cup was worth more than 200 million, they naturally looked at it very carefully, for fear that their breathing would be damaged if they breathed heavily, which made Gu Chen happy.

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