"Yes, Hamandan is right, as a historical and cultural treasure of our Huaxia, naturally we cannot be exiled overseas!"

After all, his patriotic feelings are naturally very large.

"Xiao Chen, your father is right, it seems that your thinking still needs to be improved!" Gu's mother also agreed very much.

Gu Chen's face was full of black lines.

"Or will this cup be given to your second elder?" Gu Chen waved his hand directly and said casually.

"Don't, we don't have the eye to appreciate this!" Father Gu directly refused.

For him, who often works in the construction site, it is really difficult for him to have this ability to appreciate art, after all, he is not the kind of person who does not know how to pretend to understand and is elegant.

"Don't leave it at home, if I accidentally break it while cleaning one day, it's a huge loss." Gu Mu said immediately.

She couldn't imagine what it would be like if she accidentally broke it at that time, but it was better to just prevent it.

"Eh?" Gu

Chen was stunned, he didn't expect his parents to have this expression.

For this rare treasure-level thing, others must love it, and it is too late to grab it in their hands!

It made him wonder if it was an illusion.

That's when his cell phone rang.

When I opened it, I saw that it was Chu Xinyi calling, so he quickly picked it up.

"Hey, Xinyi. "

Well, Brother Dust, where are you?" asked Chu Xinyi with a smile.

Gu Chen could hear her mood and was very happy.

"Oh, what's wrong, see you're very happy

!" "Uh-huh, my dad, he's actually back!" "

Ah, when did uncle come back?" Gu

Chen was a little surprised.

"It didn't take long to come back, really, if only I came back early!" Chu

Xinyi was a little regretful.

"It's okay!" Gu Chen comforted.

He naturally understood what the other party meant.

"By the way, my dad wants to invite you over for dinner?" asked Chu Xinyi a little embarrassed and asked softly.

"Xinyi, Xiao Chen, he will come over immediately!" At this time, Gu's mother, who was eavesdropping, directly snatched Gu Chen's mobile phone and said directly.

Gu Chen suddenly didn't know what to say, and looked at Gu's mother very helplessly.

"Auntie, you..." Chu

Xinyi did not expect that Gu's mother's voice would suddenly come from the mobile phone, a little embarrassed, and the voice was like a fine mosquito.

"Hehe, Xinyi, when did you ask your parents to come here for a meal!" asked Gu's mother with a smile.

"Auntie, I... I'll ask my parents!"

Then Gu's mother returned the phone to Gu Chen after getting the answer she wanted.

"Hey, Xinyi. "

Well, do you have time to come over?"

He then hung up.

"Since Xinyi's father has returned, you just have to look at it, isn't her father an archaeologist?

Suddenly, Gu's mother also brightened, and hurriedly said: "Not bad, since we are not interested, you might as well give it to Xinyi's father, he is professional, give him the best use of his hand."

Gu Chen's eyes lit up and felt that this proposal was very good.

So I repacked the box, then walked to the savings room and chose a set of top cosmetics and a bottle of good wine that I had previously drawn in the Taobao lottery.

Then he left the house under Gu's mother's earnest gaze.

Came to the underground parking lot, put the gift in his hand on the co-pilot, and directly started the car and drove out of Tomson Yipin.


An hour later, Gu Chen arrived at the Chu family villa in a light car.

Chu Xinyi, who heard the movement, naturally waited at the door early.

"You're here!" "

Uh-huh!" Gu

Chen brought out all the co-pilot's things.

"Why are you still carrying things?" said Chu Xinyi with a sudden anger.

But her heart was very happy, because it meant that Gu Chen took her to heart and respected her family very much, which made her very moved.

"Let's go! Seeing your own husband, you naturally want to carry something! This is some of the thoughts of the junior.

Then Gu Chen hurriedly urged Chu Xinyi to enter the house.

The inside was the same as the last time he came, and he walked in very skillfully.

An old man naturally sat firmly in the center, and on the right hand sat Chu's mother, who was separated in the morning, and Chu's father, who had not been seen for a long time.

"Grandpa Chu is good, Uncle Chu and Aunt Chu are good!" said Gu Chen with a smile.

"Xiao Chen is here!" Suddenly

, Old Master Chu and Chu's father and mother also showed a kind smile.

"Sit down.

Gu Chen also sat down unceremoniously and put all the things in his hand on the table.

"You kid, what kind of gift do you bring when you come!" said Chu's mother angrily.

However, the joy in his eyes could not be concealed.

She actually didn't care about any gifts, what she cared about was Gu Chen's attitude of taking them to heart, which was what they liked.

"Nothing, just the hearts of some juniors. Gu Chen said with a smile and didn't care.

"Grandpa Chu, I know that you like to drink, this is wine for you, I hope you like it!" handed

one of the gift boxes containing wine to Old Master Chu.

"Oh, then I have to take a look!" said Old Man Chu with a red face, very happy.

Because he has a grandson-in-law like Gu Chen, he is naturally very happy, every time he goes out, he is holding his head high, and several friends are very envious of him, making his face rise ah! Although their Chu family is not as big as the other party, but that has the ability to his granddaughter!

"This is..." Suddenly

Old Master Chu's eyes widened.

Quickly stepped forward, opened his glasses and took a closer look.

The more I look at it, the more excited I become.

"Dad, what kind of wine is this?" Father

Chu saw his old son so excited, and suddenly felt that this wine was very unusual.

"If I'm not mistaken, this is the legendary Emperor of Wine, Han Emperor Moutai!" Old man Chu was very excited and said tremblingly.

"What?" Everyone

was shocked, although they didn't know what it meant, but a bottle of wine with the emperor, the words of the emperor of Han, it was really extraordinary.

What's more, the old man was still so excited, as long as he thought about it more, he knew that this bottle of wine was definitely not simple.

"Do you know that this wine has only produced ten bottles, and I still don't know if there are any of them, so this bottle is the only bottle in the world, I remember that there was an auction in the last millennium, and it once reached a high price of more than ten million, but unfortunately it was too late when I got the news at that time!"

Old man Chu said with a trace of regret when he said this, but it was quickly replaced by the surprise in front of him.

He did not expect that his grandson-in-law still had a bottle in his hand, which shocked him very much.

You know, this is not something you can get with money.

The others were also shocked by Old Master Chu's words, only Gu Chen's face was as old as ever, because there were still five bottles of this bottle of wine in his storage room, so there was nothing surprised.

Old man Chu carefully took it out and looked at it, the wine bottle was a white porcelain wine bottle with the shape of two dragon play pearls, and it was also equipped with two gold-bronze gilded cups, and there was a production number and a collection certificate imitating the ancient emperor's holy decree at the bottom of the box.

The bottle lipstick streamer is the seal body Han Emperor Moutai wine.

The back is marked with the red seal of "Handi Moutai Wine" in the seal body, as well as the Chinese and English introduction of this wine, with the volume and alcohol content at the bottom.

It looks luxurious and eye-catching.

Old man Chu was a little fond of it, and after admiring it for a while, he saw everyone looking at him.

Put the bottle down, sit back in its place, and smile.

"This wine can be brewed with a hundred years of fine Moutai alcohol heart, which is attributed to the essence of Chinese national wine culture, the wine body is mellow, the sauce aroma is prominent, elegant and delicate, the aftertaste is long, the empty cup leaves fragrant, it is a symbol of power, wealth, and dignity, and it is also a boutique for collection and appreciation.

Everyone was shocked and flashed when they heard this, and they understood why the old man was so gaffe just now, where is this wine!

Even Gu Chen is the same, where does he usually observe these, he thought that they were ordinary things, all of them were put into the storage room and wine storage room by him, and now that he thinks about it, those are all fine products in the outside world!

Because there is not only one kind of Han Emperor Moutai, there are others, since it is with Han Emperor Moutai, it means that it is absolutely impossible to be worse than Han Emperor Moutai!

But he quickly gave up, because he was afraid that when the time came, Old Master Chu would suddenly be excited and have a direct heart attack, then he would be guilty.

"Xiao Chen, I am very happy with your filial piety, but I definitely can't accept such a precious thing! Old man Chu looked at the wine with great reluctance, and then said positively.

"Yes, Xiao Chen, this is too precious, you better take it home!" Father

Chu was the same, he thought it was a very ordinary wine, but he didn't expect it to come from such a big source, and he immediately persuaded.

Although they knew that with Gu Chen's value, this wine was not worth mentioning to him, but these were two different things, and their Chu family was not the kind of person who climbed the dragon and attached the phoenix.

"Grandpa Chu, since it is a gift for you, how can there be any reason to take it back!" Gu Chen refused with a smile.

Seeing what else they wanted to say, Gu Chen quickly continued: "This is really nothing compared to my Xinyi, Grandpa Chu, don't refuse!

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