Originally, Gu Chen didn't want to tell the truth, but seeing that the other party didn't accept it, he had no choice but to tell the truth.

"What?" As

soon as Gu Chen's words fell, Old Master Chu, including Chu Xinyi, was suddenly shocked, and his mouth was enough to stuff goose eggs.

Especially Old Master Chu, he clearly knew the preciousness of this wine, but he didn't expect that Gu Chen still had five bottles in his home, no wonder this wine disappeared as soon as it came out, making people only hear its name and not see it.

Unexpectedly, most of them arrived at Gu Chen.

For Gu Chen's words, they naturally had no doubts.

After all, with his status, plus this kind of thing, there is no need to lie at all.

"So, Grandpa Chu's wine is very precious to outsiders, but to me, it is very common!" explained Gu Chen with a chuckle.

Although he was telling the truth, everyone couldn't help but want to scold him when they saw Gu Chen's appearance

! "In that case, then I will accept it cheekily!

He really liked this wine so much, when Ming'er was free, he only had to mention the wine to his friends, and then he would feel very comfortable seeing their envious and jealous expressions.

"Grandpa Chu, you can accept it with confidence!" said Gu Chen with a smile.

Then he handed a packaging bag to Chu Mu.

"Aunt Chu, this is a set of cosmetics I gave you, I hope you like

it!" Chu's mother took it happily after experiencing Handi Moutai, and suddenly said with a smile: "Then thank you Xiaochen!"

She opened it and saw that it was the L'Oreal Limited Edition ranked first in cosmetics, and she was overjoyed.

When Gu Chen saw Chu Mu's expression, he knew that the other party was very satisfied, and he was also very proud in his heart.

Then he opened the last box, and before he could say anything, he saw Father Chu's face suddenly change.

Immediately put his face into the box, his eyes widened, and the more he looked at it, the more excited he became.

Others are baffled.

Then he looked up at Gu Chen's confident expression, and he was suddenly ecstatic.

"What are you two playing dumb riddles here, isn't this just a cup?" Chu Xinyi interrupted when she saw her father look like this.

"What do you know?" At

this time, Father Chu also reacted, and directly got up and took out a toolbox from the cabinet on the wall.

Very professionally put on a pair of white gloves and take out a magnifying glass.

After that, he slowly started his hands, moving very carefully and gently.

Seeing this scene, Gu Chen suddenly remembered his previous actions, and he couldn't bear to look at it directly!"

"This should be the Ming Chenghua Doucai Chicken Cylinder Cup, this cup was fired with Ouyang official kiln during the Chenghua Emperor period of the Ming Dynasty, and it was appreciated for its novel shape, fresh and lovely decoration, and exquisite craftsmanship, which was very noble, and had great historical value and collection value for research." Father Chu praised as if on pilgrimage.

"Yes, Uncle Chu is worthy of being an expert, and he can recognize it at a glance!" said Gu Chen with a smile.

"Is it worth it?" asked Chu Xinyi very curiously.

This is a priceless treasure, a treasure of the world!" Hearing

this, Father Chu glared at Chu Xinyi fiercely and scolded.

Then the words changed: "The existing existence is very rare, a total of no more than ten pieces have been found, some are in exile overseas, four pieces are in several major provincial museums in China, and a few have not been heard from for a long time, one appeared at the Foxconn auction the year before last, and it was auctioned for a sky-high price of more than 200 million!"

"Xiao Chen, how did you get this cup?" and

then asked curiously about the origin after sighing.

He knew that this son-in-law was very powerful, so he wanted to inquire.

"This ah, someone else sent me!" Gu

Chen smiled.


everyone was taken aback again, looking at Gu Chen in disbelief.

This is worth more than 200 million, even with the current size of the Chu family, it is also a number that cannot be ignored!"

"Here's the thing! I have to start with a friend of mine..."

So Gu Chen said the previous things again.

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, shocked by Gu Jinhui's madness and Gu Chen's good luck.

"So you went out that night to deal with this matter?" At

this time, Chu Xinyi suddenly realized, obviously he still had an impression.

"Hmm!" Gu Chenwan smiled.

"Seven Tone Auction House?"

Old Master Chu and Father Chu showed their thoughts.

"I didn't expect that the current Qiyin was already so unbearable?"

Old man Chu remembered something, and there was embarrassment in his eyes.

Apparently he had heard about it too.

Father Chu, on the other hand, was very curious about what kind of auction house this was, and he had not heard of such a precious treasure.

Just as he was about to ask, Old Master Chu continued: "Seven Yin Auction House, forty years ago, was a huge underground force, the power once spread throughout East Asia, and finally suffered heavy losses for various reasons, directly from light to dark, disappeared in front of the world's eyes, focused on auction work, known for professionalism and good reputation, but I didn't expect that the current Seven Tone was so unbearable!"

Now Qiyin has withdrawn from Huahai City!" Gu Chen nodded.


Old man Chu was surprised.

Although he is home for the elderly, he is extremely sensitive to some news.

Although Qiyin is now down, the energy is still very large, in Huahai, the largest city in China, how can it be given up!

He suddenly thought of something and looked up at Gu Chen.

I found that his face was as usual, but he understood it in his heart.

"Uncle Chu, I think this Mingchenghua Doucai Chicken Cylinder Cup can only be of maximum use when placed in your hand!

Immediately, everyone was stunned again, and then shocked.

Especially Father Chu, although he had a faint guess in his heart before, but now he heard Gu Chen say this, it was still unbelievable.

"This... Xiao Chen, no, this is too precious!" Then Father Chu shook his head and said seriously.

The other Chu family members also did not speak, because this is too expensive

, worth more than 200 million!"

"Uncle Chu, this is an ordinary cup for me, it has no value in my hands, only in the hands of a knowledgeable person like you, it will be worth more than 200 million." Gu Chen explained.

Seeing that Father Chu still wanted to say more, he continued: "Therefore, if you want this treasure to regain its own value, it can only be in the hands of those who understand it!" As

soon as Gu Chen's words fell, Father Chu was silent, because what he said was the truth, and people nowadays are too pursuing the economic value brought by antiques, thus ignoring its own historical value and collection value.

"Okay, but I'm helping you keep it, Xiao Chen, you can take it whenever you want!" There was silence for a long time, and finally Father Chu said in a deep voice.

"Uncle Chu..." Gu

Chen still wanted to say something, but Father Chu's firm eyes, Gu Chen agreed after thinking about it.

Anyway, he doesn't plan to ask for it, he has to keep these curios carefully every day, how can he have so much time, so it's better to give it directly to Father Chu and give it to his favorite, the best of both worlds.

In the end, everyone was naturally happy, and the Chu family liked Gu Chen even more.

On the wine table, Gu Chen accompanied Old Master Chu to drink several glasses of wine, so that at night he stayed directly in the Chu family and slept in the guest room.

At night, the Gu family saw that Gu Chen had not returned yet, and Gu's mother was very happy.

"It seems that Xiao Chen will not come back tonight!"

Gu's mother looked happy, she was very happy that her son would not return at night, if Gu

Chen knew it, it would be depressing.

Father Gu had no idea, shaking his head and still looking at his mobile phone.

Holding your broken phone every day, I see you want to talk to your phone!"

The sound of the two of them stirring up as the night grew thicker and farther, and the sound naturally gradually dissipated, which is basically the case in thousands of families in the city.

The night is fleeting, day and night alternate, the sun and the moon change, and when the last darkness is replaced by day, it is already dawn.

Gu Chen's biological clock that Gu Chen had cultivated in the past also sounded on time, and he woke up immediately, and a gentle headache also came.

He patted the door of his head, remembering that he drank a lot of wine last night, although he didn't feel much at first, but now the sequelae are coming, when he wakes up, naturally it is a sharp pain in the head and a dry throat, which is also the result of his very strong physical fitness.

"It seems that I will drink less bars in the future!"

muttered, and then planned to get up and prepare to do a few gentle exercises.

Walking out the door softly, except for the aunt who was invited, he was particularly deserted.

"Well, the air here is very good!" exhaled softly, Gu Chen said in a low voice.

After doing a few aerobic exercises, the weather has been white, and he did not dare to sweat, after all, this is not his home, and it is very inconvenient to change without clothes.

After having breakfast with the Chu family, Father Chu answered the phone and left in a hurry.

Subsequently, Gu Chen also offered to leave.

Then he stayed at home and did not go out, and the May Day holiday soon passed.

Gu Chen went to work in good spirits, and for a while he felt that everyone's spirit did not seem to be very good, he knew very well that this was the after-effects of the holiday, and the holiday was too hi, so he had not eased up now.

Then he went to the office, and after the holiday, his affairs naturally increased.

The whole day is spent in the process of processing documents and signing.

Three days passed quickly, and Gu Chen was still in the office on this day, but his things were done, so he casually began to lie down and paddle.

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