Suddenly, his cell phone rang.


he picked up without looking.

"Mr. Gu, have you forgotten that you still have a company?"

came a thick grumbling voice from the mobile phone.

"Eh?" Gu

Chen was stunned for a moment, and then reacted.


Mr. Gu,

I know that Xia will be officially launched in two days, and many things in the company need you to control!" said Mr. Xia's voice leisurely.

"Well, so soon?" Gu

Chen was stunned, he really didn't think about it.

"Isn't this the day you decided?"

He is full of expectations for this fabric.

This can definitely break the existing fabric technology! Set off a sharp weapon in the clothing industry!

So Gu Chen called an assistant and went straight to Yun City.

A few hours later, Gu Chen was already sitting in the office of the chairman of Zhixia Clothing Company.

At this time, Xia Ning, who had not been seen for a long time, naturally wanted to report the company's big and small affairs and the situation.

"President Xia, how was May Day?" asked Gu Chen very politely.

"Not good!" asked Xia Ning angrily.

Who still has the mind to play at such an important moment in the company?"

Hearing this, Gu Chen felt that the other party meant something, and he was suddenly a little embarrassed.

Is the advertisement still playing?" said Gu Chen quickly.

"Yes, since the last endorsement with Miss Han, our attention has skyrocketed, coupled with our investment regardless of losses, we now know that the brand of Xia is very popular!

She has devoted a lot of thought to Zhixia, and her feelings are much deeper than Gu Chen.

"Not bad!" Gu

Chen nodded when he heard this, and then opened the computer to browse the company's website, looking at the comfortable interface, smooth web pages, nodding repeatedly, good, very satisfied.

Then I looked at the number of visitors and followers of the website, 2.87 million, well! Good!

Then I listened to Xia Ning report on the development direction of this period, personnel changes, partners, and factory consumption.

Then he accompanied Gu Chen to the factory for a circle.

"Now my dad has developed a better fabric, and it has also reduced the difficulty of production, and it can now be fully supplied to garment factories." And garment factories are now able to produce 100,000 sets of clothes a day! Xia Ning reported as he walked.

Gu Chen was very satisfied: "It's hard work!"

and then praised with a smile.

The corners of the latter's mouth rose slightly, and the corners of his eyes narrowed, obviously in a very happy mood.

Then Gu Chen stayed here for the next two days.

At this time, there was a large conference room in Zhu City.

There were more than ten people sitting in it.

These people are of almost all ages, both men and women.

At the front, there was a young man.

"Guys, tomorrow is the day when Zhixia is put on the shelves, and it is also the time for us to start, I wonder what else do you have to say now?"

"Mr. Zhang, all of us can be described as one this time, and we have long been ready for Zhixia, I don't believe that Zhixia can survive under our siege!" said a middle-aged man in the middle right of the young man with a smile.

"Good, knowing that Xia entered this industry so high-profile, he must give him an unforgettable memory and let him understand the depth of this industry!

"Yes, this time we will join forces and directly give him a bottom draw! let him understand the cruelty of this line!" the

young man also showed a grim smile.

That's right, it was Zhang Yunlong at this time.

These people are also representatives of the clothing industry, and they are gathered at this time to deal with the most famous Zhixia in the clothing industry.

It is Zhixia, because this paragraph of Zhixia's unreckless investment and the sensation it has caused has aroused everyone's vigilance and anxiety, so in order not to let the industry enter a cross-river dragon again, plus Zhang Yunlong's leadership, so there is this joint suppression.

"Okay, in that case, all the factories are ready to be ready, okay, let's prepare for delivery tomorrow!" Zhang Yunlong said loudly when he saw everyone's expressions.

His heart was very excited, and his heart was hot when he remembered the Xia Ning he saw that day, and then he remembered seeing that the other party rejected him, and said coldly, and a sense of revenge came to him.

He was already in his mind, and after the new products were released after the automatic brain made up for the summer, many pirated copies suddenly appeared.

And the price is much lower than theirs, and the sense of panic, as well as the user's abuse and black heart, etc., feel very happy.

Then he descended from the sky and appeared next to that President Xia like a savior, offering to buy the other party.

The other party suddenly showed excitement and joy, and was very grateful to himself and finally had a good impression, and then he tried to show a wave, and suddenly the other party fell in love with himself...

Thinking of this, his heart was suddenly hot, and he couldn't wait to implement the plan immediately.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, our side is ready, the factories in our various companies have already printed tens of thousands of sets of clothes exactly the same as Zhixia, maybe this time we can take advantage of the other party's popularity to make a wave!" one of the representatives said with a smile.

Now Zhixia can be described as very hot, their company's financial calculation, this period of Zhixia's advertising expenses are not counting the endorsement fee of the well-known star Han Yumian, not less than 300 million, when this result is calculated, all the senior management of their company are shocked.

Then came panic, because the strength of the company was really scary.

If they really stand in this industry, they can predict in the future, I am afraid that this is another company with strong capital.

So they immediately decided that they must prevent each other from entering.

And at this time, someone happened to take the lead, and even if something happened, it would not be their turn, so naturally they were in favor of both hands.

And maybe they can make a wave from this incident, not only him, but other representatives think so, so there is this cooperation.

What stupid people are in the world of capital.

They treated Zhang Yunlong as pawns, and Zhang Yunlong didn't treat them as pawns!

Zhixia, who was thousands of miles away, naturally did not know that a huge conspiracy was about to rush towards them.

At this time, there were still eight hours left before Zhixia was put on the shelves, and everyone was very nervous and expectant at this time.

Xia Ning spent her time directly in the company, and she has been thinking about the shortcomings and what needs to be improved.

Although he was very satisfied with the company's style design and fabrics, he was still very nervous at the moment.

Gu Chen, on the other hand, did not have so many thoughts, and directly slept until dawn.

When I came to the company at seven o'clock in the morning, I found that everyone was very nervous, and I immediately shook my head, but I also understood very well.

When passing by Xia Ning's office, he found that the other party's dark circles were very serious, and he was immediately startled, and when he thought about it, he knew that the other party probably hadn't slept all night.

"President Xia, you won't have slept all night, right?" Xia

Ning glanced at him and did not speak, but directly refreshed on the website.

Don't you have confidence in your own style design?" Gu Chen did not return to his company at this time, sat down directly, and asked with a smile.

Xia Ning shook her head when she heard this, of course she was very satisfied with her design, not to mention Fang Qi's killer features, although she disagreed very much, but she had to admit that it was very attractive.

"Is that you don't have confidence in my fabrics?" Xia

Ning was shaking his head like a pendulum clock at this time, what kind of joke, the fabric technology brought by Gu Chen is not known how many times more advanced than the fabrics in the world! And there is no damage to the skin, it is simply the king of the fabric world!

Gu Chen was suddenly speechless when he heard this, not knowing what the other party was worried about.

"As for the channel, after more than half a month of coverage bombing, even the advertising expenses I have invested nearly 400 million, and there are also the endorsements of the newly well-known goddesses in China, it is simply the right time and place, people are occupied, what are you dissatisfied with!" Listening

to Gu Chen's analysis, Xia Ning felt that he was too anxious, and his anxious heart suddenly eased.

Finally, she couldn't help but glance at Gu Chen, she felt that she had the idea that the emperor was not in a hurry with the eunuchs, obviously this should be Gu Chen's hurry.

"What if there really aren't many orders?" he couldn't help but ask at the end.

"Cold mix!" said Gu Chen without the slightest worry.

"Eh?" Xia

Ning looked at Gu Chen with a black face.

"Okay, first of all, it is impossible for you to be in this situation, you are just worried about your design, I am not worried about my fabric problems! Moreover, even if there are not many orders, it is not a big deal, after all, we are just a new company, and the brand of Zhixia is new, what is there to worry about!" Gu Chen analyzed slowly.

Xia Ning felt that it made sense when he heard this, and his expression suddenly calmed down.

"By the way, how is the company's server?" Then the office fell silent, and Gu Chen suddenly asked.

"Ah, the server is good?" Xia

Ning was a little confused, after all, she was not a professional.

Gu Chen knew the reason when he saw her expression, shook his head and ordered: "Call the person in charge of the server to me!"

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