Although Xia Ning didn't know what Gu Chen meant, he still honestly ordered the assistant outside: "Call the person in charge of the operation department to come to my office, immediately!

At this moment, Xia Ning showed majesty, full of queen shelf.

Xia Ning's words had an effect, and within five minutes, her office was ringing.

"President Xia, are you looking for me?" a

middle-aged greasy uncle walked in.

"It's me looking for you!" then Gu Chen interjected with a smile.

The middle-aged uncle was stunned, and quickly turned his head to look at Gu Chen behind him, and then his face straightened.

"Mr. Gu!" shouted respectfully.

"Hmm!" Gu

Chen nodded with a smile, and then said: "I want to ask about the company's website server this time!"

"That is, how many users can the company's website support at the same time?" asked Gu Chen seriously.

The head of the operation department had met him before, and he heard that Mr. Xia had poached him from a large company, and he was very capable.

He not only jumped ship, but also dug up nearly one-fifth of the backbone of the previous company, a real ruthless person, but it is not a digging person, but people are willing to follow him, which is also the reason why Gu Chen directly delegated power.

Otherwise, how could he believe this kind of person, if the other party later met a better company and wanted to jump ship, give himself such a come, wouldn't it be a huge loss?

"At present, the company has two server groups, which can support 200,000 people online at the same time, and it is also very smooth, up to 500,000 people online, but it can be very stuttering and bugs may occur at any time. The middle-aged uncle immediately replied when he heard this.

Although he didn't know what Mr. Gu meant.


Gu Chen suddenly frowned when he heard this.

He didn't expect the company's server capacity to be so low, and he was taken aback, and his face suddenly looked a little ugly.

Fortunately, he asked now, otherwise if the user website experience is very poor when it is put on the shelf, it will greatly affect the user's activity and pleasure.

The middle-aged uncle saw that Mr. Gu's face was very bad, and he suddenly felt a ding-dong in his heart, remembering that he didn't seem to have said anything wrong just now!

After all, he held great power as soon as he came to this company, which was not in the direct ownership of the company, although it was only a new company, but it was powerful, and he had no doubt that it would definitely rise in the future.

Therefore, he was afraid that the other party would directly dismiss him, so he was naturally a little apprehensive.

After all, with his age, he is already considered older in this industry, and basically no company will give him such a high position.

"What's wrong?" fortunately, Xia Ning also saw Gu Chen's face at this time, and asked puzzled.

What if more than 500,000 users are online at the same time when it goes on the shelves?" said Gu Chen shaking his head.

The middle-aged uncle was relieved when he heard this, it was not his own problem.

And Xia Ning looked at Gu Chen a little strangely, and stopped talking: "Eh, President Gu, no, how can there be 500,000 online at the same time? I think that if you can have 200,000, it is already a success!" Gu

Chen suddenly shook his head and said: "It seems that you are still reluctant!

Gave a disdainful look and continued: "You must know that the current company has nearly three million attention, this number will definitely rise, plus the current Zhixia heat is very high, so this server must not work!

She really doesn't believe it, according to her investigation, there are many stores that pay attention to more than 10 million people, but every time their first sale is not one million, basically 5.6 million. Now their company is not only a new company, but even more than three million people are concerned, and she really does not have such confidence as Gu Chen.

"Are you worried that all this traffic and popularity of our company is false?" Gu Chen finally understood the other party's worries and asked with a smile.

Xia Ning nodded when he heard this.

"Haha, don't worry, this is definitely not false, the priority now is to improve the server!" said Gu Chen.

Then looked at the middle-aged uncle, he wanted to see if the other party had a way, after all, the time was too short now, only an hour left.

When the middle-aged uncle saw President Gu looking at him, his heart suddenly moved, this was an opportunity to perform.

"Mr. Gu, Mr. Xia actually has a way to do this, many companies on the market now are adopting a lease state, after all, they just sometimes need more servers, usually they don't need them, so too many servers are a waste state!"

"Are you saying that we can also rent servers?"

"Yes!" the middle-aged uncle nodded.

"Yes, now you immediately go to contact, hurry up and rent five sets of servers for me!" Gu Chen was also very satisfied when he heard this, and quickly ordered.

"President Gu, isn't this too much?" Xia

Ning's expression froze when she heard this, and she felt that Gu Chen was crazy.

"Be prepared, the first few hundred million have been spent, and this amount of money is still missing?" said Gu Chen with a smile.

Although he doesn't think that there will be so many people online at the same time, he is not afraid of 10,000 just in case, anyway, he is prepared.

Xia Ning's expression slowed down when she heard this, although she felt that it was completely unnecessary, but she also felt that Gu Chen's words were very reasonable, what if there was a miracle?"

the middle-aged uncle quickly replied.

Then I planned to do it quickly, after all, the time is tight and the task is heavy.

"By the way, after this time, the operation department will allocate more money, at least five sets of servers!" then Gu Chen said to Xia Ning.

"Now the company's finances are tight, how can there be so much spare money!" Xia Ning couldn't help but say with a blank look.

"Eh, how come?" Gu

Chen was stunned when he heard this.

"Hmph, you boss is really competent, you don't even know the company's finances!" Xia Ning mocked.

It made Gu Chen a little embarrassed.

"At present, the company has been losing money, just waiting for this time to make a profit, otherwise why do you think I am so worried?" then Xia Ning said resentfully.

"Don't worry, the company will definitely be profitable after this time!" said Gu Chen quickly.

"The last advertisement directly drained the company's finances, that Manager Li would have called him out long ago if it weren't for your consent, it's really not heartbreaking, that's hundreds of millions!"

Speaking of this, Xia Ning gritted his teeth a little and was very angry.

However, Gu Chen felt a little cute when he saw this.

Then Xia Ning also relaxed his mood, and the two chatted without a day.

Until it was close to eight o'clock.

Zhixia's high-level executives all went to the operation department and looked at the background page on the screen.

At this time, the number of visitors to the website is growing rapidly, one second it is 10,000, the next second it is 20,000.

It grows geometrically.

"Do your best to maintain the website, there can be no mistakes!" Gu Chen said to the programmers in the operation department.

"Don't worry, after this time, the whole company will go to team building!" As

Gu Chen's voice just fell, not only the operation department, but also the entire company was excited when they heard Gu Chen's words.

"President Gu, the number of people has risen!" a high-ranking official suddenly shouted happily.

Gu Chen turned to look at it, the time had reached seven fifty-five, and there were still five minutes to start, but now the number of people had reached 500,000!

Xia Ning, on the other hand, was stunned and very disbelieving, followed by great joy and excitement.

"How is it?" Gu Chen touched Xia Ning and said with a raised eyebrow.

"Hmph!" Xia

Ning was very happy now, so he ignored Gu Chen.

Finally, when the time reached eight o'clock, everyone was staring intently at the screen, and at this time, the machines of the entire operation department entered overload operation, and there was a roaring sound.

Although the page is a little stuttered, it is quite smooth, and the middle-aged uncle is relieved on the side.

"A thousand pieces

!" "Three thousand!"

"Six thousand!" "

Ten thousand, ten thousand


As everyone refreshed at any time, the data also jumped, and everyone was very excited.

For this preparation, everyone carefully prepared for most of the month.

Now is the time to put the results to the test.

Xia Ning's pair of pink fists turned white because they were squeezed too hard, but she didn't notice it at all, and her whole mind was on the screen.

Then after watching for a while, Gu Chen was not interested, and then left the operation department.

After all, the specific value will not appear until the next day, and now everyone appears here just worried and too flustered.

Not only Zhixia Company is very concerned, but the outside world is naturally very concerned, after all, this is a big thing in the clothing industry!

If there are many orders in Zhixia today, then they will know that Zhixia became famous in a battle, on the contrary, it is a joke.

Therefore, for today, they naturally made several preparations, not only to block, but also to promote today with tacit understanding, since the popularity of Zhixia.

Today's clothing industry is particularly lively, a day that is not any festival, can cause many company brands to start promotions, just like those holidays, even if Zhixia today's order is not ideal, he is proud enough.

After all, if you can make a quarter of your peers promote because they are too jealous, it is simply a lifetime blow.

And the blocking alliance led by Zhang Yunlong also began to act, and suddenly many clothes of the same style as Zhixia appeared on major website platforms, and the most important thing was that their value was not even half of Zhixia's official price.

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