This situation immediately attracted the attention of many users.

Because of the success of Zhixia advertising before, many people have a lot of understanding of Zhixia, this is a newly opened clothing brand company, although it is newly opened, but powerful.

A group of them were naturally frightened by the price of Zhixia, so they scolded and quit Zhixia's official website.

Then turned to other websites, and suddenly they saw the same Zhixia clothing, and the price was lower than half of the other party's, which immediately made their hearts move.

Although they knew that the quality of piracy was not as good as Xia, the price was cheap!

And some people are a little abnormal in their brains, they feel that they have been deceived, the same style, your price here is more than twice as much as others, am I a fool?

This situation immediately attracted the attention of many parties, especially some consumers who liked Zhixia's style very much but felt that it was a little expensive, and suddenly this comment made their balance tilt directly to the outside.

Although many reasonable people know that it is piracy, the quality of clothes and safety risks are not guaranteed, and choose to support the genuine copy.

But in the end, it still diverted some of the popularity, and Zhixia also had a bad evaluation on major hot searches.

What profiteers! What kind of profiteers

! What kind of deceiving consumers

! What's more, they said that Zhixia's cloth was poisonous and so on!

The uninformed masses believed it to be true, commented directly at the bottom of the post,

and issued what they believed to be truth and justice.

Just like the great pioneer Mr. Lu Xun said.

He has never speculated about the countrymen with the greatest malice, nor did he expect that the countrymen would be guided by rumors.

Naturally, there are many clothing companies that secretly contribute to the situation, which caused a huge heated discussion for a while.

Many uninformed people even went directly to the relevant departments to report, and suddenly knew that Xia Xia suddenly fell into a huge whirlpool, and a bad one would bury the company's great future.

At this time, Gu Chen naturally left the operation department long ago and returned to his company.

In his opinion, Zhixia is stable.

After today, Zhixia will sell well throughout the country, and sooner or later he will lead his group to kill the world, so that the world's top luxury goods on Zhixia are like thunder.

Just when Gu Chen was thinking about the future here, the outside world had really fried the pot, and Zhixia's official website was directly about to fall, full of trolls and keyboard warriors, including uninformed masses, and professional trolls who collected money to do things with rhythm.

"It's not good!"

At this time, Xia Ning ran over with an anxious and pale face.

"What's wrong?" asked Gu Chen with a look of some bewilderment.

"Mr. Gu, look quickly... Look at the official website!" Xia Ning was anxious at this time, looking at Gu Chen's indifferent appearance and said hurriedly.

"Huh?" Gu

Chen opened the office computer and opened the official website when he heard this, and was stunned for a moment, because it was very stuck.

"Could it be... If it's a big sale, Xia Ning doesn't have this expression at all!" Gu Chen guessed truthfully in his heart.

Then he clicked on a comment, which was the highest number of replies and likes.

"Zhixia is a cancer that deceives consumers, they use cheap and toxic fabrics to make clothes, and then sell them to our consumers, and the price is still very high, it is simply disgusting capitalism!

Seeing that Ximian replied to slander Zhixia, his eyes suddenly changed.

"What's going on?" he asked, looking up at Xia Ning.

The tone was very calm, but those who were familiar with Gu Chen knew that Gu Chen at this moment was the most angry.

And the consequences are serious.

"I don't know about this matter, but it just spread suddenly, and now the whole Internet is scolding us for knowing Xia!" said Xia Ning bitterly at this time.

"Originally, the sales order situation was very good, but I don't know when the same clothes as our Zhixia appeared on the Internet, which were exactly the same as ours, and the price was less than half of ours, so it triggered a greater heated discussion, and when we reacted, the whole network was boycotting our Zhixia."

"Even, many users who completed orders are applying for refunds, there are many!" After

speaking, Xia Ning's eyes darkened.

This time they knew that Xia was really over.

After listening, Gu Chen's eyes suddenly became cold.

As soon as he heard it, he felt that something was wrong, and judging from his business experience, there must be someone behind him, and there were quite a few, and suddenly he thought of the boycott of his peers.

The so-called peers are wrongdoers, they know that the limelight during this time is too great, so it caused their unease, for this Gu Chen has long been expected, but he is sure that the other party will not deal with himself so badly, they pushed at most, by no means the mastermind.

There must be someone planning to stab him in the back, but he couldn't guess it for a while.

But it doesn't matter, he will find out one by one

! If other people encounter this situation, then Zhixia's final situation has no other way but to go bankrupt, so this is someone who wants to kill him!

"Okay, I'll handle this matter!" Gu Chen looked at Xia Ning on the side and comforted.

He naturally knew how much this news cost her, after all, the other party's entire attention was on this for a while.

Xia Ning didn't respond.

"Have you forgotten my identity? Don't worry!" said Gu Chen helplessly.

Hearing this, Xia Ning's eyes showed a little brilliance, and she remembered that this President Gu was not an ordinary person!

"You first stabilize Zhixia, no matter what happens outside, Zhixia can't be chaotic inside!" "

Uh-huh, don't worry!" Xia

Ning's heart lit up when she heard Gu Chen's words, and she said firmly.

Gu Chen looked at the other party's back and shook his head, this nizi looked at the mall too idealistically, and did not understand the sinister of the mall at all.

Although the ability is outstanding, but the means are simple, otherwise if such a big thing can definitely find out before that it is wrong, even if he cannot contact it, it will not be the case.

He was very angry at the thought of this, when his mobile phone rang.

Open it and take a look, Xinyi.

"Hey?" "

Brother Chen, are you okay, how could such a big thing happen?" Chu

Xinyi's concerned voice came out.

"It's hard to say a word, someone should deal with Zhixia!" Gu Chen's heart warmed, and then calmly explained.

Zhixia is just a new company in the clothing industry, and you have been too popular during this time, which has caused dissatisfaction and suspicion among peers. Chu Xinyi also followed the analysis when she heard this.

"Well, yes, but since they dare to make a move, then what should I do next?" Gu Chen nodded in agreement, and then said confidently.

"Well, since you're okay, I won't bother you!" Chu

Xinyi naturally believed Gu Chen very much, and then hung up the phone, not worried at all about whether Gu Chen could solve it.

"Hmm!" After

Gu Chen hung up the phone, he looked at the scolding comments and posts on the computer, and suddenly sneered.

The Internet is not your place outside the law.

He first called Wang Wei, the general manager of Longteng Group, and asked the computer experts in his group to collect evidence one by one.

Then he directly called the director of his Canghai Office, Baiyan Songbai.

You must know that since then, he has never called this person to deal with the matter, but called Director Bai Yansong's apprentice Lawyer Lin to handle the matter, but now he is ready to ask him to deal with it personally, firstly, this time he is very angry, the consequences are very serious, and secondly, he is ready to participate in this time, and he will not let any of them go.

"Hey, Mr. Gu, you haven't called for a long time!" After

the call was connected, a hearty voice came over.

"Haha, it's not that you don't want to disturb Director Bai!"

Gu Chen continued with a smile.

"Haha, it seems that Mr. Gu is in trouble?" "

That's right, Lawyer Bai really can't hide anything from you at all!" Gu Chen sighed when he heard this.

"Oh, are you really in trouble?" As

soon as Gu Chen's words fell, Director Bai was suddenly surprised, he just said casually, just as a joke, after all, he clearly knew that this Mr. Gu's ability would still be in trouble, he didn't believe it.

"Long story, did Director Bai pay attention to the real-time hot search on the Internet?" asked Gu Chen after shaking his head.

"Well, what about the Zhixia Company?"

Obviously, this matter has made a big fuss, and Director Bai is naturally very clear.

"Yes!" "

Mr. Gu is..."

"That's right, I'm the boss behind the scenes of Zhixia!" Knowing the other party's subtext, Gu Chen directly admitted.

"Mr. Gu really always surprises me!" Bai couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this, and then quipped.

"This time, I want all the Canghai Office to dispatch, as long as I slander Zhixia, I will sue them all!" said Gu Chen calmly.

However, it shocked Director Bai's heart, and he quickly reacted.

"Understand, Mr. Gu, I will let the lawyers in the firm who have no case fully cooperate!"

Then he hung up the phone and walked out, finding that the employees were all worried, but he didn't say anything and went directly to the operation department.

"President Gu!" suddenly everyone looked at each other and shouted one after another.

"Well, don't bother with this! I'll send someone to deal with it! Your task is to continue to maintain the company's affairs."

Gu Chen nodded, walked to the front desk of the operation department, and looked at everyone and said.

"Yes!" Everyone

immediately felt at ease when they heard Gu Chen's words, they had long heard that the boss's background was very deep, and now they said so, naturally they were more than half convinced.

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