"What is the current situation regarding the order?" asked Gu Chen after seeing everyone's expressions.

"President Gu, the situation is very bad now, everyone does not believe that we know Xia, there were originally 200,000 orders, but now it is less than half. One of the vice presidents said.

Immediately release news on the official website, send out all the official testing reports, and the relevant departments of Aite welcome them to come and check!" Gu Chen frowned, and then ordered.


the middle-aged uncle before hurried to post.

For a while, the entire operation department heard the sound of keyboard tapping.

"Also, immediately issue a warning, saying that all groups that slander, damage, and slander Zhixia will be severely pursued by us!

Suddenly, two official statements appeared on Zhixia's official website.

Some users gave up when they were hesitant to refund after seeing it, believing that once they were a big deal, they would be a loss.

Anyway, everyone is not a person who is bad for this money.

Gu Chen's previous product positioning is mid-to-high-end, low-end people, greedy and cheap people have long left.

But there are also some people who still insist on asking for a refund, and they are now full of outside remarks, and they don't believe Zhixia at all.

But finally comforted most of the people, and finally heard that there were still nearly 80,000 orders, there was no large-scale cancellation, and everyone immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

But then they couldn't help sighing, feeling very unlucky, completely suffering from the calamity of arrogance.

But some experienced people, naturally thought that there must be someone behind them, they all secretly looked at Gu Chen, after all, this is not a small matter, a bad one they know that Xia is ruined.

Gu Chen was naturally extremely angry in his heart, but his face did not show it.

At this time, in a meeting in Zhu City, it was exactly the same as yesterday's place.

Even people are exactly the same, the only thing that changes is the expressions and moods of everyone.

Last night their mood was apprehensive and mixed, and now it is exhilarating and excited.

Last night their expressions were solemn and anxious, now they were excited and joyful.

"Now Zhixia is afraid that he is in a panic, everyone's plan is very successful!" said Zhang Yunlong at the front at this time, laughing.

At this time, he was the most proud, although this was not what he came up with, but he did it! At this time

, his mood was like drinking a large bottle of cold water in three days,

which was cool to the bottom.

"Haha, congratulations Mr. Zhang!" suddenly someone shouted thanks to Zhang Yunlong.

"Congratulations Mr. Zhang!" the others then said loudly.

"Haha, congratulations, everyone must have earned a lot!" Zhang

Yunlong could be described as proud of the spring breeze at this time, and his mouth couldn't close his smiling mouth.

"Haha!" Everyone

was overjoyed when they heard this, obviously making a lot of money.

After all, they have attracted most of the popularity that should have belonged to Zhixia.

Although their price is less than half of Zhixia, it is still a huge profit.

After all, their materials are the worst, originally they wanted to pit Xia, but now, they have become a tool for accumulating wealth.

In fact, they were also shocked by the price before Zhixia, and they really didn't know why the other party's decision-making level was so stupid, and it was set so high, and it was already no less than some large brand.

But people's brands have been accumulated for many years, and how dare to sell a newly opened one in Zhixia so expensive

, even if the cost of the selected material is high, but it is not so high, right?

"I believe it won't be long before Zhixia will collapse!" predicted Zhang Yunlong at this time.

Everyone naturally agreed very much when they heard this, because with the current heat, Zhixia's clothes could not return to heaven even if they were good.

Not to mention that now Zhixia is almost resisted by the entire garment industry, which capital will be willing to spend a huge amount of money to reverse the situation?

Therefore, everyone has already expected the fate of Zhixia next, but they have some pity, such a powerful capital did not last long before it cooled, and they sighed for a while.

Especially on Bot, many big Vs have spoken and scolded Zhixia in order to rub this traffic, rubbing this heat, from the national level to the personal level is simply no less than an essay, worthy of a big V, the writing is good.

For a while, it attracted everyone's applause, making them extremely proud and excited, as if they had expected the tickets to rush towards them.

For a while, they all thought about it and wrote another one.

For the two news released on the official website of Zhixia, they did not take it seriously at all.

After all, the current situation is a stampede by everyone, if Zhixia wants to pursue it, then it will face many people, let alone not to blame the public, so they are comfortable harvesting traffic through Zhixia's name.

Just when they finished editing the new article and were about to publish it, suddenly a huge news directly dumbfounded them.

It is the official release of a message by Canghai Law Firm, and it was released on the whole network, and the major platforms were at the top.

It instantly caused a huge sensation, and he was even more shocked by Zhixia's counterattack and means.

The content is naturally about the names of all the people who slandered Zhixia and the prosecution of Zhixia.

A long, densely packed name made everyone gasp, and those who knew the inside were shocked by Zhixia's handwriting.

Many slander netizens have found their names in it, and even have corresponding things, extremely terrifying, it is not simple to complete this task!

However, they did not be proud for too long, some netizens broke the news, some of their friends suddenly received local court summonses, there is a picture and the truth, and people all over the country have broken the news.

Immediately, everyone reacted, knowing that Xia was not joking this time, but moving the real thing.

For a while, the netizens who slandered and abused Zhixia before were panicked.

Especially those professional trolls who have received money are very hesitant in their hearts.

You must know that they have a great history, and if there was no accident before, it was not serious, so now for a while they have asked the person who gave them the task, very panicked and questioned each other.

Those well-known big Vs on Bot were also panicked, they also saw their names and evidence from the list, and immediately deleted all the previous articles one by one, and also sent a message, probably meaning that the previous number was stolen and so on" explanation. "

It's a pity that the public is not a fool, naturally remembering the previous events, and suddenly found that this so-called blogger is not a thing, and for a while the following was full of ridicule and contempt.

But it seemed to be late, and it wasn't long before they received a courier with a local court summons informing them that they would go to trial for investigation a few months earlier.

Suddenly, their faces changed greatly, all of them were dead as ashes, they all knew that this plant, once they entered, they couldn't get out, and they couldn't stand up to investigation for what they had done in the past, and they knew it.

So they are very regretful in their hearts at this moment, why did they do this at that time!

At this time, the discussion and understanding of Zhixia on the Internet was finally not one-sided.

Netizens with a little IQ online also understood that someone slandered Zhixia before.

Therefore, some netizens who spoke for Zhixia also appeared, and more conspiracy theorists said brain holes that are comparable to suspenseful schemes.

Gu Chen naturally saw some, and was stunned and smiled bitterly.

I have to say that netizens are really a strange existence, although they guessed the ten separate spectrum, but they also guessed correctly, that is, someone is suppressing Zhixia.

And Zhang Yunlong and the others naturally got the news, so they returned to the conference room.

At this time, their expressions were solemn.

They did not expect that Zhixia would be so courageous and directly break the enemy with the momentum and directly break their plan.

Although the results are still good, it won't be long before netizens react.

"Zhixia definitely doesn't have the ability to do this, someone or force must have entered!" said Zhang Yunlong with a calm face at this time.

Zhi Xia's wave can be said to have caught him off guard.

The other representatives also had gloomy faces, and what Zhang Yunlong could think of was naturally what they thought.

"Mr. Zhang, what should I do now?" asked some of the representatives of the small company.

They are naturally a little afraid of the means that Zhixia has appeared now, if they are exposed, the official commercial bureau will not let them go without Zhixia's move, because the law clearly stipulates that they cannot maliciously and illegally engage in commercial actions.

Now their actions have seriously broken the rules of the market, and once discovered, severe penalties await them.

Maybe those big companies don't care, but these small companies can't afford it, and at this time they have faintly regretted why they participated in this matter in the first place.

"What do your companies say?" Zhang

Yunlong can do anything at this time, in order to directly take Zhixia before, his means are naturally exhausted, but he will not say this.

Everyone below whispered, and none of them came forward to say it.

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