Zhang Yunlong's face was very bad.

Because of this operation, he spent a lot of energy and cost, and now that this kind of thing happens, these guys are dumb, why weren't they quiet when they were getting benefits one by one before?"

"Guys, now Zhixia can be described as a death throes, as long as the forces behind everyone are serious again, they will definitely be able to make Zhixia fall directly, just one step away!

Seeing that everyone was indifferent, he faintly threatened.

Everyone below naturally knew what Zhang Yunlong meant, but the forces that emerged from Zhixia this time or the forces that emerged behind Zhixia made them very jealous.

So naturally they didn't want to take any more risks, although this time they moved in the shadows, but according to the conviction, they can be regarded as accomplices at most, not masterminds.

"Do you really think that you can all escape, according to Zhixia's actions this time, they can be said to be rewarded! Even slandering them will be summoned, do you think you ran away?" Zhang Yunlong looked at everyone's reaction condescendingly, and immediately sneered and said with disdain.

I have to say that he was right this time, and Gu Chen planned to let go of any of the things that Gu Chen caused this time.

He had always been kind and rich before, and he thought that in business, appropriate actions could enhance the development of the industry, but this time it was very disgusting to Gu Chen.

Maybe he was thinking too well.

The faces of everyone below suddenly changed, and they immediately took out their mobile phones one by one to report to their respective forces, while Zhang Yunlong looked at everyone quietly and did not say.

"Little young master, this time is in big trouble, the old master told me to take you out of the mainland immediately. At this time, the housekeeper Fubo, who had not appeared for a long time, showed up and whispered to Zhang Yunlong.


Zhang Yunlong was stunned, a little puzzled.

"This time it's my fault, I thought Zhixia too simply!" Fubo laughed bitterly when he heard this, and said very reproachfully.

"What happened?" asked Zhang Yunlong puzzled.

"The master is also very concerned about this matter, but the master found out that there is a shadow of the Longteng Group behind this matter, so for the sake of safety, the master told you to leave here quickly." Forber said with a solemn face.

Especially when it comes to Longteng Group, his eyes are very jealous.

I have specifically investigated, in fact, the original body of Zhixia clothing brand company is Zhixia Textile Factory, they acquired several peers and several garment factories to establish the company, as for the mysterious chairman of Zhixia, I must have made it up by them, I specially bought a few employees in Zhixia, they have not seen the chairman, all decisions are handled by that Xia Ning!"

Zhang Yunlong's face changed suddenly, he really couldn't believe it, he had a deep understanding of the fame of the Longteng Group, and he may not feel very deeply at home, but abroad, especially people like him, he knew very well, and it was also the only big group in China that really stood on the top of the world.

"This is what the old man said!" Seeing that the other party did not believe it, Forber reminded in a low voice at this time.

Sure enough, this sentence made Zhang Yunlong react, but he was still unwilling, his face seemed to change for no reason, and finally he could only admit his fate, and then nodded.

"Everyone should give their own reactions to this matter, this time I will come here first!" Zhang Yunlong quickly reacted and said with a smile.

Perhaps his main profession is as an actor.

Then the two left directly.

Leaving everyone puzzled, after all, he was very unwilling to continue to do it before, but now he left directly.

However, they did not have long to wonder, and not long after they returned to their respective companies, several supervisors came up and took these people who had attended the meeting directly.

It immediately shocked countless people, and the people who knew the inside information of these companies were secretive.

In the following days, the news about Zhixia on the Internet can be described as a comprehensive reversal, and the users who ordered each other naturally received their own couriers, whether they were pirated or genuine, they all wore them.

Surprisingly, Zhixia's clothing is not only very fashionable, but also the senses and comfort they wear are very pleasantly surprised, and they have said that this time their feelings are right, Zhixia is not as said on the Internet, so they are all very confident and excited about their vision.

So in order to let more people know about this happiness, they have published their praise and praise on the Internet.

It immediately aroused the curiosity and doubts of many netizens.

For example, the message on this post.

There were many comments and negative news about Zhixia on the Internet before, and I was also worried and apprehensive, but I have always only believed in my vision and follow my heart, so I directly insisted on buying a certain clothing under Zhixia, (as shown below), fortunately, this time my vision is right, Zhixia's clothing is not only the style, but also the fabric is completely worth the price!

Especially the fabric, the fabric I wear is very comfortable, it is a one I have never seen before, much more comfortable than those international big brands, so I don't believe it at all before about slandering and smearing Zhixia on the Internet—— an ordinary netizen!

This post has the highest popularity, likes and replies, not only this post is very public, but the initiator of these two posts is also a faceless but very good young lady, so those LSPs naturally will not be missed.

And one of the best sales of Zhixia's set is also very popular with this set.

"Wow, I thought it was the only thing I thought the fabric was very difficult! I didn't expect the little sister to find out like me! Is this a spiritual rhino?"

"Upstairs is so faceless!" "

Confirmed! The first floor is definitely a faceless guy!"

This comment is naturally from the front row of the first floor, since ancient times, the first floor is not simple, it is true that Gu Chen was also amused by this guy when he saw this.

Brothers, another gold-worshipping woman defeated by money!" The

second-ranked reply was this, seeing this, Gu Chen suddenly frowned, and after reading the reply, he stretched out.

"If you don't have a brain, don't show your sense of existence, this will show your ignorance!" "

The landlord is sour at first glance! If you want to be black, please pay attention to a little, Zhixia's clothes are not bought at a glance, or they are pirated, otherwise ten years of cerebral thrombosis

will not say such words!" "Haha! Not bad! I believe that as long as you buy Xia's clothes fabric, you will definitely not say this sentence!"

"Oh, is Zhixia's clothes really good, I see that all the people in this building are blowing Zhixia?" "

Upstairs, you can buy one and try it yourself!

This post is scolded downstairs, Gu Chen is also relieved, it seems that everyone is praised for


This is just one of the posts, at this time, with the influence of Zhixia's reputation, Zhixia's reputation is gradually increasing, and about the previous rumors, that is, no matter how stupid netizens reacted.

At this time, in a conference room, several middle-aged and elderly people sat together with serious expressions.

"Guys, there is only one content of this meeting, I think everyone should know a lot about things on the Internet recently!"

led by an elderly man with gray hair and a pair of glasses, looked around and said in a deep voice.

"What did the president say, Zhixia Clothing Brand Company?"

said the last younger lady on his left raised her hand as soon as the words fell.

Young naturally means here, with a group of middle-aged and elderly people, thirty or forty years old is naturally a young person.

"Good!" a

smile appeared on the president's serious face when he heard this.

Suddenly, everyone below was naturally whispering, obviously they had also heard it.

"I wonder if everyone knows that Zhixia Company has developed a new type of fabric?" the chairman continued to ask at this time.

"What?" At

this time, the group of people were not calm and looked at the guild leader.

"It seems that it is not unreasonable that we have no sense of existence, and new fabrics have appeared on the market, and we are the last ones to know!" the chairman shook his head and said bitterly in disappointment.

The full name of the Cloth Association is the Huaxia Fabric Association, referred to as the Cloth Association, which is an official association specializing in the study of fabric fabrics and various decorative materials, and is the most authoritative and largest institution in China.

"President, what material is the fabric you are talking about, is there a physical object?" a man about the same age as the president asked obsessively.

He didn't care about the guild leader's tone in the slightest, as if he only had fabric in his eyes.

The others also looked at the president very eagerly, which made the chairman feel a sense of depression in his heart and couldn't speak.

Although the cloth association now has some no cards, but all this has little to do with them, because they have also been studying fabrics all their lives, as for the decline of the cloth association, this is an inevitability!

But although they have no sense of existence outside, but the authority is undoubted, now many fabrics in the country are released after their improvement, and then let anyone use.

"Xiao Kun, bring those clothes!"

the guild leader shook and vomited, and then shouted to a middle-aged man outside.

The current world is not our world at that time, and blindly studying is not advisable, just like now, the outside world is very large, and you are not paying attention, you still have to surf the Internet more in the future!" the president reminded with a wry smile and yellowed teeth.

He basically said these words every time he had a meeting, but the effect was really not great.

After all, they are all elderly people, who may be very authoritative in the fabric industry, but they are a little unable to face these high technologies, which is also what they resist.

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