Not long after, a middle-aged man walked in, holding several clothes in his hand, and carefully saw that it was several sets of styles from Zhixia.

"These are the clothes made of the fabric that Zhixia has researched, and this fabric I studied for a while before is indeed a new type of fabric. The president gestured for the other party to distribute it to everyone and explained.

After everyone took it and touched their hands, everyone was professional, just the touch was a change in face, and suddenly their eyes lit up, as if they saw some treasure.

The chairman smiled lightly at everyone's reaction and continued, "This new type of fabric is a natural fabric made with a completely new technology, and I checked it carefully after I got it. Seeing

everyone looking at him, he then pushed the heavy frame and was surprised: "There is no harm to the human body, and there is a very comfortable degree of wear." "

Everyone is naturally very anxious when they hear this, they know what this means, this is no less than a reform of the fabric industry

!" "This is some data I tested, you can also take a look!"


chairman then took out a few 4A pieces of paper and distributed them.

Silence ensued.

The more people below looked at it, the more excited they became, and their expressions were different.

"President, this... What a wonderful idea, this Zhixia is so powerful?" one of them sighed after reading it.

"Yes, this fabric is no less than those cutting-edge fabrics abroad, no! or even beyond! Just without any harm, you can completely destroy the other party!"

The chairman was also very excited.

"I just don't know how much this fabric costs to make?"

"It should not be low!" "

Maybe people have a very mature mastery?"


The few people below couldn't help but guess.

"I guess it shouldn't be low, but it's not that high, and their official price tag is already on par with those of the bigger brands!" said the chairman with a nod.

"President, can you contact the other party and let us take a visit?" everyone nodded in agreement with the guild president's speculation, and then someone couldn't help but ask hopefully.

Others looked at the president as well.


..." The guild leader was stunned for a moment, and he was a little embarrassed: "I haven't heard of this Zhixia, so I don't know the other party, so..."

Everyone was very disappointed when they heard this.

"President!" spoke up the woman on the left who spoke first.

Everyone looked over.

"Now Zhixia although the fabric is very high-end, but now their situation on the Internet is not good, there must be someone maliciously smearing Zhixia, although now Zhixia they have some redemption, but netizens are still preconceived and some will not believe, so we can speak out and help Zhixia clarify."

"And you can also brush a wave of existence for us, and you can also get the favor of Zhixia, and then we will go to Zhixia in the name of consulting and visiting, I believe they will not refuse!"

When everyone heard it, their eyes lit up, and they all felt that this method was very good.

After all, maintaining the fabric is what they should do.

The chairman is also impressed, it seems that the young man's brain is really useful, he has made up his mind, the Cloth Association will also reform, in the future to attract more young people to come in, they are also pursuing the development of the times!

The chairman quickly said to the middle-aged man standing.

In fact, he also has a reason, that is, he naturally looked more at the situation of Zhixia as the president before, and this look is the suppression of the clothing industry, which makes him very disgusted.

Why the clothing industry is developing slowly, is that this group of people hindered for their own interests, if not for this time Zhixia insisted, otherwise he would not have seen this new type of fabric.

That's why he wanted to help Zhixia.

"Okay, President, I'll do it right away!" The

middle-aged man hurried down and went out when he heard this.


"The reform of the fabric era, take you to know the face of this fabric!@知夏服装品牌公司!" The

official account of the cloth association, which suddenly did not move for a long time, also released an article at this time, which introduced in detail all the information about the fabric discussed on the Internet, introduced the data of the cloth from a scientific point of view, and also ate the official account of Zhixia.

Although the presence of the association is not strong, there are still many people paying attention, so many people have received this news at this time.

"The Cloth Association account you follow has posted an article, go and check it out!" Suddenly

many people received this notice, some were forked, and some were curiously clicked in.

After reading it for a while, netizens suddenly realized, they are naturally very aware of the recent very popular Zhixia things, and also know that many people have been touting Zhixia's new fabrics recently.

They know that the Zhixia fabric is very comfortable, but they don't know the specific situation, and many people are in a wait-and-see state.

Until now, they knew the introduction of the cloth association, and instantly realized that it turned out that the fabric of Zhixia was so powerful!

For a while, everyone was naturally surprised, as for whether they believed it, if it was posted by that blogger, they would definitely spray dog blood, but this was released by the cloth association! They specialize in fabrics! So they naturally believe it very

much! What is authority? This is authority!

Everyone agrees with the brand of the cloth association, so this article is slowly popular and began to ferment on the Internet.

Not long after, some well-known big Vs have forwarded it, and some Internet celebrities are the same, directly popular on the Internet.

And the result of this is that the official website of Zhixia suddenly became hot again.

They want to buy orders.

"President Gu Gu!" At

this time, Xia Ning anxiously ran into Gu Chen's office again.

"Hmm? what's wrong again?" asked Gu Chen when he heard this.

"We: Our official website suddenly has a lot more orders!" said Xia Ning excitedly.

In the past few days, Gu Chen told them to calm down, and he would solve it.

Originally, they knew that Xia's reputation on the Internet had gradually been saved! They were shocked, thinking that it was Gu Chen's means.

At that time, they were still surprised, after all, before Zhixia could be described as everyone shouting and beating, in the past few days, their boss turned his hands over the clouds and covered his hands for rain, which directly changed the public's perception and made Zhixia's reputation better.

Although the order is still very rare, but they are also content, but they did not expect that the surprise came so suddenly, it was simply caught off guard, and at this time they knew that the solution that Mr. Gu said was this.

"Oh?" Gu

Chen raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

"Eh, Mr. Gu, you don't know?" Now

it was Xia Ning's turn to be surprised, she thought that this was done by Gu Chen?

Xia Ning did not continue to sell Guanzi.

"All this is because the Cloth Association suddenly released the specific situation of our Zhixia fabric, which immediately made many netizens believe, because the Cloth Association is the most authoritative institution in China, and their words are naturally true!

When Gu Chen heard this, he immediately turned on the computer and looked at the hottest post today, and at a glance, it was indeed the official account of the Cloth Association that introduced and explained the fabric of Zhixia, and also gave them the official account of Zhixia!

But it was a bonus.

I thought it was arranged by you, but why did they do it?"

"How do I know!" said Gu Chen with a shrug.

However, he had some guesses in his heart.

It's just that the other party is very interested in Zhixia's fabric, and feels that this fabric is very powerful, or can't bear to see this fabric fall silent like this, or wants this fabric making method.


Xia Ning's expression suddenly paused, and then they were still very happy, because this time they knew that Xia was finally back on track.

At this time, the landline on Gu Chen's desk rang.

He picked it up.

When I heard this, my forehead frowned.

Then he quickly ordered: "Hurry up and rent a server, and restore the website to me as quickly as possible! and tell the finance side, buy me a server immediately, just say that I said it!" Then

Gu Chen hung up the phone.

Then he tried to use the computer next to him to open the company's website, and when he entered, he was very stuttered, and his brows suddenly wrinkled into a Sichuan shape.

And Xia Ning on the side also understood.

"How can the company website be so stuck?" asked curiously.

"Isn't this what you're looking forward to the most?" Gu

Chen suddenly smiled: "At present, the company's official website has too many people to support the server, so naturally it is very stuck

!" "Really!"

Sure enough,

Xia Ning's eyes turned into a crescent moon.


Gu Chen nodded.

"Then I'm going to take a good look!" Then

Xia Ning left Gu Chen's office excitedly.

Gu Chen shook his head, and then he read the comments, and all of them were praised.

Then he closed the official website and looked at the previous pirated websites.

Looking at the inside is all sprayed, scolded, suddenly sneered, and there are many people shouting about returns, what poor quality, fade, peculiar smell, etc., he shouted that he deserved it, this is the price of greed and cheapness.

Looking at the official website has long been gone, thinking of this, I don't know what happened to those behind the scenes now?

At this time, his screen directly retreated, stunned, and then opened the pirate website again, but found that he could not enter.

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