Then a notification is sent out of the interface.

It turned out that this official website was suspected of piracy, copyright infringement, and poor quality, and viruses were officially sealed.

Seeing this, Gu Chen smiled, it seems that the efficiency is good!

When he saw it, it was Director Bai Yan Songbai who called!

"Hello?" "

Mr. Gu, fortunately, all the personnel involved have been prosecuted

!" said Director Bai with a smile.

"Not bad!" Gu

Chen was naturally in a very good mood when he heard this.

"According to the information you gave, Mr. Gu, the mastermind of this is a Chinese man named Zhang Yunlong! He had left China before the incident, and it cannot be ruled out that he got the news, so does Mr. Gu want me to sue him across borders?"

His biggest pursuit is to become an international barrister, but transnational cases are very rare, and he has no international reputation, so few people look for him, except for some small cases, it does not have much effect on his reputation, so he urgently needs a big case to enhance his reputation.

As for this case, it was naturally very big, so he listened to Gu Chen with great anticipation.

"Huh, Zhang Yunlong?" Gu

Chen was stunned, he didn't expect that the mastermind of this matter was still an acquaintance!

This surprised him very much, before he was strange, he did not offend anyone in the clothing industry! How could it cause them to have such a big backlash, it turned out to be him!

"Have you investigated any specific evidence?" then Gu Chen asked.

"Naturally, Mr. Gu, I have already explained to that group of people before, and I have also taken a confession, which is enough to sue Zhang Yunlong!" Director Bai was overjoyed when he heard Gu Chen's words, and he quickly said.

But I have to remind you that Zhang Yunlong is not an ordinary person, their Zhang family is a multinational group over there!

"It's okay, no matter what, it can improve my reputation, and this is also a blow to the reputation of the Zhang family!" Director

Bai was naturally not affected in the slightest, and even had a fighting spirit!

"Okay, then Director Bai, you can do it!" Just

when Gu Chen and Director Bai called, they were far away in the Zhang Family Manor abroad.

Zhang Yunlong sat honestly in a hall, looking at the news reported on the Internet, his face suddenly turned livid, and there was a trace of fear and happiness in his eyes, and he almost couldn't come back.

Then he looked up at the grandfather in front of him who closed his eyes and raised God, the actual helmsman of the Zhang family.

"Grandpa, I..."

His mouth opened, but he didn't know how to say it.

"Lao Fu has already told me about this, your current temperament is still impatient, since you met that Gu Chen, you have changed!" Old man Zhang opened his eyes and said a little inscrutably.

Ling Zhang Yunlong's face suddenly changed, as if someone had spoken from his heart.

That's right, he has changed since he last saw Gu Chen in the Chu family.

Because before he met Gu Chen, he had always been smooth, and he was also a famous young talent in the Southeast Sea, which made his self-confidence stronger than ever, thinking that he was the only proud son in this world.

But after seeing Gu Chen, everything changed, his so-called young talent was worthless in front of the other party, and his achievements were like a child in Gu Chen's eyes, which hit him hard.

So he just wanted to prove himself like a demon, but he didn't expect it to be more and more impossible.

"People must have self-knowledge, Yunlong, that Gu Chen is no longer something you can chase! Even our entire Zhang family is estimated to be nothing in his eyes!

But what he didn't expect was that the young man who impressed him this time turned out to be the helmsman of the Longteng Group, in short, his current identity, which is nothing in the eyes of others, after all, the gap is a bit big

! Another birth of a consortium

! But Zhang Yunlong is very unwilling!

The hands under the legs are exerted extensively, resulting in exposed blood vessels and pale skin.

"Grandpa, I..." He

wanted to say something more, but was directly interrupted by Old Master Zhang.

"Yes!" Seeing

his grandfather's expression, he left the living room very low, while Old Master Zhang and Fu Bo, who was standing next to him, did not speak.

"You say, am I too strict?" muttered Old Master Zhang a little lonely.

"Master, you are also for the good of the little young master, I believe he will understand your intentions in the future!"

Then he showed a look of guilt.

"Sir, I actually didn't investigate the matter clearly about this time, so that the company's power in Huaxia suffered serious losses!" then Fubo said in a low voice.

The previous series in Huaxia were all formulated by Fubo, and Zhang Yunlong only executed.

So now that the plan has failed, he actually bears the main responsibility.

"Old Fu, I'm not old and confused!" Old man Zhang glanced at the guilty Fubo when he heard this, and said lightly.


"This matter is Yunlong's mistake, he didn't investigate that Zhixia's mysterious boss actually had something to do with Longteng Group, otherwise your plan Zhixia would have ceased to exist long ago!" Old man Zhang looked out the window and said softly.

"By the way, I have heard that Xia's fabric is a new type of fabric, and I heard that this fabric is very high-grade!

"Yes, I will arrange it immediately!"

Then I went out and arranged it.

Although Old Master Zhang did not pursue it, he thought in his heart that he must get Zhixia's information this time, which was not only a task, but also for shame.


At this time, Gu Chen was sitting in the office, investigating the intelligence of the Zhang family, after all, the Zhang family dared to calculate him, and he naturally wanted to take revenge.

However, after reading the information, he was a little surprised.

The Zhang family has always been doing business in the clothing industry, but it is a low-end route, with high quality and low price, mainly large quantities and goods, but it is not easy to deal with, after all, Longteng Group is only powerful in terms of technology, and the clothing industry is out of reach, and is still a low-end industry, with great influence in Southeast Asia, the real underground kingdom.

No wonder dare to be so arrogant and dare to break ground on the head of Tai Sui.

This is a bit tricky, although Long Teng is big, but he can't interfere in other countries' internal affairs.

It seems that he has to deal with the other party slowly, Gu Chen is a little helpless, even the top ten consortiums in the United States dare to make a move.

But for some groups in Southeast Asia, there is some powerlessness.

It can only be said that the interlacing is like a mountain, plus the situation over there is a bit complicated.

He called the assistant directly.

"President Gu!" the assistant shouted in front of Gu Chen's eyes.

"Well, I want to find you, about the Zhang Group over there in Southeast Asia, I want you to go and disgust me, disgusting the other party!" Gu Chen looked at the assistant and ordered.

What does Mr. Gu mean?" the

assistant was stunned.

"I will give you the greatest permission and give me a good warning to the Zhang Clan

!" "Understood!"


assistant nodded when he heard this, and then went down.

Since he can't bankrupt you, but disgust the other party, he can still do it.

Next, Gu Chen is ready to deal with some other companies in the clothing industry, after all, they have participated in the encirclement and suppression of Zhixia before, but now he has no problem fighting back!

So then Zhixia frequently attacked and directly annexed dozens of small companies, making those medium-sized companies and large companies at everyone's own risk, but they could only watch Zhixia do it.

People have valid reasons.

Finally, when he knew that Xia really couldn't swallow it, he slowly stopped.

This wave directly made Zhixia directly become a top domestic clothing brand company.

Not only did it not hurt Zhixia's vitality, but it also made it directly a few steps less, directly one step to become famous, and those large companies vomited blood after getting the news.

"President Gu, during this period of time, we know that Xia is expanding too fast, as long as we absorb and reorganize all of these, then Zhixia's influence will be even stronger!" said the Minister of Personnel passionately at this time.

The others also showed excited expressions and looked at the man who performed the miracle.

Gu Chen smiled slightly, obviously also a little happy.

"Not bad, do you know how many orders Xia has been sold during this period?" and

then looked at Xia Ning.

"President Gu, during this time, Xia's order turnover reached three million times!" Xia

Ning's tone trembled a little when she read this number, this number was not only something she did not expect, but everyone sitting there did not expect except Gu Chenhou.

For a while, the breathing in the conference room was much shorter.

"It seems that the previous turmoil made us know that Xia's influence has risen even more!" said Gu Chen with a smile.

There was laughter below, and if those opponents knew, wouldn't it be depressed to death.

Then Gu Chen's tone changed.

"But then you can't relax, this is just a good start, those big names are all precipitated by time, so we have to catch up naturally there is still a distance!" said seriously.

The people below also became serious and thoughtful.

"The inheritance of a brand is naturally not only online channels, offline physical channels are also very important! It can greatly increase the strength and influence of this brand, so the next task of Zhixia is to expand offline." "

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