The gift list opens.

The most expensive is Super Fire, 3,000 yuan a piece.

And then there's the rocket, two thousand dollars a piece.

Aircraft a thousand.

Sports car five hundred.

Suddenly, Gu Chen directly lit to Chaohuo.

Direct ten initiation sending.

Suddenly, the super hot special effect appeared in Yan Qing's live broadcast room, and instantly surpassed the opposite side.

"Groove! Which local tycoon made a move? "

Ten super fires at first?"

"Anchor, you sent it, Shenhao has descended on your live broadcast room!"

Suddenly, the barrage was like rain, and they were all shocked by Gu Chen's actions.

"Thanks for the dusty ten super fire!" Yan Qing was also surprised, and then very happy.

I thought that this live broadcast was going to lose, but I didn't expect a big guy to appear.

"Haha! Overtaken!

"It turns out that Qing Qing has always had Shenhao in the live broadcast room, just diving!"

Now Yan Qing has changed the live broadcast room back to his own name: "Yan Qingqing live broadcast room!" "

The opposite side saw that he was overtaken, and he suddenly panicked, thinking that the victory was in hand, but a local tyrant suddenly appeared.

"Brothers, let's cheer together? Xiao Wu doesn't want to lose! "Suddenly sold miserable to the live broadcast room.

As a result, the men in the small dance live broadcast room were like chicken blood, and various gifts brushed the screen again.

Among them, there are many local tycoons who have smashed blood for the sake of face!

Directly surpassed Yan Qing's live broadcast room.

With just ten seconds left, the gap widened again.

"It's over, the other party has exerted his strength!"

"Is the dusty guy still there?"

"Big guy, hurry up!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room rolled quickly, and immediately after, a series of prompts sounded in the live broadcast room.

"Dusty, rewarded twenty super fires in the anchor Yan Qingqing's live broadcast room!"

Suddenly, this prompt sounded on the entire platform.

It has attracted countless newcomers and water friends.

"What? Twenty rounds of superfire? 60,000 yuan?

"Really fake? Which god is hao? "

This is the Super Fire Don't Want Money series?"

"It won't be childcare, will it? Or are the unions brushing money? For

a time, the popularity skyrocketed, and Yan Qing's live broadcast room jumped to attract countless popularity.

Soon, at the end of ten seconds, the opponent's blood bar was directly gone, and Yan Qing won.

The anchor Xiao Wu on the opposite side was stunned.

She thought she had won, but she didn't expect that the other party actually stole the tower, which made her extremely uncomfortable.

If she had strength, she would have the confidence to win.

Not only the anchors themselves, but even the big brothers on the list in the live broadcast room also think so.

"One more handful!"

"You stole the tower just now! Doesn't count! There is a real knife and a real gun!

"Garbage anchor! If you don't have strength, forget it, it's still so dirty to do things! Immediately

, they all ran to Yan Qing's live broadcast room and began to sneer.

Yan Qing had not reacted yet, but saw the swearing comments on the barrage.

"Gee! Can't afford to lose!

"To lose is to lose! What steals the tower? If you have the ability, you can brush more before!

"Still stealing the tower? Your blood bars are gone!

"It is!"

Before Yan Qing could speak, the fans in the live broadcast room began to maintain it.

It was noisy for a while, this is Yan Qing's home field, naturally there is no pressure on the other side.

Gu Chen, on the other hand, did not speak, but smiled disdainfully.

"That guy who brushed super fire, I know you are still in the live broadcast room, do you have another handful? Do we really hit with a knife and a real gun? Who lost and apologized?

"Yes! Is there a kind of fight again! What is it to steal the tower at the end? "

The big brother on the opposite list saw that he couldn't win the fans, so he directly faced Gu Chen and wrote a battle book.

"Ridiculous! You told me to hit another one? Gu Chen didn't talk nonsense, and sprayed directly.

"Hmph! If you are afraid, just say it!

"No money to pretend to be a tycoon?"

"Exactly! Don't dare to fight? What excuses? Seeing Gu Chen's words, the other side was angry.

"Want to fight? OK? Where do we go to the public welfare live broadcast room? "

Dare?" Gu Chen replied.



"Who is afraid of whom?"

For a while, Yan Qing's live broadcast room was full of gunpowder, attracting too many melon-eating people.

"Dusty and mighty! It is! There is a kind of brush to go to public welfare!

"Wow? Is this the big guy? It's really a good three views! Love love, love!

"No wonder the big guy is so rich, just by your attitude!" I can only say that you deserve to be so rich!

"Good! If you have money, do more good deeds! What else does the show say about presence? The

live broadcast room was full of praise for Gu Chen's words and supported Gu Chen, and

on the other side, there was a live broadcast room with an incomparably small number of people.

It is called the Dashan District Poverty Alleviation Donation Public Welfare Live Broadcast Room.

The anchor is a volunteer teacher who teaches deep in a mountain in central China, and he sees the poverty here, and the children even have a shabby place to study.

The local government can't afford to allocate money because it's everywhere.

So he had to find a way on his own, and by chance he came into contact with the live broadcast, so he started the live broadcast.

He thought that as long as he started the live broadcast, all walks of life would actively donate after knowing the situation here.

The ideal is full, the reality is cruel.

He was disappointed that no one paid attention to the result.

No, there are only a few people in the live broadcast room.

After Gu Chen said in Yanqing's live broadcast room, he searched for the public welfare live broadcast room in the search bar.

Many live broadcasts popped up directly, and after looking for it, he saw a live broadcast room called Dashan District Poverty Alleviation Donation Public Welfare.

As soon as it came to light, this was it.

"Aren't you convinced? Come here and do it for real money! When

Gu Chen directly sent the link to Yan Qing's live broadcast room, he then typed a line.

"The big guy turned out to be real!"

"Let's go and see!"

"Do you dare on the other side?"

For a while, Yan Qing's live broadcast room was very hot!

The eldest brothers on the opposite side are now riding tigers, they thought that this was just Gu Chen's excuse, but he thought that he took it seriously.

However, after seeing so many barrages, they gritted their teeth and went directly.

They looked at Gu Chen's account level before, just the most primitive, and they saw that they were a newbie who had just played, how much money could they have? So they are also relieved!

Dashan Poverty Live Broadcast Room.

At this time, the popularity skyrocketed, and the live broadcast was a young man who did not know what happened.

It wasn't until he saw many barrages that he understood what was going on.

"Thank you big brothers and sisters for coming to the live broadcast room!" Immediately the anchor hurriedly said.

"Dusty, 10 super fires were rewarded in the anchor Dashan poverty live broadcast room! Go and watch! Gu

Chen didn't talk nonsense, and directly came up with ten super fires, which instantly resounded throughout the platform.

"Hello anchor!"

"Thank you for the super fire of the dusty big brother! On behalf of the students here, I would like to thank you very much for your assistance! You can rest assured! All of my tips will be used for poverty alleviation, and everyone is welcome to supervise! The

anchor immediately looked grateful.

This is the biggest, most expensive gift he has received since he started the live broadcast.

"Is there such a poor place now?"

"When you grow up, your eyes are easy to get into the sand!"

"I'm not as rich as the big guy, so I can only do my best. Sports car delivered! "

For a while, the water friends who were attracted were moved by this anchor, and all kinds of gifts flew all over the screen for a while.

At this time, such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of the platform.

The staff did not dare to make a decision, so they could only report, so after causing a real power supervisor, they decided: "This is a good opportunity to promote the positive energy of our platform, and fully relax the traffic restrictions in this live broadcast room!" And all the gifts in this live broadcast room, we don't draw a penny! All for public welfare activities! "

Ordered from above, the staff below directly began to act.

On the homepage of the platform, a live broadcast link from the Dashan poverty live broadcast room appeared.

The staff even sent a gift directly inside.

"Tigerfish staff, gave a super fire in the anchor Dashan poverty live broadcast room! Come and watch!

Suddenly, the platform prompt sounded, which instantly attracted the attention of many water friends.

"Hello, anchor, I am the staff of the official platform, and after the above decision, all the reward gift platforms in this live broadcast room will not collect any commission in the future, all for public welfare, and we will also send a special person to inquire about all the financial whereabouts!"

Immediately caused an uproar, and everyone did not expect to attract the attention of the platform.

"Thank you for the support of the official platform, on behalf of all the students here, I would like to express my sincere thanks!"

The anchor was also stunned, and then ecstatic, he did not expect to attract the attention of the official.

"Wow! I didn't expect the platform to be so heartwarming! Worthy of being the boss of the platform!

"Good! I decided to only watch Tigerfish live in the future!

"It's still a dusty big guy, and a move actually attracted the attention of the platform!"

"Good! You big guy or you big guy! For

a while, it was all positive barrage, and the supervisor who was secretly observing was very satisfied.

"Opposite! What about you? Wouldn't it be a run?

At this time, Gu Chen did not forget the previous ones.

"Brother Wang, I gave 10 super fires in the anchor Dashan poverty live broadcast room!"

"The patron saint of Xiao Wu gave 10 super fires in the anchor Dashan poverty live broadcast room!"

"Xiao Wu's big brother on the list, he rewarded 10 super fires in the anchor Dashan poverty live broadcast room!"

As soon as Gu Chen's words fell, several voices continued to sound one after another.

I was very excited to watch the live broadcast room!

The showdown of the local tyrants! Here we go!

Gu Chen smiled when he saw this scene, very good!

"Dusty, in the anchor Dashan poverty live broadcast room rewarded 50 super fire!"

"Dusty, in the anchor Dashan poverty live broadcast room rewarded 50 super fire!"

Without saying much, he shot directly, which instantly shocked everyone.

"Lying down... Groove! O gods!

"At this moment, blind my dog's eyes!"

"100 rounds of super fire, 300,000? Just gone?

"I can't understand the thoughts of rich people!"

Not only the water friends in the live broadcast room were scared, but even the previous few and local tyrants were the same.

They didn't expect Gu Chen to be so rich, how long had it been, and he had brushed 300,000?

Although they are also self-proclaimed local tyrants, it is still very distressing to brush so much at once!

"What about people?"

At this time, Gu Chen saw that they were not moving, and immediately mocked; "Won't run away, will it?"

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