As soon as these words came out, the faces of the few who had opposed Gu Chen before really turned red, and as soon as several people discussed, they immediately fought hard.

So the three of them brushed thirty super fires each.

Directly raised the popularity of the live broadcast.

"That's it?"

Gu Chen glanced at it, and then sent two words with disdain, and directly rewarded four 50 super fires in one breath.

Another 600,000!

Instantly shut up several people, they knew that this was a kick to the iron plate, and their strength was not known to be many times stronger than themselves!

So he did not dare to show up again, and walked away one by one.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was instantly stunned, they didn't expect Gu Chen to be so domineering, and directly smashed down hundreds of thousands.

So everyone waited for a while, and when they saw that the previous people had not appeared, they knew that they did not dare to come again.

However, there was no mockery, after all, they also knew that Gu Chen must be super strong, and they didn't blink when they didn't see people's eyes.

"The big guy is mighty!"

"Big guy domineering!"

"The big guy is awesome!"

Suddenly, all the words appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Thank you for sending so many super fires from Dusty Big Brother! I thank you on behalf of the children! The

anchor also reacted at this time, and thanked Gu Chen for a while.

"It's okay! Hope you do what you say! Gu Chen said boldly.

Anyway, he has a quota of one million, where to brush is not a brush, it is better to brush to the public good, can do good deeds without wasting!

"Please rest assured, big brother! I livestream the usefulness of finance the whole time! Welcome big brother to investigate! The

anchor's posture was very low, and he was also very grateful to Gu Chen, he knew that if it weren't for Gu Chen, he might not be able to drive it.

Then Gu Chen chatted a few words and withdrew.

However, although Gu Chen is gone, the popularity of this live broadcast room is very high.

The previous super fire attracted too much popularity.

"Wow! I didn't expect the big guy's ideological realm to be so high!

"Can you be so rich?"

"Although I don't have the dusty big guy and have money, I still have a rocket!"

"Good! I didn't expect such a place! I also did my best! When

the netizens in the live broadcast room saw Gu Chen's previous throw, they immediately shouted and gave tips, hoping to help children in poor mountainous areas.

Gu Chen's affairs have attracted widespread attention, rich and loving, and have become the idol of many people.

There were also many anchors who knew that Gu Chen had rewarded more than one million in just one hour, and suddenly their eyes were scarlet, and they all found Gu Chen's account private messages, wanting to hug Shenhao's thighs.

All this has nothing to do with Gu Chen.

At this time, a message also came from his mobile phone.

"Congratulations to this user for completing the event! A total of 1.03 million consumption! Cashback of 100 million has been credited to the user's bank card, please pay attention to check! Seeing

this, Gu Chen was excited, and 100 million was in hand.

"Dear Mr. Gu, your account received a transfer today, and the current balance: 138,974,300 yuan and hexagons!"

Then news came from his bank card account.

"Haha! I completed a small goal in an hour!

The corners of Gu Chen's mouth suddenly opened with a smile.

"Knock knock!"

Then the door to his office rang.

"Please come in!"

The person who came was Chu Xinyi.

"Why are you here?" Gu Chen was slightly stunned.

This should be the busiest time for Chu Xinyi!

"It's time to report to the directors!"

Chu Xinyi glanced at Gu Chen with some complexity.

Looking at all this, she was like a dream bubble!

Her old classmate became her boss.

"What's up to you?" Gu Chen said indifferently.

"It's about the Tianhe Group!"

Chu Xinyi gritted her teeth.

Obviously, he is still very angry about what Tianhe Group has done before.


Gu Chen didn't know what to say for a while, after all, if it weren't for the people, he wouldn't have been able to buy the Chu family.

"I just asked General Manager Jiang to understand the situation, we Taiyu are many times more famous than Tianhe in the world, so I want to snipe Tianhe Group on raw materials."

Without waiting for Gu Chen to say anything, she continued to speak: "After my investigation, those raw material origins in the world obviously have more trust in our Taiyu, plus we Taiyu are currently transforming, we need a lot of raw materials, and we can also seize market share and expand our influence!"

Then he looked at Gu Chen expectantly,


Gu Chen smiled bitterly, and then thought carefully, this is indeed the case.

Before, they didn't want many raw materials in the group, so they didn't care.

But now, since the transformation is to be made, many raw materials are naturally needed.

However, he believes that squeezing out the Tianhe Group is definitely part of the reason.

"Okay! You are solely responsible for this! Gu

Chen directly delegated power and let her deal with this matter.

"Yes! Thank you, Chairman! Chu

Xinyi was very happy when she heard this, and then stepped on high heels and walked out.

When things are done, naturally there is no mud and water.

"This Niko!"

Gu Chen shook his head, and then took care of his official business.

Many documents need to be signed by him in person to be valid.

Time passed and soon I left work.

As the boss of the group, how can he take the lead in overtime?

So Gu Chen left the group very punctually.

Others also got off work together, and I have to say that the working environment of large groups is still more humane.

As long as you finish your work, you can leave work on time, and overtime work is also paid.

Gu Chen directly drove his super car and left the parking lot.

"Wow! Supercar! Whose car is this? How handsome!

"Haven't you heard who drives a sports car at work?" President Jiang is not ah!

"Could it be..." "


The clerk who had just walked out of the building suddenly saw a sports car coming out of the underground parking lot and immediately talked about it.

Immediately envious, the female staff showed a heartbeat.

Chairman Gu Chen is young and handsome, and worth tens of billions, and he is really the male god in their hearts.

Gu Chen, who returned home, felt very bored, so he started the road to conquer the canyon.

Open the pesticide and enter the game interface.

Looking at the long-lost picture, Gu Chen missed it for a while.

He hasn't played for a year, and he was originally a king, and he fell directly into platinum.

Regardless of three seven twenty-one, directly opened the ranking.

So he started his winning streak all the way and took the MVP of the whole game.

The strength of the king is not casually killed in the Platinum Bureau?

At this time, he looked at the time of his wrist, and it was already past twelve o'clock in the evening.

"I didn't expect to play for so long at once!"

Rubbed his neck and quit the game.

It's enough to have fun, there's no need to play all the time.

After thinking about it, today's event has been refreshed, so I opened Taobao.

After all, he has been super-god tonight, maybe his luck is still there, and he can draw a better commodity.

"Congratulations to the user for winning one yuan and enjoying the exchange of one Huatian Hotel!"

Looking at the above news, Gu Chen was stunned, and then ecstatic.

"I seem to have discovered a secret? How many games to play before the draw? "

Huatian Hotel, a famous five-star hotel in Huahai City, is several grades higher than Sheraton City.

The receptionists are some shopping mall giants, or international bigwigs.

These are invisible resources!

"Huh? Tomorrow happens to be a class reunion, just right!

Gu Chen immediately thought that the class reunion was not in the Huatian Hotel?

Thinking of this, he smiled heartily, obviously he didn't like to pretend, but this mutated Taobao always wanted him to pretend!

Life is so helpless!

After a night without words, Gu Chen woke up early.

After solving personal hygiene, he drove directly to Huatian Hotel.

According to the navigation, an hour later, the sports car stopped safely in front of the hotel.

Looking at the luxurious and atmospheric hotel, Gu Chen is very satisfied, and it is worthy of being a top-ranked five-star hotel.

Just walked down and entered the hall.

The resplendent and magnificent lobby greets you.

The interior decoration is unique, and the rows of bookshelves are filled with many works of art and many classical books.

Let the modern and luxurious lobby reveal a little elegant grace, giving people a noble quality.

Gu Chen couldn't help nodding, this hardware facility, didn't say.

"Hello gentleman, are you booking a room or..."

came the sweet voice of the front desk customer service.

"Hello, I'll wait for someone!"

Gu Chen nodded, looking at this service is indeed good.

"Okay, this gentleman, you can go to the special leisure area over there and wait for someone!" There was no dissatisfaction at the front desk, but thoughtful advice.

"Okay! Thank you!

Gu Chen immediately walked to the comfortable sofa opposite, took out his mobile phone and dialed.

The call was sent to him by Taobao last night.

It should be the phone number of the person in charge of the hotel.

The phone rang a few times and it was connected.

Then a thick man's voice came.

"Hello? Hello? May I ask..."

"Gu Chen!"

As soon as these words came out, Gu Chen obviously heard the pause on the other side.

"I'm so sorry in Xiaganyuan! Mr. Gu, I didn't expect you to come over so early, please wait a bit, I'm still in Ning City, I'll come over right away!" I

saw that the other side was slightly stunned, and then quickly said.

"Gan? Is this surname a bit interesting?

"But what are you doing in Ning City?" Aren't you supposed to go to work? Thinking of this, Gu Chen frowned slightly.

"President Gu? Give me thirty minutes and I'll be right there, I'm so sorry!

Hearing that Gu Chen did not speak, he thought that he was dissatisfied, and he was immediately anxious, and he quickly apologized.

For Gu Chen's acquisition of his hotel, he not only did not complain in the slightest, but also was full of gratitude.

People who can open hotels are naturally more than this strength, and he has also opened a company.

It's just that recently, his company's capital chain has been tight, resulting in the company filing for bankruptcy.

It can be said that in less than a month, he will face bankruptcy or jail time.

Selling a five-star hotel is not a simple matter, it requires a lot of cash, not ordinary people can take it.

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