Coupled with the fact that someone made a noise, no one dared to take over their own hotel.

Either the price is extremely low.

Just when he was desperate, the person on the other end of the phone who claimed to be Gu Chen suddenly appeared.

To buy his hotel, and still overpriced, let him directly complete the shortage of capital chain, the company is resurrected.

This move was no less than a gift in the snow for him, and indirectly saved his life.

In this case, why is he not grateful?

"Hmm! It's okay! You can take your time, don't rush!

Gu Chen didn't know the identity of the other party, thinking that he was just the manager of the hotel.

He wanted to see what the man had to say.

The phone hung up, and Gu Chen sat in the lobby and waited.

The main thing is to look at the environmental facilities.

I have to say that it is really good, whether it is software facilities or hardware facilities, it is first-class.

Suddenly, he saw a uniformed woman walking over, and when he heard the front desk call her Manager Liu, he was stunned.

"She's the manager? What is Naganyuan? Gu

Chen was confused.

Seeing the other party leaving in the elevator, Gu Chen hurried to the front desk.

"That person was your manager just now?" Gu Chen couldn't help but speak.

"yes! Just now that was the general manager of our hotel, how, this gentleman, you also think our manager is beautiful, right? When

the front desk heard this, he raised his head and looked at Gu Chen with a smile;

She directly misunderstood Gu Chen for someone who took a fancy to their manager.


Gu Chen was stunned? Pretty? He really didn't pay attention.

"This gentleman, I give you advice, or give up! Our manager has never been different from anyone of the opposite sex. Seeing

Gu Chen's expression, she thought that she was embarrassed by her, and immediately persuaded;

She still saw Gu Chen so handsome to say so much to him.

"That's right! This gentleman, is the person you are waiting for coming?

"Nope! He said there was still half an hour!

Gu Chen shook his head and said, then sat back on the sofa.

Thirty minutes have not yet passed, which is twenty-five minutes.

Gan Yuan ran in sweating.

Although Gu Chen told him not to be in a hurry, he would not really be in a hurry.

He arrived at the hotel in a hurry.

Ning City is a city not far from Huahai City, and it usually takes only half an hour to arrive.

"Mr. Gan?"

At this time, the front desk directly tightened and shouted nervously.

Gu Chen turned his head when he heard the sound, and a middle-aged man with good maintenance walked in.

"Your Excellency, but Gu Chen Gu?"

After looking around, Gan Yuan saw that only Gu Chen was sitting in the rest area, and quickly walked over and asked tentatively.

Although Gu Chen looked very young, capable people never cared what age.

When Gu Chen heard this, he looked at Gan Yuan, who was a servant of the wind and dust, and said with a smile: "President Gan? Seeing

the other party nodding, Gu Chen reacted, and the lover was the owner of the hotel.

"It's really made Mr. Gu wait for a long time, it's really embarrassing." Gan Yuan apologized.

The posture is very low.

Ling Gu Chen was a little strange, he didn't know these things.

I just bought his hotel, how could he be so nice to me?

Did you fancy my beauty?

Thinking of this, Gu Chen couldn't help but shiver, a chill.

"Mr. Gu, go and see our hotel now, it's not a problem with my company, I really won't sell it!"

Then Gan Yuan began to introduce the situation of the hotel to Gu Chen.


Gu Chen nodded.

Come to the front desk.

"Xiaoqian, introduce you, this will be your boss in the future, Gu Chen Gu!"

Gan Yuan pointed at Gu Chen and said;

"Huh? Look at...... Good Gu! The

front desk was instantly stunned, it turned out that this good-looking little brother was her boss, and suddenly spoke a little stuttered.

"Hmm! Hello!

Gu Chen greeted with a smile.

He still has a good impression of this front desk.

Of course, it is not the kind of men and women, but the kind that is appreciated in the workplace.

"That's right! What about Manager Liu Yingliu? Then

Gan Yuan asked the front desk.

"Manager Liu just went up!"

The front desk answered truthfully.

Although Gan Yuan is not their boss soon, Gan Yuan is good for them.

"Inform Mr. Liu, everyone has a meeting in the conference room!"

After saying a word to the front desk, he looked at Gu Chen and said, "President Gu!" Please! "Good


Gu Chen walked in front without hesitation.

Ten minutes later, in the conference room of Huatian Hotel.

More than a hundred people filled the entire conference room.

The seats in the front row were successively occupied by the management.

The leader is Liu Ying, the manager who has a relationship with Gu Chen.

Everyone who came in turned their gaze to the top of the conference room.

Suddenly, the main door opened, and two figures walked in, and the first to walk in was not the Gan Yuan they were familiar with, but a young man.

They were collectively stunned,

"Who is this young man?"

"Why is he walking ahead of the boss? Why does he sit in the boss's place?

Only Liu Ying knew the truth, and looking at her new boss was slightly curious.

Although they were all very curious, none of them asked, and the entire conference room fell silent.

After a while, Gan Yuan was also a little sad when he looked at the familiar face, after all, they were all old people who had followed him for many years.


Drawing everyone's gaze over, he continued; "Everyone, today's meeting is one thing, to inform you. That is, I have sold the Huatian Hotel to this Gu Chen Gu next to me! In other words, from today onwards, Mr. Gu will be your new boss!

As soon as the words fell, everyone's eyes widened.

They didn't have any news before, it was too sudden.

I didn't understand why Gan Yuan wanted to sell the hotel that was booming.

"I've seen the new boss!"

Seeing everyone's reaction, Gan Yuan was also embarrassed.

"Mr. Gu is good!"

But they reacted quickly.


Gu Chen nodded and motioned for everyone to sit down.

Then they looked at Gu Chen curiously and found that the new boss was not only young, but also extremely handsome!

To be able to buy such a big hotel must be very rich.

This...... It is simply a template for the male protagonist in urban romance novels.

Compared to the previous Gan Yuan Ganzong, Gu Chen is simply perfect!

Except for a few people, most of them have little affection for Ganyuan.

This is not ruthless, just the most basic idea.

After all, for them, it's just a part-time job, just a different boss.

Little impact.

Therefore, Gu Chen's appearance added a lot of impression points to him.

Then Gan Yuan left the stage to Gu Chen.

He had already said what he should have said.

Next, Huatian Hotel will belong to Gu Chen.

"Everyone! I won't beat around the bush, everything is business as before! The reward system will not be affected in any way! After all, I have just taken over this hotel, and I don't know you very well, so in the next period of time, I will carefully observe your work attitude, good work attitude, not only will the salary not affect, but also increase!

Gu Chen looked around and said slowly.

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the salary incentive system remains unchanged, even if the sky falls, it has nothing to do with him.

"Okay! That's all I have to say for the time being. The meeting ended next, and the management stayed to show me about the hotel!

Then more than a hundred people dispersed directly, leaving only about ten people to continue the meeting.

The huge conference room seemed a little empty at this time.

At this time, a woman in her thirties sitting closest to Gu Chen stood up.

"Hello Mr. Gu, I am Liu Ying, the general manager of the hotel, and I will introduce everything about the hotel in detail next!"

Liu Ying didn't know that Gu Chen had seen her before, and said respectfully with a professional smile.

Gu Chen nodded when he heard this.

After all, he has just taken over, and there is only a vague concept in his mind here, so he needs to understand the situation in detail, and it is excellent to introduce him as the general manager of the hotel.

Then Liu Ying spoke.

From the hotel's operating model to its work, everything is detailed and detailed.

Gu Chen was surprised to hear it, he didn't expect Liu Ying's ability to be so good, and he remembered everything big and small in the hotel very clearly.

Regarding the development direction of the hotel, the problems faced and the solutions, Liu Ying can always put forward her own opinions.

Even Gu Chen was secretly surprised, after all, he couldn't think of any better way than her.

You must know that Gu Chen does not understand anything, how can the graduates of famous schools be wasted?

Seeing Gu Chen's gaze resting on Liu Ying's face, Gan Yuan on the side came up and whispered in Gu Chen's ear.

Liu Ying, thirty-one years old, graduated from Stan University's business school abroad. The ability is not to say, this hotel is usually managed by her. How? Gu always has an idea? The

corner of Gu Chen's mouth twitched, glanced at Gan Yuan speechlessly, and shook his head.

This is old and unorthodox, no wonder it was the same at the front desk in the hotel lobby before, it turns out that the problem is here.

"Mr. Gu, if you have an idea about her, it may be a little difficult, and it is impossible to suppress her as an identity. After all, people don't have the ability to say, there will be people who want to go wherever they want, usually they are not fake, anyway, I can't help, it depends on your means!

Gan Yuan thought that Gu Chen was embarrassed.

And Gu Chen was simply too lazy to look at Gan Yuan, at first he thought that the people who could afford to open a big hotel must be very serious, but he didn't expect it...

Suppress your inner thoughts and listen carefully to Liu Ying's introduction.

Then it became a normal meeting, with everyone expressing their opinions.

And Liu Ying, no matter who raised the question and plan about the hotel, she can give a good idea.

Gu Chen nodded again and again after hearing this, and he couldn't think of a better way than this.

He couldn't help but be very happy that he knew that this Liu Ying's ability was far beyond the management of the hotel.

Let him pick up a bargain.

Time passes little by little.

Various problems are also being solved.

The sky outside is gradually darkening.

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