Although he didn't understand what he meant, he went home honestly.

When he returned home in the evening, he was surprised when he told his family what he thought.

"You said you're going abroad again?" exclaimed Gu's mother.

"Not bad, but you don't have to make such a fuss!" said Gu Chen with a smile.

"It's so dangerous abroad, can't you stay at home?" said Gu's mother dissatisfied.

"This: Besides, foreign countries are not as dangerous as you say, so don't worry!" said Gu Chen.

"Auntie, Brother Chen is also going to do business!" At this time, Chu Xinyi also followed to comfort Gu's mother.

However, she still glanced at Gu Chen resentfully, which made Gu Chen uncomfortable.

And Han Yumian was too busy during this period, running all over the country every day, so she was not at home.

"Forget it!" Gu

Mu waved her hand, she naturally knew, but she was reluctant, after all, this time Gu Chen did not only go for a day or two, she was a little reluctant.

After all, where is there comfort in foreign countries!" Gu

Chen said with a smile: "Besides, if you are bored at home or miss me, you can also go abroad to see me."

Then Gu's mother also nodded in agreement, but she was still in a bad mood.

However, she was still very sensible and did not say anything.

The next day, early in the morning, Chu Xinyi came to Gu's house, and after eating breakfast with Gu Chen, he went to the company together.

"How about I accompany you too?" said

Chu Xinyi on the way.

Gu Chen was stunned, turned his head to look at the other party's calm side face, and said with a smile: "Not in the near stage."

Chu Xinyi was a little puzzled, and turned her head to look at Gu Chen while she was at the traffic light.

"Grandview Group's current domestic market has not yet been digested, it is not wise to enter foreign countries, and after I gain a firm foothold in the world, other groups will come out in turn!

Chu Xinyi was stunned, and then his mouth opened: "You are going to open your career all over the world!"

Chu Xinyi heard the latter sentence, and immediately blushed like a red apple.

Ling Gu Chen swallowed his throat, directly stepped forward and covered it, directly printing it on Chu Xinyi's cherry lips.

Chu Xinyi suddenly panicked and subconsciously wanted to retreat, but as a result, he touched the glass and was directly stuck by Gu Chen.

She suddenly froze, blushed and closed her eyes, trying to respond.

"Didi ~~"

Who knew that the two of them directly forgot their feelings, and did not know the position they were in, until the red light passed, the vehicles behind looked at Chu Xinyi's car and did not move at all, and suddenly the horns sounded like crazy without money.

Suddenly the two reacted, Chu Xinyi pushed Gu Chen away, and quickly started the car without Gu Chen's face, driving fast like a rabbit.

"Slow down, you want to murder your husband!" Gu

Chen looked at the shy and embarrassed beauty next to him, and suddenly the car swayed left and right, and reminded softly.

"Yes, I am going to murder my husband!" Chu

Xinyi was overjoyed in her heart, but her mouth was stubborn.

"Gee!" Gu

Chen did not stimulate the other party again.

And Chu Xinyi did not take care of the dust until the company, and the whole person's face was like a layer of rouge.

In the end, he jumped out of here, leaving Gu Chen alone, shaking his head.

He walked slowly on the road, from time to time there were employees passing by, Gu always shouted, and there were many girls secretly looking at Gu Chen, their eyes showing a star-like form, there was worship, there was admiration.

However, Gu Chen completely ignored it, and at this time he was reminiscing about the kiss on the road.

"Hmm, grass-scented!"

At this time, a high-rise building in the United States, inside the conference room.

On the top floor, the small rooms are like a palatial palace.

The surrounding walls are hung with portraits and calligraphy of world celebrities, the east is a huge floor-to-ceiling window, the sun above the nine days can shine wantonly, and the south is a huge bookcase, filled with all kinds of books, as if the owner of this place must be a gentle celebrity.

To the west is a small conference table, to the north is the main door, and in the middle is naturally a set of black and white expensive sofas, and a coffee table in the middle.

It's not so much a conference room as a sophisticated personal office.

At this time, three men with white hair sat on the four sofas, and from God's vision, it could be seen that several people were using their hands together, apparently in a heated conversation.

"Hunter, this is too risky!" the man sitting on the east side shook his head and refused.

"Yes, Hunter, you didn't tell me last night that it was from the East!" the man on the north echoed.

He was none other than Charlie who had called Hunter last night.

The other is Peter, who is at the helm of one of the three major families of the California consortium.

The three of them are the de facto controllers of the California consortium.

At this time, Hunter, who was sitting in the south, heard that he did not agree.

Have you forgotten our predicament now, and who will help us?

"But this will cause the displeasure of the other consortiums!" said Peter with a furrowed white eyebrow.

"Haha, Peter, you are really getting older and more confused, what about other consortiums dissatisfied, today's world is not our previous world, if we still follow the previous ideas, even if we are not suppressed by the DuPont consortium this time, then there will definitely be greater forces or consortiums to suppress us in the future!"

Just like we still have ties to the European side now, they don't have it?" Hunter shouted, pointing to Peter's nose.

Peter's face changed constantly, and he did not speak for a long time.

"Hunter, that's the case, but what if that Mr. Gu ends up quitting here and leaving us behind?

Before they heard that Gu Chen was the chairman of the now famous Longteng Group, they were very surprised.

After all, this oriental guy has single-handedly pressed the entire world, and now he is the only hegemon in the chip industry.

After all, in today's era of science and technology, in the era where chips are king, it is impossible for anyone to ignore Longteng Group.

"No!" said Hunter directly shaking his head.

Peter and Charlie looked over even more puzzled.

That Mr. Gu wants to step onto the world stage, then he can't give up here, and this is the only chance he can stand on this continent, so he can't give up!

Otherwise next time he won't have any consortium that can help him stand on his feet like we do!" said

Hunter with a mysterious smile and confident analysis.

The other two also nodded frequently as they listened, and they were very reasonable.

But in the end, Peter stopped talking: "Then didn't we bring in a real dragon?" "

Haha! So what? Anyway, it has nothing to do with us, the biggest loss is their consortium, and when the time comes, they will fight with each other and lose both, and then we will take advantage of it!" said Hunter's old traitor.

When the other two heard this, they readily agreed.

"This is equivalent to driving away tigers in Huaxia, using that Mr. Gu to stir up this pool of stagnant water, and then it will also be an opportunity for our California consortium!" Charlie's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said with a smile.

"Not bad!" "

Haha!" So

the three reached an agreement, just waiting for Gu Chen's arrival.

For these capitalists, it is useless to have any national feelings and so on, and only interests are the only truth that drives them.

Gu Chen naturally didn't know that Hunter had this idea, and at this time, he had just walked into the office, and the assistant followed with his hind feet.

"Oh, why did you come back?" Gu Chen was obviously in a good mood, looking at the assistant and asking with a smile.

"Enough rest!" replied the assistant.

"Okay, in that case, then give you a

task!" "Mr. Gu, please order

!" "Your next task is to pay attention to the world situation for me and collect good news, and then my focus will shift to the world!"

said Gu Chen seriously.

"Understood, Mr. Gu, please rest assured!" the assistant was very excited when he heard this, and assured loudly.

Then it's time to go down and get ready to go.

At this time, another assistant walked in.

"Mr. Gu, the gold has arrived at the Kyushu Bank, Governor Fan asked me to ask you, what are the instructions?"

a young man from the assistant group suddenly said respectfully.

As an identity like Gu Chen, he naturally had an assistant group to help him deal with chores, and he came to follow Gu Chen after Xu Yan's general assistant went to do errands before.

"Oh, it's here, it's pretty fast!" Gu Chen looked up and said in surprise when he heard this.

"Tell him that everything is according to plan, and tomorrow will open as promised!

"Yes!" and

then the assistant walked on.

Gu Chen was sitting in the office at this time looking at the white clouds outside the window, and the vision around him was extremely open, giving him a sense of pride at a glance of the mountains.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang.

"Mr. Gu, the sports car that Manager Ye transported for you has arrived at the international terminal in Huahai City, do you see if I will help you transport it back or..." Cheng

Cheng's voice soon reached Gu Chen's ears.

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