Gu Chen was happy, he wanted to go by himself, but he thought about it and forgot it.

"You send someone to transport it to me!" Gu Chen ordered Cheng Cheng.

"Understood!" Cheng Cheng

naturally knew Mr. Gu's attention to this sports car, and he didn't dare to be careless.

So he sent one of his henchmen over.

"Little Six, you go to the dock and bring Mr. 's sports car back. Cheng Cheng said to a silent man beside him.

"Hmm!" and

then Little Six quickly left here.

About two hours later, Cheng Cheng did not wait for Xiaoliu's person, but waited for the other party's call.


Little Six, something happened?" asked Cheng Cheng with a solemn face.

He knows this Little Six very well, usually very silent, but he is careful in doing things, and his brain is also very fast, and he generally cultivates Little Six as the leader of Part A.

Now it's calling him, something must have happened.

"Brother Cheng, the car has been detained!" Xiao Liu said in a low voice after being silent for a while.

Cheng Cheng was relieved, he thought something had happened!

After all, this is Mr. Wang's country, and it is also their country, so they are generally very low-key, and they will definitely not use the foreign set, so he is afraid that Xiaoliu can't help but make a move.

After all, in China, he knew how powerful Mr. Gu was, so this matter was really just a small matter for him.

However, he quickly frowned and asked, "What happened?" Since

he knew that Xiao Liu was okay, then he had to find out what happened, after all, it was not good to mess up his face.

Soon, Little Six figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out that Xiaoliu had just gone to the dock and found the sports car that Manager Ye had shipped to China according to the news, but it was directly detained when the goods passed through customs.

"This way!" Cheng

Cheng's brows stretched.

"You just wait there for this matter, don't act rashly, I'll tell Mr. Gu immediately!" Then

he quickly took the elevator to Gu Chen's office.

It is worth saying that in this building, there are no more than three people who have permission to go directly to Gu Chen's floor, and he is one of them.

"Mr. Gu!" Coming

to Gu Chen's office, his face that had remained unchanged for thousands of years also changed a little, and he was a little embarrassed.

"Well, Brother Cheng, the car has arrived?" Gu Chen looked at the visitor and asked in surprise.

"Mr. Gu, I'm sorry!" Cheng

Cheng blushed a little, he had failed such a simple task, he had said that there was no problem for Xiaoliu before, but he was very embarrassed for him.

"Well, what happened?"

Gu Chen was stunned.

"Your car was officially impounded when it went to sea!" reported Cheng truthfully.

"Hmm?" Gu

Chen was very surprised: "How could it be detained by the authorities, isn't that supercar full of procedures?"

"This, sir, I don't know!" Cheng

Cheng was embarrassed, and a three-room and two-hall were almost cut out on the floor.

"Forget it, I'd better go and see it myself!" Then Gu Chen waved his hand and got up.

Then the two went straight to customs.

Soon, he saw the more silent Little Six.

"Sir, I..." Seeing

Gu Chen, Xiao Liu's silent face also showed guilt.

"Okay, what a big deal!" interrupted Gu Chen directly.

He can be regarded as having discovered the group of bodyguards under him, all of them are strict with themselves, but he also understands that after all, in the complex environment abroad, if there is any trace, then what awaits them is a thunder crit.

"I don't know, I had already found your sports car on the cargo ship, but when passing through the customs, a group of people suddenly came, and all the goods that were being reviewed were seized!" Xiaoliu explained in a low voice.

He almost started a riot directly.

Fortunately, he held back.

"I see, we should have encountered some official case! Implicated! It should be returned to us after the matter is over!"

"Wait!" So

the three of them went directly to a teahouse and waited, and with the same purpose as them, there were many of them, all of them were the owners of the goods involved.

The three came to the position on the second floor by the window, and after ordering something, they looked out the window and happened to see the customs on the opposite side.

Cheng Cheng and Xiao Liu looked around instantly, which was the sequel of their profession, no matter where they were, they would be the first to start observing the surroundings.

That's a good habit!

The table next to them was full of people.

This time, it seems that some domestic force wants to smuggle a batch of things from abroad, but it was officially informed in advance, so there was this operation!"

The strange appearance next to him naturally attracted Gu Chen's attention, and he also heard this sentence.

Suddenly looked over rather curiously.

I saw a middle-aged uncle on the other side who had been eroded by the years, and he was pulling his neck to refute the other party.

"Hey, I just happened to know!"

the middle-aged uncle whispered after taking a sip of tea: "My nephew's classmate's brother's girlfriend's brother's colleague's colleague works at customs. Gu

Chen naturally heard such a twist in his ears sideways, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, looking at the other party's smug expression didn't look like he was talking nonsense, and then he was not interested.

Cheng Cheng and Xiaoliu on the side also couldn't help it.

Then the table next to him did not talk about this topic again, and talked about other interesting things, most of them came from all walks of life, and the things they saw and experienced were naturally very rich.

As time passed, everyone gradually became a little impatient.

At this time, everyone received a text message from the customs, that is, they could get their things back, and everyone was in good spirits for a while.

Walk towards the opposite building.

"Let's go!" Gu

Chen put down the teacup in his hand and walked towards the opposite side without hurrying.

Today's sun seems to be a shy bride, hiding under layers of white and dark clouds, wantonly exuding temperature.

There are cars parked on the street and not many pedestrians.

At this time, the automatic gate of the customs office also slowly opened, and inside was a huge open-air square, which at this time was piled up with various imported materials, as well as a row of long tables and dozens of staff.

There is a loudspeaker next to it, and inside is loudly playing: "Please line up in an orderly manner and take out the vouchers and material lists of your own things to collect the things you have seized, and if there is a shortage, you can reflect it immediately." It

was a loud male voice that was repeating the passage, which sounded unusually harsh in the crowded and noisy square.

Everyone naturally lined up on the team closest to them, and soon it was Gu Chen's turn.

Cheng Cheng was very discerning and directly stepped forward to negotiate with the other party.

The staff immediately looked at Gu Chen in surprise, their eyes flickered, I don't know whether they were surprised by Gu Chen's appearance or surprised by the detained supercar!

"Three gentlemen, because your things are too special and precious, please go to the special passage on the right!" Soon

the staff reacted, talking to Gu Chen and the others with a smile, and pointed to the location after speaking.

"Okay, excuse me!" Cheng Cheng

said and withdrew.

However, Gu Chen still saw a hint of something wrong from this sweet staff member, but before he said anything, he went directly to the special passage.

Gu Chen is naturally not the only one, there are four or five people in front of him.

Time passed quickly, waiting for the previous person to leave, and it was Gu Chen's turn.

"Hello gentleman, please show your ID!" said a tougher man.

After that, Cheng Cheng took out the relevant documents, and the latter took it and changed slightly.

Gu Chen was in his eyes.

"Three gentlemen, I'm sorry, I have something to inform you!" the tough man's face changed slightly after reading it, and he said with a smile as he looked at Gu Chen and the three.

Gu Chen nodded and looked at each other quietly.

"We're still verifying your stuff, so maybe you can't get it for the time being!" "

This police inspector, interrupt, may I ask what is wrong with my supercar? All my procedures seem to be legal! I had no problem with cooperating with your investigation before, but it is not legal to detain it now, right?"

The hard man's face froze, he knew that the identity of the person who could buy the super car was definitely not simple, plus they did not take care of this matter, so they could not be guilty.

"This gentleman, this matter..."

"I want to talk to your leaders about this." Gu Chen interrupted directly.

When the hard man heard this, he didn't say anything more, but said a few words into the walkie-talkie on his chest.

"This gentleman, our leader will come immediately, please wait a moment!" "

Hmm!" Then

several people did not speak again, and Gu Chen and the others also stood on the side, letting the people behind do things.

After about ten minutes, several figures came from far and near.

"Hello gentlemen, presumably you are the owner of that supercar! I'm really sorry!"

the leader at the head of the

car quickly stepped forward and said with a smile on his face.

"Hmm, hello!" Gu

Chen stepped forward and said lightly.

Finally, the leader looked around, and then said: "This gentleman, let's go to the office to talk about this!" Gu

Chen was not afraid of what the other party would do, and then the group walked towards the interior of the customs building.

It is a rectangular building with three floors, like a school building.

Everyone came to the second floor, on the left side of the stairs.

"I don't know what to call this gentleman?"

After sitting down, the slightly chubby leader asked kindly;

"Gu Chen!"


May I ask what's wrong with that sports car of mine?" Gu Chen didn't talk nonsense, and asked directly.

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