Since the rise of Longteng Group, Gu Chen has naturally refused to come to all kinds of top talents, and has aggressively recruited scientists, experts, and researchers around the world, and the big killer of chips has naturally attracted many well-known scientists.

No matter what field there are well-known experts, although Longteng Group can't use it, but Gu Chen doesn't care, Longteng Group is fully capable of feeding them.

Monopoly is worthy of being the most profitable, especially on a global scale, although monopoly is prohibited, but Longteng has not done any measures, but their chips are more powerful than other chips.

Therefore, after Gu Chen obtained this technology this time, he didn't have to find someone temporarily, just go directly to Longteng to find it, which was his advantage.

It was not unreasonable why Longteng Group occupied so many floors, he went directly to the floor of the research network, the thirty-fifth floor.

He remembers that there were four or five experts who studied the network, and although Longteng was new, he also studied a little thing.

At this time, several top experts were conducting an experiment on the connection between network speed and materials.

After their complex research and theoretical derivation, they concluded that network speed is closely related to materials.

They have experimented with many materials currently on the market, but the existing materials on the market are not satisfactory, and now they are working on their own developed, graphene-based materials.

Soon the experiment began, and several experts and assistants naturally stared at the machine motionlessly.

Soon the data on the speed of the Internet was displayed on the screen, but unfortunately they failed, or did not meet their trial expectations.

They all shook their heads in disappointment.

Although the network speed is faster than the previous material, it is limited.

"It's still a matter of material!" "

Maybe we're going in the wrong direction!"

Several top experts gathered together to discuss, at this time the assistants were sorting out the experimental data, suddenly Gu Chen walked in, a sharp-eyed assistant suddenly

shouted respectfully: "Mr. Gu is good!" The

others naturally trembled, and they turned around and shouted in unison

: "Mr. Gu is good!" "Hello!" Gu

Chen nodded and waved his hand: "You guys continue!"

At this time, several experts naturally looked over.

The discussion then stopped.

"President Gu!" Although

I don't know why this President Gu came to inspect, he still greeted him with a smile.

"Expert Qian, Expert Luo, Expert Ma, hello!"

Gu Chen greeted one by one.

"What are you experimenting with?" he asked softly, glancing curiously at something on the bench.

"Mr. Gu, we were just experimenting with the connection between network speed and material! Unfortunately, it failed!" said the expert with a wry smile.

"This way!" Gu

Chen nodded when he heard this.

"However, Mr. Gu, we didn't find it all!" It

seemed that he was afraid that Gu Chen would get a lump in his heart, and he quickly said roughly what he had studied these days.

"Is there a separate office?" Gu Chen nodded with a smile to show understanding, and then asked after scanning around.

He was unfamiliar with it since the modification.

"Yes!" one of them replied.

Then he pointed out, and Gu Chen walked directly over and motioned for them to follow.

Several people looked at each other, all of them did not know what this big boss meant, so they could only follow.

"You must be curious about what I'm looking for you for!" asked Gu Chen with a smile after opening the computer on the table.

"Does Gu always have something to tell us?" asked one of the experts, Ma Yi.

"Yes!" Gu

Chen nodded, "I wonder where you all worked before you came to Longteng?"

Mr. Gu, several of us have been in the Academy of Sciences in Jiang Province before, but the fields and research directions we are responsible for are too niche and have not been upgraded ideally, so for our research funds are decreasing every year, and then I saw the news you posted on the Internet, and a few of us came over as soon as we discussed!"

But his face was a little embarrassed.

"Hmm!" Gu

Chen didn't say anything when he heard this, and the results of his investigation were similar, the most important conduct was no problem at present, plus he generally never missed people when he looked at people.

"Okay, show you something, you will definitely be interested!" Then Gu Chen plugged in the USB flash drive and said mysteriously.

Soon, a prompt popped up on the screen, the U disk has been connected, he directly double-clicked to open the first package, click on the first document.

Suddenly, the screen froze, and a full screen of text, or patterns, popped up.

Several experts didn't know what President Gu meant, so they all looked over.

At this look, the computer monitor was like a monster that loved people's hearts, and suddenly several people were immersed.

Even an enchanted expert directly turned the mouse wheel and directly pulled the document down.

Gu Chen did not bother them, looking at the expressions of several people, they suddenly laughed, remembering that when he came up with other technologies before, those scientific researchers were just like them, suddenly so obsessed.

"After reading this document, my head seemed to have opened up a light, and I suddenly cleared up a lot."

"This... This is the work of any international master?" they couldn't help but say after reading it.

Suddenly, they reacted and immediately looked directly at Gu Chen.

"Mr. Gu, this... Can you easily ask which Dana's information this is?" one of the Qian experts couldn't help but ask.

Gu Chen smiled and said nothing, he was about to find some reason to say it!

"You don't need to know, anyway, people have sold me all these documents!" said after looking at everyone.


?" "You said that all these data technologies are now yours?"


was taken aback, and then surprised.

If it was Mr. Gu, then they would have the opportunity to observe.

"Not bad, that big man said that this is a brand new technology, if developed, it is enough to shock the world, but he has no energy, so he sold it to me at a high price!" Gu Chen nodded and said.

"President Gu, I don't know..."

"These are what I prepared for you!" Gu

Chen knew what they meant, this USB flash drive was no less than a peerless beauty for them.

"Thank you President Gu!" several people immediately thanked Gu Chen when they heard this.

"It's okay, I also hope you can do your best to understand this technique!"

Then Gu Chen left directly after a few words, and if there was any progress, he could be contacted directly, and now the thirty-fifth layer is directly under martial law, and no one has the authority to enter here without the approval of several experts.

As soon as Gu Chen left, they were impatient to click on the next document, and then they became drunk again.

After reading it, they were shocked, where is the information, this is definitely the most precious technology in the world!


At this time, Gu Chen had almost dealt with everything, and planned to leave directly the next day, because the DuPont Foundation had suppressed the Shenzhou branch more and more in the past few days.

That's right, on the other side of the ocean at this time, a handsome blond man like an ancient prince, with excellent genes made him the most striking presence in the crowd.

At this time, he was playing a video with a middle-aged curly-haired man who looked four or five points similar to him.

"Eaton, you're too anxious, this will cause a strong backlash from the other side!" At

this time, a pure English voice came out of the mobile phone.

"No, I'm planning a quick victory, even if the other side bounces back, just as I intended!" retorted Eaton upon hearing this.

His face was wanton and full of confidence, and suddenly emitted a strong momentum that made him even more eye-catching.

The middle-aged curly-haired man fell silent when he heard this, he knew that his son was very good, and he would definitely be able to lead them to a complete rise in the DuPont consortium in the future, but he was also very unsightly.

This worried him a little, because he knew who his son was facing now, and he also knew why Eaton was going so the other side.

Because since Longteng Group broke through the two giant enterprises on its own, and swept the entire industry with an invincible posture, his helm and founder entered the eyes of the world.

Gu Chen, at the age of less than thirty, can have such a big achievement, which shocked the entire planet, so some old guys directly listed him as the only demon genius in the world today, which is also a fact, after all, in this era of class solidification, being able to achieve this level is by no means something genius can do.

This is recognized by everyone in the world, but some young but extraordinary family heirs, consortiums, and successors of power are naturally unwilling.

Because they are all pretentious and think that they will never be worse than others, so now that another genius above them has appeared, they are naturally unwilling!

However, it is a pity that Gu Chen is unusually low-key, and he has lived in China for a long time, so they don't have any chance, but now it is an opportunity to come.

Therefore, Eaton was naturally unwilling, and he suppressed the Shenzhou Group so much in order to lure out Gu Chen.

The California consortium there must be very angry!" said

the middle-aged curly-haired man with a frown.

The characteristic of genius is pretentiousness, but anyone who looks at it knows how proud his son really is.

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