Not to mention that the California consortium, which has been going downhill over the years, does not take the other party seriously at all.

But the skinny camel was bigger than the horse, and he was worried that if the other party secretly calculated Eaton, it would not be good, after all, it was still their hometown for countless years.

Do they dare to offend our DuPont consortium now?" said Eaton with disdain.

"Besides, we have a relationship with the Morgan consortium now, I believe they have also received the news, and they will not do anything to me, Dad, don't worry!" Seeing what the other party wanted to say, Eaton's blue eyes flashed a fine light, and said very confidently.

The latter saw that Eaton was thinking so carefully, so he nodded and said nothing more.

After some more chat, when the middle-aged curly-haired man wanted to say something, Eaton quickly hung up the phone, causing him to jam the words in his throat and not say it.

However, he was still a little uneasy, after all, the California consortium could not die for so many years, how could it be simple, especially the hunter who was known as the wise fox, who was extremely difficult to deal with when he was young, let alone now.

"I don't know what that guy will do, but he shouldn't have offended our DuPont consortium and the Morgan consortium so unwisely, right?"

There is no doubt that the California consortium is definitely the weakest batch, and the Morgan consortium is the strongest batch.


Early the next morning, Gu Chen gradually disappeared in the eyes of Gu's mother and Chu Xinyi, this trip, Gu Chen transferred some of his assistant group and some management talents from major groups, plus his bodyguard team, the number of people on this trip was huge, reaching nearly fifty people.

Therefore, his Chenzi luxury plane naturally can't sit down, except for some people who are close to Gu Chen, the rest are sitting on passenger planes under the long-range group.

Because of the close relationship with China Eastern Airlines, it is naturally the priority to take off, and under the control of Gu Chen, the two planes took off happily.

Soon it disappeared into the airport, leaving only a black spot until it was gone.

Five or six hours later, the time gradually came to noon, when the weather in San Francisco was gentle and cloudless, as if welcoming Gu Chen's arrival.

"Buzz!" buzzed

as the plane rubbed against the air, eventually streaked across the landing strip.

"Hoo ~~"

produces a harsh metallic alternation sound with the ground.

At this time, Mei Jiale who came to pick up the airport was naturally waiting here.

Seeing the group walking down, he hurriedly greeted it, the middle-aged body appeared extremely flexible at this moment, and Shen Yue on the side was stunned.

It is rumored that this manager Mei was appreciated by Mr. Gu by patting, before he was skeptical, but now he directly hammered, it must be! Because not long ago, he heard the other party say that when people reach middle age, their physical fitness has declined and they can't stand up.

Then he shook his head and hurried to greet him.

"Mr. Gu!"

Mei Jiale's heartfelt smile made everyone who was tired from the journey a little tired.

"Hmm!" Gu

Chen nodded, looking at the other party's dark eyes and knowing that this period of time was not satisfactory.

"Oh, President Jiang, you are also here?" Then

Mei Jiale naturally saw a middle-aged man behind Gu Chen, who was more energetic than him, and was immediately stunned, and then said hello.

"Manager Mei, lucky, lucky!" Jiang Zong stretched out his hand to shake the other party and responded with a smile.

That's right, it was Jiang Dongqiang, the general manager of Taiyu Group, who was also transferred by Gu Chen at this time.

Then everyone said hello and walked directly to the outside of the airport, but such a group of people, the pedestrians around were very curious.

There were three buses parked outside, as well as two cars, and Mei Jiale naturally knew that there were so many people and had already arranged them.

Because Mei Jiale wanted to report the news with Gu Chen, he was naturally with Gu Chen, and the assistant got into another car.

Everyone got into the car in an orderly manner.

"Mr. Gu, the house has long been found, and I directly contracted a building. After the car started, Mei Jiale took the lead and said.

"The factory is not far from the house, it is an abandoned factory, and I bribed the local councillor directly according to your wishes and bought the land." It cost 1.5 million dollars!"

Speaking of this, he was a little indignant, and then he spent a lot of money to gain his trust, but he didn't expect that guy didn't admit it afterwards, fortunately, his factory was notarized, otherwise it might not be useful!"

"It's like this, originally we all went smoothly, buying land, building a factory, and then decorating, and when the production line was loaded, plus the materials of Taiyu Group, it can be said that everything is ready, trouble will come, first received a report that we are disturbing the people? Mei

Jiale suddenly laughed: "In addition to the factory or the factory, the nearest household is hundreds of meters away!"

"Then came the potential safety hazards, followed by polluting the environment! and many other strange questions! It was clear that someone was targeting us, but I tried all my best to find out who the other party was. After complaining, Mei Jiale said with a wry smile.

"Are there any other car companies here that have been built recently?" After listening to the other party's words, Gu Chen thought for a moment, and then asked.

"No!" Mei Jiale shook her head when she heard this.

Previously, it was also suspected of being targeted by peers, but after investigation, it was found that during this period of time, except for him, no forces came here to create a company or branch.

"What are the popular car brands here?"

"That's a lot, a series of flat racing models such as Chevrolet, Buick, Cadillac, and many heavy trucks and the like, very complete! "

Mei Jiale has obviously worked hard and has gone through detailed market research.

"There are General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler, these are the three strongest companies, not only here, but also in the world, and other foreign car brands are not their opponents!"

"President Gu, do you know who is targeting us?" Seeing

Gu Chen's flat appearance, his heart moved, and he blurted out.

Gu Chen glanced at him and nodded.

"It's true!" Mei Jiale was stunned, and then shocked, but he accepted it when he thought of the gap between himself and his boss.

"Who is it?"

"General Motors!" Gu

Chen did not hide it, even if the other party did not intend to ask, he would also say.

"What? It's him!" Mei

Jiale was shocked when she heard this.

"What's the fuss, the strength behind the other party is stronger, and it's normal that you can't investigate. Gu Chen glanced at him and said slowly.

"I really didn't expect this, but after Gu Zong said this, I also had some impressions, GM has recently opened several stores here! Mei Jiale explained.

"Well, how many production lines are there in the factory now?"

"Ten production lines are currently installed!" "

Not enough," Gu Chen shook his head: "There are twenty more! When I came, Huahai's energy battery freighter also set off, and it will arrive in about half a month, you step up the formation in this half month, and the workers, you also have to fill me as soon as possible, as for the rest, I will solve it!"

"Understood!" replied Mei Jiale with a nod.

He was also deeply relieved in his heart.

Then Gu Chen stopped speaking, and just when he was going to see Hunter, his mobile phone rang.

When I opened it, it was really Hunter who he had just thought.

"Mr. Gu, welcome to the United States again!" said Hunter with a laugh.

Gu Chen was a little surprised in his heart, to know that few people knew about his trip, but now that he landed less than an hour, the other party received the news, it seems that he has to increase the danger of these long-standing consortiums!"

Gu Chen immediately understood the meaning of the other party's call, which was nothing more than a reflection that his intelligence was very powerful.

"I don't know when Mr. Gu plans to come to Los Angeles!" Hearing Gu Chen's unexpected tone, Hunter's heart was like drinking a bottle of 82-year-old Sprite, very clear and transparent, and asked with a smile.

"This naturally depends on Mr. Hunter's sincerity, I just got off the plane and went to deal with the factory before resting, it's really troublesome!" Hearing

this, Hunter scolded the cunning fox in his heart, but asked in surprise: "Oh, I don't know what trouble Mr. Gu has encountered?

Naturally, the local official is really too hateful, I wonder if Mr. Hunter has any good proposals?" asked Gu Chen in a tone pretending to be angry.

Mei Jiale on the side did not squint, staring straight ahead of the road.


Hunter suddenly raised his tone when he heard this, dragged it out, and then there was no follow-up.

"Hey, since Mr. Hunter can't help either, it seems that I'm planning to move!" Gu

Chen also let out a long sigh, full of helpless tone.

It seems that the acting skills of himself and Mr. Gu are really thousands of miles apart!

Hunter suddenly stared at his beard, he didn't expect that this Mr. Gu didn't bow his head at all.

So there was silence on the phone.

That's right, the two are like two actor kings testing each other, and whoever bows first will fall into the downside in the next cooperation.

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