Gu Chen is naturally not in a hurry at all, he believes that the current Hunter is very hesitant in his heart, after all, it is a big deal to withdraw directly.

And the other party's base camp is here, naturally he can't go, once he leaves, he will have to face the DuPont consortium and even the Morgan consortium alone, although the other party himself will not leave, but he does not dare to gamble.

With this alone, he fell into an invincible position.

Sure enough, half a minute passed, and Hunter spoke.

Mr. Gu, please rest assured, I Hunter still have some thin faces in San Francisco, I believe those congressmen will give me this face will not embarrass Mr. Gu!"

Gu Chen was very embarrassed to say it, but his tone was not embarrassed.

"Mr. Gu, you're welcome, we are cooperative allies!" Hunter

bit the word ally particularly hard.


replied Gu Chen angrily, causing Hunter to completely relax his heart.

"Then wait for Mr. Gu's arrival!"

and then hung up.

Gu Chen closed his eyes and raised his mind, and Mei Jiale, who was full of curiosity, did not dare to disturb Gu Chen out loud, only the roar of the car's engine turning and the horn of the car on the road.

More than an hour later, the car passed through the bustling city to a continuous residential area, parked under a brand new building.

"President Gu has arrived!" Mei Jiale said softly at this time.

Gu Chen suddenly opened his eyes, nodded, and directly opened the car door and walked down.

It can be seen that this is a relatively safe community, the green environment is very good, the left side of the car is a flat grass, next to a sports field, there are three or three old people playing basketball.

"Manager Mei, you arrange for someone to settle everyone down!" Gu Chen then ordered Mei Jiale.

"Understood!" and

then arranged for everyone to choose a room.

At this time, at the other end of the same city, in a refined villa in countless prosperous areas, Eaton had received news that someone had helped the branch of Shenzhou Group, which made him very angry.

"Hunter, you old fellow!" he

naturally immediately found out who was helping the other party.

But he is powerless, although he is very strong, but also knows that here, he is not the biggest, but the California consortium.

This made him very angry, and he did not expect that the other party would really dare to help the other party to deal with himself.

He knew that it should be his unscrupulous shot that caused the dissatisfaction of the other party.

Then he calmed down and replied to the person on the phone: "This matter is like this!

I'll make sure you get out of San Francisco embarrassed," Eaton said grimly.

Although new energy vehicles are currently selling well, he has the most fatal drawback, that is, he cannot travel long distances, and is worse than fuel vehicles under extremely harsh environmental conditions, so with these two shortcomings, he is confident that he will have the upper hand in the next confrontation.

"Notice, I want there must be one of our brands next to the direct sales store of the Shenzhou branch!" "

Yes!" Then

a middle-aged man who looked like a transparent person quickly withdrew.


At this time, after finally arranging everyone, Mei Jiale walked down with a slight shortness of breath.

Just as he was about to report to Gu Chen, his mobile phone rang.

After Gu Chen nodded, he picked up.

"Well, thank you, Mr. Congressman!" Then

Mei Jiale's face looked a little strange.

"Mr. Gu, the councilor who received my money before but did not do anything, he just called me and said that no one would harass the factory in the future, which reassured me. Hanging

up the phone, Mei Jiale couldn't wait to say it.

He knew that all this had nothing to do with the other party, it was the call made by President Gu before.

"Hmm!" Gu

Chen was very satisfied with Hunter's efficiency.

"President Gu, this is..." Mei Jiale couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Tomorrow you and I will go to Los Angeles, and we will cooperate with each other until we really stand on our feet!"

Then he took Gu Chen to a small villa he rented independently.

After all, the identity of the boss is naturally different.

"Okay, let's do this today, and you will come over tomorrow!" Gu Chen was very satisfied after turning around, and then said to Mei Jiale.

"Then President Gu, I'll go first!" "

Hmm!" Returning

to the hall, as Gu Chen's bodyguard, he was naturally inseparable.

"By the way, Brother Cheng, where is Manager Ye now?"

Gu Chen asked Cheng Cheng after sitting down, here is no better than in China, he naturally needs to strengthen his vigilance.

Cheng Cheng, who was standing on the side at this time, bowed slightly when he heard this, and said respectfully: "Sir, Manager Ye is still on the Middle East side, do you need to inform him?"

"At present, we have Mr. Tiandun behind us, and the strength under his command is growing very rapidly, Manager Ye sits at the headquarters to deal with all the major affairs of Tiandun, and is still looking for supercars all over the world!"

Speaking of this, Cheng Cheng also couldn't help but look at Gu Chen, he knew that Manager Ye must be inquiring for Mr. Gu, and he also knew that Mr. Gu seemed to care about super-running very much, but from the things he followed Mr. Gu before, it seemed that Mr. Gu did not care very much about super-running, which made his brain very puzzled.

"Is Tiandun just a manager Ye leader?" asked Gu Chen with a frown when he heard this.

Cheng Cheng shook his head and explained: "Naturally not, Tiandun is divided into four departments, the Operations Department, just like I am the person from Group A of the Operations Department, followed by the Logistics Department and the Information Intelligence Department, Manager Ye is the person in charge of these two departments, and is also the general manager of the entire Tiandun."

"This way!"

Gu Chen understood.

"In that case, then forget it!" and

then didn't mention letting Manager Ye come over.

Gu Chen sent another reassuring text message to Dongfang's family and went to rest.

Adjust the time difference.

Early the next morning, Mei Jiale came to Gu Chen's residence, accompanied Gu Chen to have breakfast, and then rushed directly to Los Angeles.

It's about an hour's flight away.

According to the prosperity division, Los Angeles is naturally much more developed than San Francisco, but the local forces there are relatively weak, and it is also the easiest to open the market, which is why Eaton chose to start in San Francisco.

At this time, Hunter's butler, a middle-aged white man, who had been waiting here for a long time, stepped forward gracefully after seeing Gu Chen's group.

"Mr. Gu, long time no see!" he said with a slight smile and full of aristocratic etiquette.

"Oh, butler William, hello!" Gu

Chen naturally followed the customs, and greeted him a little unexpectedly.

Mei Jiale in the rear was very curious, who was this foreigner of the same age as him?

"Mr. Hunter has been waiting for a long time, Mr. Gu, please!" then William Butler leaned over and invited.

Several bodyguards behind him also followed to give way to a passage.

"Let's go!" Gu

Chen walked directly forward without politeness, and naturally everyone followed behind.

There were black-clothed security guards standing next to a row of cars outside the airport, causing everyone to look sideways, what big man was coming from such a big shelf?

Gu Chen and the others ignored the commotion around them, and the car quickly left here.

"Huh?" Gu

Chen felt it, as if he was not going to the manor outside Hunter City.

"Where is this going to take me?" Gu

Chen turned his head and asked William on the side, and Cheng Cheng, the co-pilot, changed his face and directly took out the guy and aimed it at the driver.

The huge movement made Gu Chen and William stunned.

"Mr. Gu, you misunderstood, Mr. Hunter they are waiting for you at Northrop corporate headquarters. William smiled slightly, looking at Gu Chen and introducing lightly.

Gu Chen raised his eyebrows and glanced at Cheng Cheng, who quickly put away the gun after comprehension.

"Mr. William doesn't have to care about what happened just now, my bodyguard just made a joke!" and

then explained to William with a smile, his sincere and handsome smile made the corners of William's mouth twitch, as if he didn't expect this Mr. Gu to open his eyes so and say nonsense.


but he didn't debunk it either.

So the car fell into silence, and soon crossed the airport highway to the bustling city, the main road is full of all kinds of cars, lined with art and last century style buildings mixed with high-rise buildings in the distance, full of absurd and impactful beauty.

The sidewalks on both sides are full of creators in the field of art, worthy of being the artistic center of the world.

Before, because he came in a hurry for a few days, but where there is such a state of mind to look at and appreciate, so what he looks at is pleasing to the eye, tourists from all over the world and the beauty of the whole meter and even the whole of North America are gathered here, and the appearance of the entire city has been raised several grades.

Soon after, the scenery outside the car was rapidly receding, and soon the car turned and drove into a financial street.

This is like two different styles from the main road outside, full of high-rise buildings, towering into the clouds, which is the torrent of technology that has entered the 21st century.

The car, after about a kilometer, turned into the door of a building.

"Mr. Gu, it's here!" William reminded in a low voice at this time.

Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, he saw a group of people at the door of the building at a glance, led by Hunter who he had seen before.

In addition, there were two elderly people about his age around him, which made him glance at it thoughtfully.

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