"Eh?" Han

Yumian was very surprised at this time, because she knew that the Shenzhou Group was actually Gu Chen's, but Aunt Xue did not know.

And her brother didn't seem to have mentioned asking her to endorse his group before, and she didn't ask, but now she was naturally surprised to hear the news.

And Aunt Xue mistakenly thought that Han Yumian was also happy, and suddenly overjoyed: "And they happen to be on the other side of the United States, and your next trip is also over there, just right, they are vigorously expanding the market there, and then you can also take this opportunity to let more people remember you!"

Hearing this, Han Yumian's heart moved, she remembered that Gu Chen should be in the United States now, and she was very excited in her heart when she thought of this, and she couldn't wait to go to the United States immediately.

"Well, Aunt Xue, you can promise for me!" Suppressing

her inner thoughts, her pretty face was a little feverish, but she was covered by thick makeup and was not discovered.

"Okay, I'll reply to them!" After

receiving Han Yumian's approval, she hurried away again.

Since Han Yumian rose, her identity as an agent has naturally risen.

"Teacher Han, why is your face so hot all of a sudden!"

exclaimed the makeup artist who removed the makeup.

"Huh, is it? Maybe it's a little hot?" Han

Yumian suddenly panicked when he heard this.

"Turn the wind to the maximum, don't heat it to Teacher Han!" At this time, the person playing the wind next to him was stunned, and the makeup artist quickly reminded.

"Yes, good!" At

this time, in a simple office in the United States, a man about twenty or thirty years old hung up the phone with a happy face.


He was very happy to get the affirmation of the other party.

That's right, he is Xia Zhenyan, a manager under the publicity department of Shenzhou Group.

At this time, he had just contacted Han Yumian's agent, and the other party agreed to endorse him, and now he not only completed the company's task, but also could see his idol and goddess, how could he not be excited.

In fact, the reason why he is still such a star is related to an incident before him.

He stood under the window next to his desk, looking into the distance, and he was very happy that Han Yumian was developing so well now.

I remember that he had just come out of school at that time, with the enthusiasm that he had not retreated, he was ready to do a big job, and he had a very superior starting point after graduating from a prestigious school, so he was young and frivolous, and he ran into a wall dozens of times in succession, and no company replied to him.

He was extremely disappointed, and then he went directly to the talent market, listed companies could not look at him, small companies he could not look at, so for two months in a row either in the job search, or on the way to job search.

And his girlfriend, who had been with him for four years, left him at this point in time, which hit him hard, and then his parents, whose sideburns had already been dyed white, wanted him to go back to the civil service exam.

Hearing his mother's old voice, he was confused for a while, a little overwhelmed, whether to continue to follow his dream or go back to live an ordinary and unwilling life.

At this important fork in his life, he hesitated, knowing that the choices he made now would determine his fate for the rest of his life.

So he ran away, let the alcohol paralyze himself, and at this juncture he suddenly heard a song about dreams and regrets, hesitation and apprehension.

With beautiful lyrics and an angelic voice, and full of emotional expression, he understood his inner choice in an instant.

The difficulties are temporary, but the dreams are for a lifetime, and if he gives up now, he will spend the rest of his life in regret.

So he persevered, and he also had his current status, entering the Shenzhou Group, a large group with unlimited futures, and he was very grateful to the singer of this song.

It was Han Yumian who sang her first song and her debut song "Smoke Rain", so he immediately became a fan of this singer, until now.

The past is like smoke, four years have passed, he did not expect to have the opportunity to meet the idol in person, he is naturally overjoyed.

So he packed up his mood and prepared to report to President Gu.

At another place at this time, Eaton was also listening to the report of the General Motors branch in San Francisco.

"General Manager, at present, the expansion of Shenzhou Group can be fast, they have spread various branches in several nearby states, according to the information we received, they will start selling on June 5th, and the publicity about them has already begun. Eaton's

position here was general manager, at which point a marketing director began to report.

"General Manager, shall we also start publicity?" Hearing

that everyone was talking about it, the head of the propaganda department couldn't help but suggest.

Eaton sat at the front with neither objection nor agreement, listening to the opinions of the others.

"General manager, at present, we are all ready in the branches, all next to Shenzhou Group, ready to open at any time. The

original general manager is now demoted to deputy general manager, Bruce also reported.

Then everyone looked at Eaton.

"We are not newly opened, why should we be like Shenzhou?" said Eaton as he knocked on the table and said calmly.

The head of the propaganda department was stunned, and then showed a guilty expression, he was frightened by the current big movement in Shenzhou, otherwise how could he make such a low-level mistake.

"Naturally, we can also publicize it, just say what to give back to old users, new car launch promotions and so on!" said Eaton with a raised eyebrow.

Everyone at the bottom was bright, especially the head of the propaganda department, and continued: "The general manager is very right, and we can still be a few days in advance, isn't Shenzhou Group June 5th?

After listening to the words of the head of the propaganda department, Eaton and the others nodded one after another.

"Good!" Eaton

was also very satisfied.

Shopping malls are like battlefields, this is the concept he has understood since he was a child, as long as he is lying down the other party, no matter what method is used.

"There's still a week to go, so it's up to you to speed up the publicity!" then Eaton said to the head of propaganda.


, I'll let the consortium publicize it as well!"

He then left the conference room.

Hours later, the big screens in Metro Plaza, San Francisco's major shopping malls, were filled with GM ads.

What has been developed through unremitting efforts to develop new energy cars, no less than Shenzhou cars, etc., plus give back to old users, all kinds of discounts are simply extraordinary.

For a time, it became a hot news on Twitter on the Internet, and major officials and major bloggers have forwarded support.

Immediately attracted the attention of the overwhelming number of people, so that the Shenzhou Group, which had just begun to publicize, was directly ignored.

At this time, Shenzhou Group even held an emergency meeting.

When Gu Chen arrived, the atmosphere in the conference room was very delicate.

"Talk about it, how should we face it next?"

asked after sitting down and looking at everyone's heavy expressions.

I have to say that this time, Eaton, who has never met, caught Gu Chen off guard this time.

"President Gu, this time we didn't expect the opponent to be so cunning, and actually started activities a few days ago, this is clearly to rob us of business!"

At this time, a middle level member of the branch couldn't help but scold.

"The mall is like this, do you still want the other party to talk to you calmly?" said Gu Chen lightly after glancing at it.

The latter's face paled, and he sat down without speaking.

At that time, with the excellent performance of new energy vehicles, we can definitely take it back, I don't believe they can really crack and research our new energy battery technology!" At this time, everyone did not speak, and Mei Jiale got up and said loudly.

Several other people also brightened their eyes.

"Today's world can be described as wine aroma and afraid of deep alleys, the other party can naturally think of it, but have you thought about it, the market share is so large, cars are not a necessity, and it is not a short time to replace it after buying!

"Huh?" Mei

Jiale also obediently closed her mouth when she heard this, this dismissed all their previous plans, even if it is useless to promote Han Yumian's endorsement now, the other party must have invited a coffee position, a local star with more influence.

At this time, Gu Chen's mobile phone vibrate, he opened it, shook his head, put down the mobile phone, suddenly felt a pause in his heart, just now a brilliant idea came into view.

So he quickly took out his mobile phone and controlled the screen with his fingers, walking like a fly.

Others naturally found the boss touching the fish during the meeting, but they looked down with their nostrils and treated each other as if they hadn't seen it.

After a while, Gu Chen put down his mobile phone, and his expression returned to normal.

Seeing that everyone still hadn't come up with any good way to come, he suddenly coughed a few times in his throat.

In an instant, the conference room fell silent, and the needle was immediately visible just now.

"Everyone, since the other party is so despicable, then don't blame us for being unrighteous!" Gu Chen said slowly as he looked at everyone.

Then he said all the schemes that Fang Cai had come up with.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes lit up, and they all looked at Gu Chen with admiration.

"President Gu, this method is very good, but will the time be too short, only four days of publicity time!" Xia Zhenyan, the manager of the publicity department sitting in the middle, raised his hand and asked.

That's right, what Gu Chen said was to advance the time.

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