Everyone did not think about this proposal before, but they were all rejected, without him, or the publicity time was too short.

But now Mr. Gu's method is much better than theirs, but the time is also a little short.

"Don't worry, there's enough time, and you can catch the other party by surprise. Gu Chen waved his hand and said.

The idea stemmed from a text message he had received earlier.

That's right, it was sent by Han Yumian, who had already reached the United States, and originally wanted to find him, but because he wanted to participate in the opening ceremony, he couldn't come, which just gave Gu Chen inspiration.

Because this blockbuster is world-wide, the world-famous script plus the director, and the red and purple stars around the world will definitely attract global attention, and as the United States in the world art is a household name, isn't this a huge exposure?

"But will Director Mecalon agree, and this is also a huge risk to that Miss Han, this is all unknowable factors!"

At this time, the manager of the propaganda department still felt that the problem to be realized was too big.

Although he also thinks the ad is very good.

"I will deal with this, the opening time is a bit tight now, you have to finish these for me in the shortest possible time!" said Gu Chen confidently.

"Please rest assured!" Mei Jiale took the lead.

For Mr. Gu, he was the first to believe it,

and then discussed some details and


Gu Chen returned to the office, thought about it, and called Hunter.

"Hey, Mr. Gu, I can't do anything this time! I'm sorry!" said Hunter first.

Obviously, he also saw the publicity of General Motors, and he didn't have anything to do, so at this time Gu Chen called him and thought that Gu Chen was seeking his help, but Gu Chen did come to ask for help.

"Eh?" Before

Gu Chen could speak, a black line suddenly flashed in front of his eyes.

"Mr. Hunter misunderstood. He hastened to explain.

"Mr. Hunter, I wonder what your relationship is with that Mecalon director?" asked Gu Chen softly.

"Not bad, it's the nephew of an old friend of mine, how?" Hearing

this, Hunter had some doubts in his heart, but still said it.

"Is that the relationship is very good?" Gu

Chen said in a happy tone, it seems that things are going well!

"Well, Mr. Gu means..."

"Isn't tomorrow the opening ceremony of Director Mecalon?"

reminded Gu Chen with a smile.

"Huh?" Hunter's

heart suddenly shook, and he instantly understood what Gu Chen meant.

"Are you trying to use the other party to spread the word?" asked Hunter in surprise.

"That's right, so I want to ask about your relationship with the other party!"

Gu Chen admitted directly.

Hunter heard Gu Chen's admission that his heart was still a little complicated, but he didn't expect that this deadlock that even he didn't expect, directly found the key to breaking the game!

"Mr. Gu, although I have a good relationship with Mecalon, but this matter is a big thing? Hunter couldn't help but remind.

"I believe that as an elder Mr. Hunter, the other party will agree, as for offending the DuPont consortium? Besides, the Meilong consortium where Meicaron is located is not vegetarian, I think our two consortiums will be afraid of a DuPont consortium?" Gu Chen analyzed with a smile.

After Hunter listened, his blood pressure suddenly rose, he didn't expect this guy to think so.

"Mr. Gu, the Meilong Foundation will not participate in this matter!" then he explained to Gu Chen very helplessly.

"Huh?" Gu Chen was stunned, he thought that since the other party was the elder of Meilong, then the relationship with the Meilong Consortium should also be good

!" "Mr. Hunter said and laughed, the Meilong Consortium may not interfere in this matter, but for a small side disciple, it can't represent the Meilong Foundation, so I think the other party will definitely agree by default!"

Then he raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

"Eh?" Hunter's

tone suddenly froze, this Mr. Gu was really too smart, he said helplessly: "Okay, I will personally talk to Mecalon about this, but I don't guarantee that he will agree!"

Then he hung up the phone, and Hunter suddenly showed his essence, it seemed that he still underestimated the other party too much.

After all, Gu Chen's age was there, and with that tender cheek, he would also relax his vigilance.

On the other side, Gu Chen, who hung up the phone, was ready to rush to Los Angeles.

This time, he brought a group of people from the propaganda department, after all, he wanted to make a propaganda film, and naturally there were professionals.

During the plane, Xia Zhenyan, the manager of the propaganda department, was about to say nothing, he sat in the front row of Gu Chen, and turned his head to look at Gu Chen from time to time.

Gu Chen naturally felt his gaze, looked up, and was right at Xia Zhenyan.

Gu Chen smiled, and his impression of this guy was not bad.

"President Gu, are we going to Los Angeles this time to shoot a promotional video?" Xia Zhenyan hesitated for a while and then asked in a low voice.

"If things go well, then I think so!" said Gu Chen'er with a smile.

"Is that still Han Yumian star?" "


Gu Chen glanced at him unexpectedly: "How? What do you want to do? It won't be a fan of people, right?" Xia

Zhenyan was stunned when he heard this, but he didn't expect President Gu

to be so smart, and he guessed it at once, and then he was a little embarrassed.

"Hmm!" The

voice was as low as fine lines, if it was not Gu Chen's irrelevant, it was strengthened, and ordinary people really couldn't hear it.

Shaking his head with a smile, "Do you want me to help you get her signed photo, I am very familiar with Han Yumian!" Now

it was Xia Zhenyan's turn to be surprised, and his embarrassed face showed a different color.

"President Gu still knows Han Yumian?" "

What if I tell you that I am her brother!" Gu Chen raised his eyebrows and said easily.

Anyway, going there this time will also be exposed, so he has no intention of hiding it, and besides, this is not a glorious thing.

Who knew that Xia Zhenyan suddenly had an expression that was completely unacceptable to the shock, and did not speak for a long time.

Because he is a big fan of Han Yumian, he is also very familiar with Han Yumian's experience and family, knowing that Han Yumian's parents died in a car accident since she was a child, she has been parasitic in her mother's sister's house since she was a child, and she is still an only child, how can she have an older brother.

So now I heard Mr. Gu say that it was his brother, and the result is self-evident, there are often righteous fathers and righteous mothers in the entertainment industry, godbrothers and sisters, etc., he also has some understanding, which is nothing more than hanging a sheep's head to sell dog meat.

"What do you think!" Gu

Chen saw the other party's expression, where did not expect the other party to think about it, and suddenly did not have a good breath.

"Eh?" Xia Zhenyan reacted, looking at President Gu's flat expression, he suddenly knew that he seemed to be wrong, and he was suddenly a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Gu, I.."

"Okay, I didn't expect you to be a die-hard fan, my mother recognized her as a goddaughter, don't spread this matter to the outside world!" then Gu Chen shook his head and instructed.

"Well, don't worry!" Xia Zhenyan suddenly realized, and immediately assured.

His heart is very happy, he knows that the entertainment industry is very dark, now the idol has such a big background as President Gu, naturally no one dares to mess with it, suddenly he thought that before this international production, there was no news that Han Yumian would audition!

Of course, he also thought that his idol was very suitable for this role and was specially selected by the director, but now it seems that he is still too young, and there are many people who are suitable for the role, but it is not an ordinary person who can really star.

Then he thought of this work, unexpectedly Mr. Gu was able to let Director Mecalon choose Han Yumian, so wouldn't this work also be very aspect?

"Mr. Gu, I wonder if you can ask the eldest lady to take a picture with me?" Then he thought of something and immediately asked very flatteringly.

"Eh?" Gu

Chen, who closed his eyes, was stunned when he heard the words, Miss, what Miss?" But he quickly thought of it, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

He is the boss of the group, and Han Yumian is his titular sister, isn't it the eldest miss for Xia Zhenyan?

"When you see yourself, ask for it!"

he said and said without speaking.

The latter smiled when he heard this, and did not dare to disturb President Gu anymore, so he could only turn his head in ashes.

This is naturally an aircraft belonging to Gu Chen, so there is no one except his employees, at this time, everyone is almost resting with blindfolds, and the plane passes through the thick clouds, as if shuttling through the country of clouds, silent and silent.

San Francisco is very close to Los Angeles, and after about an hour, it drove away from the sky, like a big eagle forced to land, and the human steel city under it gradually appeared in front of everyone, just a vague outline.

A week later, he came to this art city again.

The one who came to pick up was still William the Hunter butler last time, and Gu Chen did not notify Shen Yue, the branch manager of Longteng Group.


. Gu!" "

Well, trouble Mr. William!" Gu

Chen nodded with a faint smile.

"You guys go to the branch first to report!" then

Gu Chen ordered to the propaganda department and others;

Los Angeles naturally has a stronghold in Shenzhou!

"Let's go too!" Then

Gu Chen naturally followed and left, without saying a word all the way, and soon arrived at the castle he had come to before, and the leisurely life outside the city was a little more lazy and leisurely than in the city.

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