Gu Chen nodded, no longer speaking, about the advertising script and copywriting publicity department is rushing to produce, and is still rushing to produce at high prices everywhere in the country, there will always be a suitable.

Then there was no word all the way, after arriving in the city, the two separated, Gu Chen first went to the Shenzhou Group stronghold in Los America, and Mei Karon naturally rearranged tomorrow's affairs.

"President Gu!" returned

to the car sales store at this time, and the store manager and Xia Zhenyan shouted in unison.

"Well, is the advertising script written?" Gu Chen nodded, walked around the store, and then asked.

This store is in a conspicuous position in the motor city, which Mr. Hunter helped to find, with an area of nearly a thousand square meters, two floors, atmospheric decoration, four gates, the showroom has been placed with different models under Shenzhou, plus special lighting settings, each car is full of science fiction and atmosphere.

"President Gu has already sent twelve copies over, do you want to come and see it in person?" Xia Zhenyan, who heard this, quickly replied.

"Naturally!" Then

Gu Chen went up to the second floor and came to a reception room.

The nearly forty square reception room is equipped with sofas and tables.

There are nearly twenty more such reception rooms on the second floor, all of which are places to buy cars and sign contracts and negotiate with customers.

Xia Zhenyan went and returned, carrying a blue folder in his hand.

Twelve copies of 4A paper-sized books of varying thicknesses were all presented in front of Gu Chen.

Gu Chen picked up the most recent one and looked at it, this one is about a car driving fast on the highway, and suddenly a titan python drilled out from the ground in front of it, with a body tens of meters long, far from the edge, and the mouth is nearly ten meters wide, like a winding giant beast.

I saw that it directly raised the huge snake head, its mouth slowly opened, as if it was gluttonous to eat, and its sharp teeth were like one-meter-long steel thorns, glowing with silver-white cold light.

This scene Gu Chen suddenly had a sense of picture in his mind, he was interested, and then watched it.

When the high-speed car saw this scene, I saw that the driver not only did not step on the brakes to slow down, but showed a crazy expression and rushed out directly.

Suddenly, the car rushed directly into the mouth of the titan python, and this scene made Gu Chen stunned, frowned, and then stretched out.

It turned out that the car was swallowed by the giant beast, and it didn't take more than three seconds, I saw that the car rushed out directly from the mouth of the giant beast, and the huge inertia made the body of the giant beast directly roll and raise the overwhelming dust, at this time the car left intact, and the picture ended here, and a line of words appeared.

"Galloping the world, Shenzhou Auto!" Seeing

this, Gu Chen nodded one after another, this idea is very good, people here in the United States believe in this violent feeling.

Then he looked at who created it, and found that he didn't know it and didn't care.

He put this book on his chest, and then looked at the others, and although the next one was basically good, but compared to the first book, Gu Chen felt a little less interesting, and knew that the satisfaction on his face when he saw the last one was very good.

"Just these two!" Then

Gu Chen took out the first and last books, and put the others away.

Xia Zhenyan took it and looked at it, and he also felt very good.

"Mr. Gu, these two scripts are very good, but this one is too late to shoot, and this should have been shot with a green cloth, so it is too late!"

But he quickly remembered a question and said worriedly.

"I know, tomorrow's advertisement will shoot another copy, just at night, very suitable, the other copy will be released by ourselves, this is better!

"Understood!" Xia

Zhenyan understood when he heard this.

Then everyone started rushing to Hollywood.

All the way to the wind, arrived at the crew before the night arrived.

Gu Chen didn't talk nonsense, and went to find Han Yumian first, but because of Gu Chen, her status in the crew is very high, and she wants to announce it.

So Gu Chen and the others could only wait outside.

It didn't take long for two figures to appear.

"Brother!" Suddenly

, a faint fragrance instantly rushed into Gu Chen's nose, and before he could say anything, a soft feeling came from his chest, which made his heart suddenly move, so he was not embarrassed.

Fortunately, Han Yumian reacted and quickly got up and left.

"Why are you here!" asked Han Yumian in surprise.

"I went to your director for something!"

Gu Chen explained.

At this time, Xia Zhenyan behind Gu Chen saw the idol not far away, and suddenly trembled with excitement, the idol looks better than on the Internet.


. Gu!"

At this time, Han Yumian's agent also walked over and shouted respectfully at Gu Chen.

She is not Han Yumian, and she also knows that my Mr. Gu's background naturally does not dare to be so presumptuous!

"Well, hello!" Gu

Chen also smiled and said hello.

"I came to you this time, I just want to find you to shoot an advertisement, the time is a little tight, it will be released at your opening ceremony tomorrow, if you have nothing to do, go with me to meet Director Mecalon first!"

Gu Chen then looked at Han Yumian.

"Well, I'm fine!" Han

Yumian directly agreed, but Aunt Xue next to her was a little hesitant, and wanted to open her mouth to say something, but in the end she didn't make a sound.

So the group planned to go another way.

On the way, Xia Zhenyan was really nervous, quietly watching Han Yumian from time to time, and this scene was naturally discovered by everyone.

"Xiao Miao, introduce you, this is a manager of my company, he is your fan, or the kind of die-hard fan!" Gu Chen smiled and pointed to Xia Zhenyan behind him and introduced.

Xia Zhenyan was very embarrassed, a person who was almost thirty years old at this time made everyone laugh like a shy boy, especially those from the propaganda department, seeing the expression of their boss wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh, holding back pain.

"Ah, hello!" At

this time, Han Yumian looked at Xia Zhenyan and said hello with a smile.

"Han.... Miss Han, you... Hello, nice to meet you!" said Xia Zhenyan a little nervously.

Han Yumian pursed his lips and smiled, then nodded and continued to walk towards the front.

It wasn't long before the episode arrived at Mecalon's office.

An office full of art style, the room is bright as day.

"Mr. Gu, I have already helped you find a director, and there is a photography team, did you bring your advertising script?" At this time, Mecalon saw Gu Chen coming in and asked with a smile.


Gu Chen nodded.

Mecalon then made a direct phone call, and it wasn't long before a middle-aged white man came in.

"David, I came to you this time to ask you to shoot an advertising video! Tomorrow's opening ceremony will be played, and this matter will be handed over to you!" Mecalon

was not polite at all, the whole person was like the boss of the theater, giving orders, which was a side that Gu Chen had never seen.


David naturally agreed when he heard this, and Mecalon had already told him on the phone before.

"This is Mr. Gu!" he then introduced to Gu Chen.

"Hello Mr. Gu!"

David nodded and hurried to greet.

"Hello, Director David, everything is bothering you!" Gu Chen nodded and said with a smile.

Then Xia Zhenyan behind him gave the script to David.

The latter took it and quickly flipped it over, pondered for a moment, raised his head and looked at Gu Chen confidently: "Sir, there is no problem on my side, I don't know if the actor is..."

"Hello Director David, we met again! " Before Gu Chen could speak, Han Yumian behind him walked out and said with a smile.

"Miss Han, it's a pleasure to cooperate with you!" David

was stunned, and then reacted quickly, and his bearded face was suddenly full of smiles.

"Me too!"

Han Yumian smiled, like a sea of purple and red flowers blooming.

Then he planned to leave, but Gu Chen stayed here, after all, this kind of thing was not his turn to do it himself.

Soon, there were many fewer middle-aged people in the room.

"Mr. Gu, this is my plan for tomorrow, you can take a look at it first.

"Of course!" Then

Gu Chen sat down opposite Mecalon and looked at the plan.


Everyone who was preparing to go out to shoot videos outside, at this time David went to contact the photography team, leaving only Han Yumian and the agent Aunt Xue, plus Xia Zhenyan and other employees of the propaganda department.

At this time, Xia Zhenyan was looking at Aunt Xue.

"Hello, Sister Yang, it's a pleasure to meet you this time!" "

Well, hello!" Yang Xue was stunned and replied with a smile.

Until now, she is a little confused, and she doesn't know why she made an advertising video so urgently.

I mean, we communicated before!" Xia Zhenyan explained, shaking his head.

"Hmm?" "

Sister Yang, I'm Xia Zhenyan, manager of the propaganda department of the U.S. branch under the Shenzhou Group!" then introduced herself in Aunt Xue's puzzled expression.


Aunt Xue was stunned, and the expression on her face was suddenly wonderful, from shock to surprise to sudden realization.

At this time, she quickly looked at Han Yumian.

"Aunt Xue, in fact, the Shenzhou Group is also my brother's!" explained Han Yumian with a smile.

"You nizi, you actually hid from me for so long, sincerely watching me ugly?"

"Suddenly, where did Aunt Xue not know that the positive ion had long known, no wonder why did you meet Mr. Gu here, it just so happened that Mr. Gu also wanted to make a propaganda film

!" "

Hee, Aunt Xue, you didn't ask me!"

Han Yumian quickly hugged Aunt Xue's arm and said softly.

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