"You!" Aunt Xue suddenly glanced at Han Yumian when she heard this, stretched out her jade onion index finger and pressed the other party's forehead, shaking her head.

Then she looked at Xia Zhenyan: "Hello, Manager Xia, it turns out that you contacted me before, no wonder I feel that your voice is faintly familiar

!" "About Shenzhou's endorsement, this is a contract, you can take a look!"


Xia Zhenyan took out two documents from the assistant behind him and handed one of them to Aunt Xue.

Then handed another copy to Han Yumian, and said in a low voice: "Miss Han, this is the content of the script, you can read it first!" The

advertising script is very short, and sometimes there is not even a line, more is to highlight the products inside, as well as the advertising company.

"Hmm!" Then

Han Yumian took it and read the script.

So both of them looked down at the documents in their hands.

"Poof~ This is also so interesting!" Suddenly

, Han Yumian burst into laughter, hiding his smile, eclipsing everything around him.

Aunt Xue glanced at the document in Han Yumian's hand curiously, then turned to Xia Zhenyan and said, "No problem, we can sign it later!" Since

she knew that Shenzhou was also Mr. Gu's, the last trace of worry in her heart had also disappeared, of course she believed that Mr. Gu would not pit Han Yumian at all.


Xia Zhenyan was also delighted.

At this time, David also came over.

"Manager Xia, Miss Han, my side is ready, I don't know about you..." said David with a smile.


Xia Zhenyan nodded, and then the group hurried to the filming location.

Hollywood as the center of world cinema, here is naturally equivalent to a huge filming location, a variety of shooting scenes are generally available, very suitable for filming.

Time gradually passed, and the shooting was finally completed near eleven o'clock.

Everyone returned to Mecalon's office.

At this time, Gu Chen was naturally still here.

"Mr. Mecalon, Mr. Gu, the shooting has been completed, the material has been sent to post-production, I told them to finish it by tomorrow!" reported David.

"Well, it's so late, you can go to rest too!" said Mecalon with a nod.


David heard this and planned to leave.

"Mr. David, thank you so much today!" At

this time, Gu Chen's voice also came.

"Mr. Gu is polite!" Walking to the door, David's figure paused and quickly responded.

Then he left directly.

"Then let's do this first, Director Mecalon, we also cooperate happily!" Gu

Chen got up and said to Director Mecalon, intending to leave.

"Well, will Mr. Gu show up tomorrow?" "

This matter this Manager Xia will face tomorrow's interview with you!" Gu Chen shook his head, and then pointed to Xia Zhenyan next to him and said.

"Director Mecalon, I will face the interview with you tomorrow!"

Xia Zhenyan stepped forward.

Then Gu Chenbai planned to go back to Los Angeles directly, after all, tomorrow it will definitely become the center of the global entertainment industry.

Today's night is like ink, pitch black, even the stars cannot be seen, except for the faint light of the city neon lights flickering in the distance, the whole land has fallen into eternal night, and the black behemoth seems to engulf the light.

At this time, Eaton, who was far away in San Francisco, naturally did not know that Gu Chen had taken him by surprise.

Time will pass, and the dark earth will eventually be illuminated by light, dispelling the gloom.

As the first rays of purple sun slowly rose along the horizon, all of a sudden, the life on the ground came to life.

At this time, the most lively nature is Hollywood, which is usually very lively, but today it is crowded, and as time passes, there is a steady stream of vehicles coming in.

Because today is a special day, at this time in a huge square, there are many staff members who are arranging the scene, behind them is a huge screen, tens of meters high.

The audience has been filled with all kinds of machines, cameras, video recorders, all kinds of long guns and short cannons, from different skin colors, different countries, different languages, different beliefs, have gathered here.

Behind him are tourists who are stopped outside by security guards or star-chasers who come to meet their favorite stars.

Time gradually passed, and at this time, the backstage was even busier, and Mecalon's huge voice was filled everywhere.

"Quick, there's something wrong with the sound there! Shett, don't screw me up!"

As time passed, Mecalon quickly adjusted his figure, took a deep breath, and walked to a VIP room, where representatives sent by investors, commonly known as the gold lord dad.

"Guys, it's time, let's get out!"

said Mecalon inside, and then planned to walk directly towards the front desk.

As Mecalon appeared in front, all kinds of exclamations suddenly roared from all directions, mixed with all kinds of clicking and photographing sounds.

This kind of scene Mecalon did not know how many ordinary experiences, naturally there was no stage fear!

He raised his head and walked to the microphone, and his serious expression suddenly smiled slightly.

"Welcome to my opening ceremony, friends from the media, guests and audiences in front of screens around the world, hello!" The

sound of a listening test instantly resounded, and at this moment, the voice of Mecalon appeared on many TVs and the Internet around the world.

That's right, there are an unknown number of people on the scene who are live.

Then he spoke for nearly ten minutes, when his voice changed.

"There are actors who invite me below!" At

this time, he turned slightly sideways, waved his right hand, and suddenly a handsome blond man appeared at the entrance of the passage on the left, followed by various exquisite people.

Suddenly, the voice below became even louder, wave after wave, and the atmosphere really reached the best in the audience

! "Jason!! Jason

!!" "Delice! Delice!"

"Anna! Anna!"

"Han Yumian! Han Yumian!



With the appearance of all the stars, the fans who had been waiting in the distance called their idols' names, and the voices of these names were the highest.

At this time, many families in Huaxia were also watching this live broadcast, and suddenly the camera hit their respective celebrities directly.

"Han Yumian!" many people recognized Han Yumian in the middle at a glance, and said in surprise.

After all, it is very rare for their countrymen to stand on such a large crew, which also has a huge face for them.

But there are also more people who don't pay attention to the entertainment industry and don't know Han Yumian, so they were very surprised when they saw Han Yumian on the live broadcast.

"Wow, there is still our Huaxia?" "

Who is this beautiful young lady?" So

more people went to check the information and also knew Han Yumian, which was also a huge boost to Han Yumian's reputation.

Then the stars also said hello, and then the representatives of the investors also walked out, but everyone did not react, after all, they were very strange in front of the audience.

Finally, under the attention of everyone, everyone held a kick-on ceremony together, which caused a huge sensation, originally everyone was ready to leave, and the media were also ready to collect tools when the huge screen behind suddenly flickered, which immediately aroused everyone's curiosity.

All the media are dog noses naturally smell different breaths, according to the plan they got before, the opening ceremony is over, but seeing that the small people on the stage did not move, they immediately knew that there was something behind, so they were more excited and excited.

The audience who had planned to leave also stopped, showing doubts and curious expressions, and Han looked up at the screen.

Soon a back appeared on the screen, and when you looked at it from the long lens, it was obvious that this back was very charming, but the sharp-eyed person naturally recognized this as Han Yumian at once.

Suddenly shouted excitedly, the others on the stage also looked at Han Yumian one after another, they were naturally full of curiosity about this beautiful oriental woman.

Then the woman encountered many difficulties, just when she closed her eyes and confessed her life, suddenly the car she bought before suddenly rushed out like a hero, followed by the story of taking Han Yumian and being rescued after layers of breakthroughs, very tacky, but very attractive.

At this time, Xia Zhenyan also took advantage of the time when everyone was watching and stepped onto the stage, and he suddenly had a bottom in his heart when he looked at everyone's interested eyes.

The film is not long, only five or six minutes, but it makes everyone remember two things in the film.

One is the character in the film, and the only protagonist, Han Yumian.

The other is the car, the impressive car owned by the Shenzhou company.

"Everyone, with this opening ceremony, I solemnly announce one thing here, that is, the cars in this movie will be filmed by the cars of Shenzhou Group Automobile.

Mecalon introduced loudly; "Next to me is the head of Shenzhou Auto Group.

At this time, Xia Zhenyan stepped forward and revealed a kind voice.

"Hello everyone!" greeted


At this time, it has caused a huge sensation all over the world, and this Shenzhou Group became famous instantly, and audiences around the world are very interested in Shenzhou Automobile, just like in the film.

Especially on the American side, after all, Shenzhou still had a small reputation here before, and now this opportunity makes them more curious, and they have recalled whether there are any Shenzhou direct sales stores in their cities, and they will take a look after this time.

Of course, this scene has a greater impact on enterprises, especially those in the automotive industry.

At this time, it was far away in a villa area in San Francisco.

At this time, a middle-aged man rang the doorbell with a bleak face.

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