About a minute passed before someone opened the door for him.

The middle-aged man didn't have time to say anything, and quickly ran inside.

A young blond man in the hall bathed in sunlight like a quiet prince.

"Young Master Eaton, it's not good, it's not good!" I

saw that the middle-aged man had not yet entered, and an anxious voice came first.

The blond man in the living room suddenly frowned, put down the book in his hand, and looked at the door in front of him.

"Bruce, what are you doing? It's ungraceful!"

said Eaton.

"Young Master Eton, quick, turn on the TV, you will know!" the middle-aged man was none other than Bruce, who hurriedly exclaimed.

"What are you doing with the TV?" asked Eaton calmly.

"Master Eaton, the Shenzhou Group is on TV, they actually appeared at the opening ceremony of director Mecalon!" quickly explained Bruce.

"Huh?" Eaton

was stunned, a little confused, so he turned on the fourteen-inch color TV in the living room, and suddenly the picture was a noisy live broadcast, and the background of the live broadcast was Shenzhou Group and a car model under it.

Suddenly, Eaton's expression changed, and his eyes were glued to the TV.

At this time, the picture was carried out until Xia Zhenyan said: Three days later, Shenzhou Group will be fully opened in the United States, and suddenly Eaton's eyes widened, and his face was full of disbelief.

At this time, his mind was blurred.

"This: Impossible! No way!" he said again and again.

At this time, Han Yumian also began to step forward and tell that she had endorsed the cars of the Shenzhou Group, and then it was really over.

At this point, the screen has moved to something else.

"Young Master Eton, Shenzhou caught us off guard, now we should quickly lower their reputation!" said Bruce with a solemn expression.

"With the current heat, do you think we have lowered?" said Eaton after a long stunned moment, glanced at it and said lightly.

"Eh?" Bruce

heard the words silently, he was ill and rushed to the hospital, of course he knew that the current Shenzhou was no longer something they could block, and now when their popularity was the highest, it was almost the whole network.

Who would have thought that they would be able to think of this, and also with the consent of director Mecalon.

"Mecalon!" Eaton naturally thought of this, and immediately shouted through gritted teeth.

All this is Mecalon, if he refuses Gu Chen, where will there be such a thing!"

"He dares to go against me!

"Master Eaton, how should we deal with it now?" asked Bruce in a low voice.

But now the Internet is full of news about the Shenzhou Group, even if they are in advance, there is no use, maybe the situation will be worse.

How did I investigate, why didn't you get any news before!" yelled Eaton.

At this time, his mood was terrible, like a monkey being teased, which made him devastated and uneasy.

He knew that now he basically had no chance to hit the other side.

Before he was still thinking about his arrangement, what Gu Chen, under his hands is not without any way, but he did not expect that the clown was himself.


At this time, Los Angeles, with the end of the opening ceremony, but the news and heat about Shenzhou Group were still spreading.

Mecalon Conference Room.

"Director Mecalon, thank you so much for this!" At this time, Xia Zhenyan naturally thanked happily.

"Haha, we cooperate with each other!" said Mecalon without holding it up, but in a low-key manner.

"Then we won't bother you! "

Uh-huh, say hello to my Mr. Gu

!" "Don't worry!"


Xia Zhenyan nodded at Han Yumian and left directly.

To be honest, he didn't expect that at this press conference, the shock caused would be so great.

Now open the social software on the American side, almost all about discussing the opening ceremony of Shenzhou Group and Mecalon.

They were very excited.

At this time, he believed that President Gu should have seen it in the hotel.

An hour later, the group rushed to Gu Chen's hotel excitedly.

"President Gu, we have already completed this matter, I didn't expect that there would be such a lot of heat at the opening ceremony of Mecalon!" Xia Zhenyan said to Gu Chen with great surprise and surprise.

When he heard President Gu say this before, he was still skeptical, but he didn't expect it to be so successful.

"Naturally!" Gu

Chen smiled slightly, looking very indifferent.

In fact, he was quite surprised in his heart.

"Then President Gu, are we going to strike while the iron is hot and expand publicity?" Xia

Zhenyan saw President Gu so calm, and suddenly felt that President Gu was very inscrutable, worthy of being his boss!

"Of course, although our popularity is very high now, it is still just boundless water floating on the surface, so in the next two or three days, give me all my strength to publicize!" Be sure to make this heat more popular and let the name of Shenzhou resound in the Americas. Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, and said in a deep voice.


Xia Zhenyan and the others naturally said loudly at this time.

The excitement on his face speaks to himself.

"By the way, another advertisement is going to be shot today or tomorrow, and then posted on our official website in Shenzhou!" Gu Chen nodded, as if he had thought of something, and said with a smile.

He wanted to hurry back to San Francisco, because of the outbreak in Shenzhou, he naturally had to sit in the branch and dominate the overall situation.

So he left Xia Zhenyan behind, and he returned to San Francisco.

At this time, the branch of Shenzhou in San Francisco can be said to have broken the threshold, from the popularity to now, major media and pedestrians will watch at the door every day.

And when Eaton saw this scene when he passed here, a haze flashed in his eyes.

"Did I tell you to let the local gangsters mess with your communication before, why didn't there be any movement?"

he asked Bruce behind him darkly.

"Young Master Eaton, the current Shenzhou Lion is eye-catching, I called the local gangsters, they didn't dare to make a move!" said Bruce with an embarrassed expression.

"A bunch of trash!" scolded Eaton.

"But I told them to go to the other branches, but they were also secretly protected, and the people we sent were missing!"

"I guess the California consortium did it!" said Bruce as he stepped forward and whispered.

In this land, the California consortium is king! their influence is greater than the influence of the government, and in ancient times it was the existence of one side of the division.

"Hmph, California consortium, you are looking for death!" snorted Eaton coldly.

Then he glanced at the lively Shenzhou Group and left directly.

And Gu Chen also returned to the branch and met with many families or small car companies who wanted to join.

For a while, the reputation of the name of Shenzhou spread further, and with many local forces joining, it can be said that Shenzhou Group will definitely be strong after the opening of the day after tomorrow.

After that, Xia Zhenyan also returned, with the filmed advertisement, and sent it directly.

The number of clicks and retweets was amazing.

There are more water friends on the Internet than in China.

What groups that are delayed by cars, better picture quality and special effects than many movies, and so on.

In order to be realistic, Gu Chen is naturally very willing, and the funds of every second and every frame in these short minutes are burning violently.

They all use the top special effects, but the results are also very good, not only in the United States, but also in the world.

Especially in China, because this is the second private company to go out and cause such a big movement, the domestic public is naturally very concerned.


That's right, I

should really let the domestic directors take a good look, what is the special effects!" "

Shenzhou Group is really a film and television group delayed by the automotive industry! Warmly request Shenzhou Group to open a film and television branch in the future!"

"Think too much, with the size of Shenzhou Group will go to the entertainment industry? Isn't this humiliating?

For a while, it directly aroused a lively discussion.

With the widespread spread of advertising, the fame of Shenzhou is greater than that of Longteng Group, although the great significance of Longteng Group is not comparable to Shenzhou, but in terms of fame, it is greater.

If Shenzhou is listed,

it is estimated that the stock has risen and stopped in the past few days.

The time came to May 28 in the heated discussion of the whole network, which is also the day that Shenzhou opened in the United States, and it has attracted many media reports.

Even the attention of many peers, especially Eaton, is still holding on to a glimmer of hope at this time.

However, with the opening, the flow of people in the major branches was simply named after horror, and the inside of the store was crowded, and the outside caused traffic jams.

In just one morning, news came from major branches, and the transaction volume was amazing.

Although there are many people who come to the advertisement, more of them come with a curious and insightful attitude, so what we need to do now is to turn the popularity into RMB or American swords.

So this requires the performance of the car and the eloquence of the salesman.

However, Gu Chen directly waved his hand to sell a car according to a five-percent commission, which immediately aroused the enthusiasm of many employees, and they only thought of a five-percent commission when they were selling, and they were suddenly full of passion, as if they had beaten chicken blood.

Therefore, many people who did not intend to buy it are also paying for it.

In fact, everyone has a herd mentality, and when they see other people also buying, they will naturally have the urge to buy, which is why there are many merchants looking for trust.

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