As the situation of each branch came up, at this time, in the conference room of the branch, everyone's mood could be described as riding a roller coaster, and the ups and downs were stimulated.

"Mr. Gu, Mr. Jiang, Manager Xia, Manager Liu, Minister Huang, and Cross City sent a message that all the cars in their city have been sold, and now the supply exceeds demand, continue to ask us to deliver them!" At this time, an employee of the sales department hurriedly reported.

The two people in the conference room looked at each other with great joy.

Gu Chen was the same, when he was about to say.

"Mr. Gu, Portland City has just sent a message

, they are out of stock, tell us to hurry up and ship over!" "

Mr. Gu, Sacramento City has sent news, they have sold all the inventory

, tell us to ship it immediately!" "Mr. Gu, there is news from Los Angeles, they are in urgent need of various models of cars over there, and tell us to ship quickly!"


Immediately after that, as if some organ had been pointed, all the surrounding cities sent messages, which made everyone have an unreal feeling.

As if they were not selling cars, but daily sales.

"How many cars does the company still have in storage?" Gu

Chen also expected this situation before, so he increased the number of vehicles in each city by 30% on each basis, but he didn't expect to sell out in such a short time, which made him also a little stunned, this is faster than robbing the bank, right?

"Mr. Gu, after you increased by 30% before, the current warehouse is less than 100,000 vehicles, and the factory is working overtime non-stop!"

At this time, a manager of the logistics department stood up and quickly reported.

"So little?" Gu

Chen was stunned when he heard this, and he was a little dissatisfied, but he also knew that he had disrupted the plan by Eaton before, so it was normal that the current stock was not much, but he was also very distressed!

Send them all to me, and you can tell the stores that if they are out of stock again, then they can only be booked, and if they are booked, we can reduce them by one or two percent!"

No way, if he doesn't want to lose customers, then he can only make a little profit.

"Yes!" and

then the logistics manager hurried out to dispatch.

"Guys, now is not the time to relax, we must keep an eye on the market, and when we really stand firm, I will celebrate your success!" Then Gu Chen put his hands on the log table and said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Everyone

was very excited in their hearts, but they also knew that they must not panic at such a time.

Then Gu Chen went back to the office.

At this time, many company spies were staring at Shenzhou, and as their respective intelligence reports came up, they were silent after reading them one by one.

Without him, although they did not get accurate figures than them, but with the popularity of various cities and the cars driving out, they could also predict that Shenzhou was out of the circle!

"It seems that Shenzhou Group is going to win the giants of the automotive industry in one fell swoop!" some business bigwigs sighed.

In particular, some people who know the inside story and have had conflicts with the DuPont consortium are even more gloating.

The day passed quickly, and the branch in Shenzhou was still crowded until eight o'clock in the evening, which was really extremely hot.

Early the next morning, Gu Chen directly held a meeting, and everyone in the conference room was looking forward to yesterday's specific data.

"Mr. Gu, yesterday, all branches and agents under Shenzhou sold a total of 186,000 cars, and the bookings received reached nearly 100,000 units!" Mei Jiale excitedly reported with a data sheet from various places in her hand.

"Good!" everyone


"The current sales are more than 2.458 billion yuan, and the net profit has reached more than 1.2 billion!" "


As Mei Jiale said a series of numbers, the people in the conference room suddenly gasped.

"Very good, in the next two days, I will do my best to seize the market! Gu

Chen was also quite satisfied when he heard this figure, which represents a great achievement, in the past, these capitalists were sucking the blood of the countrymen, and now it is finally his turn.

Next, as his company and products continue to come out, then he will slowly erode foreign countries in various industries in the future.

"Understood!" and

then everyone dispersed, after all, this is the second day of opening, and it will definitely be very hot.

Everyone handled things with excitement, which greatly promoted the efficiency of work.

At this time, in a deep villa

, "bang~~"

can be heard outside the sound of broken items from inside,

as well as insults.

"Shett, Fak!" At

this time, a blonde man in the living room was casually misleading in the living room, his expression very distorted, and his mouth was even more cursing.

This person is Eaton, and he naturally received this data in the morning, perhaps not as accurate as Mei Jiale's hand, but it is also very amazing.

"Mecalon, it's all you fucking old fellow, you dare to offend me Eaton! I want you to die!"

After venting fiercely, he gradually recovered, looking at the messy living room, he directly called the cleaner who was very afraid outside, and asked her to come in and clean.

He went straight upstairs, took out his cell phone and made a call to get out.

"Hey!" said

in an arrogant tone.

However, the other end did not care at all, "Young Master Eaton, is there something wrong?"

a middle-aged slightly hoarse voice came out.

"I want that damn guy Mecalon, give me death! I'm going to discredit him!" said Eaton into the phone.

"This, young master..." Who

knew that the other end of the phone was stunned when he heard this, and his speech was a little intermittent.

"Master Eaton, at the moment Mecalon is no longer under my control, I was suspended a few days ago!" said the other end of the phone bitterly.

Eaton was stunned, and suddenly fell silent, he remembered that because of his wanton actions before, their DuPont consortium's arrangement here for many years had already been destroyed.

At this time, he also knew that Mecalon must have been blessed by the California consortium, so he dared to offend himself.

"Very well, Mecalon, don't think that with that old guy Hunter you can rest easy, I will settle the score with you one day!"

the more Eaton thought about it, the more angry he became, and he hung up the phone directly.

Now he has only one way, that is, to sell as big as the day after tomorrow, so that he will save the decline, otherwise this eastward movement, he has completely failed, and is still completely defeated, and can only flee the east in ashes.

So he quickly figured this out, immediately clenched his fists, and embedded his fingers into the flesh, but he didn't know at all, quickly took a few deep breaths, and quickly recovered his previous expression.

Went directly to the General Motors building.

"Now give me all the resources at hand, give me the momentum, although we lose the first hand, but it is not necessarily the victory of the other party, if our sales are hot, we can also be regarded as winning."

"I have investigated, the Shenzhou Group factory has just been built for less than half a month, so their number of cars is limited, even if they are very famous and have a lot of traffic, what about it?

The rest of the company was also stunned when they heard this, and then their eyes lit up.

Before, they had already been hit by the popularity of Shenzhou, so they had no fighting spirit, but now listening to the words of the general manager, it really rekindled their fighting spirit.

Even if Shenzhou is very popular, their car production can't catch up with sales, this is their opportunity.

Bruce on the left and right looked at Eaton with great relief and expectation, he sighed with some emotion, Young Master Eaton is worthy of being Young Master Eaton, and he can still come up with a way to break the enemy under such a big blow, worthy of being the heir of the family.

Then they exhausted all kinds of methods and began to publicize, gradually suppressing Shenzhou's propaganda, and for a while everyone was even more inspired and exuded greater enthusiasm.

Gu Chen naturally knew the situation on Eaton's side, and smiled slightly, Eaton was unwilling, and he also got the content of their meeting that day from other channels.

"It is worthy of being the heir of the consortium, and I really thought of the idea directly!"

Gu Chen also praised.

It was as if the seniors appreciated the tone of the juniors, if Eaton knew, it was estimated that he would vomit blood angrily, but Gu Chen did have the capital as a senior.

"However, just because you want to turn over, it is inevitable that you don't put me Gu Chen in your eyes!" Gu

Chen looked at the direction of General Motors Group Company and smiled mysteriously.

Then he called the assistant directly.

"Mr. Gu!" the

assistant came to Gu Chen and shouted respectfully.

"Well, go and inform Manager Mei and tell him that between June 1st and 5th, all new energy vehicles that book our Shenzhou model will be reduced by an additional two percent! Gu Chen said directly.

The assistant was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted, "Yes!" and

walked directly outside.

Fast forward to June 1st, which is Children's Day.

At this time, Eaton was naturally very excited, because they had been very successful in publicizing it a few days ago, and he had guessed correctly about the current lack of inventory in Shenzhou, because there was no publicity in Shenzhou in the past few days.

In fact, how did he know that this was specially ordered by Gu Chen to do this.

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