Otherwise, with what Eaton did to Shenzhou before, he would not give up.

As the sun gradually rises, the bustle on the street begins again, since three days have passed, although Shenzhou new energy vehicles are not as powerful as in the advertising video, but they are not much different, so for a while the word of mouth of Shenzhou is rapidly accumulating.

Although new energy vehicles are new energy, but compared with the past is very different, energy, power, are countless times better than before, as long as in the gentle area, then the kinetic energy of new energy is not worse than fuel vehicles, and with the energy crisis in recent years, arbitrarily lead to their side of the oil price is very expensive.

And the new energy vehicle is only need to charge it, compared with the two, it is simply a sky and an underground, and the operating system of Shenzhou new energy vehicles is really very intelligent, I heard that this is the operating system developed by Huaxia's own people, that is, even Apple is not comparable to others.

Therefore, after various factors, the reputation and reputation of Shenzhou are growing wildly.

It is fermenting at a human-to-human rate.

"Hey, Sam, you're so handsome! Looks like I need a car too



John, what car are you going to buy?"

"I heard that General Motors is working on it today, so I'm going to get one!"

"Yes, although it is from Huaxia's company, but their car is really very good! Trust me, you will love it!"

These conversations are spread across the eastern states of the United States, and that's the benefit of word of mouth, and the people who buy this product feel very good, then they will be relatives, friends, and even neighbors.

And Eaton is very much looking forward to how much sales he will have today, and even he thought that it may be more terrifying than Shenzhou, after all, a nameless new company in Shenzhou, new products have so many sales, then their GM brand has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for a long time, plus this time he in order to win Gu Chen, this time the promotion is very strong, basically not very profitable!

But he didn't care about all this, he just wanted to surpass Gu Chen in sales.

The more he thought about it, the more likely he felt, and for a while the whole person was very excited.

So a person is sitting in the office thinking about how the media will report him after this time, such as the famous Longteng Group chairman Gu Chen is simply vain, Mr. Eaton is the real business leader in the new era!


And Gu Chen is looking at the largest sales store in San Francisco, as time passes gradually popular storefront, although there is no car, but the pre-sale is also very terrifying, there are some people can not accept the pre-sale, Gu Chen can only regretfully watch the other party leave, but more people come to the pre-sale He is happy again.

This scene is playing out in major cities in the east.

There are even people from other states who come to book, and the popularity is not much more than before! But this time the traffic was brought by Eaton, and Gu Chen was comfortable thinking of this.

Unlike the popular storefront here, there are stores such as old store discounts written outside on the other side, which seems to be an event, and the popularity is also okay, which is considerable, but after comparing with Shenzhou, it is indeed the difference between fluorescence and Haoyue.

At this time, Bruce, who was inspecting below, looked at the situation and popularity of the store, and suddenly frowned, not having the slightest happy interest.

"That's not right!"

he said directly.

So he quickly called the assistant behind him.

"Quick, hurry up and check what is going on over there in Shenzhou?" he ordered directly.

The latter was a little strange, but seeing the leader's solemn expression, he quickly went to investigate.

Bruce looked at the other party's back, and his inner uneasiness grew more and more.

Not long after, the previous assistant returned in a panic.

He took a deep breath and listened to the other party's report.

"Manager, it's not good, there are more people over there in Shenzhou than we have here! It's just as many as the other day!" the assistant returned in a panic.

After listening to it, Bruce chuckled in his heart, and sure enough.

"Hurry up and investigate, ask about the situation in each city, and see if it is the same as here!" he suddenly ordered to the people behind him.

"Yes!" Everyone

also felt that something was wrong at this time, and they all went to inquire.

"Shenzhou, what did you actually do?" he whispered.

After about ten minutes, everyone returned with heavy expressions.

Bruce had already prepared, and after listening to the report, it was not surprising that the situation in other cities was basically the same as here, and even the popularity of shops in some cities was no different from before.

Now they all realized the seriousness of the matter.

So everyone looked at Bruce.

He took a deep breath: "This matter will be kept secret first, I will report to Young Master Eton!"

After speaking, he ignored everyone's expressions and walked directly upstairs.

"Knock knock!" Eton

, who was still fantasizing in the office at this time, came back to his senses, and his expression suddenly narrowed, but he could vaguely see the radiant breath between his eyebrows.

"Come in!" After

saying that, there was a click from the door, and Bruce walked in with a solemn expression, and even he could expect Master Eaton's expression after hearing this.

However, Eaton, who was in a very good mood, naturally did not find anything wrong with the other party.

"Why, Bruce, are you here to report the results to me?" asked Eton, laughing.

Bruce was even more stunned when he heard this, and his expression was suddenly very complicated.

"Huh?" I

hadn't heard Bruce's voice for a long time, and only then did Eton raise his head, and when he saw Bruston with a heavy expression, he felt a stirring in his heart.

"What happened?"

his face changed suddenly, and he asked in a deep voice.

"Young Master Eaton, the popularity of our event this time did not meet expectations.

Bruce thought about it and started to make a foreshadowing.

"What do you mean? No one?" "

Someone! But.... There are more people over there in Shenzhou

!" "Impossible!"

Eaton stood up directly in disbelief when he heard this, his eyes staring directly at Bruce like electricity: "How is it possible! Shenzhou has not had much publicity in this period of time! And our propaganda is so successful, how can it not attract people?"

Bruce smiled bitterly, he naturally understood Eaton's mood, and at first he couldn't believe it, but the results of the reported facts everywhere were in front of him, and he had to believe it.

"Young Master Eaton, I didn't believe it at first, but after several inquiries before I came, this is the result, and the direct sales store in Shenzhou is indeed hotter than ours!" said Bruce truthfully.

Eaton's eyes widened, and he believed seven or eight points in his heart after hearing Bruce finish speaking, but he really couldn't accept this!


Snap!" the shoes made a crisp sound as they stepped on the

bright and smooth floor.

"General Manager!" the employees who passed by shouted respectfully.

However, Eaton could not accommodate anything in his eyes at this time, and he came to the first floor at this time to look around, although the store was very lively, but he imagined that the hot, crowded, and full of people did not appear at all, which greatly disappointed him.

He walked directly through the store and walked out, and Bruce naturally followed silently.

Coming to a car, he got into the driver's seat first, he knew the destination of Eaton, and the place he was curious about, that is, the location of Shenzhou, and he also wanted to see with his own eyes whether it was as crowded as in the report.

"Boom!" The

car left here with a straight bang, and after half an hour of travel, he stopped at a street and was directly stunned when he looked at the situation ahead.

Eaton is the same, the boss with his eyes wide, like two large light bulbs, his hands tightly grasping the seat.

That's right, the front is the direct sales store where Shenzhou is located, at this moment, as if there are some treasures very attractive, they have swarmed inside, in the store, I saw a piece of black pressure, all heads, Eaton and Bruce can even see the enthusiastic, excited expression of the waiter in Shenzhou inside.

After a long time, Eaton suddenly leaned back, and the spirit of the whole person was slowly dissipating.



Bruce looked at Eton very worriedly and called softly.

"Go back!"

Eaton waved his hand, ordered with a lost soul, and closed his eyes.

Bruce's mouth opened, and then turned into action, and directly started to pass by the Shenzhou store.

And Gu Chen inside moved inside, looked out, and saw a black Lincoln driving by.

He didn't care, he naturally didn't know that it was his opponent Eaton this time who was sitting inside.

EtonHouse is undoubtedly proud, from childhood to adulthood is the focus of the crowd and other people's children, no matter what he does, he is the first, so he has developed this invincible mentality since he was a child.

Such benefits are naturally obvious, for the previous business actions were all to destroy the momentum of decay, but now that he met Gu Chen, then the blow to him was fatal.

Just like now, he occupies the natural advantage of geographical advantage, and he has all failed, and his inner confidence has naturally been violently impacted.

So he went straight back to the villa where he currently lives.

In the following days, General Motors' event ended, not only did not meet expectations, but also attracted a lot of heated discussion.

What a false name for GM! A special promotion did not sell 10,000 units! It is a great irony.

Coupled with some other covert enemies, GM's stock group is simply a rainstorm, and it is a stop-and-drop mode for several days.

Some other shareholders are frowning, especially the Morgan consortium, which suddenly sent several dissatisfactions, and if another person attacked, it is estimated that it would have disappeared long ago.

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