Now with quantum communication technology, it is very emotionally loaded in their hearts, and they feel that they have missed a century, which is very unreal.

He has also been here for more than a year, and he knows a little more about the outside world than they do.

It didn't say, only told a private research room!" said General Peng shaking his head, pityingly.


the next few people were shocked again.

"Okay, since there is an order from above, it is to implant quantum technology into the Heavenly Palace, and there will definitely be people who will contact you at that time, so ah!

"General Peng, I wonder when they will come?" General Master Yang couldn't help but ask when he heard this.

"Well, this one. I don't say it, but I think it should be in the near future, otherwise we won't suspend our launch plan! It's incredible to think about it, when our space station is completed, we can either even contact the moon at any time!" General

Peng shook his head, and then thought of quantum technology, and immediately sighed.

"Yes!" Several

experts were also silent when they heard this, and they would be very excited when they understood the universe more thoroughly.


For everything that happened here, Gu Chen naturally didn't know about it.

As the experts of the two parties are very harmonious, the research on quantum technology is more in-depth, and Gu Chen also built a large building in Yong City with the official.

Originally, the site was naturally not here, but after Gu Chen's insistence, he agreed that it would have no impact on where the construction went anyway.

And Gu Chen should give back to his hometown, after all, when the quantum communication is announced, it will definitely become a world-famous scenic spot.

However, this time is estimated to be much later.

However, Gu Chen didn't care at all, anyway, it would be him who would benefit at that time, and it didn't matter later.

During this period, the state made a very big effort, originally regarding the choice of satellites, it needed to be customized, but the country somehow directly selected the satellite that had long been spared, and after some operation, it was directly launched.

Gu Chen didn't know why he was in such a hurry, where did he think that Tiangong 5 was still waiting to be launched!

The third country in the world to have a space station, this news is exciting to think about.

In order to save time, the domestic setting used the technology of pressing the bottom of the box to directly send ten satellites to outer space.

It took nearly ten days, which was twice as fast.

At this time, a very mysterious team of experts also came out of Huahai, leading the way by Luo Ruiming, after all, this technology was created by him, in order to be stable, he led the way, and the deputy was the official Ren Dehua.

And Gu Chen also got the news from the official.

No wonder it was so fast, if he completed it independently, it would have taken at least half a year or more, but now it has only taken more than half a month, which is efficiency.

As Luo Ruiming and others successfully arrived at the space secret base, everyone was immediately shocked by the scale of such a large space base, if they did not master quantum technology, then in addition to the successful launch to get the news, now it is impossible to see in person, even Ren Dehua is the same, he does not know this base.

"Welcome all the experts to arrive at the No. 5 R&D Base of Tiangonggong!" At this time, General Peng stood up in a timely manner and welcomed with a smile.

"Hello general, we have been ordered to install quantum communication technology, this is our team leader Luo Ruiming, I am the deputy team leader Ren Dehua. "About this, naturally, it is the official Ren Dehua who deals with it.

"Hello General!"

Luo Ruiming greeted after glancing at the rank on the other party's shoulder.

He also didn't expect that he had met several generals in just one month, but he clearly knew who brought all this, and he suddenly respected Gu Chen even more.

"Hello, welcome Expert Luo, Expert Ren comes, our space base is looking forward to the stars and the moon!

This is Yang Weijie, the chief designer of this study! This is Liu Chuanfang and Liu Expert..."

"Expert Luo, hello Expert Ren, I'm Yang Weijie.

At this time, Chief Master Yang looked at the expert and greeted him very warmly.

"Hello, hello!" After

everyone's pleasantries, they went directly to the research room, without too much rest, and went straight to work.

After the exchange, Master Yang first reported on their entry into the city and the general technology.

And Luo Ruiming finally said that they are very interested in quantum communication technology.

Seven days later, after the close cooperation of Luo Ruiming and General Master Yang and other teams, the joint guarantee worker communication technology was finally installed on the Tiangong-5 manned aviation space station, which could not only realize that Huaxia was about to get closer to the universe, and could even realize real-time call and even video contact.

Because the signal satellite began to operate a few days ago, they can use quantum communication here to talk to Huahai, which shocked everyone, because this is a research base!

So it was decided above that the launch ceremony would be officially held a day later, and Luo Ruiming and others were also invited to watch it up close, which made them a little excited.

At this time, he was in the upper room of the base, reporting to Gu Chen.

General Peng officially invited us to watch tomorrow's launch up close!"

Originally, even if there is quantum communication, it is not allowed to reveal a trace of the situation to the outside world.

However, because of the particularity of Gu Chen, the above naturally acquiesced, and they are also very relieved that they will not be answered, because this is the only two places in the world that have quantum communication, which is why the country is so excited and official.

Because once they start quantum communication, their security and secrecy will be greatly protected, even independent of current networks.

At this time, Gu Chen, who was far away in Huahai, was slightly stunned when he heard Luo Ruiming's report, and he was a little surprised.

"It seems that you are treated well over there!" said with a smile.

"Uh-huh, Mr. Gu, the test equipment here is very good! Some of them have not even been seen by me! It seems that they still have a lot of technology in the country that has not been disclosed!" Luo Ruiming also saw a lot in the past few days, and sighed.

Gu Chen was not surprised, if he didn't have the technology, he would be surprised!


the Chinese people who like to hide, the country is undoubtedly one of the best, just say that he himself is not hiding a lot?"

For researchers like them, who are obsessed with science and technology, in addition to being famous, it is more important to want a perfect laboratory.

"Don't worry, at present, Qian Expert and Ma Expert are building a technical network, if you don't come back, then there is nothing wrong with you

!" "Don't worry, I'll be back right after tomorrow's launch!"

Luo Ruiming was originally a little casual when he heard this, he was instantly nervous, and quickly assured.

If he hadn't wanted to miss the birth of this history he witnessed with his own eyes, he would have gone back a long time ago.

Then Gu Chen hung up the phone.

Looking towards the northwest sky, layers of cotton-like white clouds stand in the sky, obscuring the glorious golden light that wants to shine the earth.

Tomorrow the world will be shocked, so I will also start preparing to broadcast the advertising campaign.

Gu Chen thought truthfully.

Although he can't send this quantum communication technology up, he can make a weakened version of the communication company, although it can't be compared with the original, but it is still much faster than the 5G network on the market, and more importantly, he has an excuse to use quantum communication on online games.

He called his assistant directly.

"Mr. Gu

!" "What happened to the things I did before I told you?" "

It has been arranged in our Shenzhou mobile phone flagship store!" the assistant quickly reported when he heard this.

That's right, before Gu Chen called an assistant to the flagship store of Longteng Group to supervise the implementation of quantum communication.

Users with Shenzhou brand mobile phones can enjoy the signal of quantum communication, which is faster than mobile, Unicom and telecommunications, and the cost is very favorable, plus the signal and stability are very good, that is, remote rural areas can be used.

This can also be regarded as Gu Chen's benefit to the people!

"Yes, it will be publicized after tomorrow!" said Gu Chen with satisfaction.

Sometimes he wonders if he has a system for collecting worship emotions, and it is estimated that he is very much more now.

"Understood!" When

the assistant heard this, he did not ask why after tomorrow, is tomorrow a special day?

Then he left.

Before he saw this quantum communication was naturally shocked, thinking that the future network speed is more fast and convenient, he is excited, in the future it will be more convenient to watch a film or something, isn't it?

At this time, Gu Chen's family was sitting next to the TV, which was very mysterious.

"Xiao Chen, what are you letting us sit here for, watching TV?" asked Gu's mother suspiciously.

Chu Xinyi was the same, blinking her eyes and staring at Gu Chen.

"Mom, wait for you to witness the historic moment!" said Gu Chen with a smile.

Yesterday, he told Luo Ruiming that he would also watch it in time today, and that General Peng naturally agreed, because not only him, but also professional reporters from many national television stations came here to interview.

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