If the launch is successful, then today's interview will be a precious historical record, and it will be posted on the official website the next day, and if it fails, then nothing happened.

"Huh?" Gu

Mu and Chu Xinyi looked at each other and explained their meaning.

Gu Chen didn't say much, directly took out the newly researched Shenzhou mobile phone, installed a network card for quantum communication, directly dialed the video with Luo Ruiming, and then Gu Chen projected it onto the large screen high-definition color TV in the living room.

"President Gu, good evening!" was

quickly connected, there was a noise inside, and then the picture flashed, revealing a huge human face, and the wrinkles on the face were clearly visible, it was Luo Ruiming.

"Well, it's about to start?" Gu Chen nodded and asked with a smile.

Fifteen minutes to go.

"Well, you can turn the camera around. Hearing this, Gu Chen said.

Luo Ruiming turned the camera without hesitation when he heard this, he knew that President Gu also wanted to see this scene.

Suddenly, in the distance, a spaceship straight into the sky stood in the distance.

Suddenly, there was a gasping sound in the living room.

"Little dust, this... What is this?" came

Gu Mu's shocked voice at this time.

"Mom, this is my country's spacecraft, officially launched tonight! Gu Chen sat on the side and explained with a smile.

He was also a little surprised, the spaceship in the distance was like an upside-down spaceship, I don't know how much technology was kneaded in China, it was simply a combination of human wisdom and technology.


Gu Mu's eyes widened suddenly.

"This, Brother Chen, why is there no news on the Internet about such a big matter?" Chu Xinyi also stared at the TV and asked curiously.

Gu Chen shook his head and rubbed her straight hair, and said with a smile: "Nonsense, this is confidential, how can it be found on the Internet, but tomorrow, it is estimated that it will be an overwhelming report!"

"Don't worry, this matter is agreed by the state! Don't worry, they invited me to go in person!" Gu Chen explained.

"This way!" Gu's

mother showed such an excellent expression in her eyes, and she immediately looked at the TV curiously and proudly.

Chu Xinyi is the same, her eyes are bright.

Several people seemed to be watching a live broadcast, and the picture was very clear, allowing Gu Chen and the other sons of people to see the powerful function of Shenzhou mobile phone together.

I have to say that the location chosen by Luo Ruiming is also No. 1, and here you can't help but see anywhere below, and it is very clear.

At this time, many people in the TV were inspecting under the spacecraft, densely packed.

As time gradually passed, everyone on the side of the spacecraft was also inseparable, and finally Luo Ruiming also turned his mobile phone, and what came into view was a row of viewing platforms, and Gu Chen also heard an interview sound, which is estimated to be the official reporter.

"President Gu, launch immediately!" At

this time, a clear voice came from outside the mobile phone.

"Hmm!" Gu

Chen nodded, indicating that he knew.

Not long after, there was a loud noise, and then the pusher under the spacecraft suddenly changed, like a lotus blooming at a glance, and suddenly a huge flame soared into the air, setting off a violent hurricane and dust.

Everyone stared closely at the spaceship rising into the sky, very quiet, speechless at the moment, everyone's hearts were praying for success.

Then entered the second stage, the energy pusher at the bottom of the spacecraft suddenly started, and suddenly the speed of the spacecraft was much faster, and it instantly disappeared in the eyes of everyone, rising high in the sky, leaving only a fiery red fireworks, which were extremely eye-catching in the night.

Suddenly, Gu Chen and the others breathed a sigh of relief, followed by a sea of exclamations and screams.

"We succeeded

!" "Won!"




Gu Chen was also relieved, seeing that the launch was very successful, and the tension in his heart disappeared.

"Mom, Xinyi, tomorrow the eyes of the world will gather in China, and we can be regarded as witnesses of history!" Gu Chen turned his head and said to the two with a smile.

"Well, it seems that our country is really getting stronger and stronger!"

said Gu's mother.

Gu Chen agreed with this view.

Then there was a harsh sound on the TV, he hung up the phone directly, originally wanted to say a few more words, but now the situation is still settled.

Then the three fell asleep with this unforgettable scene.

However, at this time, the domestic Internet is boiling.

Because some users who were close naturally also found the spacecraft in the sky, although it was very blurry, but it was vaguely visible, so a photo and a video were all posted on the Internet, which immediately caused a huge discussion.

The official not only did not block, but secretly pushed it.

As a result, the whole network was discussing this the next morning, and many netizens naturally had extremely intelligent people and deduced most of the truth, so they all used the official website.

At eight o'clock in the morning imperial capital time, the official finally spoke out.

"Warmly celebrate China's successful launch of the manned spacecraft Tiangong-5 at 8:18 last night, and it is also about to mark the completion of China's independently developed space station!"

Below are many photos and last night's interview video.

Suddenly this scene is crazy, the whole network shakes, all official media have forwarded, major stars are also following, Internet celebrity bloggers are also forwarding this heat.

It can be said that today's network has collapsed several times.

Not only at home, but also abroad naturally caused a huge noise, more people are very shocked and why in their impression that the backward and ignorant country has such advanced technology, this is a technology that many of their countries have not mastered!

When Gu Chen was in the company, he also heard the discussion of many employees, and suddenly smiled slightly.

At this time, under the crazy discussion of everyone, the Shenzhou brand mobile phone flagship store under Longteng Group has advertised quantum communication.

What crushes mobile telecommunications, feet on Unicom and other advertisements are naturally very much.

As we all know, advertisements are generally exaggerated propaganda, so compared to others, their propaganda is still a small witch, not worth mentioning at all.

However, it did attract the attention of these several and very large mobile phone brands, and it was difficult for them to pay attention to Longteng Group! But they were all curious about what Longteng Group had developed, so they sent a few employees to test.

The result was that it needed a Shenzhou brand mobile phone to handle it, and he immediately laughed, feeling that Longteng Group was really arrogant.

Because bundling is the most hated sales method for users, although your Shenzhou brand mobile phone is famous, but they also think that this time Shenzhou car will lose its reputation, and they are all secretly happy.

Especially the huge mobile phone brand, since the birth of Shenzhou mobile phone, greatly seized the mobile phone market, directly one is stronger than several of them united, if not for the domestic monopoly is not allowed, it is estimated that they have long become history.

But it's also a hard time, and I think about how beautiful they were at the beginning! Every time I think of it, the shareholders of these mobile phone brands are bitter tears.

Now seeing that the Shenzhou Group has used new actions, they are naturally extremely concerned, but when they investigate here, they breathe a sigh of relief, and even tears welled up in their eyes.

However, the final result was that they were directly stunned.

According to the reports of the spies they sent, the action of Shenzhou Mobile this time is about to open the 5G era, and it has also developed a new communication company called quantum communication.

All of a sudden, they were very confused, and then gasped for air, is this the strength of Longteng Group

? Is this the confidence behind it?

Suddenly they are dead like ashes, they know that after this time, Shenzhou's sales will skyrocket again, the market is so large, the other party's sales are more, then their sales will be less.

All of a sudden they all cried.

Compared with them, the three major communication companies naturally got the news, and suddenly they each held an emergency meeting.

After all, these four big words of Longteng Group have to make them cautious.

Mobile meeting rooms.

"What do you think about the quantum communication under Longteng Group?" the chairman of the board of directors looked at the senior management below and asked.

Suddenly, they whispered and each whispered.

"Chairman, although Longteng Group has a reputation, but in the communication industry they are indeed a newcomer, with our status and size in this industry, there is no need to put the other party in the eyes!

"As for the 5G network, the country has also studied it, can we also cooperate with them, let us also take this opportunity to upgrade to 5G network." At

this time, the first man on the left hand side got up, stated the facts without sadness, and also made an opinion.

Others echoed.

"That's right, in this industry, we are not afraid of any opponent at all, even Longteng Group!" Seeing

that the top management is so confident, the chairman's worried heart is also relaxed, yes! No matter how famous Longteng Group is, they have not reported that they want to study communication before!

It's just that he doesn't know that several major brands in the mobile phone industry next door also thought this before, and the result?

"Well, since you don't need to worry too much, but you can't relax, what about Longteng Group, we can't let them stand on their feet, and then give me full pressure to suppress, isn't it 5G?

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