Long Teng naturally saw this scene today, their mood and expression tone were the same, they were very shocked, how did they not know that they had also cooperated with the space agency?

All they knew was a castrated version of quantum communication, but it also caused a great shock at the time.

Therefore, the leaders of the propaganda department did not miss this opportunity, directly increased investment, and directly copied the heat.

The result of the subsequent result is that the Shenzhou brand mobile phone once again ushered in a big sale, and all major flagship stores across the country sent news, claiming that the stock was insufficient, which made everyone naturally happy, and they were greeted with smiling faces.

At this time, it has entered the summer, and all major schools are on summer vacation.

Some high school seniors who worked hard for three years naturally ushered in victory and were liberated.

At this time, in a city in a central province, Room 401, Building 6, Happiness Community.

This is an old district, and the buildings are more than ten years old.

Standard commercial room, three bedrooms and one living room, at this time the interior decoration is still eighty percent new.

It seems that the family is still average, more than the upper than the bottom.

At this time, this family naturally also has a son who has just finished the college entrance examination, because for his son's study before, plus the family is also a little saving, so until the third year of high school, they use the old mobile phone eliminated at home.

But now that their son is about to enter college, the two of them are naturally discussing buying their son a new mobile phone.

At this time, in the living room, on the old sofa, a pair of middle-aged women and fathers were opposite a man who had just completed the college entrance examination as an adult, and his young face was still a little pimples.

"Xiaolong, I discussed with your father, what brand of mobile phone do you want?

The prospective college student named Xiaolong was a little excited when he heard this, and his immature cheeks were a little excited.

"Mom, I want a Shenzhou brand mobile phone! I heard from classmates that this mobile phone has very good performance and is domestically produced.

He quickly said the brand he had long loved.

Before he secretly checked on the Internet for a long time, for Longteng Group, he heard the teacher's praise many times, this is a national enterprise, is their face type enterprise in Huaxia, so he naturally has to choose this.

And the current Shenzhou model mobile phone performance is much better than the general mobile phone, plus the previous 5G network to built-in communication, he is naturally more actionable.

When the middle-aged couple heard this, they looked at each other, and also saw their son's excitement and expectation, and suddenly felt a little helpless.

Naturally, they have also heard of Shenzhou brand mobile phones, and many young people in their factory are very respectful of this, and even their leaders use this brand, and it is difficult for them to know it.

But they also know that Shenzhou's mobile phones are at least four or five thousand, which is really difficult for them to choose.

Originally, their idea was to buy a smart machine of one or two thousand for their son, after all, four or five thousand is their monthly salary, plus daily expenses, the two couples' wages are not much left, and the rest of the money is saved for their son's college education.

But the son has been sensible since childhood, and now for the first time asking them for gifts, they hesitate.

After all, I will be going to college in a few months, and I know that there are many places where I have to use mobile phones in college, and it is also used as a reward for your parents for completing the college entrance examination!"

At this time, the father of the head of the family spoke directly, and the middle-aged woman no longer hesitated when she heard this, and directly agreed.

"Thank you Dad, thank you Mom!" Xiao

Long was overjoyed when he heard this, his breathing became heavy, and the smile on his face was like the prosperity of the mountain cliff blooming.

Some people strive to live their lives, while others live.

Families like Xiaolong naturally have thousands of families.

At this time, Gu Chen planned to go out for a walk, after all, he had been busy with work since he came back.

At this time, he did not drive alone, sitting aimlessly on the subway.

Suddenly, on a certain station, several immature men and women came, they were full of the breath of youth, their tones and movements all showed the charm of life, and they were looking forward to the expectations and fantasies of the future.

Gu Chen saw that he was a student, and he immediately felt full of vitality.

"Feng Gang, I heard that you bought you the latest model of Shenzhou mobile phone at home?" At this time, several men suddenly took out their mobile phones, and suddenly a medium-sized student with a corner of his eyes next to him asked.

"Of course, my dad said to give me as a graduation gift!" The

man in the middle directly raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and smiled proudly.

Gu Chen suddenly felt funny, looked at the mobile phone in Feng Gang's hand, sure enough, it was really a product of his company, he remembered that it was the Shenzhou commemorative edition released last month, it cost more than 20,000, it seems that this guy's family is quite rich.

In fact, I also bought one, but it was a regular version, which cost more than 10,000! But the performance is not to say, it is really good!" The

medium-sized student who asked before said with a sense of envy, and said his mobile phone by the way.

Suddenly, several other students showed envious eyes.

Gu Chen suddenly smiled, this little fart can Versailles at such a young age?

"Not bad! Shenzhou brand is a product of Longteng Group, from the operating system to the mobile phone all kinds of ornaments are independently produced by our own Huaxia, so Longteng Group also represents absolute domestic production, but also a representative product of our Huaxia, the performance output of other mobile phones in the world is a large cut, that is, mobile phones are a little expensive, the lowest is four or five thousand!"

One of the cold students with eyes was also speaking at this time

, and he said it very thoroughly and clearly, so that the others also looked over,

but his tender cheeks were indifferent.

"Wow, Qin Feng, how do you know so much?" the medium-sized student sighed at this time.

"Watch more news!" Qin

Feng listened to everyone's amazed eyes, although his expression did not change, but Gu Chen found his eyes and enjoyed all this very much.

He is interesting to watch, worthy of Huahai City, even recent high school graduates have such insights.

Suddenly, he thought of an interesting guy he met in his hometown, that kid was even more mature than this Qin Feng, and he seemed to have just finished the college entrance examination.

So he directly called his good buddy Gu Xiao, just in time to ask the news of that little guy!

"Hey, Mr. Gu, it's really the sun hitting the west and coming out, why are you willing to call me, a flat-headed common man?"

"Okay, Xiaozi, how have you been doing lately?" Gu Chen listened to the familiar voice and familiar tone, and suddenly showed a long-lost smile on his face, and asked very easily.

At this time, in the large living room of a unit in the old town of Yongshi City, a scruffy young man was lying on the sofa without grace, making phone calls, the coffee table was piled up with all kinds of garbage, and the air conditioner on the wall was working ~ poof.

"Hehe, so-so, I'm spending the summer vacation at home!" he replied in a languid tone.

"Gee, it seems that your little life is really good!" Gu Chen sat in the subway and heard the scene and imagined the scene, and said funny.

At this time, it is close to noon, there are naturally no people on the subway, after all, they are all at work, plus the high temperature like a stove outside, few want to go out.

"That's it

!" "By the way, aren't you taking the third year of high school, how are the grades in your class this time?" "

Hey, Dust, since you asked this, then I have to talk to you!" At this time, Gu Xiao suddenly sat up directly with a carp when he heard this, and said very excitedly.

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