"Oh?" "

Dust, let me tell you, this time I am famous in our city!" Gu

Xiao said this, the smug expression on his face was undoubtedly revealed.

Without waiting for Gu Chen to reply, he continued: "Do you know, there are fifty-eight students in my class, the enrollment rate is 100%! Among them, there are more than thirty undergraduates, even the imperial capital university has two, and the others are also relatively high-end specialties!" Gu

Chen was also shocked when he heard this, he naturally knew what this number represented, no wonder this kid was so stunned, but he was also happy in his heart.

"Not bad, Xiaozi, it seems that you are really suitable to be a teacher, and the principal of that first middle school must not offer you up?" said Gu Chen with a smile.

"That's, now I'm a golden signboard, the principal doesn't dare to speak to me loudly

! "Hehe!"


Gee! Awesome, it seems that we have one more famous person in Yong City!"

Gu Chen scolded with a smile.

At this time, Gu Chen and Gu Xiao chatted for more than an hour, and he had already sat at the last station, so he came out directly, and the subway just opposite came, so he walked directly in, anyway, he has no purpose at present.

This subway is his car, he is alone.

"By the way, what about Xu Yang's kid?" asked Gu Chen with a smile after finishing his old memories at this time.

"That bastard, don't say it, it's really angry with me, it's related to you!" said Gu Xiao when he heard this.

Gu Chen was stunned, and asked puzzled: "Oh, it's related to me? What's wrong with his kid?"

"Didn't I say it before? There are two gods in the class, including that kid, but that guy can't live or die, but he wants to go to Huahai University, he wants to find you!

Hearing this, Gu Chen was stunned, and then he cried and laughed, and he immediately understood.

Before, in order to persuade the guy, he told them that they could find him if they were admitted to Huahai University, but he didn't expect that the guy still remembered it now.

"Okay, choose what is the freedom of others, what do you worry about! What family conditions are you not clear about? Besides, Huahai University is not bad? Are you looking down on it?" Then Gu Chen directly opened the spout.

Gu Xiao was speechless when he said a few questions.

I'm too lazy to tell you, by the way, I'll beat you landlord in two days Huahai!"

"Hey, no way, isn't this the above to see me excellent, named me to come to study? In fact, I don't want to come!" Gu Xiao suddenly crooked his mouth and smiled, Verle Circuit.

"Get out, give me that kid's phone!" Then

Gu Chen hung up the phone, and immediately smiled, his own small development is good, he is naturally happy from the bottom of his heart.

More than ten seconds later, his mobile phone received a text message, which was sent by Gu Xiao.

He dialed directly.

"Hey, who?" suddenly

came a prickly voice.

"Xu Yang, you kid can't even hear me?" said Gu Chen lightly.

At this time, in a high-end villa in Yong City, in the luxurious and huge living room at this time, a young man was restlessly answering the phone.

He has been very troubled recently, because Teacher Gu does not tell his idol Gu Chen's phone.

To know that within three months, he went from the middle of the class, directly rushed to the top three of the grade, and was still in the identity of the rich second generation, naturally caused everyone's shock, as well as the ecstasy at home, his father directly set up a banquet for three days and three nights in his hometown, calling the ancestors to bless, and the Xu family finally became a high-achieving student.

Naturally, for his request, Lao Tzu naturally wanted what to give, very atmospheric, but after he said that he wanted Mr. Gu's contact information, he immediately smiled, very blushing and walked away, what kind of joke, with the current posture of Longteng Group, that is, the richest man in their Jiang Province may not be able to see Mr. Gu, let alone contact information?

Suddenly, he received a strange call, and he asked with a prick, very impatient, but listening to the familiar voice in his memory, he suddenly trembled.

"It's Gu..... Mr. Gu?" he asked tremblingly in surprise.

"Nonsense, call Brother Dust!" Gu Chen scolded with a smile.

Xu Yang was suddenly ecstatic: "Brother Chen!" "

Well, I heard that you did well in the college entrance examination!" asked Gu Chen with a smile.

"Eh... Fortunately, it's okay!" Xu

Yang was very surprised when he heard this, even Mr. Gu knew about me?

Now that the college entrance examination is over, do you have any plans?"

There is"

Xu Yang breathed a little, he thought of something, and listened excitedly.

"Are you interested in coming to Huahai for a few days?"

"Of course, but have you paid attention to the recent news about Longteng Group

?" "Yes, is it about the new communication method 5G network?" "

Not bad!" Gu

Chen nodded: "What do you think of Shenzhou mobile phone?

The performance is much better than other mobile phones, especially Shenzhou Intelligence is very high!" Xu

Yang suddenly praised.

"Do you know how many people in your school use Shenzhou mobile phones?"

Gu Chen knocked on the bench and asked again.

What's wrong?" said

Xu Yang after thinking about it.

By the way, what do you think of the pricing in Shenzhou?" asked Gu Chen without explaining.

Before he hadn't forgotten the words analyzed by the student named Qin Feng before.

I think it's fine, it's quite cheap!" Although

he didn't know why Gu Chen asked this, he knew that the other party must have objections, although he thought about it and replied.

Gu Chen was stunned, he forgot that this product is a big dog, not bad money, obviously asked the wrong person, originally wanted to ask from the perspective of civilian consumers.

After all, the level of price consumption and income here in Huahai is naturally different, and he just wants to ask from his hometown, knowing that there is only one Huahai City in the country, but there are hundreds of cities like Yong City.

"Okay, give you a task, you go and give me statistics on the mobile phone use brand of high school students in Yongshi City, and then do a questionnaire survey yourself, from price to performance questions, remember, don't ask those rich second generations around you, I want you to personally inquire, or go to find someone to investigate, no less than a thousand people! Send it to me tomorrow morning, if you pass the pass, then you can come to Huahai to play with me!" Gu

Chen thought about it and said: " By the way, this mobile phone is my WeChat message, you can add it!" Xu

Yang was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed, and quickly assured: "Don't worry! Brother Dust!

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