Xu Yang felt that he was so happy that he was going to heaven at this time

! After talking with Gu Chen, he directly excited his mobile phone threw on his sofa and began to splash and

jump! "Oh, huh!

Brother Dust!" But

after the excitement, Xu Yang immediately remembered what Gu Chen had just explained.

"This is a good opportunity for me to perform! I will definitely complete the task successfully!" His

eyes lit up with flames, and the small universe began to erupt!

As a big dog, but also a big dog with a high IQ, he will definitely not do things like a headless fly.

He first calmed down and wrote down the requirements he had memorized with Gu Chen before.

"Brother Chen wants the price of high school students and performance surveys, and the kind of ordinary people, no less than a thousand people!" Xu

Yang felt that this task was a bit difficult, the most important thing was the short time and the large number of people.

But fortunately, at this time, everyone has just graduated from high school, and the friendship is quite deep.

A small favor is no problem.

"But how to expand the circle? A thousand people is not a small number!" Xu

Yang's eyes turned, his head moved, and he thought that he didn't have a mobile phone?

I can also set up a promotion group and set up one, two, three prizes, each with a prize!

"Offline, the printer at home just comes in handy! Although it is a summer vacation, the prospective high school freshman who came to visit the school should also be included in the scope of my dust brother's investigation!"

Xu Yang thought like this while scribbling and modifying his paper.

After determining the policy, he immediately went to implement it, and Xu Yang's whole person was full of energy

! "Get dry, my fiery heart!" "

For Brother Chen!

Woo!" Xu

Yang also howled, and after finishing it, he remembered that he was so excited that he forgot to add Gu Chen's WeChat message!

On the other side, Gu Chen was still on his own stop-and-go solo trip.

A notice suddenly came from WeChat.

"Brother Chen, I'm your super rice four!" Gu

Chen shook his head and smiled.

"This Xu Yang is quite second!" After

passing the application, a panda hair came with a sentence.

"Thanks to Brother Dust's trust, newcomer Yangzi will definitely complete the task!"

Gu Chen thought so, but still sent him one.

"I'm waiting for you in Huahai. Used

to show confidence in him.

Xu Yang was greatly encouraged, and it was another rainbow fart...

When Gu Chen unconsciously sat at the terminal station and stopped taking care of Xu Yang, he put down his mobile phone to concentrate on completing the task.

Gu Chen came to a place similar to a wetland park.

"The view is just right!"

he crossed the meadow against the lake wind and came to a promenade to sit down.

Look at the lake of water drops in the distance, and the kite in the sky.

Gu Chen began to empty his mind and let himself rest.

He liked the feeling, detached from the world... detached from ...

Just as Gu Chen was enjoying this time, he heard a noisy sound drifting in the wind.

"I said it all, this place has no development value, you don't even see a ghost figure! "

Li Jiajun, I didn't force you to follow me, and I came out to relax, not out to work!" Gu

Chen opened his eyes and saw a man and a woman arguing not far away.

He didn't want to care, but the conversation between the two was really interesting.

"Oh, what are you doing to Huahai to relax, Qingluo Bay on our Xiangcheng Island is not good-looking?" "

Or do you like to play in this kind of hillbilly place?

The man said, and took out one of the most mainstream mobile phones on the market.

"People from Xiangcheng Island?" Gu

Chen was interested, or a little unhappy.

Not only Gu Chen was a little unhappy, but the woman with the sun hat on the opposite side was also a little unhappy.

"Li Jiajun, you give me a little respect, this is my hometown, the place where I was born and raised, don't think that Xiangcheng Island is superior

! "Here in Huahai, everyone may be an invisible rich man!

He smiled and lifted his wrist, revealing a gorgeous watch on his hand.

"Oh, Patek Philippe?" Gu

Chen's eyes sharply saw the origin of this watch, and this Li Jiajun did have some capital.

"Tong Zixin, don't think that you can be arrogant in front of me if you are one of the founders of Tongxin Coin!" "

Without my father investing in you back then, can you get to the current market value?

"You said that you are tired of playing in the market and want to go home to rest, I will accompany you here, what do you want!"

It's a stinky dick that compares to me!" "

Far from it, just him, yes! Just this kind of unemployed vagrant, if he is an invisible rich man, I will screw his head off for you!" Tong

Zixin didn't say anything yet, and Gu Chen was not happy.

"Hey, who's the smelly dick called!" he shouted

, not trying to prove anything.

It's just that I've never seen anyone screw their heads off.

Want to see if this guy graduated from a circus.

Li Jiajun also seemed to be on top, and directly turned his head and shouted.

"Why don't I call you a stinky dick, you Huahai people are all stinky dicks in front of me!"

Saying that, Li Jiajun took out a wad of banknotes from his arms.

"Come, if you think I'm insulting you, I'll say sorry to you, and I'll send you money!"

It's just that it may be because of kidney deficiency, and the banknotes thrown out also come to a three-not-stick.

"Li, family, Jun!" Tong

Zixin's face changed, and he quickly grabbed Li Jiajun.

At the same time, constant yelling.

"Don't forget that in addition to our coming to Huahai for vacation, the second purpose is to cooperate with Longteng Group and discuss the matter of 5G base stations!" "

Do you want to delay time because

of fighting?"

After Tong Zixin finished speaking, he also immediately shouted towards Gu Chen.

"Sir, I'm sorry that my colleague has drunk a little too much, don't care! Please leave quickly!" Gu

Chen looked at Tong Zixin, who had a guilty look on his face, and at Li Jiajun, who had a hideous face.

He said with a little angry and a little funny shaking his head.

"You're leaving, you're noisy in my eyes!"

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