In short, Tong Zixin was stunned, but he didn't expect to meet a stupid and bold man here?

It's just that at this time, a team of security guards patrolling the wetland park came over.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Probably

because of the warm-heartedness, two burly security guards stopped Li Jiajun, who wanted to hit someone.

"Let go, I'm a civilized person!"

shouted Lee Jiajun as he made some offensive feints to scare the security guards.

In short, it is very bad, but under the threat of the security guard, Li Jiajun has slightly converged.

"You give me back!" Tong

Zixin finally moved out of Li Jiajun's father and let him leave honestly.

She just began to apologize.

The two security guards were good to say, Tong Zixin, a big beauty, nodded in front of him and bowed his waist, greatly satisfying their vanity.

It's just that Gu Chen is not easy to do here.

Tong Zixin hesitated, picked up the wad of banknotes, and apologized in front of Gu Chen.

"I'm really sorry, my colleague he..."

"No need to apologize, he'll be taught a lesson."

Gu Chen said lightly.

Because his business with Longteng Group this time will be very unsmooth.

Tong Zixin listened to this, looking at Gu Chen's almost perfect handsome face, and suddenly had the feeling of seeing the overlord.

And the more Tong Zixin looked at it, the more familiar Gu Chen's eyes became.

However, she rarely saw Huahai's news on Xiangcheng Island, and naturally could not have imagined that the biggest boss of Longteng Group would enjoy time in this remote place.

"You better accept this money..." Tong

Zixin sent the cash a little hesitantly.

Because Gu Chen was wearing purely handmade clothing this time, there was no sign on it.

Tong Zixin also looked away for a while, thinking that Gu Chen was an ordinary person.

"Let's go.

Gu Chen refused without even looking at her this time, and also turned around, obviously not wanting to see her again.

Tong Zixin could only apologize and leave at the end.

Gu Chen did not look back, but took out his mobile phone.

"Lao Wang, have there been any people from Xiangcheng Island who have come to talk about cooperation recently?" Wang

Wei was a little surprised, Gu Chen's news is really well-informed!

"Yes, the effect of our 5G construction this time is really good, and it caused an uproar after publicity reached Xiangcheng Island!"

"Because of Xiangcheng Island, they like to engage in Internet finance, and they have connections with foreign exchange, but because of regional reasons, their stock exchanges, and the acceptance prices of various servers are always a little slower than foreign countries."

"They came up with the hypothesis that if they could increase the speed of the Internet by one second, they could make 70 million more than other exchanges."

"So, after our 5G came out, these people on Xiangcheng Island came like mad dogs!

Wang Wei explained the reason why these Xiangcheng Island people are crazy.

Gu Chen asked with a sigh.

"Is that some Tong Zixin Li Jiajun's incense merchant."

Wang Wei said a little later, and immediately began to inquire.

"Are there two people, from the Wanhao Stock Exchange, what's wrong?"

Gu Chen and Wang Wei discussed other matters of the Longteng Group.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Wei dialed his secretary's phone.

"Let the people of the good stock exchange not be used tomorrow..." Gu

Chen returned to his salted state again, and when he reached his position, many things did not need to be done by himself or even explained it, and he could achieve the effect.

Xu Yang is doing quite well here.

Because Xu Yang's family background is okay after studying, and his attitude is also good.

It's just that I had a little episode when I was in high school.

"Oh, isn't this my great talent Xu Yang?" Xu

Yang took his printed questionnaire and kept dealing with some parents and students.

Just happened to meet his nemesis, Wang Lan, went back to school to play.

It is a yin and yang strange qi that comes up.

"Let me take a look!" Originally

, Xu Yang didn't want to deal with him, after all, he had already signed a military order with his idol Gu Chen.

Then it's better not to do the extra things.

It's just that Wang Lan has a bit of a feeling of unforgiveness.


, you Xu Yang use this?"

Wang Lan said, shaking the latest fruit phone in his hand.

It's just that Xu Yang still didn't pay attention to him.

It made Wang Lan feel like a clown.

Don't think that if you pretend to be deaf and dumb and ignore me, I can escape a catastrophe, my uncle is the head of the school!"

After saying this, Wang Lan turned her head and left.

He seems to have a lot of energy.

Xu Yang did not get angry with him, but took advantage of this situation to gather people and began to send out their own questionnaires.

Time flies quickly.

Xu Yang still collected a questionnaire survey of nearly 2,000 people.

He worked night at night and kept using this information as a statistic.

Finally, it was before the final eleven fifty-five.

After entering all this information, and even doing a good job of analysis, and then writing some of his own insights in it and sending them to his idol

! "Brother Dust, I have successfully completed the task!

When he checked the documents the next day, he first said yes.

He immediately got a second reply from Xu Yang

! "Okay, Brother Dust!


This Gu Chen was a little crying and laughing.

"Young people don't go night, they don't sleep all night, they are full of energy!"

he said, opening the file and starting to check it.

Originally, Gu Chen just wanted to see this Xu Yang's organizational ability.

As long as he can successfully get the results of the questionnaire survey of about a thousand people, he can be regarded as this Xu Yang has successfully completed his task.

Who knew that this guy actually overfulfilled the task.

It's not just that the number of people who put the questionnaire closer to 2,000.

And the quality and dry goods are full!

"Not bad, this young man!" Gu

Chen began to be a little impressed by this Xu Yang at this time.

At the same time, he also began to read it carefully, and this Xu Yang worked hard all day and night.

"Satisfaction, expectation, and some suggestions! Comprehensive!" "

I actually explained the problems of intelligent family education!

"In this way, the prototype of Shenzhou education can almost be derived!"

"This sentence is well summarized, and I hope that Shenzhou will make the best tutoring machine in mobile phones!

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