Gu Chen was not too excited, because making money as a tutor machine was actually not very attractive to him.

Because he really has no concept of money now.

What he misses most is the tip he earned when he delivered the food.

The reason why I am so happy now is because money is easy to earn and talent is rare.

And also a young and dynamic talent.

"Xu Yang.

Gu Chen chanted his name again, and then took out his Shenzhou mobile phone and sent a WeChat message.

"To my expectations, you did a good job, let Gu Xiao bring you to Huahai with you." "

Xu Yang is basically a second back.

"Okay!! I'm so happy, Brother Chen, I'll go find Teacher Gu now!"

Because he never thought that on the day of his successful career, his girlfriend, who had not been made for a long time, actually ran away with someone?

She is gentle and considerate, empathetic, and most importantly, financially independent and has a unique self-perspective.

It is said that he has seen the big world in the city, and finally made a lot of money and went home directly to retire!

Gu Xiao is indeed very proud and proud to find such a girlfriend.

Basically, my friends in the city have shown off all over and over again.

Everyone was praising him for Gu Xiao's good fortune!

Gu Xiao was happy, and then he was extremely happy.

One day, Xiaolan told him that something had happened to her former friend and that she needed to go to the big city to help.

Gu Xiao agreed, who knew that this walk would never look back.

Xiaolan changed his avatar to block him, making him feel that he had become a charging treasure.

I was sad all day, and later learned from my friends that Xiaolan had a new love.

He completely let go of himself, despite being strong in front of his friends.

But when you're alone, it's still painful.

So, when Gu Chen invited him to Huahai.

He agreed quietly.

"Boom!" The

door was knocked, and Gu Xiao opened the door to find that it was Xu Yang, who had dark circles under his eyes but was very happy.

After understanding the ins and outs of the matter.

So what else is there to say?

Walking! Life is not only love!

Huahai City.

"Are there any arrangements for today?"

asked Gu Chen as he changed his clothes in front of the mirror.

"No, what's wrong?" "

Let's have a meal that night, romantically." Chu

Xinyi glanced at Gu Chen and came over to help him tie his tie.

Looking at the spirited Gu Chen, she gently kissed Gu Chen on the face and said.

"Okay. The

two looked at each other and smiled, full of sweet taste.

The two went out unhurriedly, Gu Chen read the news on the road, and Chu Xinyi was browsing a business document.

They don't disturb each other, but they are very harmonious.


Today's rich manual, don't care about any technology, it's brainless stud

!" "Yes, after buying our cat coins, you don't have to care, forget about this matter, and you will thank me when you look at it in five years!"

Gu Chen looked at the news about the blockchain one after another and couldn't stop shaking his head.

"What's wrong?"

asked Chu Xinyi noticing Gu Chen's abnormality.

"Is it to sigh how people nowadays are full of thoughts about getting rich, is it bad to be down-to-earth like me?"

"Everyone is qualified to say down-to-earth, you can't, you are either on a plane and a rocket, or you are the kind of giant of light who takes a step beyond everyone."

Gu Chen said with a smile.

"No, no, I'm still very modest.

"Then it seems that other people are even more wasted firewood?" "

Can't you say that, if you specialize in the art industry, I may be more able to make money?" Chu

Xinyi gave Gu Chen a faint roll.

The conversation between the two also shifted to blockchain.

"I always felt that these things like floating clouds were not reliable.

"It's just a Ponzi scheme-like thing, everyone thinks they won't be the last taker, but when the building falls, you know how many people are duckweed."

As she spoke, Chu Xinyi's destination arrived first, and she also had her own career to be busy.


, give you another experience of what it's like to be a driver!" The

two said goodbye with a smile, and Gu Chen's state of mind was very relaxed.

Even after arriving at the company.

Just unexpectedly, I saw yesterday's Xiangcheng Island two-person group in the morning.

At this time, Li Jiajun seemed to be a normal businessman, constantly nodding and bowing at the front desk.

"That's right, we have already made an appointment with your President Wang before, this is a big project!

It's just that the effect is not good at all, and the front desk, which has long been greeted, will not do things against orders.

"So, can I ask why?"

"I don't know about this

, please

come back!" Li

Jiajun's patience seemed to be burned out, and he was a little precursed to a roar.

"Okay, don't let me in, then I'm waiting for Mr. Wang to come to work today, I have to ask him!" Li

Jiajun said and sat directly on the edge of the company's entrance, staring at the people one by one.

Tong Zixin blushed and stood a little embarrassed to the side.

Gu Chen shook his head, not wanting to deal with this Han too much.

So I was ready to go straight to the company.

Li Jiajun seemed to be angry or something, and actually recognized Gu Chen directly.

"Eh, Tong Zixin, do you think this guy looks like?"

he asked,

Tong Zixin, who also had an incredible look on the side.

Yesterday, she also thought that Gu Chen, who was a hillbilly, has turned into an employee of a large company.

It's magical!

And even more magic is yet to come.

At this time, Wang Wei also came to work, followed by a group of company executives.

Li Jiajun's eyes lit up as soon as he saw Wang Wei, and he immediately stepped forward.

"Oh, isn't this Mr

. Wang? Mr. Wang!" But Wang Wei was very vigilant and did not shake hands with him indiscriminately.

Because Wang Wei had already seen Gu Chen waiting for the elevator.

"You are?" "

I'm Li Jiajun of the Wanhao Stock Exchange, just call me Xiao Li."

At this time, Li Jiajun completely forgot what he said before to ask Wang Wei.

Changed to various touts.

In order to hope to impress Wang Wei, at least let him go to the company to speak.

That's how things turn around.

But no one knows that this time Wang Weiyi heard that this Li Jiajun was from the Wanhao Stock Exchange.

The faint smile on his face also disappeared, replaced by a kind of indifference.

"Mr. Li, please don't get in my way if nothing else. "

Our company is not where everyone can come in and out at will.

"You better leave early!" After

saying that,

Wang Wei began to prepare to bypass this Li Jiajun.

As the saying goes, stretch out your hand and don't hit the smiling person, Li Jiajun thinks that he has given Wang Wei face and lowered his figure.

In exchange for this kind of treatment

, he was a little angry,

but he still restrained Wang Wei and said.

"Mr. Wang, if I do something wrong, you say, I will make amends for you tonight!"

Wang Wei shook his head quietly and sighed.

"Don't waste everyone's precious time, okay?" "

Okay, Mr. Wang, then I'll open the skylight and say bright words, I don't know what benefits Shengli Securities Company has given you!

"Mr. Li sometimes some things are not measured by money, you go, this is really not the place you should come!"

Li Jiajun was also a little annoyed when he heard this.

He is the eldest son of the Wanhao Stock Exchange, who dares to throw his face in Xiangcheng.

Angry, he began to laugh, and when he turned his head, he just saw Gu Chen watching the play with relish.

"Well, it is said that this is not a place where anyone can come, so why can he? A poor dick who likes to go to ghost places in a daze!" Wang

Wei followed his gaze and just saw Gu Chen with a faint smile on his face.

His face changed suddenly.

"Security guard, get this brain-pumping man out for me!" The

four security guards who had already held explosion-proof shields next to him were ready to push him away.

Li Jiajun didn't know what he said wrong, and he was still shouting.

"What, did I say something wrong, normal rich people who would go to that damn place in a daze!

He asked people to stop, and then clamped Li Jiajun to prevent people from leaving.

And in front of him, he dialed the phone of Bai Yansong Law Firm.

"Hey, Lawyer Bai, someone insulted the boss in public, well, there are witnesses, video surveillance! "

Li Jiajun at this time, even if he is stupid, he will find that something is wrong.

This Wang Wei's reaction was too great.

And who is the boss?

"What do you mean, Wang Wei, don't talk nonsense, how can it be your boss so

young!" "That's called young and promising!" "

It's impossible, you're putting a trap on me, I just saw that people around him rarely greet him!"

That's our Gu Zong's low-key and don't like this kind of dumbfounded formalism!" The

more Li Jiajun said, the more outrageous he felt!

These days coincide with the time when Longteng Group's publicity is in full force.

Tong Zixin smoothly found the actual controller of Longteng Group.

"Gu... Dust..."Looking

at the handsome and sunny Gu Chen in the photo, Tong Zixin's eyes were full of incredulity.

She thought that she actually wanted to comfort a billionaire with cash yesterday, and in a very stupid way, she couldn't wait to find a hole to drill into now!

Li Jiajun also had a very ugly face, especially Tong Zixin's anxious information about Gu Chen that he showed himself through the explosion-proof shield.

When the mouth keeps saying that he is about to apologize.

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