I saw the young man's respectful face slightly stunned, and then exclaimed.

His name is Zhang Yuan, he is the lobby manager of Huatian Hotel, and he usually specializes in serving VIP boxes.

He received a notice that there were guests eating in the "Landscape Ink Guest" box, so he came to serve, but he did not expect to meet a familiar person.

"Xie Kai? Why are you here? Then he reacted and asked incredulously.

You know, before, Xie Kai just asked him to help book an ordinary box, but now people are in the VIP room.

It's unbelievable.

"Didn't Brother Zhang arrange it for me?" Xie Kai was stunned and asked with a smile.

"Huh? I?

When Zhang Yuan heard this, he looked like you were teasing me.

"It's not! It's not something I can arrange here! Immediately

reacted and quickly shook his head.

"What? Not you?

When Xie Kai saw Zhang Yuan denying it, he was immediately dumbfounded.

Who's that?

The other students also reacted, feeling that it was not arranged by Xie Kai that they could come here to eat, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

Li Kun showed a resolute expression and spoke, "Everyone still has to thank Gu Chen!"

For a while, everyone was stunned and looked at Gu Chen.

I saw that Gu Chen did not object, and his calm demeanor was unbelievable.

"Is Gu Chen really you?"

"Brother Dust? You're hiding too deeply!

"Exactly! Don't you say that we almost thought it was arranged by Xie Kai! When

Gu Chen heard this, he showed a wry smile.

What is being prepared to say.

"Gu... Mr. Gu?

Zhang Yuan also recognized Gu Chen, and immediately shouted respectfully.

At the same time, he knew why they were in the lounge.

Without him, boss!

Hearing Zhang Yuan's words, everyone was even more confused and did not understand what it meant.

"Brother Zhang, what's going on?" Xie Kai asked at this time.

There was a faint uneasiness in my heart.

"Gu is always the new owner of our hotel!"

Zhang Yuan glanced at Gu Chen when he heard this, and found that Gu Chen did not react, and then said with a smile.

Hearing this, Xie Kai was directly stunned on the spot, and his expression was wonderful.

The other students were the same, the boss with their mouths open, and they all looked incredulous.

What did they hear?

Gu Chen is his boss?

Is Huatian Hotel Gu Chen's?

Thinking of this, I immediately gasped for air.

This is outrageous!

Especially Xie Kai, his face was red at this time, hot like a monkey's butt, and he was convinced of Zhang Yuan's words.

Thinking of his previous actions, he suddenly wanted to find a place to get in.

Want to know what place is Huatian Hotel?

This is a famous five-star hotel in Huahai City!

How much is it worth? It's unimaginable!

The most important thing is that the people who can open a five-star hotel do not have great energy in their hands!

You can't afford to drive with money!

Gu Chen's energy is so big?

He has never seen it after being a classmate for so long.

Otherwise, how could he be proud?

Even want to fill a cup in front of people!

"Groove! Gu Chen, you are not honest! I didn't expect you to be so rich! But we are so bitter! After

a long time, Ding Rui was the first to react and patted Gu Chen's shoulder.

At the same time, he also figured out that he went to Taiyu Group before, and it was not very simple to be able to afford to open a big hotel and help him solve things.

"Bull batch! I always thought that the richest person in our class was Xie Kai, but I didn't expect it to be you Brother Dust!

"That's right! This is a five-star hotel! I really didn't see it!

"So we're eating at your house now?"

"Gu Chen, what is your family for? At school, we thought you were rich enough, but we didn't expect the little witch to see the witch! "

Big guy, bull batch!"

The students also came to their senses.

Only Xie Kai was pale and complex, and now he couldn't compare to Gu Chen anywhere.

Fortunately, he did not offend Gu Chen, otherwise his old son would have to break his leg.

"All right! No matter how rich I am! I'm still everyone's classmate!

Gu Chen looked at the expressions of his classmates, although he was envious and shocked, there was nothing else, which made him slightly relieved.

"By the way, do you need to drink?"

"Drink! Be sure to get you down today!

Ding Rui said loudly.

For a while, many people echoed.

"Manager Zhang, you go and arrange it! It's hanging on my account! Gu

Chen secretly cursed himself for talking a lot, and when he saw everyone's expressions, he knew that he was estimated to be unable to escape tonight.

"Okay! Mr. Gu, I'll arrange it!

Zhang Yuan was overjoyed when he heard this, and he was very happy that Gu Chen remembered him, so he respectfully withdrew.

"President Gu is atmospheric!"

"Brother Dust!"

"Is the big guy still missing pendants?"

"Yes! PendantsWe are professional! Hearing

Gu Chen's invitation, many students began to play treasure for a while.

Gu Chen, who listened, scolded with a smile that was not angry: "Go and go!" You're not disgusting, I'm disgusting! For

a while, there was laughter in the room, and they all remembered the old school years.

After a while, various dishes slowly came up, and various aromas permeated, instantly seducing everyone's taste buds.

Generally speaking, the serving time of five-star hotels is not fast.

After all, many things are prepared on the spot, so in the past, reservations were made in advance.

But the boss is here, where do they dare to slack!

After that, Zhang Yuan walked in again, still carrying two bottles of foreign wine in his hand.

"Please use it slowly!"

After a professional corkscrew opening technique, it was placed on the table and left the room.

"You're welcome, everyone! Let's go!

Gu Chen was also a little hungry at this time, and said with a smile.

As soon as the words fell, he took the lead in picking dishes.

Then everyone was not polite and began to eat happily.

Praise while eating.

It is worthy of being a five-star hotel, and the taste is really amazing.

Gu Chen also nodded secretly, not bad, worthy of being the chef of his own hotel.

Looking at the wine in front of him, he didn't recognize it, so he picked up a bottle at random and began to pour it into the glass.

"Oops! How could Mr. Gu personally pour wine? I'm so sorry!

Ding Rui on the side was shocked.

But the mouth is embarrassed, but the hand is very embarrassed.

Gu Chen rolled his eyes for a while, but he was also very happy, indicating that everyone was not estranged because of their identity.

Smelling the strong aroma of wine in the cup, even the girls wanted to drink a little.

After all, this wine is not cheap at first glance.

Li Kun next to him took the wine glass, shook it lightly, put it on the side of his nose and sniffed deeply, revealing an intoxicated expression.

"Mr. Li, do you know this wine when you look at such a professional action?"

The students immediately became coaxed when they saw it.

"What a coincidence, I just happen to know this wine! I had the pleasure of drinking it once!

Li Kun was not afraid when he heard this.

He can see that this Gu Chen is really powerful, as long as he leaves a good impression in his eyes, then people can say a few words casually, and he can make a lot of money.

"The cup in my hand is Romani Conti, and the bottle on the table is a McCarran M Lalique crystal." Li Kun said indifferently.

As soon as these words came out, even Gu Chen was a little curious, but he didn't expect that people really knew the names of these two bottles.

"Shhh! This price..." The

classmate who had good things just took his mobile phone to check it, and was immediately taken aback by the price.

Ding Rui was also very curious, glanced at the price, and immediately gasped.

"Is all evil capitalism so rich? What a corruption! At

this time, the students were also a little embarrassed, after all, although Gu Chen did not care about so much money, they could not care.

"It's okay! Just two bottles of wine! Everyone drink casually! "

Gu Chen doesn't care, he has more expensive wine than this at home, let alone this?

Hearing Gu Chen's words, everyone was relieved, so they all began to find Gu Chen to drink.

Everyone can't win in this life financially, and can only win at the wine table.

Thanks to Gu Chen for his warm hospitality!

So Gu Chen was tragic, and various reasons took turns, and he was dizzy when he drank.

In the end, even Xie Kai personally came to him for a drink, but Gu Chen didn't say anything, touched it and drank it all.

After some ensuing scrambling, everyone was a little drunk.

Most of the girls were nothing, at most a little blush, after all, they tasted at most and did not drink again.

So they can take a taxi and leave themselves.

And the boys, who drink too much, let them rest directly in the hotel, the hotel has not much else, and the rooms are the most.

The rest, since all called a taxi back.

Only five people remained: Gu Chen, Ding Rui, Xie Kai, Liu Yue and Li Kun.

"Classmate Gu, then Liu Yue and I will go first!"

At this time, Li Kun took the lead in speaking.

"Good! Goodbye squad leader!

Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, and said to Liu Yue with a smile.


Liu Yue nodded, and then walked towards the underground parking lot.

Looking at the backs of the two, the three did not speak for a while.

"All right! Let's leave first! See you again later!

Gu Chen stood at the door and blew a cold wind, and he had a headache.

"Hmm! Good bye!


Gu Chen didn't care about the two, directly called a substitute driver, and drove away.

"Did you handle that last time?"

Xie Kai hesitated for a moment and spoke, "I can help you!"

"No thanks! It's done! Ding

Ruitou did not return and left the hotel.

Several people had a good relationship during college, but they didn't expect that they would not be in love just after leaving society.

The red wine is fine at first, but the further back you go, the stronger the wine.

Half an hour later, the car smoothly drove into Tomson Yipin.

After the substitute driver left, Gu Chen lay on the car for a while before slowly coming out.

"President Gu?"

At this time, a voice came from behind him, and he turned his head to look.

"President Chu?"

"Why did you drink so much alcohol again?"

Chu Xinyi had just returned from overtime work in the company and just happened to meet Gu Chen who came back.

"Class reunion!"

Gu Chen supported his forehead and replied uncomfortably.

"Why did you come back at this time?"

Chu Xinyi hurriedly stepped forward two steps to support Gu Chen, and the latter asked comfortably.

"You also said that if you didn't care about the chairman, would I be able to come back now?"

Chu Xinyi glanced at Gu Chen.

But the mood is very happy.

Because she was finally busy collecting information on the Tianhe Group today, she could only deliver a fatal blow tomorrow.

However, such a major matter still has to be reported to Gu Chen.

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