
Gu Chen was stunned: "It's so late, President Chu still has to rest early!"

After that, he broke free and sat directly on the elevator on the A floor.

The head did not turn back, leaving Chu Xinyi in the wind.

Until the sound of the elevator closing door, Chu Xinyi stomped her foot and turned to leave.

Back home, Gu Chen used his greatest strength, took a hasty shower, and then lay on the bed and slept directly.

The real sleep god skill falls asleep in three seconds.

The next day, the bright and pure morning was broken by a ringing of the telephone.

However, the first ringing did not wake up Gu Chen in his sleep.

It wasn't until the third time that Gu Chen jumped his eyelids and slowly opened them.


Suddenly, a feeling of dizziness came from the depths of his mind.

The after-effects of drunkenness erupted.

Gu Chen leaned directly on the back of the bed and rubbed his temples before taking the mobile phone.

"Hello? Which one

" "President Gu is still sleeping so late?"

Gu Chen only glanced at the remarks when he heard the voice, Chu Xinyi.

"Is there always something going on with Chu?"

"Open the door!"


Gu Chen was stunned, I don't know what it means!

"I'm outside your door!" Chu Xinyi explained.

Only then did Gu Chen understand this, and quickly got up and dressed and came to the gate.

"It's really not easy to come to you!"

I saw a beautiful beauty said with a smile on her face.

"Why are you here?"

"Cluck, decanting porridge for you!"

Chu Xinyi lifted the packing box in her hand.

"How did you know I was drinking?"

Gu Chen was puzzled.

"You don't remember last night?"

Chu Xinyi blinked her beautiful pupils.

"I last night..."

Gu Chen recalled that after disbanding last night, he remembered that last night he met someone, and then left after a few words.

"Come in and sit!"

After Gu Chen, he washed up.

"That's right! Is there something going on with you? Sitting

at the luxurious dining table, Gu Chen drank delicious porridge and said with enjoyment.

"How? Can't bring breakfast to my boss if it's okay! Chu

Xinyi gave a blank look.

"Okay, of course, but now that it's finished, you should go to work!" Beware of late deductions! Gu Chen shrugged.

"Oh... All right! In fact, I came to report to President Gu. Chu

Xinyi's tone froze, and then stared at Gu Chen for a few seconds before looking away.

"I have already completed all the negotiations on raw material suppliers for the international market, and I only need to have formal documents to execute!"

"Just take full responsibility for this!"

Gu Chen said directly.

"Good! Goodbye Mr. Gu! Chu

Xinyi was overjoyed when she heard this, and immediately stood up and left, without dragging mud and water at all.

Gu Chen, who watched, was stunned.

Oh, woman! Fickle creatures.


Chu Xinyi stopped when she heard this, and turned back in bewilderment.

"In the future, all the activities of the group will be held in Huatian Hotel!"

Just kidding, how could Gu Chen let go of this opportunity to make money!

Just two days later, they will hold a welcome ceremony within the Taiyu Group to grind the employee relationship and cooperation between the previous Chu family and Taiyu.

Chu Xinyi didn't understand what Gu Chen meant, after all, their Taiyu Group has always cooperated with other large hotels, so why did they suddenly change hotels for a while.

Then he drank it slowly.

Regardless of Chu Xinyi's curious gaze.

I took out my phone and looked at it.

This look is more than half an hour.

"Color is a knife that scrapes bones, this sentence is not wrong at all!"

Gu Chen quickly retreated.

It turned out that he opened his mobile phone before and brushed the video, watching the dancing and complaining anchor in the video, but he didn't expect to be addicted, and it took half an hour to brush.

Quickly washed the dishes.

Then his mobile phone suddenly rang.

When I opened it, it turned out to be Liu Ying, the general manager of the hotel.

"Hello? Is something wrong with Manager Liu?

"Mr. Gu, I'm sorry to bother you so early! I have something to report to you here!

That's right, just now the general manager of Tiansheng Entertainment called me and said that he would charter our hotel for one day on September 30th. Liu Ying reported.

"This way! Manager Liu, you just decide!

Gu Chen thought about it and let Liu Ying decide for herself.

"Gu is always like this, they said they only want to charter our Chinese restaurant, but the Chinese restaurant in our hotel has long been booked." Liu Ying continued.

"Since it's booked, then ask them to change one."

"I said, but they offered double the price just to order a Chinese restaurant."

"Oh? Is there any difference in Chinese restaurants? Gu

Chen was interested.

"The Chinese restaurant of our hotel is built according to the ancient imperial palace garden, which is not only magnificent, but also represents the meaning of nobility, and the chefs of the Chinese restaurant are all imperial chefs, which really restores the life of the ancient royal palace." Our Huatian is also famous throughout the country based on the Chinese restaurant, and I heard that Mr. Gan said that he had received that one before!

Liu Ying explained.

"So that's it!"

Gu Chen nodded, but he didn't expect that he really picked up a big bargain.

"Since others have already booked, then we can't break the appointment!" Gu Chen thought about it and said with a painful heart, this is all money.

Feel a large sum of money slip through his hand.

"Okay! I'll reply to the other party!

Liu Ying understood what Gu Chen meant as soon as she heard it.

"By the way, which one booked the Chinese restaurant?"

Gu Chen asked more curiously.

"It was booked by the general manager of the Huahai branch of Yiyue Group!"

The opposite side paused for a few seconds, presumably looking for information.

"Are they?"

Gu Chen was stunned, Yiyue Group was still a little familiar to him, after all, he still had one of their office buildings.

But for him, that's all, and there is not much attention.

After that, Gu Chen stayed at home for two days, and some daily necessities were selected.

In the blink of an eye, it was September 30th, tomorrow is everyone's eager eleventh long holiday, Gu Chen also decided to hold an internal gathering of the group on this day, and then take a holiday.

It is worth saying that the previous Tiansheng Entertainment also understood after knowing that it could not win the Chinese restaurant after paying double the price.

As for retaliation?

Are you kidding?

Do you have the guts?

They ended up booking another hall.

Although it is not as famous as the Chinese restaurant, the interior is also extremely ornately decorated.

Huatian Hotel has a total of five halls, all of which have been booked, which shows the boom in business.

Gu Chen, as the chairman, naturally changed into formal clothes, after all, he still had to give a speech.

After dressing up, I stepped out of the room, took the elevator to the lobby, walked through the garden, and went to the underground parking lot, when I heard a loud noise ahead.

I can't help but wonder if the people who live here are either rich or expensive, how can they reduce their prices like the noise of the vegetable market.

"What's going on?"

Immediately Gu Chen beckoned and asked a property staff.

"It's Mr. Gu!" When the property saw that it was Gu Chen, he apologized, "I'm really sorry!" We will definitely evacuate the crowd as soon as possible!

"How can there be so many people listening to the voice?"

"Alas! Liu Bin, a traffic star who rents in Building D, heard that he was going out to participate in the conference! The property staff snorted coldly, without the slightest respect for the owner.

"I don't know who passed it out, and after his brain-dead fans knew it, they came directly to block the door."

When the popular little fresh meat Liu Bin, he actually lived in Tomson Yipin.

However, he could not afford to buy a house, so he could only rent a house, and he could not afford to rent the B building, so he could only rent in the D building.

"And this?"

Gu Chen was stunned when he heard this.

Isn't this harming his idol?

These brain-dead fans really don't have any brains.

This is a place where big guys gather, and it is a place where small fresh meat is scattered.

Sure enough, listening to the property staff, he received many report letters today.

It is estimated that this little fresh meat will be pulled into the blacklist here.

"Alright! I'd rather see how brain-dead these brain-dead fans are! Then

he took his leave of the property, walked to the underground parking lot and drove his supercar.

Before he could start, the window was knocked a few times.

"President Chu? Haven't you left yet? Rolling

down the window, it was Chu Xinyi.

"Yes! Would you like to give me a ride? "

Don't you have a car?"

"The car is broken!"

Gu Chen looked at the car keys in Chu Xinyi's hand and wanted to say something, but saw Chu Xinyi's murderous eyes, closed his mouth in amusement, and opened the car door.

Chu Xinyi sat up happily.

Then the car started, and the sports car roared out of the parking lot.

When I came to the gate, I was really blocked.

"What happened?"

Chu Xinyi, the co-pilot, obviously did not know what happened.

"A certain little fresh meat brain-dead fan came to see their idol blocking the door."

Gu Chen said lightly.


At this time, several security guards and a property were communicating with fans, but it seemed to have little effect.

"Go away, you dead gatekeeper! We want to meet idols!

"Binbin loves you! We always have your back!

"Looking forward to your new work, I love you!!"

There are about dozens of these brain-dead fans, holding support cards and holding support sticks, and surrounding the gate.

At this time, the property manager Xiao Yuan ran over panting, his face ugly.

Just now, he was scolded by the board of directors and told him to quickly solve the matter and restore traffic.

"Manager, do you want to notify Mr. Liu to come over?"

The property that had been persuading on duty quickly ran over and said to Xiao Yuan.

He didn't dare to drive these people away, after all, if one of them fell to the ground, then he would be cold.

This has happened before.

In the end, the other party's idol took action to create his own character of protecting fans, and there was a stink for the security guard, and the property there had no choice but to fire the security guard.

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