"Yes, it's feelings! Gu Chen, your word summed up very well and in place! This

boss Gao was so happy that he didn't even want to put out the last bit of shelves and politeness.

Gu Chen doesn't matter, anyway, it's just a title and it doesn't matter.

After all, when it comes to Gu Chen's position, many things are like a fresh breeze, which has no impact on life or Gu Chen's state of mind.

"So, as I'm getting older now, I feel more and more like I should do something I want to do! Especially when I can have this capital now and be able to make my voice heard, I don't want to make myself regret! This

East China Sea Pearl seemed to have two flames that would never be extinguished in his eyes.

Constantly moving closer to Gu Chen's direction, he wanted to ignite the feelings in Gu Chen's heart.

However, Gu Chen is not the kind of person who will go up when his mind is hot.

He lightly moved his gaze away to other places, dodging the flame but said gently and powerfully.

"Mr. Gao, it's not that I don't help you, but you know, feelings can't be eaten."

"If I make such a rash decision now, I will be too sorry for the people who eat behind me, I can't invest unlimited money and energy because of your two mouthful blueprints, which is unrealistic and unrealistic fantasy."

Without any hesitation, Gu Chen poured cold water on the burning flame of this old man.

It's just that this basin of cold water did not extinguish the flame in his heart, but slightly restrained his emotions.

"Yes, Mr. Gu, you are right! I was offended by this matter. "

Then Mr. Gu, you have a good time here, I'll go and get busy with other things first!"

He calmed down, and the whole person began to become a little decadent.

But his eyes were full of unwilling thoughts, but he was helpless, in short, he felt tired and ready to leave.

Gu Chen said a little strangely.

"Why, Mr. Gao is going to give up at this time?"

"What about your feelings?"

Mr. Gao suddenly stopped his steps and looked at Gu Chen a little suspiciously.

I didn't quite understand why Gu Chen suddenly said such things at this time.

It was clear that he had already made a decisive look before.

And in the rules of adults, when making excuses, it is actually the negative answer.

Mr. Gao is also a person with status and status, and he will not continue to waste time here in Gu Chen.

But hearing Gu Chen say this, Mr. Gao still had a little in his heart...a little expectation?

"No, Mr. Gu, what do you mean! If you don't want to vote for my project, don't waste each other's time wasting me! It's

just that Mr. Gao knows that he will definitely not be able to play Gu Chen, a famous boss in the industry.

Therefore, he came directly to a single shot.

So, Gu Chen smiled, and he said.

"Mr. Gao, we are not children anymore, we can't eat good words! But I've never felt that it's okay to have no feelings!

"But there is a paradox in this situation, we can not simply hope that feelings are just feelings, and hope that feelings will not deteriorate, so how can we achieve both fish and bear's paw?"

"Without him, two words, just make a sufficient business plan!"

Mr. Gao's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Then Brother Gu, what do you mean! Will you vote for me for this project?

Gu Chen shook his head and said.

"Not to vote, but to join!"

Mr. Gao was suddenly shocked and felt an indescribable touch.

However, what Gu Chen said next made this old man concentrate.

"However, I need you to issue a detailed business plan to me..."

"It must include the prospect analysis of various problems in the normal TV station industry, of course, I don't doubt your energy, I really think that the opening of a local station is not just about having money!"

"There are too many things needed, Mr. Gao, think about it, if I casually agreed to you today, will you be relieved in retrospect?"

"Definitely not!"

Mr. Gao thought about it at this time, it seemed to be such a truth.

After all, if he really opened his mouth to come up with this idea of building a TV station.

Then Gu Chen directly agreed, and Mr. Gao really wouldn't be relieved when he thought about it now.

Would you think that this guy agreed to his plan so easily, just to have fun?

"Yes, Brother Gu, what you said seems to be really true!"

Mr. Gao's trust in Gu Chen suddenly rose another notch.

My heart was full of admiration for Gu Chen's sincerity.

"Good! Brother Gu, since you support me so much! Then I won't let you down!

At this time, Mr. Gao also completely calmed down, he knew that he would never be able to continue to talk about such a big project at every turn.

"I need a little time to settle down."

So, Mr. Gao said goodbye to Gu Chen directly and prepared to return to his office.

He wanted to write down his feelings over the years in order to prepare his business plan.

On the other side, Gu Chen, who sent away Mr. Gao, had other thoughts in his mind at this time.

Or did you upgrade your previous ideas?

"I originally thought that I should find a royal director or something, but now that I directly set up a TV broadcasting tower, wouldn't it be more useful to play a big role?"

Gu Chen just thought about it, after his TV station got up.

Or what this boss said, he can make two programs with ratings breaking 2.

That traffic is not right, is the attention immediately up?

"Then at that time, wouldn't it be better to put Shenzhou's ads into this kind of TV program?"

"After all, if it is announced on and off the Internet, it will take a certain amount of time to ferment after all, but the situation in the form of live TV is completely different, and the audience can fully see the effect!"

"If you add a bombarding experience, maybe it can open up the market for some diehards, and some elderly people."

When Gu Chen thought of this, he really forgot that there was also a sinking market for the elderly.

"Although Shenzhou is now focusing on high-end technology of smartphones, this does not mean that I cannot achieve dimensionality reduction strikes!"

"If you can make a Shenzhou brand elderly machine, plus the elderly like to watch TV more than look at their mobile phones, maybe it will really be very effective."

"And the most important thing is that maybe when the time comes, you will be able to prostitute the advertising space of this East China Sea Pearl!"

Gu Chen's eyes lit up when he thought of this, and he thought of the situation at that time.

If nothing else, the cost of the propaganda department can be said to be completely transformed into another more perfect form.

"The sinking market and the high-end market are opened together, and it will definitely be able to raise the sales volume of Shenzhou to another level!"

Even Gu Chen didn't have any concepts and ideas about money.

At this time, there was still a little excitement in my heart.

After all, the kind of pleasure brought by achievement is not comparable to a little money.

"But now I seem to be a little on top!"

Gu Chen walked in front of the transparent glass of the Heavenly Pearl of the East China Sea.

Looking at the entire Huahai City under his feet, he silently converged his mind.

Stop yourself from being so caught up in crazy active thoughts.

The sober feeling brought by the high altitude seemed to have an invisible breeze blowing over Gu Chen's cheeks.

Suddenly made Gu Chen a lot more relaxed, but also a lot calmer.

"But all this I envision is based on the success of this senior executive to make a satisfactory and executable business plan!" Otherwise, how can you go far just by relying on feelings?

Gu Chen thought about it like this, and thought of the construction of the car king APP.

This is already a mature project, and it can be said that basically Wang Zhi agreed to contribute this creative idea of his own.

Tomorrow, Gu Chen will be able to set up a development team in the Longteng Group.

Started the development of this app non-stop.

"And with that comes all sorts of issues that need to be addressed, such as the video."

In fact, at this time, Gu Chen already had two creative videos in his heart.

"When the time comes, I find a good director, and after the finished film is made, one kind of publicity will go international, and the other will be domestic."

That's what he intended to do anyway.

As for how to put this idea into practice when the time comes.

Then we'll talk about it then.

As for the other side, Gu Xiao and Xu Yang were standing together at this time, and the two were talking.

As he spoke, Xu Yang's topic unconsciously derived from Gu Xiao himself.

"Teacher Gu, have you noticed that something is wrong with you recently!"

"What do you mean?"

Gu Xiao's attention at this time was focused on the scenery of Huahai City under his feet, and he did not notice Xu Yang's guidance.

He even asked a rhetorical question, so that Xu Yang could continue the conversation smoothly.

"That is, have you been emotionally hit by something, and your feelings have been frustrated?"

But after speaking, Xu Yang began to immediately change his words.

"Eh, no, it's not right, Teacher Gu, you taught me in high school in the past few years, I have never seen a woman around you, and the relationship between women is even worse, forget it, or don't talk about this topic!"

Gu Xiao had actually taken back all his thoughts when he heard the word emotion at that time.

is preparing to teach this Xu Yang a lesson.

Who knows, his senses are so keen, he immediately reflects his own thoughts.

So that Gu Xiao could only hold back everything he wanted to say.

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