"Does it look good?"

Gu Chen also came over at this time, and he asked Gu Xiao.

Xu Yang, who answered the question, came directly to a wave of rush answers.

"It's so good-looking, Brother Dust, I never thought that I could stay in the air for such a long time, as if flying!"

Gu Xiao had a different answer.

"I just feel that life is actually nothing, there is nothing absolutely meaningful, and there is nothing absolutely meaningless, in fact, as long as I live a happy life."

As soon as these words came out, Gu Chen and Xu Yang all had different faces, but they didn't say anything.

Gu Chen just came to his side and followed his gaze into the distance.

"Hungry or not, the cafeteria upstairs should be open at this point, let's go directly?"

As soon as the words were finished, the leader's special elevator opened the door at this time, and the secretary before Mr. Gao came to Gu Chen and the others.

"President Gu, President Gao arranged for me to lead the way, do you have any needs for dining now?"

"If not, you can always press the button over there to call me, I can let the back kitchen start at any time."

The secretary pointed to a call button on the wall and said respectfully.

Gu Chen looked at Gu Xiao.

He has never liked to trouble others, of course, he knows that his hair is asking for his opinion.

So Gu Xiao at this time is still a little embarrassed.

"Then let's go eat now, don't cause them trouble."

As for Xu Yang?

Well, little fart one just ignored.

"Okay, then we'll go now, trouble you to lead the way."

Gu Chen nodded and said to the secretary sister.

"This is what I should do!"

Saying that, she made a gesture of invitation and led Gu Chen and the others to leave the highest sky pearl.

There is also an episode in the middle.

Xu Yang looked at the black that was constantly rubbing, and he actually felt a thumping feeling in his heart.

After Gu Xiao noticed this, he directly gave Xu Yang a raid on the back of his head.

"What are you thinking, be serious!"

Xu Yang touched his head and did not dare to speak.

The three were led by the secretary to an open, huge dining room.

There are only a few places in the rooms close to 100 square meters.

You can tell that this is a VIP restaurant.

What is even more honorable is that this restaurant has a sliding door carved with various exquisite artistic paintings.

At the back are different but elegant and tall interior rooms.

It even includes the customs of various countries.

But this is not the key, the key is that these private rooms are actually the kind that can be moved!

One of the walls is covered with glass on top.

Being able to have lunch under the blue sky and white clouds is indeed a different enjoyment.

And now, although it is daytime, you can't see the night view at night.

But these glasses are not ordinary glass, but a special laminated glass that can isolate the outside world at any time and can project the picture you want.

As long as Gu Chen thinks, he can turn this into a high-end private cinema.

Or K Song Room.

It's just that Gu Chen and the others didn't pick on anything, and directly chose a decent private room.

There is no choice so multi-functional effect, that

is, to simply eat and eat,

and there is no special difficulty to eat some messy strange food.

Just asked Gu Xiao and Xu Yang that they didn't have any taboo food, so they said.

"Take a look at today's rotating buffet menu,"

the secretary nodded silently, and the professional smile did not change.

The three did not wait long, and the secretary almost brought up all the dishes on the rotating buffet menu.

And each serving the plate is a hostess with light makeup.

It is full of a thick visual impact and an indescribable feeling.

Gu Chen coughed and made the blushing Xu Yang lower his head and drink a bottle of wine.

No one knew that after today's series of stimuli, it would add an opportunity to Xu Yang's subsequent encounter.

"Okay, okay, let's want so many dishes!"

Given that Xu Yang couldn't eat this kind of scene at all, Gu Chen immediately combined Gu Xiao to order the dish with three times five divided by two.

Even made a dish for Xu Yang after making a recipe.

Those young ladies completely retreated.

Gu Chen still asked, and the secretary lady said.

"Whose idea is this?"

The secretary lady couldn't figure out this, Gu Chen suddenly asked what this meant, but she still told the truth.

After all, this is a guest that Mr. Gao is very interested in, but he dare not fool him.

"It's our Xiao Gao's own idea..."

Gu Chen snorted, to be honest, when he came to this luxurious restaurant.

He already felt that he didn't like the atmosphere a little.

Plus this kind of end disc situation appears.

Gu Chen began to feel that Mr. Gao actually liked this kind of slag project, then his feelings would not be such a particularly vulgar idea.

However, hearing the secretary say such a little general manager, Gu Chen immediately thought of the other person in charge of this East China Sea Pearl.

"Lao Gao, this team is a little unstable!"

It's just that Gu Chen won't say it thoroughly, he just came to a compliment.

"Well, it's good, it's very retro, I almost thought ah, back in the eighties and nineties!" It shows that Mr. Xiao Gao's taste is very good, thank Mr. Xiao Gao and Mr. Gao for my hospitality! Miss

Secretary's face did not show any expression, but after taking one more look at Gu Chen, she continued to smile and nodded and said.

"Okay Mr. Gu, I'll tell the two Gao Zong! Have a nice meal and feel free to call us if you have questions.

Gu Chen nodded and watched the secretary leave.

Xu Yang's hara was about to flow out, but when his idol's gaze came over, he began to sit up again.

"What, don't you usually come into contact with these rich second generation? See what you look like.

Gu Xiao said it very unceremoniously.

Xu Yang just smiled and didn't speak.

Gu Chen came out to play the circle and said.

"Okay, okay, young people are not frivolous, just to learn the etiquette of a gentleman, the most important thing is to learn to respect people, eat and eat!"

Seeing that Gu Chen had spoken, Gu Xiao didn't say anything more, and the three of them began to eat.

As for the secretary lady who left, she dialed Xiao Gao's phone.

Told him everything that had just happened.

Xiao Gao's voice was silent for a moment, as if he was thinking about something.

"What did they say on the Pearl of Heaven before?"

"Don't know? What are you doing with this secretary!

"Forget it, you go get busy!"

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, the smile on the secretary's face stiffened by three points.

But after taking a deep breath, she dialed Mr. Gao's phone again.

"Did he really say that?"

After listening to the secretary's report, Mr. Gao stopped his hard work and asked very seriously.

"Yes, Mr. Gu Chen said it himself."

Mr. Gao was also silent for a while before speaking.

"It seems that some of our bones in the East China Sea Pearl are a little loose and tight, and we also have to follow the trend!"

"All the projects in these restaurants have been canceled for me!"

A light flashed in the secretary's eyes.

It seems that something incredible has been discovered.


Only this time she agreed quickly and crisply.

Time passed quickly, and the meal time of Gu Chen and the three lasted for nearly two hours, and finally almost finished lunch.

Xu Yang covered his stomach and staggered out of the restaurant.

Gu Chen looked at him like that and said.

"Are you a reincarnation of a starving ghost? Let's go, let's go down and take a stroll. After

making a plan, the three of them directly told the secretary to leave.

Gu Chen originally wanted to go directly, but after the secretary informed Mr. Gao.

He actually insisted on sending Gu Chen.

"Brother Gu, wait for me!"

"No thanks, we should see you soon!"

As soon as Gu Chen said this, the voice of Mr. Gao's phone suddenly rose by two decibels.

"Hahaha, that's right!"

In this way, Gu Chen took Xu Yang Guxiao to successfully open the East China Sea Pearl.

It was only when the three of them just took a special elevator to the foot of this East China Sea Pearl.

A voice sounded from behind the three.

It was Masayoshi Son who he had met in the rest area before.

Of course, this time Son was accompanied by another woman.

The moment Gu Xiao turned around, he felt numb all over his body, and his face was full of disbelief.

Because he was behind Gu Chen, his situation was not discovered at the first time.

And Xu Yang was also absent-minded at this time, and his attention did not know where to drift at all.

So I didn't find my teacher's abnormality.

"Mr. Gu, hello!"

Son Masayoshi came to Gu Chen with a restrained smile.

The woman behind him who looked twenty-eight fanghua, with a small white hat on her head and a long white dress was after seeing Gu Chen and the three.

Silently hid behind Son Masayoshi.

It's like not being able to see people.

Gu Chen's attention did not focus on this woman's body, but only glanced at it slightly.

Just looked at this Son Masayoshi said.

"Mr. Sun, is there something going on?"

And Gu Chen's heart was thinking, are people so perseverant now?

First, Jiang Min squatted to guard himself.

Later, there was Wang who knew how to squat himself, and now it is this Son Zhengyi who squats and guards himself.

What's the matter, what kind of wild boss are you? Are you guarding the corpse?

I think so, but Gu Chen is still breezy in reality.

Mainly, he appreciates these persevering people.

Perhaps this is the result of the unchanging kindness in his heart.

Although it is impossible for him to complete the ideas of everyone who waits for him, it is no problem to listen a little and turn himself into a listener.

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