Son Masayoshi looked at this frank look, and suddenly felt a little unspeakable.

Although he told himself a long time ago not to live for his own skin.

It was also because of this situation that he broke with Deng Xianxi before.

He had already made a reflection, but it was still difficult for him to say what he thought in front of Gu Chen.

After spending a long time in place, I couldn't hold back a fart.

The pure flower-like woman behind him stepped forward and said.

"Mr. Gu: Justice actually stops you for only one purpose, and that is to recommend yourself!

Her voice was crisp and soft, but with a firm strength.

When Gu Xiao heard this voice, his eyes finally couldn't help but look at her.

At this time, the white lotus should have noticed Gu Xiao, but she didn't say anything, and even her eyes didn't change.

Gu Chen looked at the determination on her face that was different from ordinary people, and then looked at Son Zhengyi, who was embarrassed on her face.

A very strange feeling of old and young matching appeared in Gu Chen's heart.

He asked a little curiously about the relationship between Son Masayoshi and this white lotus.

"Are you husband and wife?"

Suddenly, Sun Zhengyi and Gu Xiao were shocked, feeling like their souls were out of their bodies.

Gu Xiao stared directly at Sun Zhengyi with his fiercest eyes.

It's like a hungry wolf.

It's just that when the white lotus's eyes swept over, Gu Xiao subconsciously lowered his head.

It reveals a deep inferiority.

At this time, Xu Yang probably also sensed that something was wrong with his teacher.

The whole person leaned over and asked Gu Xiao.

"Teacher Gu, what's wrong with you? Doesn't look good?

Gu Chen also glanced back at Gu Xiao.

"It's okay, you won't get heat stroke, will you?"

Gu Xiao said angrily.

"You just suffered from heat stroke, I am, a little anemic, can't you?"

Anaemia? Can you be anemic as a big guy close to 180? Gu Chen didn't believe it.

But he didn't want to say it, and Gu Chen couldn't force him.

Instead, he set his sights on this Son Masayoshi and the White Lotus again.

Of course, because of Xu Yang's fork.

Successfully circumvented this topic.

Whether it was Son Masayoshi or this White Lotus, they were very tacit and did not talk about this topic again.

It was also at this time that Son began to retract his dignity.

He bowed deeply towards Gu Chen, almost reaching the standard ninety degrees.

Although this did not scare Gu Chen, it still made Gu Chen's brows frown.

"What are you doing?"

Before Son could speak, the white lotus on the side began to speak.

"We said it, we're here to nominate ourselves!"

The expression on White Lotus's face appeared a kind of pride, a kind of pride.

She began to tell about Son's extraordinary life, focusing on the various film honors Son has won over the years.

Like what's best behind-the-scenes, best screenplay, these are small consciousnesses.

It's just that Gu Chen can also hear it, this Son Zhengyi debut is the pinnacle, and he has been going downhill since his first movie.

It can be said that it is high and low.

And this white lotus also showed its role in the life of this tossed Son Masayoshi.

The two met in Son's last big investment movie.

It can be said that it is a key drama that determines whether he can come back to life.

He was selecting a supporting role at that time, and he picked the white lotus Xiao Ruoyi at a glance from hundreds of girls.

She became an important supporting role in her own films.

It's just that the movie was released and the investor lost a lot, and Son Masayoshi completely entered the cold palace list of various investors.

But Sun Zhengyi's seriousness and talent in filmmaking made White Lotus Xiao Ruoyi and him implicated constantly.

What happened in it, Gu Chen did not know.

I only heard Xiao Ruoyi's words.

"It was the happiest day of my life, I grew up watching his movies, and I never thought that I would one day be so close to my own idol."

But Son's answer was.

"Xiao Xiao is very good, but my temper was very short in those years, and if she hadn't left me, I might not have been able to stick to it now."

The two are accompanied by a kind of red dust, and the feeling of sympathy for each other is after this Xiao Ruoyi: "He is the most talented director I have ever met!" As a conclusion.

Gu Xiao's face had fallen into dead ashes, and there was no improvement at all.

A thought kept echoing in his heart.

"So I'm the third party?"

He silently let go of the hand holding Xu Yang, so that Xu Yang, who had been enduring Teacher Gu's claws, was about to shed tears.

Because when Gu Xiao told Xiao Ruoyi before, his face suddenly changed, and he subconsciously grabbed Xu Yang's shoulder and squeezed it hard.

Xu Yang's face was miserable, but he looked at his teacher's face that was even more bitter than himself.

Where did he not understand, this was Gu Xiao encountering his own heart knot!

So Xu Yang thought in his heart, it should be to repay the grace of education in the past few years! I endure!

After Gu Chen listened to Xiao Ruoyi's story, he didn't have much touch in his heart.

I just think it's not easy for a girl like Xiao Ruoyi.

At least she must not care about the kind of person with worldly eyes.

"Gu Chen..."

He wanted to say something, but at this time he heard his own call.

"What's wrong?"

He looked at Gu Xiao, but Gu Xiao looked at Xiao Ruoyi.

Xiao Ruoyi looked at Son Zhengyi who was bending over and bowing with distress.

Fortunately, this is a VIP elevator, and basically no tourists will know about it.

Son also had a ride experience when he was at his best.

That's why I will squat here until Gu Chen.

And Gu Chen looked at the triangular complex relationship between the three at this time, and he seemed to understand something.

So silently took a step back.

"That's right, Mr. Sun, you get up first, I really can't stand it when you bow to me at such an age!"

Son Zhengyi got up with his red face, and Xiao Ruoyi on the side immediately handed over a tissue, wanting Son to wipe the sweat on his face.

It's just that Son Masayoshi didn't mean to take this tissue at all.

Gu Chen's eyes were also filled with an indifference.

At this time, Son probably understood.

But he was a little unwilling in his heart!

"President Gu, can't you?"


Son wants to struggle a little more.

But he got Gu Chen's cold answer.

He smiled bitterly and said to Xiao Ruoyi.

"Ruoyi, I'm sorry, I beg you to come back to be my heroine this time, I didn't expect it... I didn't expect that I was still so useless, so that you ran for nothing! The

expression on Xiao Ruoyi's face was very calm, and her different temperament made her more sacred in Sun Zhengyi's eyes, and the guilt in her heart became more and more intense.

He also wanted to say something.

But at this time, Xiao Ruoyi turned to look at Gu Xiao.

"Didn't you say you were going to marry me?"

"Then I want 30 million as a bride price to marry me, give me this 30 million, let me finish this movie, and I will be your person in the future."

Gu Xiao's face suddenly turned even paler.

But there was one person present whose situation was a little more miserable than Gu Xiao.

He was Son Masayoshi, who was so frightened that he stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

But after reacting, he immediately grabbed Xiao Ruoyi's arm.

"Ruoyi, what are you talking nonsense!"

"Let's go, let's go, let's go!"

Saying that, he was going to pull Xiao Ruoyi to leave.

But don't say that this Xiao Ruoyi refused to leave, even Gu Chen also said on the side.

"Wait a minute, why are you in a hurry to leave at this time? If you don't make it clear, whoever of you will have a pimple in your heart in the future. Gu

Chen's words made sense.

At this time, no matter who withdraws early, it will cause a gap in the hearts of the other two parties.

If we don't talk about it, there will still be a crisis of trust in the future.

"Xiao Ruoyi, is this the reason why you left suddenly?"

"Don't you think you're a little selfish? For such a one? One... An uncle?

After all, Gu Xiao didn't say anything about this uncle, he still wanted to give Xiao Ruoyi some face.

But Xiao Ruoyi was very unrelenting.

"Am I selfish? I only know that when no one is optimistic about me, justice pulls me to prevent me from falling to the bottom, and when I am confused, justice also illuminates me in the future, and where were you at that time? What can you do for me?

"We don't even know each other!"

The last sentence we didn't even know directly shattered Gu Xiao's psychological defenses, and he muttered something to refute in his mouth.

But in the end, it became a sentence.

"But but, where did I get 30 million! You just sold me, it's not worth 30 million!" "

You don't, your friends have."

Xiao Ruoyi pointed at Gu Chen very unceremoniously.

Gu Chen fell directly into silence.

And what was Gu Chen thinking in his heart at this time.

He was thinking...

"To be honest, if I have a choice, I really don't want to pretend to be forced..."

Gu Xiao's face turned pale and looked at Gu Chen.

Gu Chen simply nodded at Gu Xiao to indicate his meaning.

I can give myself a small amount of money....bride money.

However, Gu Chen's generosity did not exchange Gu Xiao's nod, he just smiled miserably and shook his head at Gu Chen.

"I don't have the money, and I won't talk to my friends."

At this time, Gu Xiao felt that his wings had finally hardened.

Although this is still thanks to Gu Chen.

But it was enough, and he was happy.

I feel that even if I have regrets, it is nothing.

Xiao Ruoyi's face really darkened at this time.

Son Masayoshi was also in a trance, looking up at the sky and the earth, a feeling of being very frustrated but feeling frustrated and nothing mixed together.

A faint sadness was produced.

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