"Then there is nothing more to say, let's go justice."

Xiao Ruoyi raised her head and pulled up Son Zhengyi to leave.

Gu Chen stopped the two of them again.


Although Son Zhengyi wanted to pull Xiao Ruoyi away, Xiao Ruoyi at this time was obviously much more determined than Son Zhengyi.

So she obediently stopped.

"Is there anything else going on with President Gu? Could it be that a person of such a value as Mr. Gu also wants me? That's 30 million! Gu

Xiaosun Zhengyi and the two suddenly turned their heads at the same time, their eyes dim.

"You misunderstood me, what I want to say is, can't you do things so extremely?"

"What's not something you can't do to sit down and have a good chat?"

"Do you have to go straight to the path of complete deviation without saying a word? Not worth it, not worth it!

Gu Chen saw his small sad expression.

Although he wanted to directly win back this Xiao Ruoyi's small hair.

But thinking about his awkward personality.

Gu Chen still silently chose to give up.

He is ready to use a curved way to save the country to help his hair small.

"In short, if you wait for us to discuss, there will definitely be a solution that satisfies you!" Wait!

Gu Chen said, ignoring the hesitation on Xiao Ruoyi and Su Zhengyi's faces.

He directly pulled Gu Xiao and prepared to go to the side to discuss.

Xu Yang also wanted to follow, but was sent by Gu Chen to look at Xiao Ruoyi and the two, not to let them leave.

"Tell me, are you playing real with Xiao Ruoyi?"

As soon as Gu Chen pulled him aside, he began to launch a series of questions.

"Is there a relationship between her and you?"

"What the hell do you think?"

Gu Xiao didn't know how to answer Gu Chen's question, but just told the story of himself and Xiao Ruoyi.

Gu Chen's face became strange.

"I really didn't expect that you are actually a pure lover?"

Gu Xiao blushed, but said on his mouth.

"What and what, I don't understand, anyway, I don't want your money, you let them go!"

"I know you're helping me, but don't help me by teasing them!" Isn't Xiao Ruoyi more uncomfortable in this way? Gu

Xiao had to think about Xiao Ruoyi at this time.

It's just that he didn't expect that what Gu Chen wanted to say was not this matter.

"Anyway, as long as you have this heart, you will leave the next thing to me!" And from my point of view, although Xiao Ruoyi supports Son Masayoshi so much, the two people are absolutely innocent.

"You know what I mean, it's just that Son may not have had any ideas before, but this time I saw Son Zhengyi's eyes looking at Xiao Ruoyi is not quite right."

"If you pass through this village, the person you like may really be with this old man Son Zhengyi, are you really willing to see such a picture?"

Gu Chen's words seemed to be a quiet voice, which suddenly made a color appear in this Gu Xiao's eyes.

"Is everything you said true?"

"Truer than the moon!"

Faced with Gu Chen's affirmation, after Gu Xiao fell into thought and silence, he looked at his goddess Xiao Ruoyi.

Seeing Xiao Ruoyi, it seemed to be explaining something to this Son Zhengyi.

Son seemed to want to take Xiao Ruoyi away.

But he heard Xiao Ruoyi's roar.

"But this is no longer just your dream, it's also mine..." Son

was shocked, as if he was much older but no longer spoke.

Gu Xiao saw this conversation scene between the two.

Immediately, he believed what Gu Chen said for three points.

"But...even if I am a teacher for a lifetime, I can't earn 30 million to pay you back!"

"You let me..." Before

he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Gu Chen.

"I said it all, it's not to use 30 million to make Xiao Ruoyi compromise, I have my own way!"

It was probably Gu Chen's indifferent feeling like a fairy that made Gu Xiao feel a lot relieved.

In short, he opened his mouth and finally did not say a word.

Handed everything over to Gu Chen.

At this point, when Gu Chen returned to the scene with Gu Xiao.

On the field, Sun Zhengyi and Gu Xiao were both in the same mood.

Only Xiao Ruoyi is still as calm and calm as a sea god needle.

Just this aura, absolutely.

Gu Chen praised this Xiao Ruoyi in his heart, and at the same time spoke.

"Since that's the case, I have a compromise! Let's get a happy ending for all.

"I wonder if you two want to hear it?"

Son Zhengyi glanced at Xiao Ruoyi, in fact, he wanted to take her away.

But he didn't stretch out his hand.

Gu Xiao opened up and handed everything over to Gu Chen.

Xiao Ruoyi looked at the few people present and said slowly.

"Mr. Gu, please say."

Gu Chen nodded and said.

"In fact, this thing is very simple and very easy to solve."

"Mr. Sun should have seen me and Mr. Gao leave the rest area before, but you don't know what he said to me, right?"

Son shook his head blankly, indicating that he didn't know.

Gu Chen slowly simplified the content of his previous conversation with this sentimental boss.

Among them, Xiao Ruoyi and Su Zhengyi all heard what Gu Chen meant.

The two looked at each other and vaguely felt Gu Chen's thoughts.

But they were all a little incredulous.

"That's right, soon Mr. Gao should prepare the business plan of the Donghai Pearl Radio and TV Tower, and at that time I will start to invest in the shares to become the actual controlling person."

"We must open a television station, establish a mature television team, shoot advertisements, films, and make variety shows.

"Of course, this is what Mr. Gao meant, and it is also mine."

As Gu Chen spoke, he also observed this Son Zhengyi's expression without a trace.

It was clear that he understood what he meant and acted.

"So, we need too many people from scratch."

"Like Mr. Sun, I think I can make my own film in another way."

After Gu Chen finished his last sentence, Son Zhengyi seemed to have come back to life.

He has never worried about whether Gu Chen and Mr. Gao's TV tower will be set up.

At this time, Son Zhengyi had fallen into the pie painted by Gu Chen.

I thought that as long as I joined this East China Sea Pearl Radio and TV Tower, I would be able to make the movie I wanted to make.

Make your dreams come true.

It's just that Xiao Ruoyi doesn't think so.

"But the realization of dreams comes at a price, right? I don't believe there is a free lunch in this world.

Gu Chen clapped his hands to indicate that Xiao Ruoyi was right.

"Yes, but this price of mine is far lighter than your 30 million bride price."

"Because you will become my employees of the East Sea Pearl Radio and TV Tower, all the output except for the salary will go directly to the company's account, that is to say, I will take the benefits out of the money, but the name you share with the East Sea Pearl Radio and TV Tower!"

"Do you understand?"

Xiao Ruoyi and Sun Zhengyi looked at each other.

There is actually such a good thing?

Making movies is inherently a gambling thing.

It's normal to lose money a lot.

But now someone actually came out and said.

"You take my money to make movies at will, and I will give you fame and let you fulfill your dreams!" I'll pay you back! Let you have a stable job! "

It's charity!

Xiao Ruoyi immediately spoke.

"You're not going to lie to us, are you?"

Gu Chen shook his head and said no.

"You don't deserve to waste so much time and energy making up lies."

A smile suddenly appeared on Xiao Ruoyi's face.

"Well, if that's the case, we'd like to... Join the Radio Tower!

Son Masayoshi sighed and nodded and said.

"I would too."

Gu Chen immediately took out his mobile phone and turned off his recording.

At the same time, it is also to greet Xiao Ruoyi and Son Zhengyi to leave their contact information.

"During this time, the Oriental Pearl Radio and TV Tower should not have been planned so quickly."

"But to put you at ease, I'll arrange for you to shoot an ad first."

"Don't worry, I will give you the price of this advertisement according to the market price, after all, you are not a real employee of my company at this time"

Xiao Ruoyi and Son Zhengyi simply felt that they had seen an angel descend at this time.

I didn't expect Gu Chen to be so generous and bold?

But why was Gu Chen so generous all of a sudden? Xiao Ruoyi looked at Gu Xiao, who was also relieved on the side.

She immediately understood.

It's not that Gu Chen is generous, but he gave Gu Xiao face.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ruoyi thought of her previous bits and pieces in Yongshi and Gu Xiao.

Thinking of Gu Xiao's silly appearance, she couldn't help but spread her smile.

In an instant, it was like a camellia blooming, and Gu Xiao felt that his heart was about to melt.

"It's this smile that made me completely fall."

Gu Chen said after doing all this.

"Okay, then now let's go back to each house and wait for me to call!"

Xiao Ruoyi and Su Zhengyi looked at each other, and both said to Gu Chen.

"Then thank you Mr. Gu."

After saying that, the two were ready to leave.

Only at this time, Gu Xiao seemed to pluck up courage and stopped Xiao Ruoyi.

"Wait a minute, I have something to say to you..." Xiao

Ruoyi suddenly looked at Son Zhengyi.

Sun Zhengyi looked at Gu Chen again.

Xiao Ruoyi immediately understood something, she nodded and walked to the side with Gu Xiao.

Gu Chen was thinking.

It seems that he forgot to leave Wang Ming's contact information.

Then when he really decided to start understanding the car king app, Wang understood and stopped doing it directly.

"So where should I go to find him?"

Gu Chen fell into a deep thought.

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