Gu Chen took it out and saw that it was Liu Ying, the general manager of the hotel.

Immediately apologetic, he stepped aside and picked up the phone.


"Mr. Gu is not good! Something went wrong! An

anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

"What's wrong with Manager Liu? What happened?

Gu Chen frowned.

"Because many fans came outside the hotel, they claimed to be fans of Liu Bin, and they wanted to meet their idols, which seriously hindered the order!"

After listening to Liu Ying's words, Gu Chen's face changed.

It's this Liu Bin again!

"Why is Liu Bin in our hotel!" Gu Chen was puzzled.

"It seems to be an artist under Tiansheng Entertainment, didn't they pack us a hall today? This group of fans got the news out of nowhere, and they came to see their idols!

Liu Ying continued to explain.

"Then tell them Tiansheng to send someone over to solve it!"

"Sent it, but things are more troublesome! I had previously called the general manager of Tiansheng Entertainment, and they sent Liu Bin to solve it himself. Unexpectedly, after Liu Bin went out, he suddenly said that the security guard of our hotel actually beat his fans, and kept clamoring for an explanation from our hotel!

Liu Ying also had a bad tone at this time.

"Huh? Did the security guard do it?

Gu Chen was stunned when he heard this, but he didn't expect things to develop like this.

"Nope! I asked the security guard, others can also testify to him, the security guard just stopped the impact of those fans with his hand, absolutely did not move!

Liu Ying knew what Gu Chen meant, and directly assured.

When Gu Chen heard this, he believed the words of his own security guard, not to mention that he didn't believe that Liu Bin's words at all.

No matter how he looked at this matter, he felt that it was Liu Bin's calculation.

After thinking for a moment, he spoke up: "What did Tiansheng say over there?"

"They said this would persuade Liu Bin!" At the same time, I hope that we can speak out with them is a misunderstanding!

Liu Ying also said with a bad face at this time.

"What a misunderstanding!"

Gu Chen was furious when he heard this: "I'll come right away!"

Then Gu Chen hung up the phone and couldn't help but laugh angrily.

"Did something happen to Mr. Gu?"

Seeing that Gu Chen hung up the phone and his face was not good, Manager Ma couldn't help but ask;


"If there is anything you need help Mr. Gu, please don't hesitate to say, we Yiyue can still speak here." Manager Ma immediately patted his chest when he heard this.

"Thank you Manager Ma." Gu Chen thanked him when he heard this; "I wonder if Manager Ma has heard of Tiansheng Entertainment?"

"Tiansheng Entertainment?"

Manager Ma was stunned when he heard this, and then nodded and said, "Tiansheng Entertainment is an entertainment company that creates idols in Huahai City, how?" Did they offend Mr. Gu?

"That's not it, it's just that one of their artists asked me to give him an explanation!"

Gu Chen's face was gloomy at this time.

Then he briefly explained the incident to Manager Ma.

Manager Ma, who listened, was stunned.

At this time, there was only one sentence in his mind.

That is, Huatian Hotel turned out to be Gu Chen's.

Then, regardless of Manager Ma's reaction, he walked directly towards the gate.

Manager Ma quickly reacted, looking at Gu Chen's back and affirming that Gu Chen was not simple.

Even five-star hotels have them, so how strong is the strength behind Gu Chen?

Thinking of this, Manager Ma was full of respect.

Suddenly I thought, isn't this a good opportunity?

So he took out his mobile phone and called his boss, General Manager Liu.

"Mr. Liu, it's me, I just met Mr. Gu Chengu! Right! He is also in Huatian and Huatian is also his! It's true!

Manager Ma hurriedly reported.

So he told the other party what Gu Chen had told him before.

He knew that they General Manager Liu had a very good relationship with Tiansheng's boss.

"This way! Where are you? Come with me to meet that Mr. Gu!

"Okay! Mr. Liu, I'll come right away! "

Manager Ma is happy.

Gu Chen didn't know all this.

At this time, he had already rushed outside and found it at a glance, because many people had gathered.

"President Gu!"

Seeing Gu Chen coming, the surrounding security guards shouted respectfully.

"President Gu!"

At this time, Liu Ying also found Gu Chen and came to Gu Chen's side.

"Hmm! How is it now?

"The other party keeps asking us to fire that security guard!"

, Liu Ying's face is also not good-looking when she hears this, if the security guard is fired, doesn't it mean that their hotel can't even look at the security guard?

When Gu Chen heard this, he saw a man with outstanding appearance, who was accusing the security guard while appeasing the fans.

"Didn't Tiansheng Entertainment send someone over?"

"They just sent an agent over, but it doesn't seem to be of any use!"

"It seems that they are planning to let it go!"

Gu Chen said coldly.

For Tiansheng Entertainment, he has no good impression.

"Manager Liu, when do you have to wait?"

At this time, after Liu Bin glanced at Liu Ying, he began to press.

He was very happy to see more and more people gathering together, and several reporters beginning to show up to take pictures.

After all, the longer the time, the higher his traffic exposure, and the better it is for him.

"You are Liu Bin, right?"

Gu Chen stood up at this time and said lightly.

"You are?"

When Liu Bin heard this, he looked at Gu Chen carefully, and found that Gu Chen was more handsome than him, and suddenly a burst of surprise flashed.

"I'm the owner of this hotel!"

"Oh? You are the owner of the hotel!

Jealousy flashed in Liu Bin's eyes, why did someone own a five-star hotel at a young age.

At the same time, a trace of fear flashed in his heart.

After all, he also knows how people who can afford to open five-star hotels can be simple.

He thought that this matter was easy to solve, after all, it was just to fire a security guard, and he had not done it before.

Those hotels wanted to calm the people, so they fired the security guards and made him famous.

So he tasted the sweetness and wanted to do it again, create a topic, and keep it hot.

But unexpectedly, this time he miscalculated, not only did the people not fire the security guard, but even the boss personally came out.

But now, he is already riding a tiger and has to bite the bullet and persevere.

After all, he still has a star aura.

Gu Chen stepped forward: "Yes, I heard that our security guard beat someone?"

"Good! I also hope that your hotel does not shield the hands-ons! "

Oh? Like this? I wonder if I called the police? Our hotel has always been law-abiding, and hitting people is illegal! How can our hotel cover it!

Gu Chen said directly.

"President Gu hasn't yet!" Liu Ying cooperated at this time.

"What are you doing here? It's been so long that you haven't called the police? When the police come, the truth will naturally be revealed! Gu Chen scolded.

Liu Bin on the other side was dumbfounded.

How so?

Why not play by the routine?

He thought that the other party would choose to fire the security guard for the sake of the hotel's reputation to protect his reputation.

After all, the most important thing to open a hotel is reputation.

But how did he know that at the level of a five-star hotel, the reputation of the region could not shake the hotel at all.

So he panicked, and saw that Gu Chen didn't seem to be laughing, and suddenly his face was as white as if he had put on foundation.

He wanted to open his mouth to say something, but he couldn't say it, so he could only look at the agent on the side for help.

"Manager Liu, don't bother the police in this matter! We'll just settle it privately! The

agent suddenly saw that it was also difficult to ride a tiger, originally he did not agree with Liu Bin to do this, but people did not listen to him, and now when something happened, he remembered him.

But he couldn't leave it alone.

"Hmph! Go early! This matter is still waiting for the police to come! "

Gu Chen is too lazy to bother!

Just disturbing public order can make him drink a pot.


The agent had no choice, he could only call and report to the general manager!

"Something happened to the general manager! The boss of the other party came over and said to call the police!

"What! I'm almost there! Please hold each other steady!

Then he hung up.

The agent smiled bitterly, how can I stabilize?

"Manager Liu, please wait a minute, our general manager is on his way!"

No way, he could only explain.

He didn't know Gu Chen, so he could only say to Liu Ying.

Liu Ying looked at Gu Chen.

"I'm responsible for something!"

Gu Chen glanced at Liu Bin, who was at a loss, and said lightly.

From the time he was in Tomson Yipin before, he felt that this Liu Bin was very disgusting, and he simply did everything for the sake of heat.

Now it rubs on his head, then it's embarrassing.

Liu Ying understood when she heard this, and knew that her boss was angry and must act according to law to pursue responsibility.

Liu Bin also understood, and suddenly pulled the elder with a face.

At this time, the scene had fallen into a quiet atmosphere, and the group of fans also closed their mouths under Gu Chen's toughness.

At this time, several people came in the distance.

Gu Chen only knew Manager Ma alone.

"General Manager!"

The agent hurriedly came to a middle-aged pot-bellied man, shouted in a low voice, and then said the matter in detail, and glanced at Gu Chen from time to time.

"Mr. Gu! This is the general manager of our branch of Huahai Yiyue Group! Liu Xianglong!

Manager Ma hurriedly introduced.

"Hello Mr. Gu! What a young man! I have heard about Mr. Gu for a long time, and I finally saw me until today!

A man in his thirties next to Manager Ma said with a smile on his face.


Gu Chen replied with a smile.

"This is President Gu! I'm the general manager of Tiansheng Entertainment, I'm really sorry! It has brought a lot of trouble to Mr. Gu, and we must give Mr. Gu an explanation for this matter.

At this time, the general manager of Tiansheng came to Gu Chen's eyes and quickly apologized.

"No thanks! I'm sure the police will give me an explanation!

Gu Chen put away his smile and said lightly.

The other party's tone froze when he heard this, and he couldn't help but look at Liu Xianglong when he looked at Gu Chen's face.

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