"Ahem! Mr. Gu! I don't know if this matter can sell me a face, we will solve it privately, rest assured! I want them to give Mr. Gu an explanation!" Liu Xianglong coughed awkwardly.

No way, originally he came to help Gu Chen, but he didn't expect that people didn't need it at all.

As a result, now he has to help the other party intercede, after all, he and the boss of Tiansheng Entertainment are good friends.

If Gu Chen really wants to be serious, it is estimated that his buddies will be unlucky.

How many butts are clean in the entertainment industry this year?

"Mr. Liu's face is naturally to be given! But they have seriously damaged the reputation of our hotel! It has caused immeasurable damage to our hotel, which I can hardly handle!

Gu Chen had a embarrassed expression.

General Manager Tiansheng suddenly twitched the corners of his mouth, do you have a fart loss? It's really open mouth!

But this time it was their fault first.

"Yes yes yes! It's all our reason, rest assured, we will definitely compensate for the loss caused by your hotel! General Manager Tiansheng hurriedly said.

Now his main thing is to hope that Gu Chen will let Liu Bin go, and once the police take Liu Bin, then Liu Bin will be wasted.

The company's huge thought about Liu Bin was all in vain.

"Hmph! We called you over before to deal with it, but what happened? I also want to rub the reputation of our hotel! Gu

Chen didn't intend to pay attention to this extremely stupid general manager.

The latter was stunned suddenly, where did he think that Gu Chen reacted so much, did not care about the reputation of the hotel at all, and directly chose to call the police, how did he play?

"Mr. Liu, it's really not that I don't give you face! This time they went too far!

Then Gu Chen said to Liu Xianglong again.

When Liu Xianglong wanted to say something more, an alarm bell sounded.

In an instant, Liu Bin's face changed, and Liu Xianglong also closed his mouth, he didn't dare to offend Gu Chen.

"Who called the police?"

Several officers got down from the police car.

"It's me!"

Liu Ying quickly stood up, and then explained the matter again.

"Let's take a trip with a few parties!"

The officer frowned when he heard this, it was clear that this case made him very difficult.

One side is a big taxpayer, the other is a public figure, and if one is not handled well, he can become a person who is behind the pot.

So the police car came and went quickly.

Several parties were taken away.

Only Gu Chen, Yiyue's Liu Xianglong and others, and Tiansheng's general manager remained.

At this time, General Manager Tiansheng's face was ugly, and he was about to say something when his mobile phone rang.

He opened it and looked at it, his face suddenly changed, and he picked up.

"Hey, boss!"

"What? Good! I understand!

Then I saw him nodding continuously, his face changing constantly, and finally hung up the phone.

"Mr. Gu, this matter is our Tiansheng's mistake, we will definitely compensate for the loss caused to you, and at the same time, our boss also asked me to apologize to you!" Regarding the Liu Bin incident, I will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation! The

general manager took a deep breath, came to Gu Chen's side, and said respectfully.


Hearing this, Gu Chen and Liu Xianglong were stunned.

"I hope so!"

Gu Chen then nodded.

Although I don't know why the other party's attitude softened, he was not afraid at all.

After that, he spoke to Liu Xianglong and left.

"What did your boss say?"

Liu Xianglong asked curiously.

At the same time, he was relieved, he was afraid that his good friend would be hard!

"Mr. Liu, the boss said that many people have begun to call him to pressure him, asking him to solve this matter quickly!"

The general manager smiled bitterly when he heard this.


Liu Xianglong was stunned when he heard this, glanced at Gu Chen, who disappeared, and was silent for a long time.

He didn't expect Gu Chen to move so quickly, he told his good friend before that Gu Chen's background was deep, but he didn't expect that people were more powerful than he thought.

How could they know that Gu Chen hadn't done anything at all.

All of them are the hidden network resources of five-star hotels.

And there are many big people living in Tomson Yipin, who also began to hide from Liu Bin because of the previous door blocking incident, and began to call.

All this is due to many coincidences caused by accidents.

And misunderstood by them.

I thought it was Gu Chen who made a move.

Gu Chen didn't know that he had already returned to the party hall.

As soon as she sat down, Chu Xinyi looked over curiously.

"Where have you been? It's been so long to come back! "

Something happened at the hotel! Go deal with it! Gu Chen didn't hide it, after all, such a big thing couldn't be hidden.

"What's going on?"

Chu Xinyi was interested.

"It's the star who blocked the door in Tomson Yipin before, remember!"

Chu Xinyi nodded when she heard this.

She was very impressed by this incident.

"It's him, and he said at the door of the hotel that my hotel's security guard beat someone and asked me to give him an explanation!"


Chu Xinyi was surprised.

"I wanted to rub the heat on my head, I called the police directly, and I came back later!"

Gu Chen said lightly.

Chu Xinyi, who listened, was stunned, looked at Gu Chen's gaze, and burst out laughing.

What did she think Gu Chen would do? I didn't expect it to be handled this way.

Then Gu Chen watched the show seriously, and the displeasure in his heart was immediately diluted by laughter.

After ten o'clock in the evening, the party ended, and naturally they went back to their respective homes.

At this time, only Gu Chen and Chu Xinyi were left.

"President Gu!"

The hotel assistant hurriedly came to Gu Chen's side.

"Is Manager Liu back?"

"Not yet!"

Hearing this, Gu Chen was stunned, he hadn't finished dealing with it so late?

So he made a direct phone call.

After a few seconds, it is switched on.

"Hey! Haven't dealt with it yet?

"No, Liu Bin has always insisted that our security guards beat people!" However, the camera was not clearly filmed due to the large number of people, so it has been stalemated here!

Liu Ying explained.

She was also a little tired at this time.

"Huh? Is that so? No medical examination?

Gu Chen didn't expect this result, and his face sank.

"Yes, the fan did have injuries on his body. However, I am not sure whether he hit it himself or our security guards.

"Okay! You go back early, too! Leave this matter to the lawyer!

Gu Chen shook his head, remembering Tiansheng's words before, is this an explanation for me?

"Okay!" Liu Ying agreed when she heard this.

After all, she didn't have any effect here.

"It seems that the matter is not over yet?" Chu Xinyi on the side said.

"Hmm! Don't say anything, send you back!

Gu Chen didn't want to say anything more.


So the two went all the way back.

He used to have a holiday in his country, and he still wanted to go there to play, but now he is not in this mood.

In October, the autumn breeze was bleak, and the workers ushered in the most anticipated days.

Gu Chen also got up early, and when he was about to go to the hotel, his phone rang.

"Hello? Manager Liu.

"President Gu, Happy National Day!"

"Happy National Day!"

Gu Chen replied with a smile.

National Day is a hot period for the catering and hotel industry, how can it be a holiday?

Gu Chen used to hate those companies that did not take holidays very much, but he did not expect that one day he would also become one of them.

Finally, he lived as the person he hated the most.

"Is there something wrong with calling so early?"

"Yes! Mr. Gu, the Liu Bin incident has made new progress!

Liu Ying said happily: "Just now the police came with news that Liu Bin's fans suddenly admitted that they accepted Liu Bin's money to slander our hotel, and he also provided evidence." "


Gu Chen was stunned, and even the movements on his hands stopped.

"At first I thought it was incredible, but there are more exciting. Even if someone secretly reported many illegal and criminal things before Liu Bin, he provided a lot of evidence. Therefore, now that Liu Bin is finished, he can't run away from prison!

Liu Ying said everything she knew in one breath.

"Is this someone fixing him?"

Gu Chen immediately discovered that something was wrong.

"Yes! Isn't it Mr. Gu, you are looking for someone to do it?

Liu Ying asked.

Gu Chen: "..."

He quickly guessed a person in his heart.

Then Gu Chen hung up the phone after chatting a few words and prepared to go out.

As a result, the phone rang again.

When I took it out, it was an unfamiliar phone.

He thought about it and connected.

"President Gu?"

"You are?"

Gu Chen squinted.

"Hello Mr. Gu! I am Zhou Hao, the owner of Tiansheng Entertainment. "

Huh? I don't know what happened to Mr. Zhou's search for me?

Gu Chen's eyebrows jumped, and he asked with a smile.

"I'm here to apologize, I'm so sorry for what happened yesterday! It brought trouble to Mr. Gu! On

the other side of the office, a handsome man said into the phone.

He didn't expect this Gu Zong, who he had never met, to speak so drippingly.

"So Liu Bin's things were also done by you?"

Although Gu Chen had a puzzled tone, he was very sure.

"Good! I wonder if Mr. Gu is satisfied with this result?

Zhou Hao was surprised for a while, but he didn't expect Gu Chen to guess it.

Sure enough, hearing this, Gu Chen also knew what the explanation he said last night meant.

"Ok!" Gu Chen didn't have anything to be happy about.

After all, Liu Bin is nothing in his eyes.

You can't care if an ant lives or dies!

For all this of Liu Bin, he can only say that he is self-inflicted, and he deserves it!

"Eh! I don't know when President Gu has time, I want to personally make amends to President Gu? When

Zhou Hao heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned, he thought that Gu Chen would be very happy!

"There is no need to make amends! If nothing happens, I'll hang up first!

Gu Chen directly refused.

Just kidding, I don't even know you? You just want to eat with me?

"Eh! It's okay!

Zhou Hao's face froze, he didn't expect Gu Chen to refuse to get it so crisply.

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