After about a few minutes, the doors of the two rooms opened one after the other.

It's just that at this time, the two were dressed neatly and walked out with an embarrassed look.

At the same time, looking at Gu Chen's handsome face, he couldn't help but look at each other between Xu Shishi and Gu Chen.

In their memories, it seems that her best friend Xu Shishi has never brought a friend of the opposite sex in front of them.

For a while, they all signaled Xu Shishi with their eyes.

But I was very crazy inside.

Aaaaaah! Why is the boyfriend Shishi looking for so handsome!

"Don't think about it, I'll introduce you guys, this is my brother Gu Chen!"

Several people lived for three or four years, where they still didn't know the thoughts and minds of the two girlfriends, and suddenly glared at the two and explained.

"Brother, this is my roommates Zhang Xiaoyu and Wu Siyi."

"Hello!" Gu Chen nodded and greeted with a smile.

"Hello brother!" The two of them lit up in front of their eyes, and then shouted in unison.

Then several people talked for a while and talked about Xu Shishi, both of them were indignant, and they all hugged their good friends, but the two were also ordinary families without any help.

"Brother, don't worry! We have found a lawyer for Shishi!

"Yes, that's right, brother, you must cancel that contract."

The two brothers, the elder brother's call, light car familiar with the road.

Women [horse fork worms] get up, where there are men's things.

Just kidding, if you meet a handsome brother and don't seize the opportunity, won't you be struck by lightning?

Xu Shishi still didn't understand the intentions of the two, but she was clearly fascinated by her brother's appearance.

Bah! Don't be faceless, I treat you as girlfriends, but you want to be my sister-in-law!

Hearing this, Gu Chen's eyes lit up, lawyer?

Isn't that a coincidence? Isn't that right?

"Which lawyer did you find?"

Gu Chen asked directly;

"Ahem! What we were looking for... Looking for a trainee lawyer? Hearing

Gu Chen's words, the three looked at each other, all embarrassed, and finally called Xiaoyu to say it.

Gu Chen, who listened, frowned repeatedly.

He just didn't know the profession and the importance of being a lawyer.

Then he signaled what Xu Shishi meant.

"Brother, we have also found other lawyers before, but either the lawyer's fee is too high, or we don't accept our lawsuit."

Xu Shishi explained that she was dying of worry during this time.

After that, Gu Chen learned the specific situation.

It turned out that those lawyers refused after learning about Xu Shishi's situation.

After all, the other party is a listed company and a school, and it is really not worth offending for a small case.

There is also the fact that some lawyers cherish their own feathers and do not accept cases that they are not sure of.

What about famous lawyers? The fee is too high for small cases to look at.

There was no relationship between them, so they had to hire trainee lawyers.

After understanding the ins and outs of the matter, Gu Chen's frowning brows finally relaxed.

"Okay! I'll solve the lawyer's matter, and you will go with me with the information later!" "


Xu Shishi was stunned, she didn't expect Gu Chen to help him solve things.

If it had been before, it should have been fine, after all, his family opened a company.

Now, it's good that people can take care of themselves.

That's why she didn't bother Gu Chen.

"Go pack your papers! I'll make a call first. Gu Chen didn't care about Xu Shishi's expression and walked to the balcony outside.

As soon as Gu Chen left, the two girlfriends, Xiaoyu and Xiaoyi, instantly came to Xu Shishi's side.

"Shishi, why haven't I heard that you have an older brother before?"

"Yes! Be honest! I wonder if your brother has a girlfriend?

"I wonder what kind of girl your brother likes?"

"Shishi, you don't mind if we kiss and kiss?"

The two chattered.

"You don't have to think about it! No chance!

Xu Shishi rolled her eyes, then got up and went back to her room to prepare the materials.

Gu Chen looked down at the earth, listening to the bustling sound outside, and paused to take out his mobile phone from his pocket.

Dialed the phone number that Taobao gave me last night.

After a few seconds, the call connects.

"Hello? Hello!

"I'm Gu Chen!"

Hearing the formal opening of the standard on the other side, Gu Chen directly reported his name.

"Hello owner! My name is Bai Yansong, and I am currently the director of Canghai Office.

After hearing Gu Chen's words, the other side paused for a few seconds, and then said respectfully.

Earlier, he received a call from his previous boss, saying that a big man had bought the office and told him to work hard and seize the opportunity in the future.

He was a little surprised at first, after all, the previous boss was also very capable, and even he said that he was a big man, then there must be nothing wrong.

But in the end, he was a little nervous, after all, he didn't know what kind of person the new boss was.

It stands to reason that as a well-known barrister in China, he is internationally famous and generally has no worries.

But he has been working at Canghai Law Firm since his debut, and decades have passed, and he is reluctant to leave here.

In addition, Canghai Office is at the top level in China, and he regards his career as his life, and he still wants to make a name for himself internationally, which can only be satisfied by such a large-scale firm.

Therefore, he would care about Gu Chen's thoughts.

"Hello, Director Bai! I wonder if the firm is on holiday?

Gu Chen also seemed very polite.

"Huh? Most of the lawyers are on vacation, but there are still lawyers on duty in the firm.

Although he didn't know what Gu Chen meant, Bai Yansong still said it honestly.

"This way! I'll go to the firm later, and I want you to help me find a lawyer, and I have a lawsuit here who wants to find a lawyer to fight a lawsuit.

Gu Chen said directly.

Professional things have to be done by professional people.

"I happen to be at the office, and I will call me when the boss arrives."

Bai Yansong suddenly became interested when he heard Gu Chen's words, and quickly said.

For him, if he wants to become an internationally renowned barrister, he can only do it by constantly winning cases and enhancing his influence.

But how can those high-impact cases be seen everywhere?

Even if there is, that person has a fixed team of lawyers, and no matter how capable he is, he will not be able to take his turn.

That's why he was so excited when he heard Gu Chen's words.

In his impression, a lawsuit like Gu Chen must be a big event, which made him fall into a misunderstanding.

"Okay! See you later! Gu

Chen was a little surprised, he didn't expect that this director was still in the office on vacation, what a dedication!


Then Gu Chen hung up the phone.

Back in the living room, Xu Shishi had already prepared the relevant materials.

Looking at the eyes of the three people.

"Let's go!"

Gu Chen smiled.

For his cousin's two girlfriends, judging from his years of experience in the love field, he has a good relationship with his cousin, and he really cares about his cousin.

He was very relieved.

"Brother, can you take us?"

"Yes! We want to see it too, can we? Seeing

that Gu Chen didn't mean to ask them to go together, the two girlfriends immediately coquettishly said.

"Eh? Next time! I can't sit in my car, and I'll invite you to dinner when Shishi is done, okay? When

Gu Chen heard this, he thought about it and explained.


The two could only nod in agreement when they heard this.

He then left the house.

"It's a long way from where you work!"

"Uh-huh, all three of us have to take a bus for almost an hour to get to the company."

Hearing Gu Chen's question, Xu Shishi nodded and said.

"It's probably not very safe here at night, so I'll move in two days."

"Eh? Brother, where do you live? When

Xu Shishi heard this, she glanced at Gu Chen walking in front, and could only see a good-looking back, but could not see her face.

"Over there on Binjiang Road, anyway, it's more convenient, safer, and closer than you here."

"Forget it, don't bother brother, I'd better live with the two of them!"

Xu Shishi's heart warmed, and she was a little moved, but finally refused.

"Do you have the money to pay the rent now?"

Hear the rejection. Gu Chen turned around and asked.


Xu Shishi's face turned red and she replied embarrassedly.

Now she is still riddled with lawsuits, how can she have the money to pay the rent?

This month, two sisters helped her out.

"Isn't that enough, how? You still want people to pay for you all the time!

Xu Shishi shook her head when she heard this, of course she didn't want to.

Although the two girlfriends won't say anything, she doesn't want to do it herself.

"That's not it! After you have dealt with this matter and moved out after you find a job again, I will not object!

"This..." Xu

Shishi was still a little hesitant.

"Okay, that's it! Besides, I'll call your mom! Gu

Chen made a decision directly.


Xu Shishi could only agree when she heard this.

Then the two talked about some of their previous experiences.

"Brother, are you saying that you have already opened a company?"

Hearing that Gu Chen's current job turned out to be a company owner, Xu Shishi was shocked.


Gu Chen nodded.

Xu Shishi knew that her brother would not lie to people since he was a child, so she believed his words very much.

However, he was still very surprised, and looked at this brother who felt different from time to time.

It wasn't until the side of the road that Gu Chen stopped.

"Brother, where's your car?"

Looking at the only handsome sports car next to her, even if she didn't know the logo, she knew that this car was very expensive.

"It's not?"

Gu Chen said with a smile.

Then he took out the key in Xu Shishi's incredible gaze, and suddenly the sports car next to him rang twice.

"This... You..."

Xu Shishi couldn't imagine that this was really Gu Chen's car, and she was stunned in place for a while.

Then the doors of the sports car slowly rise.

"Get in the car!"

Gu Chen smiled and patted Xu Shishi's shoulder.

"Ah! Oh? Until

he got in the car and the car drove a distance, Xu Shishi did not react.

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